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6 December 2017

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that another year has gone by. As I look back on this past Academic Year, there is
so much to be THANKFUL for.

Firstly, my ADMIN staff, an amazing team of ladies, committed, honest and trustworthy. I am blessed
to have office staff of integrity.

The TEACHING STAFF, positive, happy and hard working. They have chosen a career where they
spend the greater part of their day with other peoples children and yet they love them as if they were
their own. In a world where the teaching profession is frowned upon, I am so proud to have a team of
dedicated ladies and gentlemen who value education. They certainly are the wind beneath my wings.

These teachers have excelled in the classroom, sports field and on the stage. They have given of their
time and expertise to ensure that our learners received the very best holistic education.

A special thank you to our GOVERNING BODY members who gave of their time both evenings and
weekends to attend meetings and interviews.

And our GROUNDS MEN and LADIES who ensure that the school looks good each day.

To all our GRADE 7 PARENTS may God Bless you and your families and give you the strength and
patience that you will need as you enter a new chapter of your childs life. Keep them close to you and
provide a safe and loving environment as they face many challenges in high school.

And lastly to you our PARENTS thank you for supporting us. As Principal, this means the world to me.
Your support at the Birthday Celebration and Evolution of Music Concert was heartwarming.

We certainly celebrated our 30th birthday in style We look back with fond memories and rejoice in
our many Blessings.

If you are travelling, please be safe on the roads and I will see you all on the 17 January 2018.

May the Joy of the season fill your heart and home with Peace, Love and Happiness.

Much Love and Appreciation

Mrs CS Hercules

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