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12/5/2017 Lighthouses of India: Andhra Pradesh

Lighthouses of India: Andhra Pradesh

This page lists lighthouses of Andhra Pradesh,
a large state occupying the central portion of
India's east coast. This coastline, facing the
Bay of Bengal, is almost everywhere low and
sandy, with numerous offshore shoals. The
largest port in the state is Vishakhapatnam
(often called Vizag for short), but there are
many smaller ports.

Large parts of this coast are well off the usual

routes of foreign tourists. Photos of many of
the lighthouses of this region are needed.

India was part of the British Empire until

1947, so the lighthouse heritage is British.
However, only a fraction of the original
British lighthouses remain in use; new towers
have been built at most of the stations. India
has also built many lighthouses at new
locations in recent years. Lighthouses and aids
to navigation in India are administered by the
Directorate General of Lighthouses and
Lightships (DGLL), an agency of the Ministry
of Shipping. Lighthouses of the Srikakulam
District of northernmost Andhra Pradesh are
maintained by the Kolkata Directorate of Dolphin's Nose Light, Vishakhapatnam, May 2014
DGLL; the remaining lighthouses of Andhra Panoramio photo copyright Abraham Mallela; permission requested
Pradesh are maintained by the
Vishakhapatnam Directorate.

Neraly all of the larger Indian lighthouses are

staffed, and by long tradition the staff will
receive visitors at a specific time, usually late
in the afternoon. Several lighthouses have
been developed as tourist attractions and have
longer hours.

ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World

List of Lights. Admiralty numbers are from
volume F of the Admiralty List of Lights &
Fog Signals. U.S. NGA List numbers are from
Publication 112.

General Sources
Aids to Navigation - Kolkata Region and
Vishakhapatnam Region
Lighthouse information from DGLL,
including photos for most of the
World of Lighthouses - India
Photos by various photographers
available from
Lighthouses in India
Photos by various photographers
available from Wikimedia. 1/11
12/5/2017 Lighthouses of India: Andhra Pradesh

Online List of Lights - India

Coming soon: photos by various
photographers posted by Alexander
Indian Lighthouses
Historic postcard images posted by
Michel Forand.
Leuchttrme Asiens auf historischen
Historic postcard images posted by
Klaus Huelse.

Srikakulam District Lighthouses

* Baruva (3?)
2012 (station establishment date unknown). Active; focal plane unknown; two white flashes every 15
s. 30 m (98 ft) octagonal cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and gallery, painted with black and
white horizontal bands; lantern painted red. Santosh Allada has a 2015 photo, and Google has a
satellite view. The previous light was mounted "on port flagstaff," according to NGA, although there
does not appear to be an active port at Baruva. This light was deactivated in 2003 and there was no
light until the new lighthouse was activated. An 1889 Bay of Bengal Pilot describes an unlit "column,"
painted with black and white bands, at Baruva. The modern lighthouse stands next to the Haritha
Beach Resort. Site presumably open, tower closed. Admiralty F0985; NGA 26951.
* Kalingapatnam (2)
1982 (station established 1877). Active; focal plane 35 m (115 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 30 m
(98 ft) hexagonal cylindrical masonry tower with lantern and gallery, painted with horizontal red and
white bands. Gowtham Kambhampati has a 2016 photo, we have a DGLL photo, and Google has a
satellite view. Located at Kalingapatnam, a beach resort town about 30 km (19 mi) east of Srikakulam
at the mouth of the Vamsadhara River. Accessible by road. Site open, tower status unknown. ARLHS
IND-036; Admiralty F0982; NGA 26956.
* Kalingapatnam (1)
1877 (inactive since at least 1982). 20 m (66 ft) square stone tower; lantern removed. No photo
available, but Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse was abandoned when it was covered by a
moving sand dune. The dune has now passed on, revealing the old tower. Located about 3 km (2 mi)
south of the active lighthouse. Site open, tower closed.

Vizianagaram District Lighthouse

Santapille (Santhapalli) (3)
1903 (station
established 1840).
Active; focal plane 43
m (141 ft); two white
flashes every 10 s. 22 m
(72 ft) round masonry
tower with lantern and
gallery, painted with
horizontal black and
white bands; lantern
dome painted red.
Dayal Saran has a
closeup 2016 photo, we
have a DGLL photo;
the lighthouse and
several station
buildings are seen in a
Google satellite view.
The original light, a 2/11
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temporary structure on Bhimunipatnam Light, Bhimunipatnam, June 2006

the beach, was Flickr Creative Commons photo by vizag (no longer online)
destroyed by a typhoon.
Ruins of the second
(1849) lighthouse,
which had a light tower
attached to a keeper's
house, can also be seen.
According to DGLL,
remains of a primitive
18th century Dutch
lighthouse are found
1.25 km (3/4 mi)
northeast. Located
about 50 km (30 mi)
northeast of
Bhimunipatnam. Site
and tower status
unknown. ARLHS
IND-061; Admiralty
F0980; NGA 26960.

Vishakhapatnam District
* Bhimunipatnam
1903. Active; focal
plane 11 m (36 ft);
white flash every 9 s.
11 m (36 ft) masonry
tower, painted white. A
photo appears at right,
Satya Josyula has a
photo, Matt Kutsch also
has a good photo, and
Google has a fuzzy
satellite view. The
lighthouse is
endangered; in January
2013 it was announced
that this historic
lighthouse will be
demolished and
replaced. A blogger (no
longer online) reported
that as of November
2014 this had not yet
occurred. No evidence
of a new tower was
seen in early 2017. The
2015 NGA List
changed the tower
height from 36 ft to 75
ft, although the other
data remains
unchanged. Located
near the port office in 3/11
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(Bheemili), a seaport at
the mouth of the river
Gosthani about 25 km
(15 mi) northeast of
Vishakhapatnam. Site
open, tower status
unknown. ARLHS
IND-023; Admiralty
F0978; NGA 26964.

** Vishakhapatnam (2)
1960 (station established 1903). Inactive since 2008. Approx. 23 m (75 ft) round cylindrical tower,
painted with horizontal red and white bands. Nadir Aziz has a good photo, Prithvi Poosapati has a
photo, Angela Vesna has a more distant view, and Google has a satellite view. Lantern removed; there
is an observation platform with a telescope atop the tower. This lighthouse replaced the historic
lighthouse in the harbor area (next entry). In 2004, the site was donated to the Vishakhapatnam Urban
Development Authority (VUDA) and developed as a children's beach park called the Kids Pride
Adventure Park, part of a larger Vuda Park. In early 2011 VUDA announced a plan for a new hotel on
the property. This caused alarm among preservationists, but the hotel developers have promised to
maintain public access to the lighthouse. Located on the beach road near the Park Hotel in the
northeastern part of Vishakhapatnam. Site and tower open. ARLHS IND-066; ex-Admiralty F0973.
* Vishakhapatnam (1)
1903. Inactive since 1962. 18 m (59 ft)
round stone tower with lantern. Tower
painted red with white trim. A photo is at
right, and Google has a satellite view. The
abandoned lighthouse has been in very
poor condition. One 2009 visitor found
the lighthouse to be a hangout for drug
dealers. In 2012, however, the
Vishakhapatnam Port Trust transferred the
building to Visakha Container Terminal
Pvt. Ltd.(VCTPL), and that company
announced plans to restore and relight the
lighthouse in 2013. The company
contributed the photo at right, which was
taken as the restoration neared completion
in 2014. Satya Josyula has a photo taken a
month earlier, before the tower was
painted red. Forand has a historic postcard
view, and Huelse has a second postcard
view. In June 2015 public tours of the
lighthouse were conducted for the first
time. In 2016 the port announced plans to
add a maritime museum adjacent to the
lighthouse. Located off Beach Road on
the slope above the VCTPL terminal. Site 1903 Vishakhapatnam Light, April 2014
and tower generally closed (private photo copyright Visakha Container Terminal; used by permission
property) but may be open for tours;
check locally. Owner/site manager:
Visakha Container Terminal Pvt. Ltd.
* Vishakhapatnam Sector
Date unknown. Inactive since 2015.
Approx. 23 m (75 ft) skeletal tower
(possibly a communications tower). The
tower is at the upper right in a photo of 4/11
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the port by John Shankar, and Google has

a satellite view. This tower shows a
complex pattern of lights marking both
the entrance channel and an internal
channel of the harbor. Located on the
south side of the entrance to the inner
harbor of Vishakhapatnam. Site status
unknown, but the tower is easily seen
many places in the harbor area. ex-
Admiralty F0974.4; NGA 26980.
** Dolphin's Nose (4)
1957 (station established 1874). Active;
focal plane 173 m (568 ft); white flash
every 10 s. 15 m (49 ft) square cylindrical
masonry tower with lantern and gallery,
painted with horizontal black and white
bands; lantern dome painted red.
Abraham Mallela's photo is at the top of
this page, John Shankar has a photo, we
have a DGLL photo, the lighthouse can be
seen atop the rock in a distant view of the
headland, and Google has a satellite view
of the station. A light was displayed at the
nearby fort as early as 1874, but there was
no proper lighthouse until about 1905.
The first lighthouse at the present site was
built in 1940. The Dolphin's Nose is a
huge rocky headland, which is quite a
rarity on this coast. It is claimed locally
that the light can be seen 64 km (40 mi) at
sea; NGA lists the range as 32 nautical
miles, which is 59 km (37 mi). Located
about 8 km (5 mi) south of
Vishakhapatnam. Site open, lighthouse
reported open on Saturday and Sunday
afternoons. ARLHS IND-032; Admiralty
F0970; NGA 26972.

Gangavarem Range Front

2009. Active; focal plane about 18 m (59 ft); quick-flashing white light. 14 m (46 ft) square pyramidal
skeletal tower, painted white. No photo available, but Google has a satellite view. Located in the huge
Vizag Steel plant on the south side of the Dolphin's Nose. Site and tower closed. Site manager: Vizag
Steel. Admiralty F0969.2; NGA 27010.
Gangavarem Range Rear
2009. Active; focal plane about 35 m (115 ft); quick-flashing white light. 29 m (95 ft) square
pyramidal skeletal tower, painted white. No photo available, but Google has a satellite view. Located
550 m (1/3 mi) west of the front light. Site and tower closed. Site manager: Vizag Steel. Admiralty
F0969.21; NGA 27010.5.
Pudimadaka (Pudi Madaka) (2)
1991 (station established 1971). Active; focal plane 35 m (115 ft); two white flashes every 15 s. 26 m
(85 ft) square cylindrical masonry tower with lantern and gallery, painted with horizontal red and white
bands. Sivakodandarao Yeripalli has a 2017 photo, we have a DGLL photo, and Google has a satellite
view. The history of this station is not clear, but apparently the present tower was built in 1991.
Located on a sandy promontory at Pudi Madaka, about 55 km (35 mi) southwest of Vishakhapatnam.
Site and tower status unknown. ARLHS IND-054; Admiralty F0968; NGA 27012.

East Godavari District (Kakinada Area) Lighthouses

Note: Between the cities of Machilipatnam and Kakinada is the broad, fan-shaped delta of the Godavari 5/11
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River, which drains a large part of the Deccan Plateau in central India. North of the delta, the trend of the
coastline is northeast-southwest; south of the delta it is north-south.
1957. Active; focal plane 18 m (59 ft); white flash every 15 s. 18 m (59 ft) square cylindrical stone
tower with lantern and gallery, painted with horizontal black and white bands; lantern dome painted
red. We have a DGLL photo, and Google has a satellite view. Located at Pentakota, about 12 km (7.5
mi) southeast of Tuni and 40 km (25 mi) north of Kakinada. Site and tower status unknown. ARLHS
IND-051; Admiralty F0966; NGA 27016.
Vakalapudi (2)
1879 (station established 1868). Inactive since 2005.
Approx. 28 m (89 ft) round masonry tower with lantern
and gallery. Thyaga Raju has a photo of both Vakalapudi
lighthouses, and Google has a satellite view. This
lighthouse marks the entrance to Kakinada Bay. In 2003
it was reported that the lighthouse was to be demolished
and replaced, but there was interest in preserving it, and
it was not taken down. Located at Vakalapudi about 12
km (7.5 mi) north of Kakinada. Site status unknown.
* Vakalapudi (3)
2005 (station established 1868). Active; focal plane 26
m (85 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 23 m (75 ft)
round cylindrical masonry tower with lantern and
double gallery. Lighthouse painted with horizontal red
and white bands. A DGLL photo is at right, Thyaga
Raju has a photo of both Vakalapudi lighthouses, there's
a closeup of the top of the tower, and Google has a
satellite view. This lighthouse marks the mainland side
of the entrance to the bay of Kakinada, which is
sheltered by a long, curving sand spit. Located at
Vakalapudi about 12 km (7.5 mi) north of Kakinada.
ARLHS IND-064; Admiralty F0964; NGA 27020.
Kakinada Bay Range Front
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 16 m (52 ft); quick- 2005 Vakalapudi Light, Vakalapudi
flashing white light. 16 m (52 ft) square pyramidal DGLL photo
skeletal tower, mounted on a square platform.
Lighthouse painted white. No photo available, but
Google has a satellite view. Located in the bay about 1.2
km (3/4 mi) southeast of the Kakinada Deepwater Port.
Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed.
Admiralty F0959.
Kakinada Bay Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 31 m (102 ft); white
light, 3 s on, 3 s off. 31 m (102 ft) square pyramidal
skeletal tower, mounted on a square platform.
Lighthouse painted white. No photo available, but
Google has a satellite view. Located in the bay 900 m
(0.56 mi) southwest of the front light. Accessible only
by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F0959.1.
Hope Island (Godavari Point)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 9 m (30 ft); white
flash every 15 s. 8 m (26 ft) round tower with gallery
and an external spiral stairway. Lighthouse painted with
black and white horizontal bands. Sai Prabhakar
Varanasi has a photo, Chandra Mouli Pasagadugula has
a 2017 photo, and Google has an indistinct satellite
view. Hope Island (really a spit, although portions of it 6/11
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may be awash) is the 25 km (15 mi) long, curving

barrier that protects the Bay of Kakinada. Rapid erosion,
exacerbated by channel dredging, has endangered the
lighthouse. Located at the end of the spit, opposite the
Vakalapudi lighthouses. Accessible only by boat. Site
open, tower closed. Admiralty F0960; NGA 27024.

Godavery (Godavari, Hope Island) (2)

1868 (station establish 1817). Originally this was a 30 m (100 ft) octagonal masonry tower. The tower
is now in ruins; about half its height remains. Wikimedia has a photo, and Google has a satellite view.
Note: the Wikimedia photo identifies the lighthouse as Konaseema, a name for this region of the
Godavari delta. Located in what is now a mangrove swamp at the south end of the Bay of Kakinada.
Site open but rarely visited, tower status unknown. ARLHS IND-034.
Sacramento (Karavaka) (1)
Date unknown. Inactive. Approx. 35 m (115 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower; lantern removed. A
2016 photo taken from the gallery of the new lighthouse is available, and Google has a good satellite
view. Located next to the new lighthouse (next entry).
Sacramento (Karavaka) (2)
Date unknown (station established 1895).
Active; focal plane 43 m (141 ft); white
flash every 5 s. 45 m (148 ft) round
cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and
gallery. Tower unpainted; lantern dome
painted red. Naga Kumar has a 2009 photo,
we have a DGLL photo, and Google has a
good satellite view. This is one of the
tallest lighthouses of British India; it marks
a sandy cape south of the mouth of the
Vrudha Godavari, the northernmost mouth
of the river. The mouth of the river has
moved southward over the years, taking the
location of the cape with it. In 1817, one of
the first lighthouses of British India, an 18
m (60 ft) stone tower, was built at Cape
Godavery (as it was then called). This was
replaced with a 30.5 m (100 ft) tower in
1868. The site of these lighthouses, about
18 km (11 mi) north of the present station,
has apparently gone to sea. Located on a
point of land about 60 km (38 mi) south of
Kakinada. Reported accessible by a walk of
about 2 km (1.2 mi) from the village of
Bojjovarepeta. Site open, tower closed. Antervedi Light, Krishna District, January 2012
ARLHS IND-059; Admiralty F0958; NGA Panoramio photo copyright Tandavakrishna Tungala
27032. used by permission
Ravva (Rava) Port
2015. Active; focal plane 30 m (98 ft); four
white flashes every 20 s. Approx. 29 m (95
ft) round concrete tower with lantern and
gallery. An Indian Notice to Mariners
describes the lighthouse as white. No photo
available, but Google has a satellite view.
Ravva is a new port serving the offshore
Ravva oil field. Located about 50 km (30
mi) northeast of Antervedi. Site status
unknown. Admiralty F0957.5.
* Antervedi (Narsapur, Narasapur) 7/11
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1971. Active; focal plane 29 m (95 ft); two

white flashes every 15 s.26 m (85 ft) square
cylindrical masonry tower with lantern and
gallery, painted with horizontal red and
white bands. Tandavakrishna Tungala's
photo is at right, we have a DGLL photo,
Srinivas Basava has a 2015 photo, and
Google has a satellite view. Located on
Narsapur Point on the east side of the
mouth of the Vasishta Godavari, the
southern branch of the Godavari, about 20
km (13 mi) south of Narsapur
(Narasapuram). Site open, tower closed.
ARLHS IND-021; Admiralty F0957; NGA
[Narsapur Point]
Date unknown. Inactive. Ruined brick (?)
beacon atop a square masonry tower.
Tandavakrishna Tungala has a photo, and
Google has an indistinct satellite view.
Located on a shoal off Narsapur Point, on
the west side of the mouth of the Vasishta
Godavari. Accessible only by boat. Site
open, tower closed.

Krishna District Lighthouses

Note: The Krishna District includes the delta of the Krishna River, India's fourth largest river. During the
colonial period the river's name was also spelled Kistna.
Machilipatnam Entrance (?)
Date unknown. Inactive at least since 2007.
18 m (59 ft) square skeletal tower atop a
square masonry tower. No photo available,
but Google has a satellite view. The
Admiralty reported the lighthouse to be
"destroyed" in 2007, but apparently it is still
standing. Located in wetlands about 4 km
(2.5 mi) southeast of Machilipatnam and 2.5
km (1.5 mi) west of the Machilipatnam River
entrance. Site status unknown. ARLHS IND-
042; ex-Admiralty F0956; ex-NGA 27048.
* Machilipatnam (Manginapudi Beach,
Masulipatnam) (4)
1984 (station established 1858). Active; focal
plane 51 m (167 ft); three white flashes every
20 s. 45 m (148 ft) round cylindrical concrete
tower with lantern and two galleries, painted
with horizontal black and white bands;
lantern dome painted red. We have a DGLL
photo, Roopesh Kohad has a good photo, and
Google has a street view and a satellite view.
The great tsunami of 26 December 2004
swept away hundreds of people on the beach
and reached the base of the lighthouse, but
the tower was not damaged. The original Nagayalanka Light, Krishna District, January 2012
light was on a flagstaff; this lighthouse Panoramio photo copyright Tandavakrishna Tungala
replaced a much shorter tower built in 1930. used by permission 8/11
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Located behind Manginapudi Beach, about

15 km (9 mi) northeast of Machilipatnam.
Accessible by road. Site open, tower status
unknown. ARLHS IND-043; Admiralty
F0955; NGA 27044.
Nagayalanka (Kistna River) (2)
1972 (station established 1902 but inactive
1940-1955). Active; focal plane 35 m (115
ft); one long (1.2 s) white flash every 15 s. 37
m (121 ft) square cylindrical masonry tower
with lantern and gallery, painted with red and
white spiral bands. Tandavakrishna Tungala's
2012 photo is at right, Tandava Krishna
Pidikiti has a 2015 photo, we have a DGLL
photo, and Google has a satellite view. The
lighthouse replaced an older light known as
Kistna or False Devil Point; the old tower
was demolished and its bricks used to build
retaining walls protecting the approach to the
new light. Lighthouse Digest has I.C.R.
Prasad's account of a severe tropical cyclone
that flooded the station in November 1977.
Located on the east side of the mouth of the
Krishna River south of the village of
Nagayalanka. Accessible only by boat. Site
open, tower status unknown. ARLHS IND-
046; Admiralty F0953; NGA 27052.

Guntur District Lighthouse

Note: The southern coast of Andhra Pradesh
(starting from this area) is part of the Coromandel
Coast, which extends southward through the state
of Tamil Nadu.
* Nizampatnam (Nizamapatnam) (3)
2004 (station established 1860, but inactive
1940-1958 and 1968-2004). Active;
characteristics unknown. 30 m (98 ft) round
tower with lantern and double gallery,
painted with horizontal red and white bands.
A 2008 photo and a 2009 photo are available,
and Google has a satellite view. The
lighthouse was activated in July 2004.
Located next to the port office at
Nizampatnam, about 15 m (9 mi) east of
Bapatla. Site open, tower closed. ARLHS
IND-047; Admiralty F0952.8; NGA 27054.

Prakasam District Lighthouses

* Vodarevu (Chirala)
2002. Active; focal plane 34 m (112 ft); two white flashes every 15 s. 30 m (98 ft) round cylindrical
concrete tower with lantern and double gallery. Lighthouse painted with black and white horizontal
bands. Sambasiva Rao has a 2010 photo of the lighthouse in action, and Google has a satellite view.
This lighthouse was the first in India built using a new technique called slip-form construction, which
shortens construction time dramatically. Lighthouse Digest has I.C.R. Prasad's November 2002 article
on the lighthouse. Located at Vodarevu, a relatively new port being developed about 7 km (4 mi)
southeast of Chirala. Site open, tower probably closed. ARLHS IND-067; Admiralty F0952.9; NGA
27055. 9/11
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* Ramayapatnam (Ramaypatnam) (2)

2005 (station established 1982). Active; focal plane 34 m (112 ft); white flash every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft)
hexagonal cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and gallery, painted with horizontal red and white
bands. Yespear Kay has a closeup photo, we have a DGLL photo, and Google has a satellite view. This
lighthouse and the next several to the south stand on the northern Coromandel Coast, a low shore
devastated by the great tsunami of 26 December 2004. There was a news report that the "oldest
lighthouse at Ramayapatnam" collapsed in the waves; presumably this was the 1982 tower. Located at
Ramayapatnam, a fishing village about 25 km (15 mi) north of Kavali. Accessible by road. Site open,
tower status unknown. ARLHS IND-057; Admiralty F0952.5; NGA 27056.

Nellore District Lighthouses

Iskapalli (Iskapallipalem, Isakapalle)
2008. Active; focal plane 34 m (112 ft); two white
flashes every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft) round cylindrical
concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse
painted with red and white horizontal bands. Google
has a good satellite view. This new lighthouse is
located at the village of Isakapalli in the Repalle
municipality, north of Nellore. Site status unknown.
Admiralty F0952.3; NGA 27057.
Krishnapatnam (2)
1978 (station established 1938). Active; focal plane
36 m (118 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 30 m
(98 ft) round masonry tower with lantern and gallery,
painted with horizontal black and white bands. A
DGLL photo is at right, Eric Willems has a photo,
and Google has a satellite view. Located in an
industrial area at Krishnapatnam, a former fishing
village where private interests have developed port
facilities, about 40 km (25 mi) southeast of Nellore.
Accessible by road. Site and tower closed. ARLHS
IND-040; Admiralty F0952; NGA 27060.
Krishnapatnam Range Front
Date unknown. Active (privately maintained?); focal
plane about 28 m (92 ft); light characteristic
unknown. Approx. 25 m (82 ft) skeletal mast. No
photo available, but Google has a satellite view. This Krishnapatnam Light, Krishnapatnam
is the entrance range for the Krishnapatnam port. DGLL photo
Located on the south side of the harbor. Site and
tower closed. Admiralty F0952.15.
Krishnapatnam Range Rear
Date unknown. Active (privately maintained?); focal
plane about 40 m (131 ft); light characteristic
unknown. Approx. 40 m (131 ft) square pyramidal
skeletal tower. The tower is visible to the right of
center in Daniel Wesley's distant view, and Google
has a satellite view. Located in wetlands on the south
side of the harbor, about 600 m (3/8 mi) west of the
front light. Site and tower closed. Admiralty
Armagon Shoal (1)
1853. Inactive 1928-1938 and since 1983. Approx.
12 m (39 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower
mounted on a square 1-story concrete base. The
tower was originally painted white, but little paint
remains. The lighthouse was abandoned in 1928
because the site was unhealthy and keepers quickly 10/11
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became ill with malaria. It was reopened a decade

later after surrounding marshes were drained. Google
has a satellite view. The lighthouse was built to warn
ships away from the shoal, which is about 11 km (7
mi) offshore. In 1983 the tower, originally 30 m (98
ft) in height, was reduced in height to support the
station's water tank.

Armagon Shoal (2)

1983 (station established 1853). Active; focal plane 34 m (112 ft); white flash every 15 s. 30 m (98 ft)
round cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and gallery, painted with horizontal red and white bands.
Prasannakumar Uppala has a 2017 photo, we have a DGLL photo, and Google has a satellite view.
Located on a barrier beach about 11 km (7 mi) south of Durgarajupatnam and 25 km (15 mi) north of
India's spacecraft launch facilities at Sriharikota. Site status unknown. ARLHS IND-022; Admiralty
F0951; NGA 27064.

Information available on lost lighthouses:

Divi Point (1851-?), Krishna River delta about halfway between the modern Machilipatnam and
Nagayalanka lighthouses. The lighthouse was deactivated in 1902 in favor of the Kistna River
(Nagayalanka) lighthouse but it remained in use for years as a daybeacon. The tower was probably lost
to beach erosion.
Masulipatnam (1870-?), Krishna River delta south of Machilipatnam. The original light was on a
flagstaff of the fort, and in 1902 a white tower was built on the north side of the river entrance. This
mouth of the Krishna has shoaled and is no longer navigable for anything other than very small craft.
The lighthouse has disappeared.

Notable faux lighthouses:

Adjoining pages: North: West Bengal and Odisha | South: Tamil Nadu and Puducherry

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Posted January 20, 2006. Checked and revised February 28, 2017. Lighthouses: 35. Site copyright 2017 Russ Rowlett and the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 11/11

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