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English Translation ET


Internal no.: CD-7-4-1/02/055

SUBJECT: Conversation between MLADI RATKO and ABDI FIKRET from
26 May 1992
Phone control:
Code name: GOSPI

Unidentified male: Hello?

Mladi Ratko: Good morning!
Unidentified male: Good morning!
Mladi Ratko: Is this the cabinet of Mr. Abdi?
Unidentified male: Yes.
Mladi Ratko: Can I talk to him?
Unidentified male: And who is this?
Mladi Ratko: General Mladi.
Unidentified female: Hold on, please hes on another line
Mladi Ratko: Please.
Abdi Fikret: Hello?
Mladi Ratko: Good morning!
Abdi Fikret: Good morning, general!
Mladi Ratko: Mr. Abdi, how was your sleep?
Abdi Fikret: Excellent.
Mladi Ratko: Has there been peace?
Abdi Fikret: No, theres been shooting, but I dont mind. Ive got used to it.
Mladi Ratko: Thereve been some violations.
Abdi Fikret: There have been some. I dont know
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: why though. Yesterday was
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh.
Abdi Fikret: peaceful. It was the only peaceful
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh.
Abdi Fikret: day. Theyve fired two shells at Biha again just to
Mladi Ratko: Youre kidding me!

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Abdi Fikret: Honestly. They want to provoke this. This is the fourth day
theyve been doing this. This cannot be found in the history of
warfare that fire isnt responded to by fire.
Mladi Ratko: Alright, let them keep it that way. My men too dont return fire
from the barracks even though theyre being attacked by
millions of snipers. Itll all be ok while theres peace.
Abdi Fikret: Eh
Mladi Ratko: Refrain from firing back there. I have
Abdi Fikret: I will. But tell this Novakovi not to play with this, not to
Mladi Ratko: Novakovi doesnt have anything to do with this. I have
Abdi Fikret: No, I mean let him tell this Besla guy that
Mladi Ratko: Alright.
Abdi Fikret: because its the only possible way.
Mladi Ratko: Alright. Theres peace there and lets not complicate things
now. Today is a nice and clear day and we could do something.
Abdi Fikret: We could. But, youre obstructing this
Mladi Ratko: Im not obstructing anything, Fikret.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: Well, why hasnt Jusuf Donli barracks begun evacuating?
Abdi Fikret: Well, because the agreement hasnt been carried out.
Mladi Ratko: Which one?
Abdi Fikret: Alija has taken this over. I closed the deal on the Viktor
Bubanj barracks at that meeting and stopped working on this.
Neo Bokovi and others spent the whole day at Alijas
yesterday. Then Pani called me and I invited them to visit
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh?
Abdi Fikret: um theyve Pani called me this morning and told me
Neo was coming. Hell be there.
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh?
Abdi Fikret: And that he had some proposals now. He also plead for this
meeting on the entire
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh?

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Abdi Fikret: relationship, which has been in preparations for a long time
now. The meeting between Alija, Pani, Kosti, etc.
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh. Will there be a meeting?
Abdi Fikret: Well, they said we shouldnt speak about it on the phone, but
that Neo would tell us. Neo will tell me everything about
this. He is supposed to hold some more meetings up there
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh?
Abdi Fikret: the two of them are. Then hell um
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh?
Abdi Fikret: leave and should be in Lukavica as early as around 1200 hrs.
Mladi Ratko: Alright. Today
Abdi Fikret: Or here, I dont really
Mladi Ratko: Has this Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs visited you today?
Abdi Fikret: Yes, if he gets down, I mean No
Mladi Ratko: This Ruskoy guy.
Abdi Fikret: Yes, yes. Hes he was supposed to come, but I think hell
cancel the visit.
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh.
Abdi Fikret: Hes afraid somebody might take him down, you know.
Mladi Ratko: Who would take him down?
Abdi Fikret: Well, I dont know.
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh. He wont
Abdi Fikret: Hes afraid and no one will you have this under control.
Mladi Ratko: You wouldnt kill a foreigner, would you? And
Abdi Fikret: No, we wouldnt, but the airport is not under our control.
Mladi Ratko: A?
Abdi Fikret: No, no.
Mladi Ratko: It wouldnt happen at the airport. You shoot at the airport every
once in a while, but thats alright.
Abdi Fikret: We dont, no way.
Mladi Ratko: It would be good if both me and you withdrew our forces from
the airport and have it opened for traffic.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah, yeah.
Mladi Ratko: For humanitarian aid.

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Abdi Fikret: Everything should be opened, all communications.

Mladi Ratko: Sure, thats how it should be, but its going to be difficult to do
that now.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah? My people in Krajina havent freed anything.
Mladi Ratko: I cant work on that right now just like you cant.
Abdi Fikret: Its not urgent anymore. Ive given it all to the people for free,
chickens and everything.
Mladi Ratko: Fuck, let the people have them.
Abdi Fikret: Let them eat. I have liquidated the company for the second
Mladi Ratko: Which one is that?
Abdi Fikret: The Agrokomerc.
Mladi Ratko: No youll put it back on its feet soon.
Abdi Fikret: Well, Im not going to god is helping me for a third time.
Mladi Ratko: (laughter)
Abdi Fikret: But now Ive /given out/ all chickens they reported on it to
me last night. Ive also given out the rabbits to the people. Let
them run around the yards and
Mladi Ratko: What do we do here um around and in Sarajevo?
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: There are many people lacking food, Serbs, Muslims, and
Croats alike.
Abdi Fikret: Thats true. Theres nothing we can do without the
Mladi Ratko: Well, yeah, but theyre blocked at a million places both by your
men and our men.
Abdi Fikret: No, no, you just unblock yours, Mladi and its going to be ok
right away.
Mladi Ratko: Well, you have to unblock the barracks.
Abdi Fikret: The barracks are unblocked, but the agreement hasnt been
carried out.
Mladi Ratko: Well, then let us starve and die.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?

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Mladi Ratko: Let us die. Youre trying to outwit each other. Ive told you I
would compensate for everything when we have evacuated
these barracks, but you One cant work with you. I cant
compensate for this now.
Abdi Fikret: How come?
Mladi Ratko: I would if I could.
Abdi Fikret: Thats interesting, Mladi. Um at the Presidency they think
its strange that nothing that we agree upon is carried out ever
since we started this whole thing three weeks ago, and you
think its strange that we dont carry out things
Mladi Ratko: Well, lets tell me lets not provoke troubles.
Abdi Fikret: Yes, we dont want to provoke
Mladi Ratko: Did we agree to
Abdi Fikret: I dont want to provoke any troubles. Im in favour of a
peaceful solution. Im
Mladi Ratko: So am I.
Abdi Fikret: There. I
Mladi Ratko: If we want to do this peacefully, then lets carry out the first
agreement from the 10th and that annex. There we said that the
first step would be to give the first contingent of arms, then the
three barracks would be evacuated, and later the rest of the
arms would be handed over, and the Maral Tito barracks
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: Now, whats seems to be debatable here?
Abdi Fikret: Well, the debatable thing is that you havent delivered 50%.
Mladi Ratko: Look, man, we cannot give you as much as some of your men
specified, because we know what was in possession of the main
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: of different units in Sarajevo, where the storage sites were,
how much of equipment had been removed, and how much
remained there. These Serbs will ask you to give them some

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of the weapons and ammunition from Konjic too. Youve

confiscated some ammunition there
Abdi Fikret: Yeah. No, look, that will be compensated for from the
Republic balance.
Mladi Ratko: Well, then this too will be compensated for from the Republic
Abdi Fikret: No, no. Yes, but theres the stuff that was given for other
municipalities, which was
Mladi Ratko: Then Tranjik, Travnik, Kiseljak, then the 13 tanks you kept in
Zenica. Then
Abdi Fikret: No, no! Everything that was in Zenica is gone, but the problem
is theres no traffic.
Mladi Ratko: No, its not! I never received it, its not here.
Abdi Fikret: I know, but it wasnt us.
Mladi Ratko: Then there will be no traffic for this either, fucking
Abdi Fikret: No! The mayor called me about those trucks in Sokolac, 16,
and three in Ilija.
Mladi Ratko: What trucks?
Abdi Fikret: The ones that transported the weapons.
Mladi Ratko: And Ive received phone calls about the tanks from my officers.
Abdi Fikret: Excuse me?
Mladi Ratko: And Ive received phone calls
Abdi Fikret: No, we dont have anything to do with the tanks
Mladi Ratko: What do you mean you dont? They left Zenica for Brko and
Abdi Fikret: No, no, no! They are in Maglaj. The railroad traffic is not in
function. We dont we dont control the trains
Mladi Ratko: Whats wrong with the railroad?
Abdi Fikret: Well, war is being waged in Doboj. I dont control
Mladi Ratko: You just let them go to Doboj and on.
Abdi Fikret: Well, theres no Its about the railroad. We have nothing to
do with that.
Mladi Ratko: How come?
Abdi Fikret: No, we dont! This isnt blocked because of us.

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Mladi Ratko: But, who then?

Abdi Fikret: No one. Its just the railroad. No, let them assess the situation
and check if the railroad is functional. Theres no we dont
Mladi Ratko: Well, it is. The railroad is not damaged anywhere on our side.
Abdi Fikret: No, but the military has the railroad under control.
Mladi Ratko: Well, let it be. The military will let it through
Abdi Fikret: Well, let them let it through. It all depends on the military.
Mladi Ratko: My military will let it through. Um let the convoy enter
Doboj. No problem. I will order them to receive that.
Abdi Fikret: Here, thats no This isnt up to us . Were not preventing it.
Mladi Ratko: Fikret, I have another request.
Abdi Fikret: Shoot.
Mladi Ratko: You have positioned hundreds of gunmen around the barracks.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: The commander of the barracks has told me they cant endure
this anymore.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: As soon as someone appears in a hallway or in a window, they
are shot at. They cant make a single move.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: They have refrained from action so far. So, please
Abdi Fikret: Yeah? What barracks is this? Maral Tito?
Mladi Ratko: Maral Tito, yes. And all other barracks.
Abdi Fikret: Uh-uh.
Mladi Ratko: It wouldnt be a bad idea to withdraw your gunmen from those
positions so that we dont start destroying the surrounding
buildings and stop destroying Sarajevo.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: My artillery officer from the Academy in Sarajevo just told me
they couldnt take this anymore. As soon as a soldier is
wounded again, he will start demolishing around the barracks.
Abdi Fikret: Mh! /as printed/

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Mladi Ratko: Please, this is within range and he has very powerful arms
down there.
Abdi Fikret: Yes, yes.
Mladi Ratko: Dont let this happen, dont let any further demolition of the
city, and lets all stop destroying it.
Abdi Fikret: No, Ill call right away
Mladi Ratko: Please do. Withdraw those. There is no need for this. If need
be, you can bring the gunmen back.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: You positioned them up in the Energoinvest building, at the
railway station, those other buildings belonging to officers
Abdi Fikret: Yeah? Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: on the 10th or 13th story or something like that. Lets not
cause the destruction of this area, lets avoid the maltreatment
of the city and of the population. Withdraw those and lets ease
the tension.
Abdi Fikret: Alright.
Mladi Ratko: That would be great. Please, we could do this properly
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: in peace. Lets organise ourselves today
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: and have this Jusuf Donli barracks evacuated
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: and when Neo Bokovi is here we should find a way for
Pazari also to be evacuated, and lets find the proper way to
resolve this situation. This way
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: we cant achieve anything.
Abdi Fikret: Alright.
Mladi Ratko: If you want to do something about this, Im available.
Abdi Fikret: I will pass this on. We have this thing on the Government with
the opposition today.
Mladi Ratko: Alright.
Abdi Fikret: I will tell them that

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Mladi Ratko: Please, lets do this properly.

Abdi Fikret: Yes.
Mladi Ratko: I really am for a peaceful option and lets prove that we are
capable of doing anything even without a third or a fifth party,
you and I, that we can evacuate this. Doko and Puina did a
good job the other day.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: Those people did everything. Lets have the Jusuf Donli
barracks evacuated today and start creating the conditions for
trust, just as they did the other day and put everything under
Abdi Fikret: Look, I think the best thing is what Ive already told you that
Pani had called me and told me Bokovi was coming. When
he arrives he will first go there
Mladi Ratko: Well, youre going to lose
Abdi Fikret: at your place
Mladi Ratko: Youll lose one more day.
Abdi Fikret: No. We can do this when he he will come to you early. I
think hell come to us at 1200 hrs. Hell be at your place one
hour after that at the latest, I think
Mladi Ratko: Alright. I dont have anything against you waiting on
Bokovi. However
Abdi Fikret: No, he wont he will be with um you and hell tell
Mladi Ratko: Fikret
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: I mean, please
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: Understand me if you will. I dont have anything against you
doing this with Pani and others. However, neither he nor you
have the right nor can you avoid the interest of the Serbs.
Abdi Fikret: Yes.
Mladi Ratko: Um doing this the way youre being suggested to do it
would mean a catastrophe for Sarajevo.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?

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Mladi Ratko: An evacuation without um our consent and the consent of

the Serb BH Government will bring a catastrophe to Sarajevo.
Abdi Fikret: No, but theyre taking all this into account.
Mladi Ratko: Who?
Abdi Fikret: These Pani and
Mladi Ratko: You wont no dont count on having this evacuated the
way you think youll do
Abdi Fikret:
Mladi Ratko: so that everything is left to you.
Abdi Fikret: No, no, no
Mladi Ratko: And down there dont count on any of the weapons down
there. It will all be evacuated only in harmony with the
agreement from the 10th
Abdi Fikret: No, that that way
Mladi Ratko: All weapons
Abdi Fikret: We have reduced it for 33% after your proposal
Mladi Ratko: All weapons
Abdi Fikret: although it wasnt right, but never mind now.
Mladi Ratko: Fikret, if youll listen to me
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: All weapons belonging to the federal military will be evacuated
and theyll take it with them.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: That is the only way to peace.
Abdi Fikret: No
Mladi Ratko: Let their weapons go with them, just as we did with Viktor
Abdi Fikret: Yeah.
Mladi Ratko: Bubanj, and the rest we can
Abdi Fikret: went Bubanj went to Lukavica.
Mladi Ratko: Where?
Abdi Fikret: To your area.

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Mladi Ratko: They left a long time ago. They passed through Lukavica,
spent the night, and continued their trip to their original
Abdi Fikret: Is that right, a?
Mladi Ratko: There, dont you worry. I dont need their military or weapons.
I have enough of these of my own.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: So, dont count on any of these things. Pani can promise you
whatever he wants.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: But none of that will be at the expense of the Serb people. You
can be sure about this. That we cannot allow neither to them
nor to you.
Abdi Fikret: No, thats not at anybodys expense. On the contrary, the Serb
people have received much more weapons.
Mladi Ratko: Let it be. You too have taken plenty and have plenty, youve
organised propaganda in the world. With your propaganda
youve put the world on your side, but
Abdi Fikret: Yeah.
Mladi Ratko: thatll be of no use. You will still have to solve problems
between us, not through a third party.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah.
Mladi Ratko: Like that proverb, A wolf doesnt eat meat
Abdi Fikret: Well resolve this, we just have to
Mladi Ratko: We will. The way out of this situation is to evacuate from
Sarajevo in peace.
Abdi Fikret: Yes, yes, but its not working out, theres been a lack of right
moves, theres been no
Mladi Ratko: Here, Im making the right move
Abdi Fikret: Yeah, well, right
Mladi Ratko: Im offering you peace and co-operation.
Abdi Fikret: Yes
Mladi Ratko: Tell me, why couldnt you and I organise a proper evacuation
of this convoy today

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Abdi Fikret: Yeah.

Mladi Ratko: from Jusuf Donli? Whats the problem? This is not a
unit with heavy weapons, this is a plain motor-battalion.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah.
Mladi Ratko: Whats the problem with it?
Abdi Fikret: Mh. /as printed/
Mladi Ratko: Come on, tell me.
Abdi Fikret:
Mladi Ratko: Here, why wouldnt you show to the world public
Abdi Fikret: They dont have any weapons, do they?
Mladi Ratko: and all our citizens Excuse me?
Abdi Fikret: Theres no one there?
Mladi Ratko: They have personal weapons. What else do they have? Some
weapons for the defence of the barracks, nothing more.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: Let this be evacuated. Here, lets show the world that you and I
can work together. Man, we will remain here in this area and
we will live beside each other and with each other, and without
each other, but we have to live in peace. Life in peace is life,
and in war its hell.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah A horrible atmosphere has been created, and thats the
problem. Um in these talks I dont burden because I
have during these negotiations I make sure not to talk about
those things over which we disagree, but to bring outlooks
closer to one another, and do what will take us to a solution.
Mladi Ratko: I guess so.
Abdi Fikret: But here the atmosphere is I will personally I will present
this, Ill see what I can do, Ill try. Well see. There.
Mladi Ratko: Yeah, look , if I were you
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: Well, Id I know you need yeast too, right?
Abdi Fikret: Yes, yes.
Mladi Ratko: So, you lack yeast?
Abdi Fikret: Yes.

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Mladi Ratko: You lack oxygen for hospitals?

Abdi Fikret: We lack everything.
Mladi Ratko: Humanitarian aid cant get through. Its not like you totally
lack everything. You get bread. Ive called my neighbours, the
Golubians in Pofalii and
Abdi Fikret: You did?
Mladi Ratko: Ive been calling people around Sarajevo, I have some friends.
Abdi Fikret: No, there is the bread that happened to be in the city.
Mladi Ratko: Well, ok, what happened to be there.
Abdi Fikret: Theres nothing else there though.
Mladi Ratko: That too will run out.
Abdi Fikret: No
Mladi Ratko: You lack milk you lack
Abdi Fikret: We lack meat we lack
Mladi Ratko: You lack meat?
Abdi Fikret: Yes.
Mladi Ratko: What would you need meat for? You Muslims rarely eat meat.
Abdi Fikret: What do you mean? We do eat meat.
Mladi Ratko: Come on, you drink tea and things like that, I know the habits
of Muslims. You can modesty.
Abdi Fikret: thats not
Mladi Ratko: Indeed, you are used to eating meat. Youve always eaten well.
Abdi Fikret: Yes, thats right. Always. Always.
Mladi Ratko: Alright, um Im kidding.
Abdi Fikret: Alright
Mladi Ratko: Look, lets start things, man. Let this barracks evacuate
Abdi Fikret: (they talk simultaneously) Write it down, Reuf trkljevi.
Mladi Ratko: Reuf?
Abdi Fikret: trkljevi.
Mladi Ratko: Reuf trk
Abdi Fikret: From Biha.
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: Arrested in Doboj. The military arrested /him/

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Mladi Ratko: Reuf trkljevi?

Abdi Fikret: trkljevi, yes. He was transporting flour from Vojvodina to
Biha. He is a merchant.
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: They confiscated both his truck and the flour. But never mind
Mladi Ratko: Where was he arrested? In Brko?
Abdi Fikret: In Doboj.
Mladi Ratko: Both his truck and flour were confiscated in Doboj?
Abdi Fikret: Yes, but Reuf is there and no one knows where he is.
Mladi Ratko: No one knows where he is?
Abdi Fikret: The head of police its been a month now not a month,
about fifteen days, I think
Mladi Ratko: When was he arrested?
Abdi Fikret: Well, its been around fifteen days, I think.
Mladi Ratko: Well youre
Abdi Fikret: maybe ten
Mladi Ratko: Ill check it out.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: Reuf trkljevi here, Ill write it down
Abdi Fikret: Here! /as printed/
Mladi Ratko: and Ill let you know. What have you done about those eight
guys I asked you about?
Abdi Fikret: Ive given the list to these people in the TO to find out. Ill call
them now to ask if theyve done anything.
Mladi Ratko: Whos the TO commander for you now?
Abdi Fikret: Um now its this Halil guy.
Mladi Ratko: Which Halil?
Abdi Fikret: Um Halil just a guy who was with the main staff
Mladi Ratko: And where is the one who was in that position before?
Abdi Fikret: Efendi?
Mladi Ratko: Efendi, yes.
Abdi Fikret: Hes here. Hes in the Presidency.
Mladi Ratko: Oh, hes been promoted?

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Abdi Fikret: Yes.

Mladi Ratko: Good luck to him!
Abdi Fikret: Yeah.
Mladi Ratko: Look, please
Abdi Fikret: Alright, alright.
Mladi Ratko: Lets heres my proposal consult with your people and
lets you and I evacuate the Jusuf Donli barracks today at
Abdi Fikret: Ill see what can be done
Mladi Ratko: Lets see how mindful we are. /as printed/
Abdi Fikret: But you have to remember that it has to be accepted here. Ill
check it out now.
Mladi Ratko: Please do. If you have
Abdi Fikret: Yeah
Mladi Ratko: any influence it will be accepted.
Abdi Fikret: Alright.
Mladi Ratko: Lets because it will pass /as printed/
Abdi Fikret: It is difficult to exert any influence, you know, because they tell
me all I do is making cessions to the military.
Mladi Ratko: Youre not. Ill make some cessions to you too.
Abdi Fikret: Otherwise theyre all right and they all agree over this.
Mladi Ratko: Theyre not right. Thats not true. What cession have you
made so far?
Abdi Fikret: Yes. Ill tell you what, Pani calls me
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: check it out in the room are Ivan Brigi
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: a former member of the Yugoslav Central Committee
Mladi Ratko: Alright.
Abdi Fikret: and Ugljea Uzelac, former Yugoslav Central Committee
Presidency Secretary
Mladi Ratko: Alright.
Abdi Fikret: and myself, a long-time Central Committee member.

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Mladi Ratko: Alright.

Abdi Fikret: And we talk and we figure out how stupid we had been even
though we were like some politicians and had the military
under our command. How could we let such deformations to
happen? So we talk when this Pani calls. I say, You see,
its true, and I tell him that.
Mladi Ratko: Uh-uh. What deformations?
Abdi Fikret: Well, you know, we never believed this could happen, that it
could come to a point at which we simply dont understand
each other.
Mladi Ratko: Neither did I
Abdi Fikret: Especially these people apart from those who
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: because now when you talk you have those who remained
here arent here by coincidence. I was into the economy. I
simply wasnt paying attention to what was going on around
me. I was into a concept, I wanted to be the architect of a
modern BH economy. When I entered the Presidency, I had
around a hundred experts I was working with day and night. I
havent even publicised all of these results Most of it
remained in the Presidency and never actually reached the
government, because its all still at the expert level as it is about
radical economic changes. The next thing I see is that a war is
breaking out and I suddenly wake up!
Mladi Ratko: Mh! /as printed/
Abdi Fikret: Then I go the garrison in Derventa and I ask myself how this
was possible.
Mladi Ratko: Mhm! /as printed/
Abdi Fikret: Then I go to um one, then another I never believed that
Mladi Ratko: To be honest, neither did I. Frankly, I think Im dreaming.
Abdi Fikret: Yes, yes. And this is so
Mladi Ratko: Because, you see Yes?
Abdi Fikret: And then we, down in Biha, maintained superb relations.
Mladi Ratko: Yes?

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Abdi Fikret: Um good and at the end all these people of the moderate
orientation who were there when the airport was bombarded,
runways blown up, then we were all personally mined. I mean,
then you see
Mladi Ratko: Let me tell you, I dont know who mined the airport. I wasnt
there at the time.
Abdi Fikret: Yes?
Mladi Ratko: And I have no cl
Abdi Fikret: Military helicopters were there.
Mladi Ratko: But
Abdi Fikret: Ive told Pani everything about it.
Mladi Ratko: But neither did I we too didnt believe neither did I
believe this could happen to us, this hell.
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: We couldnt imagine people would attack us in the barracks
who used to celebrate with us called us their army, whose
army we were, built together, and were suddenly blocked,
surrounded by wire, trucks, barricades, snipers
Abdi Fikret: Yes, yes, but it is about a development which isnt
Mladi Ratko: Yes?
Abdi Fikret: You have to be self-critical about this.
Mladi Ratko: Yes, self-critical, but we are the least guilty for this. The army
was attacked first. Now, if somebody had a problem with it
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: He who has a problem with it is probably the one who attacks it
Abdi Fikret: Yeah, yeah. However, but never mind now those are now
Mladi Ratko: What is done is done. Lets resolve evacuate this
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: So that it isnt attacked. And withdraw those
Abdi Fikret: Yeah?
Mladi Ratko: gunmen from the barracks, because these guys down there
will respond by heavy weapons. Theres no need to
Abdi Fikret: Alright, Ill call these guys from the TO now.

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English Translation ET

Mladi Ratko: Please do.

Abdi Fikret: Alright. Cheers, general!
Mladi Ratko: Alright. Im waiting on you to call me back.
Abdi Fikret: I will.
Mladi Ratko: When can I expect this?
Abdi Fikret: I dont know. I have to wait for everyone to assemble. Theyll
be here late so
Mladi Ratko: Alright, lets set a time.
Abdi Fikret: Alright.
Mladi Ratko: Dont tell me you dont know and then dont call me back at
all. How long will this take?
Abdi Fikret: Well, I cant call you back before half past ten, because these
guys will come
Mladi Ratko: Alright, then. Half past ten. Ill be expecting your call.
Abdi Fikret: There.
Mladi Ratko: You will call, right?
Abdi Fikret: Deal!

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