1999 - Hirschman & Stern - The Role of Emotion in Consumer Research

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The Roles of Emotion in Consumer Research

Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Rutgers University

Barbara B. Stern, Rutgers University

ABSTRACT also feed-back into emotion; for instance, thinking about the death
The aim of this paper is to describe and synthesize findings of a pet may cause the individual to become sad.
across three different setsof literature dealingwith emotion: (I) the Finally, the model proposes that consumption behaviors oc-
cognitive stream, (2) the hedonic consumption stream, and (3) the curring in response to consumers' emotional states are shaped by
compulsive/addictive consumption stream. w e present a model of prevailing cultural norms. For example, a white, middle class
emotion and suggest novel directions for future inquiry. woman may 'treat' her chronic unhappiness with compulsive
shopping and bulimia, while a white, middle class man may deal
INTRODUCTION with his depression by drinking alcohol, and a white, middle class
A decade and a half have passed since consumer researchers teenager may respond to hisher 'blues' by smoking marijuana. We
began attending to the roles of emotion in consumption (Hirschman begin a more detailed discussion of the model with the research
and Holbrook 1982, Holbrook and Hirschman 1982); and over a stream most closely aligned with emotion in consumer research:
decade has elapsed since Gardner's (1985) integrative review of cognitive psychology.
mood states. During this time period an extraordinary level of
research has occurred within the boundaries of our discipline Cognitive Psychology and Emotion
regarding emotion. The aim of this paper is to describe and An examination of this literature base rightly begins with
synthesize these findings and to present a inclusive model of Meryl Gardner's comprehensive (1985) treatise, 'Mood States and
emotion and its influence on consumer behavior. Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review.' Gardner's review fo-
In the courseof thiseffort we will review three setsof literature cused upon moods, defined as 'feeling states that are transient; ...
dealing with emotion. These include (1) the cognitive stream, particularized tospecific timesand situations(l985, p.282).' Thus,
typified by inquiries regarding emotion's role as the affective her review did not examine research on more intense levels of
component of attitude (e.g., Aaker and Stayman 1989) or as a emotion or on personality dispositions, such as optimism/pessi-
precursor to cognitive restructuring (Isen 1984); (2) the hedonic mism, that are relatively stable and enduring characteristics of the
consumptionstream asexemplified early on by the workofHolbrook consumer. Indeed, as Gardner notes, exogenous mood effects are
and ~ a G l e n a(Havlena and ~ o l b r o o k1986) and most recently by markedly short lived: 'The effect of a positive mood induction on
Celsi, Rose and Leigh (1993) and Arnould and Price (1993); (3) the the performance of a helping task has been found to last approxi-
compulsiveladdictive consumption stream beginning with early mately twenty minutes' (1985, p. 289).The findings summarized in
work on impulse purchasing by Rook (1985) and evolving into her review would be relevant to the portion of our model titled
more general models as exemplified by Faber and O'Guinn (1989), 'Current Personal Events' and include those minor events, such as
Hirschman (1992) and Rindfleisch, Burroughs and Denton (1997). exposure to a pleasing or offensive advertisement, which create a
short-term shift in the consumer's prevailing mood.
A NEW MODEL Mood andAdvertising Effectiveness-Since the publication of
As shown in Figure One, we propose that every consumer has Gardner's review, six articles have appeared in the JOUA~ of
apersonal emotional range which can move from extreme happi- Consumer Research which examined the role of such short term
ness toextreme sadness. While most consumers usually experience moods in influencing advertising effectiveness. The first, by
motions in the middle range, a significant proportion are likely to Holbrook and Batra (1987) sought to incorporate a wider range of
experience emotions which lie beyond the middle range (Larsen emotional intensity in understanding consumers' responses to
and Emmons, 1985). Indeed, if we view emotion as a normally advertisements and assumed homogenous responses on the part of
distributed human variable, then approximately 30 to 50% of the consumers toward given, emotion-stimulating advertisements. The
consuming population probably experience emotions above or authors' findings supported the earlier model of emotional content
below the middle range on a regular basis (Larsen and Diener, 1987 suggested by Mehrabian and Russell (1974) which categorized
a, b). emotions according to their positive or negative valence and level
The model further proposes that current personal events of of activation or arousal.
both a major and minor nature will have transient effects on adult A second study, by Edell and Burke (1987), demonstrated that
consumers' emotional states. A major negative event, such as job 'feelingsgenerated by an adaredifferentconceptually fromthoughts
loss or divorce, or a major positive event, such as a job promotion about the ad and both are important and contribute uniquely to
or marriage, may cause long-term (say six months) emotional shifts explaining the effects of advertising' (1987, p. 421). The signifi-
beyond the middle range, while minor positive or negative events cance of this study was that it demonstrated the independence of
(say a helpful salesperson or an offensive advertisement), may only mood and cognition in influencing advertising response, as advo-
affect emotional states for a few minutes. cated by Zajonc (1980); whereas some cognitive approaches had
The model also proposes the direct influence of emotion on a argued that mood was merely a subset of cognitive response. Edell
variety of cognitive responses (such as attitude formation and and Burke also found that individual consumers varied greatly in
recall) and, thence, on a broad array ofconsumption behaviors, such the types of emotional responses they had to particular advertise-
as impulse purchasing, consumption creativity, and innovativeness. ments, noting (p. 431) 'one person's warm commercial may be
It suggests that consumption behaviors may also fed-back into another person's cool commercial.' This finding was contrary to
cognition and emotion; for example, a consumer may discover that Holbrook and Batra's (1987) assumption that consumers would
a new restaurant's food is delicious, causinga positive attitude tobe exhibit homogeneous emotional responses to given advertise-
formed and a happy feeling to occur. And cognitive responses may ments.

Advances in Consumer Research

Volume 26, O I999
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 26) 1 5
A Model o f Emotional Response

Personal Responses
Emotional e.g. attitude

Range formation and

Happiness cognitive


Sadness e.g. impulse
buying, novelty
seeking, gift

Cultural Norms
e.g. age, gender,

In another 1987 article, Goldberg and Gorn showed consum- A 1991 study by Olney, Holbrook and Batra examined how
ers a funny or sad television program to induce a positive or mood responses to an advertisement affected viewing time of the
negative mood. They then showed them 'informational' versus advertisement. They found that advertisingcontent influencedboth
'emotional' commercials. Consistent with several other studies in the positive-negative and arousal dimensions of mood and, not
the social psychology literature, they found that both types of surprisingly, that consumers spent more time watching advertise-
commercials were rated as more effective when embedded within ments with positive content, which created happy moods in the
the funny program and that this effect was strongest for the viewer.
emotional commercials. They also found that recall of material To sum up, studies of the influence of mood on advertising
contained in the commercials was enhanced under the funny effectiveness support the general categorization of emotions as
program viewing condition. These findings are consistent with an psitivetnegative in valence and higMow in arousal. Multiple
earlier study by Isen (1984), which suggested that a positive mood studies have found that a positive mood enhances the rating of an
enhances information processing ability and recall. advertisement's effectiveness, consumers' information processing
Two closely related studies examined the effect of mood on ability and recall. Perhaps the most controversial findings relate to
attitudes toward the advertisement (Stayman and Aaker 1988; the role of positive mood in enhancing information processing
Batra and Stayman 1990).The first looked at three typesof mood- ability. Although lsen found that thisability isenhanced by positive
warmth, amusement, and irritation-and found that mood had a mood, Batra and Stayman found that cognitive elaboration is
direct effect on brand attitude at low exposure levels, but that this reduced and processing is more heuristic in positive mood states.
effect appeared to be mediated by Aad at higher exposure levels. Thus, the relationship between mood and information processing
The second study reported that positive moods indirectly influ- skill is still not fully understood.
enced consumers' attitudes toward the brand by, first, reducing the Mood Effects in Non Advertising Contexts-Two studies have
number of negative thoughts generated and, second, by reducing examined mild emotional responses, i.e., mood, to stimuli aside
total cognitive elaboration, making processing 'more heuristic than from advertisements. Swinyard (1993) investigated pre-existing
systematic' (p. 213). mood states' effectsupon consumers' shopping attitudes and inten-
6 / The Roles of Emotion in Consumer Research
tions. Using hypothetical scenarios, Swinyard found that a positive1 Thus from Isen's work we find support for various portions of
negative mood did not have any effect on reported shopping our proposed model. For example, we can support the notion that
intentions directly, but did act through involvement level (high/ emotion influences cognitive responses, such as recall, working
low) to influence shopping intentions. Using mood also as a memory capacity and working memory complexity. We can also
dependent variable, Swinyard found that a positivelnegative shop- support the proposition that emotion, working through cognition,
ping experience had a significant effect on mood. This was espe- can influence behavior, for example, sociability, gift giving, and
cially tme for highly involved shoppers. As Swinyard (1993, p. helping others.
278) reports: 'For involved shoppers a good shopping experience Two additional studies by Isen in creative problem-solving
is even better, and a bad shopping experience is still worse.' were conducted with medical students and physicians. The first
A second study, Murry and Dacin (1996), investigated how (Isen, Rosennveig, Young 1991), found that medical students in a
various moods created by television programs affect consumers' positive mood produced accurate patient diagnoses more rapidly
liking of the programs. As these authors note, 'Existing consumer than those in a neutral condition and also went beyond the assigned
theoriesofferlittle insight into why consumersseekout ...entertain- task to consider the medical materials more integratively, working
ment products such as music that evokes sadness, books that elicit with larger 'chunks' of related information. In the second study
fear, or movies that create anger (1996, p. 439).' The authors found (Estrada, Isen, Young 1995), physicians conducting diagnoses
that a negative mood stimulated by a program had a negative effect under positive affect conditions exhibited this same pattern and,
on program liking, when the program was seen as personally additionally, were found to be less anchored to preliminary assump
relevant (e.g., 'could happen to me') and realistic. However, pro- tions and more open to new information as a reasoning style, than
grams causing negative moods could still be liked, as long as controls. Thus, happy emotion stimulates rapid, accurate cognitive
viewers saw them as irrelevant and unrealistic. Underlying these processing, increases the volume of relevant material being pro-
findings is the larger proposition that consumers will seek out scary cessed and enhances cognitive receptivity, all very valuable char-
or sad consumption experiences only so long as these are not seen acteristics for consumers to possess.
as personally threatening. We conclude thissection on cognitive theory with an article by
This last study takes us to a different segment of the model Kahn and lsen (1993) which segues nicely into our next set of
shown in Figure One. Under Consumption Behaviors we have literature. In this study Kahn and Isen proposed that (p. 257):
listed thrill seekinglrisk aversion as a construct relevant to con- 'The induction of positive affect in consumers carrying out
sumption choices. Murry and Dacin's (1996) work suggests that brand-choice tasks may lead to their showing a greater preference
consumers may seekout television programs that provide thrills, so for exploration and trying new things in safe and enjoyable con-
long as genuine emotional risk is avoided. As we shall discuss texts. This is because ...positive affect improves a person's expec-
subsequently, consumers' willingness to take emotional risks is tations about the likely outcome of anticipated neutral or positive
dependent upon whatpart of the emotional range they arefunction- experiences or events and also prompts people to engage in more
in; within. w e will propose that consumers-who have positive elaboration and thinking about neutral things in which they are
emotional states they believe to be durable will be willing to take interested.' And, over a series of three experiments, they found
more emotional risks. Conversely, those consumers who believe these expectations confirmed. Thus, a happy mood increases con-
themselves to already be in substantial emotional jeopardy, i.e., are sumers' effortsat variety seeking among safe, pleasant alternatives.
teetering on the edge of depression, will make choices aimed at We next consider the larger literature of which much variety
reducing emotional risks. seeking behavior is a part-that of hedonidexperiential consump-
Isen's Research on Emotion-We turn now to a subset of the tion.
cognitive literature on emotion which has justly had a large impact
on consumer research investigation of this topic-the work of Alice HEDONIC CONSUMPTION
Isen. In 1985,1sen, ~ohnson,~ertzand~obinson examined whether In 1982 two papers appeared which encouraged consumer
positive affect could influence the contents and complexity of researchers to explore the experiential boundaries of consumption
working memory. At the outset to their study, Isen et al. reviewed beyond the confines of cognitive psychology and utilitarian eco-
anextensive literaturewhichsuggests that when personsare in good nomics (Hirschman and Holbrook 1982; Holbrook and Hirschman
moods, they are typically able to bring more extensive and complex 1982). Following this, several studies were conducted exploring
material into working memory, to discern unusual relations be- various aspects of hedonic and experiential consumption. We will
tween elements in stimulus materials, to have enhanced recall of review five representative examples here. A 1986article by Havlena
distantly related items, and to be able to generate a larger number and Holbrook compared two classification systems foremotion:
of unusual word associations. As Isen et al. point out, all of these Mehrabian and Russell's (1974) paradigm and Plutchik's eight
behaviorsare associated with creativity, and, indeed, some are even emotional categories (1980). Usingan elaborate seriesof multivari-
analogous to accepted measuresof creativity (seee.g., Mednickand ate procedures, they determined that the three dimensional model-
Mednick 1964). In keeping with this series of prior findings, the pleasure, arousal, dominance-proposed by Mehrabian and Russell
Isen et al. (1985) study found that 'the results of this study confirm was superior in representing emotion during actual consumption
that unusual [word] associations are to be found from persons who experiences.
are feeling happy (p. 1418).' These findings are supportive of the A second study, by Allen, Machleit and Klein (1992) exam-
proposed model.
- ~
ined whether recollectedemotions regarding anemotionally-mixed
Several propositions Isen (1987) puts forward in a review of consumption experience (blood donation)could serve as incremen-
the literature are also consistent with the model we are proposing. tal predictors (beyond attitudes) of behavior. They argue that
First, she notes that a 'large body of research indicates that positive emotion extends beyond attitude and encompasses 'a richer and
affect can influence social behavior-in particular, sociability, more diverse domain of phenomenological experience (p. 494):
cooperativeness in negotiation, and kindness (p. 206).' Second, They further propose that much emotional experience is likely
happy persons are more likely to be self-indulgent and to give stored in episodicmemory,whereas attitudinal judgmentsarelikely
themselves 'self gifts' (Isen p. 210). found in semantic memory. Using Izard's (1977) emotional tax-
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 26) / 7
onomy the researchers found that 'emotion can have a direct 'compulsive consumption.' The particular type of compulsive
influence on behavior that is not captured or summed up by attitude consumption Rook was studying, impulse purchasing, has impor-
judgments(p. 500).' This,of course, hasimplicationsfor our model tant emotional and behavioral components. Impulse purchases are
in Figure One and suggests that we should draw a causal arrow from associated with happy emotional states, when the consumer is
Emotion to Consumption Behavior directly, as well as retaining the feeling self-indulgent, optimistic, enthusiastic, and venturesome.
one which already passes from Emotion to Cognition to Behavior. Indeed, much of the safe, pleasant variety seeking behavior as
Toward the end of their article, Allen et al. (1992), write described by Kahn and Isen (1993) as well as novelty seeking
evocatively of the measurement problems inherent in using emo- behavior (Raju 1980) is likely to occur in an impulse purchasing
tion measurement scales and recollected events (p. 502): 'While contest (see Rook 1987, p. 194,196).
defending our selection of measures, we do not mean to suggest that A distinction can be drawn between impulsepurchasing and
"conventional" measures of emotion cannot be improved on for compulsivepurchasing, which O'Guinn and Faber (1989) describe
consumer research. If we are to do a better job of integrating as repetitive purchasingwhich is 'ultimately destructive financially
emotive experience into consumer research, there are important and psychologically to the consumer, but which provides momen-
improvements needed in the measurement arean. tary relief from tension, anxiety or sadness (p. 148)'. Impulse
The next year, 1993, two articles appeared which went a great purchases usually occur during 'high' emotional states, while
distance toward responding to these issues. What was needed was compulsive purchases usuall y occur as attempts to alleviate 'down'
not only novel approaches tomeclsurement, per se, but rather novel emotional states. And, as O'Guinn and Faber (1989, p. 148) have
approaches in the methodology used to comprehend emotion within described, compulsive purchasing is closely related biochemically,
the consumption experience. We next examine two revolutionary psychologically and behaviorally, to a host of other compulsive
efforts which did just this: Arnould and Price (1993) and Celsi, consumer activities: "These include substance abuse and extreme
Rose and Leigh (1993). excesses in behavior, such as eating disorders and compulsive
The context of Arnould and Price's research was whitewater sexuality, as well as more marketplace-oriented behaviors, such as
rafting on the Colorado River-a consumption experience that compulsive gambling and kleptomania".
usually evokes the gamut of emotions for most participants. In In their study of compulsive buyers, O'Guinn and Faber
contrast to prior studies we have reviewed, the Amould and Price combined depth interviews with survey data toconstruct a compre-
article used a combination of ethnography and survey-scaling hensive portrait of the phenomenon. They found that most compul-
methodologies, creating a very rich and detailed data base from sive shoppers were female (supporting the portion of our model
which to construct interpretations. As they comment, the consum- which proposes that cultural norms about gender help direct emo-
ers of the river rafting experience typically have emotional re- tion-laden consumerbehaviors, i.e., women are socialized toshop),
sponses which are long-lasting and profound: Because of the nature and that compulsive buyers tended toward obsessive-compulsive
of their methodology, Amould and Price were able to trace socio- traits, had lower self-esteem (both a cause and consequence of
logical/anthropological aspects of the emotional experience which compulsive buying), had higher imagination levels and higher
traditional measurement devices would have missed. Among these levels of envy and non-generosity (i.e., hoarding) than other con-
were the perception by several consumers of the experience as a sumers. And, of course, their behavior had a strong, emotional
pilgrimagetrite of passage and the growth of bonding among component--elatedly high when it was occurring, depressingly
participants and between the participants and their guide over the low once one came to one's senses.
course of the journey. The research project also shed light on rarely In two later studies, (Faber and O'Guinn 1992; Faber,
investigated emotions such as transcendence and ecstasy, which lie Christenson, De Zwaan and Mitchell 1995), these researchers and
at the extremes of the positive emotional spectrum. Notably, many their associates developed a clinical screenerforcompulsive buyers
consumers did not want to translate their experience into cognitive and investigated the comorbidity (i.e., co-occurrence) of compul-
material. sive buying and binge eating. They found that both forms of
Similar findings resulted from the investigation of skydiving compulsive consumption occur along a continuum from normal to
by Celsi, Rose, and Leigh (1993). The authors proposed that high moderate to severe, a point made by Rook (1987) and Hirschman
risk consumer behaviors are 'motivated by a dramatic worldview (1992), as well. In discussing their findings, they reported that
(p. 2)' ,and discovered that participants' motives varied from thrill gender segregation was again apparent; that is, women tended
seekingtosocial compliance (e.g., toaccompany a friendor spouse) toward binge eating, kleptomania and compulsive buying, while
and that all participants saw it as involving some degree of risk men predominated in pathological gambling and hard drug usage,
acceptance. As with Arnould and Price's consumers, these also further supporting the 'Cultural Norms' segment of our model.
cited personal mastery (i.e., 'I can do it'), transcendencetecstasy They also reported results from other studies suggesting that
and identity construction/renewal as significant outcomes of the compulsive buyers had greater mood swings in response to buying,
behavior. And, asbefore, the participants felt a sense ofcommunitas than normal consumers: 'higher' during purchase, 'lower' after
or bonding with other participants. purchase.
These latter researchers introduced another aspect of con- In 1992, Hirschman used depth interviews with present and
sumer desire for such high risk experiences-the addictive high recovering drug addicts/alcoholics to construct a general model of
resulting from the adrenaline rush they provide. As they note, while compulsive consumption. Her research also included introspective
the addiction model does not fully account for all aspects of the accounts of the phenomenology of compulsive consumption.
high-risk consumption experience, it does serve as a phenomeno- Hirschman (1992), like O'Guinn and Faber (1989, 1992,
logical explanation for much of it. It also serves as a bridging 1996), noted the serial and/or multiple outlet aspect of compulsive
concept to take us to our next set of literature: consumer research consumption. It is posited that because compulsive consumption is
conducted on compulsive consumption. rooted in abnormal emotional reactivity, (see Larsen a n d - ~ i e n e r
1987 a,b) it is an ongoing feature of these consumer's lives.
COMPULSIVE CONSUMPTION Typically, they will use multipleformsof compulsive consumption
Rook's 1987 article, 'The Buying Impulse' wasone of the first or turn to a series of compulsive consumption activities over time
published in consumer research to investigate what is now termed to allieve anxiety, tension and/or depression. The type and pattern
8 / The Roles of Emotion in Consumer Research
Emotional Quadrants


contentment exuberance
tranquility delight
serenity Y-
placidity elation
Low High
arousal arousal

hopelessness anger
dread hostility
melancholy panic
lethargy paranoia

r Negative

of activities these consumers engage in is often guided by social emotional responses will be filtered through various cognitive
norms regarding what is appropriate for their gender, age, social activities (e.g., attitude change) and result in a wide-ranging set of
class and ethnicity. And, as Rook and Fisher (1995) recently found, consumer behavior, such as impulsive product purchases, variety
some types
- . of impulsive consumer behavior may be held in check seeking, and compulsive buying. Which specific behaviors are
by social norms, as well. undertaken will be influenced by prevailing cultural norms regard-
In 1996, DeSarbo and Edwards published a large-scale, sur- ing what is appropriate for one's gender, age, race, and socioeco-
vey-based research study that distinguished between impulse pur- nomic status.
chases and compulsivd purchasing. These researchers demon- We can also extend this model into a predictive set of propo-
strated that compulsive buyers react to stress by experiencing sitions and a classification scheme as shown in Figure Two, which
higher than average levels of anxiety, i.e., are emotionally reactive. is adapted from Holbrookand Batra (1987). The Figure depicts four
T; escape these anxieties, they may turn to compulsive buying, quadrants resulting from the orthogonal axes of positive-negative
which temporarily provides positive emotions; in essence, compul- emotional valence and low-high emotional arousal.
sive consumers areself-medicatin their anxiety with the emotional
DeSarbo and Edwards (1996) additionally found that persons CONSUMPTION
coming from abusive-andlor addictive families were more likely to Quadrant A contains the emotions typical of positive affect
becom~compulsiveconsumers,consistentwith 0 ' ~ u i n n& Faber's and low arousal: contentment, tranquility, serenity and placidity.
(1989) and Hirschman's (1992) findings, and supporting the Par- Given what we have learned from prior research, this section of the
ents and Childhood/Juvenile Environment segments of our model. emotional space may be labeled as containing Contented Consum-
Analogously, Rindfleisch, Burroughs and denton (1996) found ers/Calm Consumption. It is likely that some consumers spend
that adults whose parents were divorced or separated exhib- much of their lives in this range of emotional experience, and that
ited higher levels of compulsive buying. all consumers experience these emotions from time to time (see
e.g., Holbrook and Batra, 1987; Larsen and Diener 1987a). The
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? following speculative propositions1 may be put forward regarding
Our model proposes that adult consumers will exhibit a consumers/consumption in this portion of the emotional range.
Personal Emotional Range. Our model additionally suggests that
adult consumers will respond emotionally to both major and minor
current personal events, such as job loss, exposure to advertising 1We are skatingon thin ice here, empirically. Yet we optimistically
and salesperson encounters. The model further suggests that these anticipate these propositions will be confirmed in the near future.
Advances in Consumer Resemh (Volume 26) / 9
1) Consumers experiencing these emotions are contented response has been very little investigated in consumer research.
with the present state of affairs.They are likely to be brand Nonetheless, from the literature on depression and dysthymia (see
loyal, due to feelings of productlservice satisfaction. Be- Isen 1985), we propose that:
cause of their low arousal levels, they do not have the
energy or desire to be venturesome, innovative or variety- Consumers who are experiencing the emotions of hopeless-
seeking, and they are unlikely to voice complaints or ness and dread will be very risk averse and pessimistic about
express dissatisfaction. consumption activities. They will be unlikely to try new
products or services and are at a low probability for variety
2) Contented consumers are likely to be quite receptive to seeking.
'warm' advertisements (e.g., Aaker and Stayman), as
these would help maintain and reinforce their emotional 1) Given 1,above,such consumersare likely to display brand
tranquillity. loyalty and habitual purchasing patterns, because they
lack the cognitive ability to process novel information or
3) Because Contented Consumers are in a state of low to combine existing information in novel ways.
arousal and positive emotion, they may use heuristic
processing to simplify decision tasks (see Batra and 2) Decision-makingby such consumerswill be slow, hesitant
Stayman 1990), thus avoiding expending energy on cog- and aimed toward minimizing possible disappointment.
nitive activity. These consumers will stick with 'tried and t ~ e alterna-
Following from #3 above, it is likely that Contented Consum-
ers will choose to avoid extended problem solving activities; in 3) Because they are physically and mentally lethargic, sad
general, we expect that they will try to avoid activities that are consumers will be less likely to express dissatisfaction or
cognitively or physically demanding, because these would disrupt voice complaints, even when product performance is
their sense of serenity. These propositions are consistent with some unsatisfactory. They are likely to believe that such activi-
mood experiments, which have found subjects unwilling to under- ties are 'not worth the effort' and would be futile.
take activities that might threaten their positive affect, see e.g.
Gardner 1985. 4) Sad consumers' behaviors will be marked by simplicity,
ritualism, passivity and resignation. They are based on the
Happy Consumers/Active Consumption premise that 'things will never get any better than this.'
As we move into Quadrant B, we reach feelings such as
exuberance, delight, ecstasy and elation.These are the high arousal, Decision-making by such consumers will be slow, hesitant
positive emotions. Because, as Isen's extensive work has shown, and aimed toward minimizing possible disappointment. These
the mental conditions responsible for creating elation and joy are consumers will stick with 'tried and true' alternatives. Because they
also linked to the stimulation of cognitive and physical activity, are physically and mentally lethargic, sad consumers will be less
many consumers who experience strong positive emotions will feel likely to express dissatisfaction or voice complaints, even when
physically and mentally energized, as well (see also Larsen and prodkt performance is unsatisfactory. They are likely to believe
Diener 19831 for psychological empirical confirmation). We an- that such activitiesare 'notworth theeffort' and wouldbe futile. Sad
ticipate that such consumers will be optimistic about consumption consumers' behaviors will be marked by simplicity, ritualism,
endeavors and enthusiastic about acquiring pleasurable experi- passivity and resignation. They are based on the premise that
ences. Thus, we propose that: 'things will never get any better than this.'

1. Happy consumers will actively seekout new consumption Angry Consumers/Hostile Consumption
information, experiences, and products, so long as these As we continue toward Quadrant D, we cross-over into the
are deemed likely to provide pleasure. Following from high arousal/negative emotion* anger, hostility, panic and para-
Kahn and Isen (1993), we expect happy consumers to be noia are the feelings often experienced by persons here. It is likely
innovative, novelty-seeking, and variety-seeking. that anger and hostility are the most commonly experienced con-
sumption emotions within this portion of the spectrum; for ex-
2. Consumers who are experiencing delight and elation will ample,a delayed flight,a malfunctioningcar,or abotched repairjob
have greatly enhanced cognitive abilities. They will be can sometimes provoke rage in consumers. Again, little empirical
able to construct elaborate cognitive patterns, have in- consumer research has been conducted on these emotions, but some
creased recall and accelerated processing speed, consis- speculative propositions can be made:
tent with Isen's extensive research.
1. Obviously, consumers with tendencies toward active dys-
3. As a result of 1 and 2 above, elated consumers should thymia are those most likely to 'lose their temper' in a
display high levels of consumption creativity: i.e., the provocative consumption situation, but all consumers
ability to use products in novel and unusual ways in order occasionally find themselves in this emotional space.
to solve problems. Loud, demanding, complaining behavior is likely tooccur,
perhaps even including physical damage to property or
Sad Consumers/Passive Consumption personnel (e.g., assaulting a waiter). Research on how to
Moving into Quadrant C, we encounter consumers with low disarm such volatile negative consumer behaviors would
levels of arousal coupled with negative emotion: this space is be very valuable.
aligned with emotions such as hopelessness, dread, melancholy and
lethargy; these persons may be termed Sad Consumers who are 2. Drawing from the compulsive consumption literatures
likely to engage in Passive Consumption. This area of emotional (e.g., O'Guinn and Faber 1989), we propose that much
101 The Roles of Emotion in Consumer Research
drug and alcohol abuse, compulsive eating, compulsive Hirschman, Elizabeth C. and Moms B. Holbrook (1982),
shopping, pathological gambling and similar addictive1 'Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and
compulsive behaviors are undertaken by consumers who Propositions.' Journal of Marketing, 46 (3), 92-101.
are attempting to self-medicate feelings of anger, anxiety Holbrook, Moms B. and Elizabeth C. Hirschman (1982), ' The
and paranoia. Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies,
Feelings, and Fun.' Journal of Consumer Research, 9
3. We propose that it is likely at the juncture between the Sad (September), 132-140.
and Angry positions on the emotional map that most Isen, A. M. (1984), Toward understanding the role of affect in
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