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Student-Teacher: Moza mohamed Date: 17-10-2017

Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Grade Level: 3
Subject: English
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson the students will know the meaning of neighborhood and
neighbor, also they will know the kinds of neighborhoods.
Flash card
Glue Key vocabulary/ Target Language
Boxes Town
Video City
Pictures Farm
Card ( I will write one word in each card) Village

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 15 min

First I will show the student the video and ask them some questions and I will see if they have any information

about the lesson. Then I will explain for them what the meaning of neighborhoods and neighbor. Then I will
show them the flashcard and give them the kinds of neighborhoods

Activity in groups:
Time: 20 min

Each group will have one box with the pictures and one with the cards then the student will take one picture
and one word and stick it together. ( for example the picture of farm with the farm card)

Worksheet (each student has different work sheet relate to has level)

Time: 10 min

I will ask them some question and ask them to give me sentences.


I will do this part while the students do the worksheet.

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