Martian Empire

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Empire Name: The State of Mars

Primary Race: Martian

Empire Description: A collective of biologically-superior and technologically-advanced beings. While the

views between the Martian States differ, historically, they are isolationists-- usually allying themselves
with other isolationists. Martians are also one of the richest empires that exist-- this is because they keep
their mouths shut, and 'do them'. Recently, they've began acting as more of an intergalactic police-force,
to atone for the mistake of participation in The Intergalactic War.

Empire History
The Martians, are -indeed- from a planet known as 'Mars'. Despite their name and childish initiative, they
are highly sophisticated, mature, and wise as a whole. They've been 'hanging out' in another universe for
eons, (actually being one of the few races that kept to themselves). The Martians didn't have a ridiculous
amount of planets under their banner, nor did they have a 'record' of any spectacular victories in any
wars. In fact, they were the most peaceful collective up until The Intergalactic War. They kept their
technologies up to date, while not having so much as even a finger in the door of the intergalactic black
market/weapons trade. They were wholesome, upstanding beings. This pattern continued for millions of
years, until they went 'social', that is.

Joining 'The Rest of the Universe'

Martians viewed the universe as the Japanese viewed the rest of planet Earth during the 1800s. They
were isolationists. It wasn't until the god-race, Xel Naga, had knocked on their doorstep, that they
opened their doors to everyone else. The Xel Naga fed them the crap that the U.S. fed Japan. You know,
“look at our steel ships. Do you want, y/n?” Xel Naga had offered the Martians gifts, friendship, and
'protection'. (though the Martians did not need it) Xel Naga claimed that the universe would be boring
unless they 'got out there and saw things for what they really were', and that they 'would soon discover
the ugly side of things'. The Martians had to admit-- things were indeed becoming stale. They were all
right-- as they didn't put a big issue on indulgences. However, they were curious beings, so they had
decided to 'see what was t o be discovered.' Sadly, the Martians had made their first mistake by
becoming involved with the rest of the universe.

Where there is grace, there is condemnation

It seemed that everybody loved the Martians. After the Xel Nagans had announced to the universe that
the Martians were its newest citizens 'out of hiding', many had flocked to Mars to establish trade,
diplomacy, alliances-- you name it. Though the Martians primarily opposed war at the time, they caved-in
to the requests for Martian military bases on other planets. Though the Martians preferred to stay out of
foreign matters and affairs, they caved-in to the requests to have diplomatic and state offices installed in
other worlds. The Martians were slowly becoming 'all things to all people'. They were trying to please all
of the the people, all of the time. The Martians had went from being uninvolved, un-militaristic, self-
involved beings, to the pre-Topian version of the intergalactic United States. (See Utopian and Dystopian
History) Of course, there were a small percentage of Martian-haters. However, these small few had the
power of a dozen planets. They were an intergalactic sort of Al-Queda-- hardly hitting, but hitting hard. A
familiar and powerful space-pirate faction primarily focused on 'Martianism'-- the total abolition of
Martians anywhere and everywhere. Xel Nagans were 'credited' with coining the word 'Martianism',
stating that 'the hunting and eradication of these powerful, intelligent, kind beings is heresy, and grounds
for immediate and unquestioned harsh disciplines'. There were more in-favor of the anti-Martianism
movements than against it -with in-favor statistics showing 75%-25%- but those that were against made
their opinions and feelings...more known.

What exactly led to the haters and 'Martianists'

As previously stated, the Martians had completely flipped-- totally changing their primary M.O. They went
from trimming bonsai bushes, to trimming intergalactic trade and economic growth. They went from
letting others cut them in line, to running the line. They had become...something else. Trufax, if it weren't
for the involvement of other races, the Martians wouldn't have popped their heads into the intergalactic
ensemble. But they felt that they needed to keep the peace, as they would underestimate their strengths
regularly, and thought they'd rather have the universe with them, in the stead of against them. The 'polite
requests' for Martian militaristic and diplomatic presence on other planets, soon turned into guilt-trips,
demands, and even warnings. Xel Nagans had 'coached' the Martians on how to 'keep an eye on the
universe'. They eventually began to become good at this, which led to some feeling oppressed. The
oppressed will only live as they do for so long, until something is done about the feeling or state of being
oppressed. Whenever the Martians wanted to back-out, or calm-down a little, Xel Nagans would advise
that they speed-up, increase overall output. The Martians were trapped-- they could either do the just
thing and make a lot of secret enemies, or continue doing the right thing and gain a few frontal enemies
indefinitely. Either way, they would have supporters and allies, then haters and enemies. After all, there
is condemnation where there is grace. Not every single living thing in existence will like you. Harsh, but
so very true.

The Best Allies

To aid in the anti-Martianism campaign, The Xel Nagans and a few other minor collectives formed an
alliance. M.A.R.S. (Martian Alliance Ring of States) MARS' primary enemy was the collective of space-
pirates. It was formed a good while before The Intergalactic War (about a decade prior), and didn't
dissolve until Post-Intergalactic War. The planets/empires that made up MARS were: Martians (Mars
native), Xel Nagans (Nagas native), Humans (Earth native), and Fazons (Fazer native). This alliance
doubled as a 'force for greater good', with the Martians as the leading collective, (of course). But we'll
expand on that later.

The Worst Enemies

Space-pirates (un-native), and an empire known as 'Nerve' (un-native), made-up the majority bulk
property of an alliance they called 'FEAR' (First Effective alliance Against the Ring). [Ring referring to the
Ring of States of the MARS alliance.] The thought-process of FEAR was pretty transparent and narrow.
“If you aren't with us, you are with them.” Their supporting numbers grew-- going from 12% at that
particular time to 25% percent by the beginning and end of The Intergalactic War. Which accounted for
1/4th of the total 'intergalactic players' of this particular universe.

The Verge of Total Intergalactic Warfare

MARS and FEAR were now at war-- full-scale even. With FEAR being the true antagonist, MARS felt
cornered, and had to preserve the general intergalactic welfare, as well as, maintain its longevity-- even
at the cost of many lives. While the space-pirates were very dull, and meager in thought and reasoning,
their ally -the Fazon Empire- was not. They knew that while the Martians were now a ghost of their
former embodiment, the case would not be so if not for Xel Nagan involvement. The Martians, and the
minor allies of MARS were sidetracked-- fighting in battles and conflicts located as far away from the
actual 'centralized mainstay' of the war as the Outer Rim. With the Xel Nagans backed into a corner,
FEAR was already making post-war policies to 'rebuild the damages done by MARS'. The Xel Nagans
had harnessed their God-Essence to create three unique, highly-powerful races, known as 'The Tri-
Fecta'. Utopians, given the 'perfect magics' from the Xel Nagan god-loin. Dystopians, given the 'perfect
technologies' of the Xel Nagan god-loin. And, Biotopians, given the 'perfect organics' of the same. The
Tri-Fecta were far too powerful, being able to destroy entire galaxies -even able to control time and
space- with little to no effort at all. The second the powers of the Tri-Fecta were discovered, the entire
universe broke-out in intergalactic warfare. This was the start of The Intergalactic War.

The Intergalactic War (pertaining to Martians)

The Tri-Fecta had managed to obliterate the entire FEAR alliance-- and then some. This was obviously,
a threat to the other worlds and empires. In no-less than 6 months, did the once-allies of Xel Naga and
Mars vandalize and destroy the ambassadorial offices of the latter collective. The former allies of the
Martians were so bold as to attack the Martian home-world (Mars, of course). After an attempted attack
on the Martian House of the Interior, did Mars declare Total Intergalactic War on it's former allies.

Dystopians! In Favor of Martians!?

It wasn't long, until the Dystopians visited the very-hostile planet of Mars to discuss very serious and
obvious matters with the beings that lived there. The Martians and Dystopians shared something in
common-- their tier of technologies and militaristic views. Both were tier 1 (or higher) on the
technological ladder, or on the highest branch of the technological tree, and both were highly (if not fully)
militarized collectives. The Dystopians barged-in on The Total Intergalactic War bandwagon, claiming
that the manner in which the Martians were being treated was unfair in nature. And that 'the odds weren't
even'. So, the Dystopians and Martians had become a singular military unit-- conducting full-scale
military exercises on desolate, or experimental planets-- of all sorts. Land, air, sea, space, information,
and/or otherwise. The Martians enjoyed the Dystopian character, and began to 'assimilate' their views
into the Martian ensemble. This was the beginning of a change-- a change that would write the fate of
the Martians in stone.

Move Out! (The Transition of Planet Mars to The State of Mars)

The universe was up in arms, and in total pandemonium. The House of the Council had partook in top-
secret Priority One talks pertaining to the best course of action. After many realistic and fantastic ideas,
the Martians settled on a highly-militaristic view and lifestyle (learning from their mentors and allies, the
Xel Nagans, and their new allies, Xel Nagan creation, the Dystopians). Mars would be divided into 5
provincial areas. North, West, East, South, and Central. Allowing total military liquidity, and a more
'confederate' means of defending their planet. After these martialist changes were applied, the Martians
agreed that 'The State of Mars', or 'The State', would not only invoke a more intimidating connotation,
but that it would allow a better 'sense of self' among the separate provincial Martian locales. Of course,
'The State' was also a term used by the Dystopians. But after the idea was brought-up at a council
meeting, the two civilizations agreed that 'The State' would refer to the combined collective of Mars and
Dystopia. The Martians and Dystopians had both changed their titles to 'The State' at about the same
time. Mars had total militarized itself by the time all of these changes had occurred.

The End is Nigh

The end of the war is now in-sight, and the MARS alliance has its enemy on the ropes. During this time,
the last remaining contingency of anti-MARS forces were located on planet near or in the general area of
the Outer Rim. That area is far too small and dangerous for the current small collectives to continue the
fight. BUT, an even smaller collective of AM (anti-Martian) forces were near Nagas (Xel Nagan home-
world). They were well-rooted in space-to-planetary surface warfare, and had just the right amount of
firepower to deal the damage that they needed to deal. And they did. With the majority of Xel Nagas
'defense' sector reduced to rubble, the Xel Naga called for the aid of their other creation-- the Utopians.
The Utopians were angered at the fact that a small nation could attack their creators and deal significant
damage all on their own-- using but only one capital ship. The Utopians did attack and defeat said
nation, but were still mad. Two months later, there was an attack on a Martian flag ship-- the flag ship of
the 501st Space Warfare Unit...'501st Battalion Corsair'. Of course, the Martians' first thought was 'y u
mad'. But the Utopians thought it would be obvious-- in their eyes, the Martians were (or should have
been) responsible/held responsible for the devastating attack on Nagas. The Martians didn't want to fight
the Utopians, but after a few months of interrupted military operations, and attempted attacks on The
State, Martians had no choice but to engage.

The Fall of The First State

The Martian State (formerly called Mars), was destroyed by the magically-inclined combat collective of
Utopia. This happened when the bulk cluster of Martian combat forces we pre-occ'd with the expulsion of
minor enemies near the Outer Rim. The Utopians had obtained weapon schematics that the MARS
alliance had begun to develop. The weapon was Tier Four. (experimental) It was specifically designed
for interplanetary warfare. Namely, destroying planets. Rather than instantaneously destroying the target
planet, it would use what was called an 'Earthshaker Round', that would remove a portion of the world,
and significantly compromise the structural integrity of the remaining parts. Destroying planets was its
one and only purpose. Its unofficial name was 'Break Blaster 09XC'. The Utopians -one day- made the
weapon fully operational, aimed it at Mars, and fired. There was nothing but energy stacked-upon planet-
tearing energy. As you can guess, it totally ravaged Mars-- managing to break-through the shields, even.
Luckily, there were enough Martians not on Mars at that time, to create a new world, repopulate, and
fight-back when the time was right. But, at this point in time, the major player in The Intergalactic War
was defeated, bringing the said war to a 3 year lull.
Guess Who's Back?
The Martians had played it smart. Informing their allies that a lull in combat was highly recommended,
the MARS alliance had began to re-up on their ensembles during those quiet three years. The Martians
then realized that -while their overall awareness needed work- their military wasn't strong enough. Only
having a land, air, and space force. The Martians had built a new planet -out of their own biological living
matter- and this new world was called 'White Mars'. (White meaning 'new') After the military had re-
upped, and the Martian collection as a whole had re-uppped, a new state claimed its intergalactic
sovereignty. The White State of Mars was...'back'. Commonly called 'The White State' or 'The White
Empire', the word 'white' not only meant 'new', which obviously symbolized the creation or 'rebirth' of a
'new and better state', but white is also a color of just and righteousness. This dually represented the
Martian cause 'the greater good'.

An Anger Level of Over 9000!

The Martians purposely put themselves in the intergalactic limelight after they felt daunting-enough to do
so. Many colonies and worlds did verb the metaphorical “spit out the coffee dramatically”. The Utopians
were especially outraged-- having not only seen the destruction of the first State, but being responsible
for its demise. In any case, it was as clear as a newly-built pool at the Playboy Mansion that the Martians
were NOT happy in the slightest. The Utopians attacked them because they were apparently to blame
for the Xel Nagan attacks before the fall of the old State. All five Martian States had agreed-- the
Utopians had something coming to them, and they should be the ones to deliver it. So, a guerilla-style
attack was executed by Elite Forces (more on that later). Attacking the capital area of the Utopian home-
world. It did significant damage-- severing not only the economy of the empire, but the morale of the
citizens that lived there. The Space-pirates had long been defeated. At least, their ranks were far too thin
to allow military continuation in the war. The attack on Utopia was successful. The Martians -being so
damned smart- left the Utopians a little...present. They had 'stuck' what they called a 'transmogifier' on a
Utopian heavy orb. This was the primary source of power for the Utopian planetary shields. The
transmogifier could be programmed and activated remotely-- allowing the Martians time to develop a
one-two punch. Maybe they could stall long enough to deliver the inevitable coup de grace. The Martians
continued to make small, guerrilla attacks on Utopian properties-- to give the illusion that they weren't up
to any sort of divine plan. The Martians were on a pseudo-offensive thing. They kept hitting, hitting hard.
Planning, attacking, and winning. The rest of the anti-Martian collective was told to “hide yo wife, hide yo
kids”, because The White State was out for blood.

The White Alliance

A new State, and a new zeal for what they were doing. Both of these were ground for a new alliance.
The MARS alliance was out-done, it wasn't about anti-Martianism any longer, now, it was personal. So,
Dystopia and Xel Naga had agreed -during yet another top-secret talk- that the MARS alliance would be
renamed and reorganized as The White Alliance. The primary focus of TWA was to pound Utopia into
submission. They wouldn’t' totally eradicate them, just cripple them to the point of surrender.

The Battle of Starvia

Starvia was an intergalactic trade post and communications location. Sort of like the intergalactic 'rest
stop' of the star system that this story took place in. The Utopians forged an idea-- control Starvia,
control a good sleigh of resources. So Utopia had mobilized its intergalactic warfare force and tried to
talk Starvia. This, of course, didn't sit well with TWA-- possessing a very 'United Nations' modus
operandi. The fact that the Utopians were the primary Martian enemies just added to the unnecessary
justification that 'was needed' to defend this trade post from hostile occupation. By this time, the Martians
were doing the majority of the fighting against Utopia-- the Xel Nagans and Dystopians working on
military needs and being unable to provide for 'the common goal'. The Martians implemented their
newly-formed Elite Armed Forces branch, solely designed for special/elite military operations. The
Martian State Army Rangers. Using this branch alone, they engaged the Utopian Land Command Force
and achieving a spectacular victory. Martian losses were at 20,000, while the Utopians lost 100,000
conscripts-- five times that amount. Usually, the elite branch of Hold would have been a better choice, as
they were trained to fight enemies specifically rooted in magics, technologies, and biological matters.
(Biological being for domestic usages, as the Martians are the only biologically-based species in the
universe currently.)
Why did the Utopians announce over intergalactic communications frequencies that they wanted a
'peaceful means to the end of The Intergalactic War'? They even proposed a false surrender-- claiming
that they were shortening their combative forces from 75% to 25%-- this was madness! Surely they jest.
Even if they show live video feed of a Utopian Land Corpsman throwing some armaments into a
cauldron of sorts, they weren't serious. They couldn't be serious. After the Martians had conducted a
clandestine military operation (another EFB), it was revealed that the Utopians had discovered the
transmogifier, and were trying to fool the Martians into thinking they wanted to end this bloodshed. This
action was actually more negative than initially thought. Because of the apparent end of The Intergalactic
War, post-war political and militaristic parties had formed. Two major ones were the White Labor Party,
who supported the 'works' of The White State and White Alliance. And the Sentinel Party, those who
supported the old teachings of the ancient race known as the 'Sentinels', who preached that magic was
the answer to all of the universe's issues, and that magic was the strongest force of all. As time passed,
opinions and views changed. All White Labor parties had decided that technology was better than magic,
and could fix all issues, due to its ever-changing and improving nature. Sentinel parties stated that this
was an 'evil thought', and could not be taken seriously in a political OR militaristic manner.

Be Aggressive!
Apparently, the Utopians had completely disbanded their military. Why? They were still trying to fool the
Martians into thinking that they sincerely wanted the war to end. Saying things like “we will surrender if
you will, we have disbanded a good portion of our military”. The Martians knew this to be partially true.
The Utopian military had been significantly decreased in size and power, but only because they were
busy with the conscription of new allies in a future-alliance that was on the very-near horizon-- mainly in
the Outer Rim. Meanwhile, the major political parties were on cutthroat status-- going as far as to throw
objects at the opposing party(ies). Believe it or not, these political views had more of an effect on the
nations, states, and worlds more than their own respective governments did. Did I forget to mention the
first allies from way before the war really went full-scale. On Earth, the United States were primarily
White Labor lobbyists and supporters. The United States electoral colleges and diplomatic officials voted
in-favor of The White Alliance, 75.5%. The United States and The White State both shared similar (very
similar) views, traits, and behaviors. Aggressive political behavior was emerging. The United States had
an election for a new president. Because he was a non-supporter of White Labor parties, he was the
subject of many propagation. The citizens even went as far as attempting to forge an event where the
president would be impeached indefinitely-- leaving room for the White Labor lobbyist vice-president to
take the helm, and guide the nation. The United States soon fell into too much favor towards The White
State, pushing its opinion on the European Union (with only 10 out of the total 27 states voting in-favor of
White Labor parties), and eventually, the United Nations. The United States were one of the few nations
that had the means and liquidity to take-on the EU and/or UN. They'd only managed to persuade a
change of opinion in one EU state, bringing the total in-favor count to 11. Eleven out of twenty-seven. It
was the lesser amount, but it had to do for the short. However, the UN did not enjoy the American
interference in diplomatic European affairs, nor did the EU, obviously. So the USA was exempt of all
world diplomatic affairs for a quadrennial cycle. (Four years) This included the G20 World Summit held in
Paris, France later that year, as well as, a disablement of participation in the World Cup. The EU non-
WLP supporters warned the supportive EU states that if any attempts at changing the views of other
states and/or nations were transgressed, they would lose their status within the EU, and would be on
United Nations temporary exemption-- as the USA was. Asia (and the respective locale of Russia)
supported the Sentinel parties. “We already have a police-nation here, on Earth. Why would we want
one in space, as well?” North and South Korea were quoted as saying this. (The leaders, at least) China
was a die-hard supporter and lobbyist collection of Sentinel supporters. Tensions between the USA and
Asia were already tightening-- with the market being the grounds for their economic warfare. This put a
bitter taste in the mouths of Americans everywhere, as their monopolistic companies such as 'Microsoft'
and 'NBC' were sued and disbanded, due to a violation of European and Asian anti-trust laws. The
politcal views of 'post-war' (which didn't even truly exist) caused this nature of being aggressive.
Companies were attacked economically and closed by others. The EU poked its head into the game just
as Asia thought that it had gained the upper-hand, and took the reigns as the number one global
consumer market-- even though Japan had the highest individual national GDP at this time. The world
was fucking itself in the arse, and all over a war that was 'over'.

Brick By Boring Brick

Eventually, the EU held the single proprietary status for global consumption, with the Asian areas coming
in at an obvious second. The EU had a gross domestic output (combined) of over 16.447 Trillion Euros.
(Over 200,000 Trillion United States Dollars) Because of the EU's 'godfather' status in the economic
ensemble, the smaller European countries began being ignored. After the smaller EU nations had
brought-up the issue during a G20 World Summit, and later, a United Nations conference, the EU replied
with “that's not of too much importance. Don't be ungrateful-- you're apart of an economic monopoly.”
Feeling like they had nowhere and no one to turn to, the alienated EU states turned to the United States,
who -at first- scoffed at the plea(s) for help. The Americans had promised to build their market and
economy up so that they'd be getting an even share of the monies that the greater EU states were
hogging. The Unite d Kingdom, Ireland, France, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Denmark, and Italy
were forming an 'elite' sub-division of the EU. The 'Elite European Enterprise'. The smaller EU nations
had a semi-collapsed economy, and their total combined GDP dropped drastically. At that time, they
were making 70% of all economic profits doing blue-collar work. Facilities Maintenance, Waste
Management, and Brick Masonry. For a while, 75% of the small EU states only had a middle-school
education. To reiterate, planet Earth was destroying itself from a war that was 'over'.

Earth's Relevance to The Intergalactic War

Remember, Earth was one of the first allies way back before things became this crazy. Earth was one of
the planets that screamed for military and political presence from Mars. As far as the economic situation,
it became that way due to the heavy beliefs in the post-intergalactic war political parties. This was an
intergalactic war, after all. Did you expect Earth to just look the other way? Because of The Intergalactic
War, humans were turning on each other. The EU -which was allegedly the tightest bond between
independent states- severed. With only the greater states really getting the majority of the play. The
United States was just...doing what it always does. Asia was slowly planning...something. And -believe
this- it wasn't good. Humans were fighting a war that was old-news. True, the Utopians had faked a
'surrender', but that clearly a lie. Though, you can't blame the humans for believing them, as there
haven't been any attacks or operations since the 'disbandment' of all Utopian military forces.

Asia, U Dun Goofed

Surprise, surprise. The EU had totally kicked the smaller states out of its ranks, and was making more
monies than ever. Asia owned -literally- no Asian monopolistic countries, the EU was now the sole
provider and manufacturer of all technologies and products-- putting the United States and the other
nations of the world in economic debt to them. Political and economic tensions were rising, top-secret
talks were taking place. Not but 6 months after the EU 100% control conversion, did China, both Koreas,
Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, India, Taiwan, Thailand, and the minor Asian lands announced the formation
of a 'total alliance', AAA (All-Asian Alliance). The United States had convinced the Americas to ally with
it-- as to 'maintain the little sovereignty left' to the New World. The United States -being off of their four-
year diplomatic ban from the United Nations- announced that they too had an alliance consisting of;
itself, Canada, Mexico and all of the Central American nations, and all of the South American nations as
the NWA (New Worlds Alliance) Greenland was more in-favor of the EU, and was annexed in due-time,
after the EU sensed conflict on the horizon. The African and Middle-Eastern states kept to themselves,
not really supporting any major political or otherwise party. They had bigger fish to fry. China became
rather ballsy, and began developing weapons that were actively tested on their own materials and
properties. Fret not, as they weren't dumb enough to test mass-destrcutive weapons on their own
properties-- or any properties for that matter. They tested an anti-satellite weapon. It was an
experimental kinetic-energy anti-satellite weapon primarily called 'KW-119GOPO2A'. The test was
successful, but gained negative attentions from the EU and NWA. China was put on fuck-nigga status
because of that-- that is, all European states weren't allowed to associate with the AAA, as were the
NWA lands. China was on some 'screw you then', and did another test of a different weapon. They had
just enough land to test a hydrogen bomb-- it was desolate and barren already. The test was all-right,
being not exactly what they had hoped-for. South Korea began a nuclear engineering program, Vietnam
started to study and test guerrilla warfare tactics-- the same ones used to embarrass the United States
during the 70s. The AAA was 'posing to be seen', trying to provoke a negative semi-militaristic or fully-
militaristic response from either the EU or NWA. Eventually, it worked. The United States (of course) was
the first to bite. The United States conducted deep-cover CIA operations in Russia (who was unaffiliated,
but friendly with the AAA), and China. None of the American agents were discovered. However, this next
action would re-initiate The Intergalactic War. Because of the political views that led to this whole entire
global schism, each of the three alliances were allied with either The White Alliance, or the newly-formed
Sentinel Alliance. The NWA had joined The While Alliance, the EU and AAA had joined The Sentinel
Alliance. China had sent their CIA equivalent to the USA, for a deep-cover operation. It seems that there
were a few radical non-White Alliance protestors, and they were going to attack The New World
International Airport in New York City, New York. The terrorist leader used a fake nationality for the
operation-- just in case. A team of four men, plus the Chinese agent, walked into the NWIA in broad
daylight, and began their massacre of civilians, security and transportation enforcement officers, and
anyone with two legs, and clothing on their backs. Men, women, and children...gunned-down like they
were the enemies of a Nazi German firing squad. After the five men had defeated the likes of New York
SWAT, and FBI, they made their way to the exit-- with an ambulance waiting for them. The leader helped
each of the men in, one by one. However, when it was the Chinese agent's turn, he was shot, right in the
chest. Mortally wounded. What was the problem? The four men had escaped, just missing the presence
of FBI reinforcements, who flocked the exit and garage area that the ambulance was waiting for the
five-- no, four, men. It was a set-up. These guys wanted a war. Well, after it was discovered that this
dead 'terrorist' was a Chinese secret agent, war was declared. With no living person to verify the fact
that there were indeed five men, the Americans used deductive reasoning to distinguish a viable
suspect. China was seen a murderous, terrorist nation-- by both the EU and NWA. The NWA declared
full-scale war against the AAA. This failure hit the AAA so far, they barely had time to zip their flies and
get to work. The United States was already shook by 9-11. Better know, that when they found that body,
the entire New World collective cried for war.

Move Out!
The Martians had believed that the Chinese would do something like this, while the Utopians claimed
that there was more to the story. Of course there was, I just told you that whole shite, but nobody knew
that for sure except (well, you, the reader) and -of course- the four men that got away. The dead souls
that were now chilling in limbo knew, as well. But I don't think Earth was worried about John Edwards at
this point in time. But because of China's ballsy and clumsy act, The Intergalactic War was rebooted.
The NWA joining the WA, and AAA staying-true to the Sentinel Alliance. The EU split. United Kingdom,
Ireland, France, joined TWA, while Germany, Finland, and the rest joined TSA. Damn, so now the war is
more intricate than it were at the start of it all. The Martians had discovered a good portion of the Outer
Rim ensembles that the Utopians had set-up, and eradicated them. Earth was so caught-up the
intergalactic portion of the war, that it forgot about the allies of the enemies across the ocean. Martians
and Utopians even sent some supplies to their respective allies to continue their war-efforts on Earth.
Meanwhile, both major players were making little skirmishes here and there, winning, losing. After the
rest of the universe had caught wind of the revitalized status of The Intergalactic War, they
were...well...happy to join-in? This time, the war spread through 2 universes, 190 galaxies, 80 solar/star
systems, and involved more than 50 planets. This was the biggest war in history. And it was beginning to
be a bit much. Soon, the Martians and Utopians were launching full-scale assaults. Attacks in the Outer
Rim, occupations in the centralized area of the galaxy. Multiple MDW (massively-destructive weapons)
and other super-weapon attacks. This was more than madness. It was chaos. If it was a planet with a
military, in this universe (or the one next-door), it had a place or was a component in the war.

No Other Option Left, Do It!

Way too many lives were being lost, and far too many planets were being destroyed. The trading post of
Starvia was destroyed-- misaligned blast with the proper coordinates by an interplanetary MDW. After so
many years of continuing this brutal and threatening conflict, it was decided by the Martian leaders, that
they would have to use their 'superpower' to end this war-- once and for all. They used an experimental
multidimensional anti-magic weapon. It would lock-on to a certain magical signature, and proceed to
'vacuum' it from this dimension, into a preset alternate one. This would take a lot of energy and
resources to use, but it was worth it-- the Martians felt. They simply HAD to end this war.

The War Is....Actually Over!?

The White Alliance had won the war -the Utopians being sent to another dimension- but this win wasn't
really a victory, as the losses suffered by both sides are far too great to designate or allow any victor.
The new Martian planet was 75% destroyed, Earth was...not even 'human' anymore. Both universes
would never even want to argue over little disputes after this. Radiation, bad infrastructure, and an
intergalactic paranoia had changed the intergalactic outlook on warfare as everyone knew it. Or would
know it, rather. The Martians spent so many years rebuilding everything. Military, education, economy.
What was once a great empire, was now a stone's throw away from being wiped off of the intergalactic
plane-- even verging on extinction. With so much damage stretching over a magnitude of that scale, the
war was thought of as 'forever lulled', as the lingering effects were just...monstrously depressing.

This is a pivotal point in Martian history. The Martians -being philosophical- thought back to what started
the war in the first place. They felt that they were at fault-- for changing their M.O. If they hadn't let the
Xel Nagans change their outlook on the universe, they would have never turned into an intergalactic
United Nations, and would've never declared or partook in intergalactic warfare. They waited four years
until the war passed, to make an intergalactic statement-- to the entire bi-universal 'hot zone'. Name one
planet majorly affected by the war. It's Earth. The humans turned on each other. They did not blame the
Xel Nagans-- for they made the final decision to take part in intergalactic affairs. However, they stated
that 'if it were not for certain influences, we promise you, that you would not have endured that which you
recently have'. With the giving -and acquisition- of closure, the Martians returned to their home-world to
not only marinade on the actions that have transpired up until now, but to think of a future course of
action. A decision had to be made.

Charity and Decisions

The Martians dedicated at least 76.7% of their entire efforts and ensembles to rebuild the entire area
affected by the war. To better organize this humanitarian effort -which actually upheld the greater good-
they had created a caste system. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Ethereal.(More on the castes later) Through
these five castes, the Martians would begin to undo what damages were reversible. Meanwhile, the
Martian figureheads were deciding on what to do after they had finished with their charity. The idea was
proposed one month later, to leave this universe-- for good. Once the Martians felt that they had done
enough, they would pack-up, and leave. Going nowhere, going everywhere. Maybe they would find a
universe in which they were welcomed, maybe they would not. It was all up to fate-- and it's
predetermined plan pertaining to what to do with them. But they had promised themselves that if they
were welcomed, the greater good, would be the primary M.O. In any case, they would 'fold' their planet,
and all that they own, and just...go. All-in-all, the rest of the universe realized that the Martians were a
'bad social proxy'. The failed 'product' of a god-race, too enthusiastic to notice when things were going

The Martians were a peaceful, quiet, uninvolved species that focused on philosophical pursuits and
technological advances. They were sort of tricked into being social, and becoming interested in the
outside universe. They were a prosperous collective-- creating many artifacts and monuments that still
stand today. However, they were sidetracked when thoughts of adventure, and prowess were conceived
in their minds. They were puppets, primarily, that went rogue. They went from policing the universe, to
oppressing it-- and then almost destroying it. They've always believed in the greater good, and doing
good. But the crusade against evil affected their judgment. They became militaristic, and unaware--
being too involved in one particular issue. Did they win their war? Eh...yes. Are they still losers? Yes. Did
they learn their lessons? Hell yes. What are they going to do now? Live up to the name and connotation
that come with 'The White State' or 'The White Empire'. In all honestly, the Martians should be the
manifestation of the 'What Not To Do In Intergalactic Matters 101' book. Or, they should write one, at

Additional Information
The Five Castes of Martaang
Martaang is the primary language of the Martians. As such, the five castes were based on the Martian
native tongue. The language of the Martian species is a complex, highly advanced form of
communication. In sound it is deeply lyrical and soft, with many words and meanings dependent on
intonation, glottal emphasis and even posture. Its multiple arrangements of polysyllabic word groups
make it difficult in the extreme for non-Martian vocal cords to pronounce. Only a skilled linguist would
have any hope of speaking even the most basic Martaang phrases and words. This difficulty is
somewhat mitigated because all Martians absorb didactic learning modules during their youth which
impart the knowledge of many languages used by other species. However, while all Martian species
have this basic knowledge, that does not necessarily translate into skillful understanding and use of a
language. Only the Water and Ethereal Castes demonstrate mastery over these other languages, which
is probably born from a lifetime of practice. All other Martaang castes seem to defer to Water Caste
members for translation when members of the Water Caste are present, and tend to use clipped,
heavily-accented speech if they are forced to communicate with other species when no Water Caste
diplomat is available. The Martians have many ways of addressing each other. To the Martian species,
the most important part of their name is the caste that they are born into and this forms the first portion of
their identity. With the caste of a Martian established, the second portion of the name refers to their rank
within society; there is no stigma attached to any rank or profession - each Martian has his or her place
in society, and enjoys the respect of their peers no matter how menial the tasks that they perform. Each
role is recognized as being part of the greater whole and a furtherance of the common good. With the
exception of the 'Saal rank given to Martian children, there are five major levels of Martaang ranks, each
of which has a subtly different meaning dependent on the caste to which it is suffixed.

Fire (Shas)
This is where the police-force and armed forces are grouped. These are the fighters, warriors, soldiers,
conscripts, and so-on of The State. The universe's best, of the best, of the best fighters around.

Earth (Fio)
The Earth Caste is primarily made up of farmers, laborers, and technicians; responsible for building the
machines, cultivating the food, and erecting the dwellings that allow the Martians to prosper. The Earth
Caste also includes artisans, scientists, and engineers. The best at what they do.

Water (Por)
The Water Caste is made up of merchants, diplomats, and administrators. They are responsible for
maintaining effective interaction between the castes, as well as communicating with and supervising the
integration of alien species into the State Empire or dealing with alien species. The best diplomatic and
interior minds around. Some Ethereals get their start in this caste.

Air (Kor)
The Air Caste was primarily tasked with being a caste for messengers, but recently, they have taken up
works in the military that include sending messages from unit to unit, and even piloting non-combat
capable air or space craft.

Ethereal/Celestial (Aun)
Aun is translated as either Ethereal or Celestial, and describes the mysterious Martian breeds that
established the doctrine of the Greater Good. The Ethereals are the leaders of The State, and appear to
combine the roles of priesthood and royalty in Martian society. It is not unknown or even uncommon for
Ethereals to become adopted into a caste, dedicating themselves to leading that group in particular. This
has often been met with approval by the senior Aun, who believe it allows more in-depth leadership
within the infrastructure.

Helper (Gue'vesa)
This title is given to non-Martian species that wish to join (or have joined) The State. The name used to
mean 'human helper', but after the Martian Mass Emigration from their native universe in 2045, the title
was 'modified' to include any and all beings who wish to join. Gue'vesa are actually highly respected and
appreciated, due to them not being an actual Martian, but pushing the empire forward all the same.

Martian Armed Forces/Conventional State Military

Records show that the Martian Armed Forces are more commonly referred to as a multitude of names
(primarily, Martian Military), there is also; Martian Defense-Force, Martian Self-Defense Force, Martian
Initiative, State Military, State Standard Service Corps (in contrast to the Elite Forces), and Armed Forces
of The State (AOTS). It is militarily the most powerful force in this current universe. It is also the largest,
and most technologically-advanced.

Martian Elite Armed Forces/Elite State Military

Other names such as; Elite Armed Forces, Elite Forces, Elite Operations Command, Elite Task Force,
and Elite State Corps apply. Even though the EF is its own branch, it operates as a components (or
components) of the State Standard Standard Service Corps.

State Army/Land Corps

The State Army is the branch that is responsible for all land-based military operations. They specialize in
full-frontal assault warfare. They receive a combat bonus when engaging in direct, open warfare.

State Army Rangers

Army Rangers are trained for behind-enemy-lines deployment. These are the bulk of the paratroopers of
the State Military-- though, this is not the only branch with paratroopers.

State Army Recon

The Army Recon works in-tandem with FORCON to scout a war-zone. They are one of two of the first
collectives deployed. However, if they manage to go uncompromised, they are not the first to fight.

State Navy/Sea Corps

The State Navy is the branch that is responsible for all sea-based military operations. They specialize in
swarming techniques, overwhelming the enemy, and intimidation. They get a combat bonus when sea on
cautionary status or greater.

State Navy SEALs

SEAL is an acronym meaning Sea, air, and land. That is how the SEALs operate. They are mostly used
in collaborative operations with Marines, but are primarily the force used for expeditionary purposes.

State Air Force/Aerial Corps

The State Air Force is the branch that is responsible for all air-based military operations. They specialize
in speed, mobility, and evasive maneuvers. They gain a combat bonus when flying in enemy territory.

State Pararescuemen
Pararescuemen are the Air Force's paratroopers. However, these blokes focus on personnel recovery,
and setting-up evacuation zones for allied or common militaries. They also forecast weather, to make
sure that it's safe for the pilots to during that day.

State Marine Corps

The State Marine Corps is the branch that is responsible for all amphibious-based military operations.
They specialize in traversing difficult terrain efficiently. They gain a combat bonus when they are the first
to deploy into a hot-zone.

State Marine Corps Special Operations Command/MARSOC/FORCON/Marine Force Recon

Force Recon is a 'non-existent' division within the State Marine Corps. They are pre-deployed along with
the Army Recon to scout the future battle-zone, and predict enemy movements. These guys use the
traditional parachute entry ensemble that most Earthen armed forces would still be using to this day. Not
necessarily the first to fight if their presence isn't compromised.

Orbital Drop-Shock Troopers/ODSTs/Orbital Drop Shock Unit/ODSU/OSU

This branch was modeled after many legendary military forces from all over the universe-- especially
Earth. Humans were good at war, and seemed to have a new one every other week. The ODSTs get
their MO from 101st Airborne Division, 1st Infantry Division, and the German Blitzkrieg Army. They are
fast-entry, hard-hitting, earth-shaking conscripts. This regiment has its own land, sea, air, and space
divisions. The infantrymen don't even use parachutes, they use drop-pods called 'HAVEPS' High-Altitude
Velocity Entry Podular Structure. Speed and power are rolled into one for a truly...shocking...military unit.
The branch is sometimes referred to as the 'Orbital Shock Unit', as it doesn't just have troopers
(footsoldiers) in its ranks.

State Space Corps/Interplanetary Interstellar Intergalactic Index

The State Space Corps is the branch that is responsible for all space-based and interplanetary military
operations. They specialize in all aspects of space and intergalactic warfare. They get a combat bonus
when a capital or flag ship is nearby.

Intergalactic Enforcers Regiment

Working alongside the Intergalactic Police Force, the IER regulates intergalactic trade and checks-up on
the market. The drug trade is also a big portion of IER operations, but have recently began accepting
'contracts'-- bringing them to a more PMC or 'blackwater' status than anything else.

State Peacekeepers/Police Corps

This State Peacekeepers is the branch that is responsible for upholding, and enforcing the law and
keeping civil order and peace on all Martian planets. They even are the branch that does the
intergalactic policing of the universe. They specialize in crowd control and urban warfare. They get a
combat bonus when they are in an urban environment.

Military Police
Working with the National Guard, the Military Police could be considered a 'blend' between NOOSE, and
specialist police-forces. They are more or less the 'designated' riot control operatives. Most of their
arsenal(s) are directed towards crowd control and dispersement, as well as non-lethal munitions. The
company 'AmmoNation' is the MP's prime supplier-- having ammunition of all kinds. These guys are
patrolling, 24-7. As previously stated, the Police Corps conscripts can be seen at all hours of the day.
They are the most-active elite branch as of recent.

Special Weapons and Tactics/SWAT

In times of certain crises, SWAT will gear-up and deploy to an area that threatens domestic peace and
order. SWAT is mainly used to control riots, and things of that nature.

Special Tactics And Rescue Squad/STARS

STARS has been deemed with the task of domestic personnel recovery. Because of this, the
consequently work alongside SWAT at times. However, STARS is more shock-oriented, while SWAT is
worried about urban conflicts and crowd control.

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms/ATF

ATF gets involved when gang or other society-based issues arise. They usually work alongside the DEA,
or are solo.

Drug Enforcement Agency/DEA

The Martian people don't have an issue with drugs, but immigrants, however, bring this unavoidable
issues to the State. Is it there job to cut-down and expel Martian-land drug trading incidents, and to
legislate, and enforce anti-drug laws-- both on a domestic and foreign plane.

State and National Office Of Security Enforcement/SNOOSE/NOOSE

The State bounty hunters. You can find NOOSE in cities of high-priority and potential terrorist attack
areas. They are the only branch that is allowed to shoot-to-kill anyone they see as a potential threat.
Because of this freedom, however, they are rarely seen or deployed. NOOSE also is the primary
governing body during a state of emergency that presents ground for a martial law MO.
Intergalactic Police Force/IPF/ISP
Commonly known as the Intergalactic State Police, this EF branch is the most 'active' when it comes to
the interplanetary and intergalactic ensembles of the Martian State. They are the reason that the State is
known as being like the 'United Nations' of the universe.

State Logistics Coordination Command/Coordination Corps

The State Logistics Coordination Command is the branch that is responsible for the maintenance and
upkeep up the State Military. They can bolster the defense or improve the attack of any military branch,
or instead they can become their own. This branch is only useable in times of total or full-scale war--
because of its power. Instead of having its own combat bonus, it grants one to the branch that gives it
enough information to catalog. Increasing its speed, attack, and defense.

Joint Task Force

Responsible for the mobilization of the Coordination Corps' military prowess. Again, because of its
power, it can't be used frequently. The JTF have to receive a clearance from all Standard State and Elite
State Forces to go ahead and actually step outside of their main ensemble to mobilize their highly
combat-effective military might.

State Interior Enforcement/Federal Corps

The State Interior Enforcement is the branch responsible for all 'critical internal matters'. Their specialty
ranges from the capture of sleeper cells, and 'non-existent' ensembles, to the framing and ability to
escape/evade any kind of captivity. They get a combat bonus when they feel threatened, increasing and
sharpening all of their senses, and making them ultra-aware.

Homeland Security
While primarily tasked with the support of other interior branches, Homeland Security has recently been
recognized as the 'cyber police' of Mars and its posterities.

Federal Bureau of Investigation/FBI

The FBI is made for hostage rescue, high-priority protection, and deep-cover investigation operations.
The FBI is one of the 'free' branches, allowed to pretty much wreak havoc, with fuck all consequence.

Central Intelligence Agency/CIA

The CIA is made for the gathering, collection, and storing of vast amounts of information. If any Martian
relay point or outpost scans a new ensemble, the CIA is the first to collect it-- distributing it all over the

State Marshall
The State Marshalls enforce transportation laws, and government domestic checkpoints. They often
work with other interior branches and deport immigrants to their primary home-worlds.

Border and Intergalactic Immigration Control/IIC

It is their responsibility to protect and secure all Martian planetary and interplanetary borders. They have
the freedom to do whatever they wish with an illegal immigrant/alien. Though, this is the most lenient
branch of the State Military.

State National Security Agency/SNSA/NSA

The NSA engages in top-secret 'Sam Fisher'-like operations. These are the 'spies' and 'secret agents' of
the State Military. Chances are you've seen Goldeneye and whatnot. Well, these blokes match him.

Hold was formed late. It is the branch responsible for the specific and distinct counteraction of magically-
inclined, technologically-inclined, or biologically-based beings. They don't have to worry too much about
biologically-based beings because they are the only ones with the pole position in that field. They
specialize in direct counter combating against totally magical, totally technological, or totally biological
beings. They get a combat bonus when they are the only ones to engage one of these three enemy
types in combat. If any other branch(es) enter their fight, the combat advantage is lost.

A branch trained in the art of combating Alter-users. It was thought that after Hold had failed to control
the Alter-user issues and disputes, that only Alter-users could fight other Alter-users. Obviously, only
Alter-users are in this collective.

State Science Corps/SCC

This entire branch has nothing but State Alchemists in its ranks. It also uses sciences to build up the
State Military. This is the mainstay of technology in the Martian ensemble. This is why they possess
superior technologies.

A collection of highly-trained State Alchemists who are the best in the field. They tend to break the rules,
and are rather ruthless. But that's because of their power.

State Greater Forces/Greater Corps

The State Greater Forces is the branch responsible for the ruling and control of the military branch
leaders. They specialize in total and full-scale warfare scenarios. They get a combat bonus if they lead a
unit or regiment of lesser-ranked conscripts during battle.

The Federal Tier of Confederate Houses

Retaining the old traditions of the Martian State, this division is pseudo-unitary, and is a collection of the
five Heads of the States. As previously stated, each State Province is separate, but still answers to the
Central Province. (The Central Province holds the most power, militarily.)

State Lesser Forces/Lesser Corps

The State Lesser Forces is the branch responsible for military operations during peacetime, such as
working alongside the Coordination Corps in the organization of all military exercises, affairs, operations,
and ensembles. Another duty, is to be the military-ambassadors that set-up ambassadorial military and
diplomatic locations all over the universe. In short, they are the 'government of the military', or 'military
government'. In war-time, they work alongside the Coordination Corps, and Police Corps. They
specialize in diplomatic affairs that require or possess a military tone. They get a combat bonus if their
consist of land, sea, and air units during total war.

Protocol is responsible for inter-branch communications. They also pick-up Lesser Corps' duties while
the Lesser Corps is busy with other matters. They develop most of the communicative technologies that
the Martian implement-- not only for warfare, but for diplomatic affairs and intergalactic trade.

National Guard
While their main priority is disaster-relief, they are also responsible for the bolstering of State borders
and protection agencies. These guys are 'homies'-- as their name suggests. They won't be leaving The
State anytime soon. (Unless Total War were declared)

Coast Guard
Obviously, the Coast Guard conducts peacetime military disaster-relief in any and all Martian seas.
These guys stop the drugs and illegal aliens from entering The State, as well as support the Navy in
times of war. The Coast Guard is often referred to the 'Neutered Navy', because of its lack-of-military
Weapons Manufacturing and Defense Companies
Providing for the common welfare and defense is important. So, numerous military and private
syndicates have taken up such a responsibility. These are the best of the best when it comes to military
weapons, defensive technologies, living comforts, and health improvements. The Martians have the
good shite, but -because of their isolationist ways- the good shite is not for sale.

During The Intergalactic War, the United States was a key ally in-favor of The White State. Of course, a
number of American influences were...assimilated into the Martian ensemble. DARPA focuses on land-
based technologies and defensive countermeasures for infantry and mobile armors.

Smoke Stacks
Smoke Stacks is a company of the Northern Province. Because the North is the Industrial State, it uses
them good 'ol fashioned ways of manufacturing very effective weapons technologies and tools that range
from kicking the arses of The State's enemies, to adding comfortably to life.

Mars Industries
Mars Industries was the first collective company to ever engage in this ensemble for the Martian State.
As such, they have them familiar home-brew Martian weapons that are exclusive to Martian use only.
These guys are especially talented in manufacturing the technologies that defeat magics-users, techs-
forms, and biotic-beings.

Warehouse 13
Warehouse 13 is a State corporation. They use data cataloged from other Martians to build technologies
based on that of other empires and species. Because of this, they special in 'anti-warfare'. The art of
finding a very prominent and direct weakness of any empire or species and exploiting it through what
they create.

Phakt (Pact)
Phakt is a trade company. They monopolize the intergalactic trade market, and bring in the funds for The
State to keep its military monster up to date. They focus on space affairs, but do well in non-
interplanetary ensembles.

The only company that it totally 100% exclusive to Martians. Because of their biological superiority, Hive
produces 'biological weapons' that allow Martian to 'evolve' themselves. Hive is perfect for any
biologically-superior beings that want to spice up their arsenal. They are the best at genetic studies and
genetic manipulation.

Military Monster
Designing the majority of military technologies, Military Monster has actually shied-away from their prime
spotlight, and, in stead, focus on civilian tech. They make the best civilian tech. Once you use their shite,
you won't be walking for a while. (You lazy-arses)

Fuel-and-Energy Federation
Focusing on controlling a planet's natural resources, they focus on not only economic and resource
means, but land-based military technologies.

Seaway Enterprises
Focusing on sea-based military technologies, these fools can pump-out some pretty powerful and
effective creations.

Aeronautics Association
These guys are highly intellectual. They often collaborate with the space ensemble to create aircraft that
can achieve space flight and travel. Focuses on air-based technologies.
Rocketeers Incorporated
It's NASA times 1,000. They create a lot of space-based technologies, often teaming-up with the aerial

Focusing on pre-timeline (before 2044) weaponry and armaments, AmmoNation is well-rooted in the
field of 'crude weaponry'-- especially that of an Earthen nature. They also carry and sell recent weapons
as well. AmmoNation is an intergalactic monopoly when it comes to pre-2045 weapons tech. They
usually revise Martians firearms to carry a more...significant 'punch'.

Two divisions; The Sword, and The Shield. One for offensive military weapons, another for defensive
things. They also focus on 'green' inventions, and can currently renew otherwise nonrenewable
resources, influence a planet's climate, or change terrain. They are highly resourceful-- being able to
make and repair any invention, even if it isn't Martian-made. When you think about it, they really live up
to their name, which literally means 'to save'. They've been designing and constructing a lot of space
technologies-- namely, satellites. And anti-satellite weaponry. They currently focus on satellite and
communicative technologies.

Originally a division of DARPA, ArmsTech focuses on the technological studies and inventions in the
Martian ensemble. They are the best in the field of robotics and nanomachines, having made great
strides in this area. They even went so far as to create and engineer nanites-- symbiotic beings of either
biological, mechanical, or bio-mechanical natures, that grant their hosts a number of traits and abilities.
Nanites allowed their hosts to generate machines from their bodies, increase their natural healing
efficiency, and change shape according to their species and lifestyles. The nanites are amazing
creations that possess a myriad of abilities that ArmsTech has engineered them with. They are currently
being engineered to do a multitude of other things as well.

Transitional Health, Medicinal and Welfare Coalition

The Martian species is a very healthy collective-- being immune to all magics and fatal conditions, as
well as resistant to illness, disease, and infection. The Transitional Health Coalition is always working on
cataloging viruses (both technological and non-technological), illnesses, diseases, and infections of all
kinds, then developing cures for them. They barely have any current-universal logs on-file, due to them
being new here, but the majority of their current collection could get the job done just as efficiently. They
also work on civilian living technologies that improve overall health, and overall comfort level of life.

The Martian government is a confederate federal centralized indirect democracy.

How It Works
There are five main confederate states separated by region. North, South, East, West, and Central.
Each state has its own government, its own economy, and even, its own military. However, the Central
State rules the other four. A confederacy is an alliance of independent states that maintain total
sovereignty, while acting as 'one' collective. The government is centralized because the Central States
has the most power, and ultimately controls the other four states. The government is federal because it's
a collection of independent states that make up one entity, collection, or nation. (The entire planet-mass
of Mars) Each of the five states make-up the entire planet of Mars-- they all identify as Martians.
Rightfully, it is a democracy because the people do have a say in the affairs and ensembles that their
state(s) partake in, but the government (of course) makes the final decision(s). Each state has its own
beliefs, its own ensembles, and its own thought patterns. The Martian State is weird, because each
province won't feel automatically obligated (feel like they have to) help the other state(s), in case of civil
unrest/disorder, or an armed conflict. However, on a planetary scale, they will unite and defeat their
enemy. Though, even then, it would take a lot. So just remember that if'n you're ever feeling bad, and
want to attack Mars.

Fun & Interesting Facts

The State of Mars has a rich and intriguing history. Of course, the current facts and trivia that you can
learn is just as interesting. Be sure to check the Mars forum to learn about the awesome facts and
attributes about the Martian States.


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