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k b e n h av n s u n i v e r s i t e t

f a c u lt y o f h u m a n i t i e s
D e pa rt m e n t o f C r o s s - C u lt u r a l a n d R e g i o n a l S t u d i e s

Workshops and conferences

The IslHornAfr project organizes regular workshops
and conferences.
2014, March (Addis Ababa, together with CFEE):
Islamic Manuscripts in the Horn of Africa
2014, July (Hamburg, together with Ethio-SPaRe and
TraCES projects):
Manuscripts and texts, languages and contexts: the More information:
transmission of knowledge in the Horn of Africa
2014, October (Copenhagen): Visit
Islam in the Horn of Africa or contact the PI
2014, December (Paris, together with CNRS): Alessandro Gori
Manuscrits chrtiens et islamiques dthiopie (XII-XX I s l H o r n A fr
E-mail: Islam in the Horn of Africa
s.). Une approche comparative
2015, February (Copenhagen): a C o m pa r a t i v e L i t er a r y Appr o a ch
University of Copenhagen
Mission to the Land of Coffee: first achievements and Faculty of Humanities, Dept. of Cross-Cultural
results and Regional Studies
2015, August (Warsaw, a panel within 19 ICES): Karen Blixens vej 4, Building 10
Islamic literature in Ethiopia: new perspectives of 2300 Copenhagen

Project team
As of 2015, the project team includes:
Principal Investigator:
Alessandro Gori
Research Associates:
Sara Fani
Michele Petrone
Anne Regourd
Irmeli Perho
Adday Hernandez Lopez
IT assistant:
Orhan Toy
I s lH o r nA fr

The Project Manuscript research Field missions shall be organized in Ethiopia,

The project IslHornAfr: Islam in the Horn of Africa, The project team collects data from manuscripts Somaliland, Djibouti, and Eritrea. Institutional
A Comparative Literary Approach (European Union and books in circulation in the Horn of Africa. (primarily mosques and shrines) and private
7th Framework Programme, ERC Advanced Grant For that, European library collections shall be libraries shall be visited in order to record the
322849, 20132018) was conceived as a contribu- evaluated, but primarily first-hand field research in manuscripts and their content in their local
tion to both African and Islamic studies, with the order to access previously unknown material shall context. Not only the local literary production of
aim of producing a critical and comprehensive be conducted. the Horn of Africa but also locally copied texts of
picture of the Islamic literary history of the Horn foreign origin are being considered.
of Africa. Texts transmitted by the manuscripts and the
The project explores the Islamic cultural manuscripts physical make-up shall be studied
history in the Horn of Africa as it is reflected in in a general comparative perspective, trying to
the literary traditions of the region (Ethiopia, reveal connections between the Horn and the
Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia). It considers primarily mainstream Islamic world on the one hand and
the manuscript tradition but also printed texts in pinpoint the individual character of the local
order to reconstruct the history of Islamic thought Islamic teaching on the other hand.
in the project area. In most general terms, the pro- A re-evaluation of external Islamic sources
ject aims at expanding our knowledge of the texts dealing with the project areas shall complete the
composed, translated, or copied by the Muslims in picture.
the Horn of Africa.
Languages All texts (main texts and additional texts in the
The majority of the texts used by the Muslims in manuscripts, documents, books, whether in Ara-
the Horn of Africa are composed and transmit- bic or in local languages) shall be classified with
ted in Arabic. However, an important number the help of the project database according to their
of texts (whether entire manuscripts or marginal genres, contents, titles, authors, places of creation,
additions) in local languages (as a rule, in Arabic number of witnesses, distribution of witnesses,
script, aam) exist. The languages within the and linguistic and graphic peculiarities.
project area include, among others, Afar, Amharic, The relational database also contains metadata
Argobba, Gurage, Harari, Oromo, Saho, Somali, on persons (authors, copyists, scholars) and places
Tigrinya, and Tigre. Manuscripts at Sddqa, Oromiyya, Ethiopia, (sites of mosques and shrines, manuscript collec-
November 2015, photograph by Sara Fani
tions, centres of Islamic learning, etc.).

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