10 - My Fathers Faculty Meeting

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He said to me: It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.
(Revelation 21:6)
Didnt you know I must be about my Fathers business? (Luke 2:49) NKJV

My Fathers Faculty Meeting

Karen, a ninth grade English teacher at Summit High School in Denver, Colorado, attended a summer conference for
Christian educators in August. During the quiet time the Lord gave her the scripture Revelation 21:6, He said to me: It is done. I am
the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.
As she reflected on this scripture and journaled she realized that God wanted her to start and end each school day with Him
as the focus. He was to be her professional starting and finish line each day. She asked Him how she was to do this and over the first
several weeks of school she developed routines she believed He wanted. When she first got to school she would sit at her desk. On
her desk was a Bible which she constantly kept open as a physical reminder for her to be open to Gods direction throughout the day.
She would sit perfectly still for one or two minutes just to focus her mind on the Lord. Next she would randomly open the Bible and
search for the scripture she believed the Lord wanted to share with her. She would reflect on this scripture and pray it for herself,
students, staff, and parents. If she had particular pressing professional needs she would simply ask the Lord to provide and help her
meet these needs. This routine took her about five to ten minutes each morning. Karen felt plugged in and ready for the day when she
started her days in this way. When she would come in occasionally late and omit this routine, she would often feel anchorless or adrift
throughout the day.
At the end of the each day she would turn off all the classroom lights except for a small desk lamp and once again be perfectly
still and quiet. She would reflect on the day and how it went: what went right and what went wrong, what papers she needed to take
home to grade. She then let the school day go and focused on the Lord once again. She had a journal she kept and would write
down, in a brief letter to Him, at least three things she was thankful for that had happened during the day. Some days her letter
overflowed with many thanks like a river overrunning its banks. On the very challenging days it was sometimes difficult for her to let go
of the problems she had encountered. To come up with three thanksgivings was, on several occasions, like trying to pump water from a
dry well.
Karen called these times with the Lord at school My Fathers Faculty Meetings. These routines served as her professional
compass, sail, and anchor. They gave her direction and encouragement. They kept her professionally focused in her faith and
relationship with God instead of the giant waves of responsibility which daily swept up upon her professional shore.
During one of these faculty meetings the Lord gave Karen an image or vision of a coastline where massive waves were
breaking upon a rocky shoreline. Karen saw a massive rock jutting out into the turbid turf that was unmoved by the constant pounding,
like the prow of an unsinkable ship cutting though giant oncoming waves. Just behind the rock on the shore was a quaint old
lighthouse reaching up from the shore toward the heavens. In this vision it was night, a storm was raging, and a piercing light was
sweeping constantly across the water as a beacon for lost ships near the destructive shore.
During this vision the Lord spoke to Karens heart saying, You are my rock in education. You are my lighthouse. Continue to
stand. Continue to shine in the storm. Continue to stand. Continue to shine.
Prayer: Lord, help us continue to stand and shine in the storm. Show us how to take care of your business while at school.
Reflections: How does the Lord want me to stay focused on Him in my professional life? Am I ever about my Fathers business in my
career? Does He want me to be? How does and what does He want me to do?
Getting Real: Be still before the Lord while at school. Ask the Lord how He wants you to stay focused on Him and His business. Obey.
CLASSROOM LIGHTHOUSE SERIES: Fields of Faith in Education (For info or prayer contact ceaihouston@sbcglobal.net.) WEEK 10

FIELDS OF FAITH PRAYER: Lord, build and establish these schools with Your wisdom. Through love and knowledge, fill the students and
staff members with rare and beautiful treasures. Help the educators in these schools stand and shine in the storm. Use the educators in
these schools to feed your lambs and sheep, to transform wolves into sheep, and to lead youth to their hope and future in You.
Center For Advanced Legal Studies (Houston Area Post-Secondary Schools)
McNeill Elementary and Meyer Elementary in Lamar CISD
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in the Cypress Fairbanks ISD Area
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in the States of illinois and Indiana
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in the Countries of Cape Verde, Central African Republic, and Chad.
Lori Adams Ministries at Iowa State University (CEAI-Houston Supported Ministry)

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