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TD1 Sediment transport


26 septembre 2016

We aim at estimating the bed load in a river reach of slope S0 = 0.00157. We will assume that the
related flows (Tab. 2) are all very close to uniform flows.
1. In what class does this river sediment fall ?
2. Plot the passing cumulative frequency of the sediment size distribution, that is the curve
F (d) = Proba[di < d] with the values of Table 1.
3. Determine the median diameter d50 , and the d90 diameter.
4. Estimate the total Manning coefficient n with the flow characteristics of Tab. 2.
5. Estimate for each flow condition of Tab. 2 the friction velocity and the Shields number. What
can you tell on the nature of the transport in each flow condition ?
6. Estimate for each flow condition the largest transported grain diameter.
7. Plot the measured values of the particle volume discharge s g
8. Plot on the graph of the previous question :
the prediction of the volume of transported particles with MPM for d50 ;
the prediction of the volume of transported particles with MPM with a class by class approach.
Is it relevant to use such estimation ?
the prediction of the volume of transported particles with MPM with a class by class approach
and with a hiding function ;
the prediction of the volume of transported particles with the Wong and Parker formula. Recall
the assumptions of this formula.

d (mm) 0.074 0.125 0.246 0.351 0.495 0.701 0.991 1.40 1.980 3.96
p (%) 0.07 0.33 1.70 6.20 19.0 37.30 60.50 79.40 90.40 99.30

Table 1 d : mesh size of the sieves ; p : passing proportion in % of the total weight.

h (m) 0.0671 0.0762 0.0823 0.0884 0.0975 0.1219 0.1311

ql (m2 /s) 0.0297 0.0372 0.0446 0.0483 0.0557 0.0808 0.1022
qs /g (kg/m/s) 0.0060 0.0089 0.0104 0.0134 0.0179 0.0446 0.0580

Table 2 Pairs of measured values depth-liquid discharge of the different flows and the associated
solid transport. h : water depth ; ql : water discharge per unit width ; qs /g : solid load (discharge) in
mass of particles per unit width ;

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