Smart Start To RFID: Initiating A Smart Label Pilot

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150 ASCET | Fulfillment & RFID

Smart Start to RFID:

Initiating a Smart Label Pilot
Theodore A. Chapman

Over the next few years, radio frequency identification will be required at more and
more organizations. Ready or not, your organization will need to investigate how to
best deploy and leverage the technology.

U sing encoded smart labels (chip-embedded labels) allows track-

ing along the supply chain from the manufacturing floor to
warehouses to store shelves to determine what the product is, when
companies that can help you migrate and upgrade in a timely way
through each level in your implementation process. Its essential that
external partners on your pilot team are leaders in the field and par-
it was made, and where it is going. The information contained in the ticipating members of EPCglobal, the not-for-profit standards organ-
smart label will improve efficiencies by reducing errors in receiving; ization leading the adoption and implementation of the EPC
keeping product in stock; decreasing misplaced inventory, theft, and Network. The organization hosts business, software, and hardware
counterfeiting; and lowering administrative and labor costs. Ultimately, action groups made up of members from around the world who
RFID can ensure products are on the shelves when customers want address hardware and software and a wide variety of business, cost,
them, increasing revenue for manufacturers and retailers alike. RFID is and performance issues in an effort to create standards for multi-
poised to transform supply chain operations over the next decade. industry applications. EPCglobal members include leading retailers,
suppliers, technology companies, and the Department of Defense.
Dont Let the Obstacles Get in Your Way As a participant in EPCglobal, your RFID partner can better under-
Along with the promise of RFID come the challenges of implement- stand your business requirements for effective implementation;
ing it. After researching the costs and benefits and developing a busi- can influence developments and progress by integrating technical,
ness case and deployment strategy, navigating your way through a cost, and performance needs into standards; and will keep your
complicated new system that requires its own hardware and soft- organizations program up to date. Look for vendors who can pro-
ware is a daunting mission. Combined with the complexities of vide a fully integrated, cost-effective development environment
evolving standards, converting todays bar codes to tomorrows elec- along with:
tronic product codes (EPCs), and the prospect of how all of this Experience and core competencies;
changes the way your company functions, it is easy to understand Solution builder commitment;
why you might take a long look before you make the leap to RFID. Aftersales support; and
But there are benefits for those who embrace the technology now. Upgradeable program, printers, and firmware.

Set Up a Development Environment Start Making Smart Labels

The first step in the implementation process will be to set up a devel- Since labels carry the passwords that get your carton into the ware-
opment environment for small-scale, controlled testing of smart house, they are the logical starting point for your pilot program.
labels. As you assemble your lab, its valuable to make decisions with Software migration tools can provide a seamless transition to encoding
the future in mind. If you think of your integration and vendor part- and printing smart labels without high reprogramming costs, actual
ners as the long-term RFID team that will successfully guide you EPC numbers, or changing anything within your front-end or back-end
through deployment, you can plan accordingly. To help make the applications. These tools include a suite of applications that convert
right choices, the following can aid you in your partner selection: standard UPC and Global Trade Item Number data from bar code print
data and allow you to simultaneously encode and print them into the
Choose Smart Partners RFID tag. The applications flexibility allows you to select from many
In this early adopter, emerging technology phase of RFID, there are common shipping label templates such as ITF-14, Code 39, and
many vendors jumping into the marketplace with promises of UCC/EAN-128. And while the codes printed on the labels wont be the
expertise to help with your RFID deployment. Therefore, its more final EPC (as standards are still being developed), they can be written,
important than ever to focus on technology- and solutions-based printed, and verified for this initial testing phase.

Theodore A. Chapman is the senior vice president of engineering and product marketing and chief technology officer of Printronix. He joined Printronix in
November 1995 as vice president, product development. Mr. Chapman previously held various senior engineering and management positions with IBM Corp.
Fulfillment & RFID | ASCET 151

Label Testing and ERP suppliers. When looking for a software provider, look for com-
Now that you can encode smart labels without having to wait for panies with complete turnkey solutions such as Manhattan Associates.
EPC numbers, you have the means to test read ranges, read speeds,
and data capture. You can determine the distance from which the Integrate With Warehouse Infrastructure
labels can be read, whether RF signals are affected by the products Simulate a dock door and a conveyor with a few fixed-mount readers.
themselves, and variations to read angle and distance. As you (You might also choose to begin your testing in the established lab of an
become familiar with optimum read speeds and work out the intri- integrator partner for this initial phase.) Products such as Alien
cacies of capturing and reading data, you will arrive at solutions to Technologys RFID Development Kit with reader, antenna, and develop-
improve and maximize system accuracy. ment system software will accelerate your progress through this phase.

The Science of Label Placement Validate Your Vendor Choices

Package contents and label configuration, design, space, and angle As you approach your pilot program implementation, evaluate how
can all make a difference between a 100 percent read rate and a 0 your equipment is working for you. No matter what manufacturer
percent read rate. You will need to keep these factors in mind as you you team with, there are expectations you should maintain for RFID.
determine the placement of your smart label on the carton or case: Make sure your printer partner offers:
package design, label requirements, package contents, and sur- Complete encoding solutions;
rounding environment. RFID extensions and drivers;
Easy integration into WMS and label generation software;
Labels: the Good, the Bad, the Quiet The ability to scale your development environment to multiple
A label is considered good when the RFID data is written to the tag printers in multiple locations to test large-volume label runs;
correctly, the correct image is printed, and content data is verified Enterprise printer management software to monitor and con-
against the source. If the printed and encoded data cant be verified figure all your smart label printers and RFID encoders;
against the source, the label is considered defective and voided from Certified smart labels in unlimited quantities; and
the system. To ensure that no EPC numbers are lost, the printer should A rapid development team for your unique label design.
be programmed to clearly overstrike and void the defective label and
print another label using the same EPC data. When a verified tag cant Reader partners should be able to provide RFID solutions for var-
be read from a normal distance, its called a quiet label. In some cases ious global frequency requirements as they evolve. During the imple-
a quiet label may be the result of a defect in a specific label within a mentation phase, readers can be positioned depending on your needs
roll of good labels. Your media/printing system should be designed at various locations, such as shipping and receiving dock doors, prod-
to distinguish between quiet and nonquiet labels, removing yet uct routing conveyors, picking and sorting configurations, and forklifts.
another source of error. A quiet label needs to be eliminated from use Handheld readers facilitate inventory counting, locating and reconcili-
if you want to achieve 100 percent read rates. ation, and should have the ability to capture both bar code and RFID.
Look for vendors who can offer solutions to your various
Involve a Knowledgeable Systems Integrator global and form factor requirements. Support services should be
RFID is uncharted territory, and it may be a long journey to full deploy- available to assist with integration updates, repairs, spare parts, and
ment. You will need an experienced guide who understands your technical support requirements.
existing operations, processes, and systems. Your integration partner For all vendors, make it a point to find out their global support
should have the industry knowledge to help you develop an imple- strategy, and ask if they have established alliances with market-lead-
mentation plan that defines all tasks, responsibilities, milestones, and ing partners in RFID project planning and deployment strategies.
related costs, and assist in establishing realistic performance targets.
The integrator is your co-pilot, so test their background in supply Confirm Your Label Solutions
chain solutions, look at their credentials in technology, and ask about During test and validation, determine where to position labels on dif-
their work relating to the Wal-Mart mandate. ferent product types and how to repeatedly apply them as volume
increases. As an example, for one particular beverage case-packag-
Integrate Various Software Applications ing application, we found that tag placement was critical to within
In this phase of test and validation, integrating RFID technology one-quarter of an inch to achieve 100 percent read rates. Look for
into your ERP (enterprise resource planning) and WMS (warehouse partners that are engaged in RFID packaging research, such as MITs
management systems) throughout your operations allows you to Auto-ID Labs and other organizations.
preview the extent of capabilities RFID brings to your enterprise
and the supply chain. Because RFID supports such areas of your Fearless Piloting
business as resource planning, parts purchasing, order tracking, The objective of the pilot program is to develop a predictable and
customer service, storage management, transportation manage- scalable system. This requires you to achieve precision in placement,
ment, and accounting by providing extensive, real-time, accurate output, and performance. Careful measurement and documenta-
information its predicted that you will realize 30 to 40 percent tion throughout this phase will facilitate problem solving with your
gains in efficiency. For smooth sailing, early in your vendor partner partners and selected customers, to ultimately eliminate errors and
selection, select equipment that fully integrates with leading WMS establish processes. You will want to mark critical milestones to chart
152 ASCET | Fulfillment & RFID Smart Start to RFID: Initiating a Smart Label Pilot

the development of your system. Along the way, stop and assess in large scale in the future. And even if your processes include manu-
your solutions is smart label placement formulated and confirmed al application of labels for shipping (slap and ship) at this point, its
for different products? Should you run parallel pilots for different important to keep your future automation capabilities in mind as your
divisions of your business because of significant differences in system expands.
processes? Is it time to incorporate additional smart label printers As you move beyond the pilot stage, total quality control pro-
within your system? The pilot phase is the time to tool up for han- viding validation and verification is among the most important build-
dling greater volumes with real-life criteria in actual working envi- ing blocks to achieving high ROI with both bar codes and RFID. With
ronments. You will build knowledge and confidence in the system validation built into the printing equipment, you can expect 100 per-
as you work out the everyday demands faced by your business, even cent scannable bar codes that correlate with 100 percent readable
though you are applying the tests to a limited volume. RFID labels. With no manual intervention, your system will be able to
check every label against your database to verify that what you read
The Fun Begins on the label is actually what it should read. If there is a discrepancy, it
Though full RFID deployment is still ahead of us, hundreds of com- will immediately back up, cancel, and overstrike the label, and print a
panies are well on their way. Whether you are just starting or already correct replacement.
piloting, several issues considered in your early decision making will In addition, the ability to archive smart label data into a database
facilitate a more efficient, successful implementation. for enterprise management brings the highest level of visibility and

The cost of the technology, which has historically been an

obstacle to large-scale adoption, is rapidly improving as leading-edge adopters

realize the benefits and expand their implementations. Like memory for PCs,

we cant predict what the cost will be for chips in the near or distant future.

Carefully Select Vendors value to your operations. Through data capture, nearly instantaneous
Technology is evolving, standards are not resolved, and protocols will visibility of supply chain activity allows you to make more accurate sales
change. Todays EPC tag classes will eventually migrate to UHF projections and purchasing decisions. EPC data, once integrated into
Generation 2 and beyond. These changes in the industry will mean your database, can provide time, location, and batch information, that
changes in your equipment. So choose a vendor offering asset when passed back into the system, can identify and locate specific
protection to save you money, with upgradeable firmware and products at any point in the supply chain.
scalable solutions so you wont have to start over. We suggest that
you ask a set of pertinent questions to help you make informed deci- Smart Labels Will Get Smarter
sions about product and vendor selection: Developments in RFID technology will continue to yield larger mem-
How many pilots are they working on? ory capacities, wider reading ranges, and faster processing. The cost
Can they articulate examples and case histories from their expe- of the technology, which has historically been an obstacle to large-
riences related to the Wal-Mart requirement? scale adoption, is rapidly improving as leading-edge adopters real-
Are they a global company to manage your international ize the benefits and expand their implementations. Like memory for
locations? PCs, we cant predict what the cost will be for chips in the near or
Do they offer formally organized professional services such as distant future. But we do know that their growth and speed will
label design and verification, on-site assessments, training, and increase, rapidly creating capabilities that will have a major impact
integration and migration consulting? on supply chain operations in the next few years. We urge you not
Do they provide flexible system integration and migration to let the uncertainties or the cost of tags keep you from learning
capabilities? about RFID and its benefits to your business. We are currently in the
early adopter phase; the uncertainties will be solved in time.
Beyond Mere Compliance Adopting RFID now affords you the opportunity to grow with the
During the implementation phase, you will explore opportunities for technology, to define and refine your system, and realize the bene-
new efficiencies and build metrics into your processes to quantify fits sooner. You dont have to worry about how to get started you
improvements, forming a foundation for ROI. This reiterates that the arent alone, and there are easy-to-follow solutions. With integra-
solutions you pick for limited pilot runs need to be scalable, robust, tion and vendor partners you can trust, your route to RFID is a well-
and industrial strength so that they will be cost-effectively deployable marked one.

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