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Your State Representative - 12th Legislative District

Winter 2008
Summer 2010

Metcalfe Continues Uncompromising Fight to

Protect Life, Liberty and Property
Dear Friends, Metcalfe Stands With Veterans
Economic turmoil in our state, nation
and around the world has not discouraged
leftist forces who seek to control more of
our lives through continuing their pursuits of
our wallets. A local Cranberry Twp official,
responding to people in the community
who disagree with tax and spenders,
actually wrote in a recent publication that,
“if something works out, if we see results, if
things happen the way they are suppose to,
then we become believers.”
This thought captures the excuse that
many liberals in government may use to
justify their intrusion into our lives. In place
Representative Metcalfe, U.S. Army Veteran, participated in a state Capitol
of asking if it works, the question should be ceremony honoring Pennsylvania World War II veterans of the
- “Is this in line with the limited constitutional Tuskegee Airmen - America’s first African American air combat unit.
role that our government is supposed to
have in our lives?”
We still have a republican form of limited
government defined by our Constitution as
the law of the land, if we, the people choose
to protect and reclaim it. Our nation’s
founders invested, risked and lost their lives
laying the foundation of our government,
which included a system of checks and Representative Metcalfe
presents veteran Ron
balances to protect the liberty of their Harbison with an
generation and those to come. official House citation
As all levels of government consider in recognition of being
and form policies, they have a constitutional honored with the 2009
Butler County Veteran
responsibility to focus on implementing
of the Year. -- January
and adopting only those initiatives that are 15, 2010
based firmly on the constitutional principles
of protecting the life, liberty and property
of each individual citizen. By design, the
American form of government limits all ✔ Metcalfe Battles to Protect Taxpayers
levels of government’s reach into the life of
the citizen who they are supposed to serve. [READ STORY ON PAGE 2]
Just because a level of government can do
✔ Grassroots Momentum Builds for Teacher STRIKE-
something, and they have the majority of
FREE Pennsylvania
votes to do it, does not mean they have
constitutional permission to do it. I will
continue the fight in Harrisburg to protect ✔ Metcalfe Arizona-Modeled Legislation Offers Illegal
our liberty and our wallets. Aliens Two Options: Leave Pennsylvania or Go to Jail
For Liberty, [READ STORY ON PAGE 3]
✔ Metcalfe Celebrates Multiple Defeats of PA’s
Gun-Grabbing Governor During Annual Right to Keep
and Bear Arms Rally
Daryl Metcalfe
State Representative [READ STORY ON PAGE 4]

Metcalfe Battles to Protect Taxpayers
Advancing his steadfast efforts to Put Taxpayers First,
Representative Metcalfe and a united no tax increase coalition
held the 2010 Pennsylvania State Capitol Taxpayers’
Protest on June 8.
Noting a victory for taxpayers, Metcalfe said, “This year,
your efforts have already forced Pennsylvania’s outgoing
Spend-A-Holic governor to publicly throw in his towel over
his growth-killing proposal to impose the state sales tax on
74 tax-free everyday household items, business and
consumer services.”
Continuing his fight to protect taxpayers, Metcalfe
voted NO on the 2010-11 $28.04 billion budget, when next
year’s revenue is projected to be approximately $25 billion.
This year’s budget spends $200 million more than last year, and
when passed was dependent on $850 million in unapproved
federal funding. The budget deal also included up to an
additional $600 million that the state may borrow. If the state borrows an “First of all, is Daryl
additional $600 million, it will ultimately cost the taxpayers, with interest,
approximately $936 million. Also included in the budget deal, by the Senate not the real deal? As a
and House leadership with the governor, was an agreement to create a
severance tax on natural gas extraction by October 2010. The
conservative, I’ll go for
governor signed the budget July 6, making this the 8th consecutive year that cloning if we can start
the budget was not passed by the June 30 deadline.
“This 2010-11 state budget which spends $28.04 billion or $3 with him!”
billion more than expected revenue is yet another act that jeopardizes the
economic security of every Pennsylvania taxpayer by setting the scene for an - R.J. Harris, Host, WHP580 AM
enormous tax increase battle next year. Moreover, due to federal funds that
this budget depends on, it is not in line with our constitutional charge to pass a balanced budget,” said Metcalfe.
Eighty-two of the 98 Republican rank-and-file members of the House voted against the Appropriations bill.
Unfortunately, all seven of their leaders, who are elected by the majority and who are supposed to represent the values and
principles of those members, voted for it. The only secret votes cast by legislators in Harrisburg are for their leadership.
“The only way to end the corruption in our government is to shine light on back room deals and create more accountability
to the people. This most recent example of elected Republican legislative leaders violating the basic Republican principle of fiscal
responsibility highlights the need to end secret legislative leadership elections,” said Metcalfe.
Representative Metcalfe has been leading the fight to end secret leadership elections, which would then allow citizens to
hold their legislators accountable for electing leaders who will represent their values.
“Contrary to the deceptive smoke-and-mirror attempts by the governor and his accomplices, there were many options to
create a balanced 2010-11 state budget, without increasing taxes, including cracking down on welfare fraud and eliminating
all discretionary spending, also known as WAMS.
“The way to grow our economy is not on the backs of taxpayers, but through reducing every taxpayer’s burden. “Reducing the
overhead cost of government will increase the amount of money in the pockets of individuals which, through their own choices in
the marketplace, will create jobs,” said Metcalfe.

Grassroots Momentum Builds for Teacher STRIKE-FREE Pennsylvania

Several school districts within the Commonwealth have passed resolutions demanding the Pennsylvania General
Assembly enact the STRIKE-FREE Education Pact (House Bills 2092 and 1369).
For example, the unanimously adopted Pennsbury School
District resolution states:
“…by majority vote of its Board of School Directors, demands
that the Pennsylvania General Assembly enact the Strike-Free
Education Pact: House Bill 1369 from Chief Sponsor, Rep. Todd Rock,
to make teacher strikes and retroactive contract payments illegal,
while retaining fiscal authority over labor costs with the people’s
duly elected school officials; and also House Bill 2092 from Chief
Sponsor, Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, to render school strikes and lockouts
Through Representative Metcalfe’s recent appointment
as Republican Chairman of the Pennsylvania House
Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, and because of the Representative Metcalfe congratulates Webelos Pack 457 on
committee’s oversight regarding the interaction of all levels of earning their citizenship badges.
government, he continues to fight for passage of the Strike-FREE
Education Amendment (House Bill 2092) to constitutionally ban teacher strikes and
other public school lockouts in Pennsylvania. Continued on page 4...
Metcalfe Arizona-Modeled Legislation Offers Illegal
Aliens Two Options: Leave Pennsylvania or Go to Jail
Legislation Could Save PA Taxpayers
$1.4 Billion Annually
Citing mounting taxpayer costs, the almost $1.2 billion
Rendell budget deficit, lost jobs and ever-increasing crime
resulting from Pennsylvania’s illegal alien invasion, Republican
Intergovernmental Affairs Committee Chairman Representative
Metcalfe introduced the newest and toughest addition (House Bill
2479) to the National Security Begins at Home legislative
package in early May.
“The purpose of this legislation is to offer every illegal alien
residing in Pennsylvania two options: leave immediately or go to
jail,” said Metcalfe. “Whether you came to steal Pennsylvania jobs
or to leech off of our state’s fraud-ridden, ‘close your eyes and
authorize’ welfare system, once this law is enacted there will be founder, absolutely no economic incentives for you to remain here.”
Representative Metcalfe, addresses hundreds of
American citizens who journeyed to Arizona to attend Modeled after the recently enacted Arizona law, House
the Phoenix Rising rally in support of giving law Bill 2479 would provide state and local law enforcement
enforcement full authority to apprehend illegal aliens with full authority to apprehend Pennsylvania’s estimated 140,000
for deportation in all 50 states. illegal alien invaders for deportation. Metcalfe’s legislation
also incorporates several other previously introduced National
Security Begins at Home provisions, including punishing
The Metcalfe Proposal: employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens; cracking down on
The Time Has Come “Sanctuary” cities; and ending access to welfare, education and
all other public benefits or economic attractions for illegal
[Pittsburgh-Tribune Review, May 7, 2010] aliens.
Representative Metcalfe’s Arizona-modeled
Illegal Alien Apprehension measure continues “Giving state and local law enforcement full authority
to generate unprecedented media coverage to apprehend illegal alien invaders for deportation has
including the Fox News Channel (On The Record everything to do with fully restoring the rule of law in favor of
with Greta Van Susteren, Fox & Friends and
Your World with Neil Cavuto); CBS Evening taxpaying Pennsylvania citizens who are currently footing the bill
News Weekend Edition; the Washington Times; for no less than $1.4 billion annually to clothe, feed, educate,
and this Pittsburgh-Tribune Review editorial medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens,” said Metcalfe. “Most
excerpted below:
importantly, this legislation recognizes that Pennsylvania citizens
“State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Cranberry, have a constitutional right to expect their rights and laws to be
deserves praise for introducing a enforced, especially against foreign invaders.”
reasonable, practical bill -- modeled
on Arizona’s new anti-illegal-aliens According to a recent KQV Radio/Pittsburgh-Tribune
measure -- that deserves to become Review poll an overwhelming 93 percent (1,466 out of 1,571
law.” respondents) support House Bill 2479 becoming law.

“Arizona’s law has immense public

support. Hopefully, so will Metcalfe’s
bill, helping to convince Harrisburg Register your support by sigining the
to do what’s right for Americans in Illegal Immigration Reform petition
Pennsylvania.” at today.

Metcalfe-Shepherded E-Verify Job

Protection Bills Pass House with
Seconded in their introduction by Representative Metcalfe, two
pieces of legislation (House Bills 1502 & 1503)--stipulating that any
contractor or subcontractor who fails to verify the Social Security
numbers of both current and new employees could be barred from state
projects, or in the case of private construction, face forfeiture of their
state licenses and certifications--advanced to the state Senate, on Tuesday,
June 9, with strong bipartisan support. Recognized Leadership
“Requiring contractors and subcontractors to confirm the legal “Representative Metcalfe is a national leader working
working status of their employees through the FREE federal E-Verify together with state legislators across the nation to
program is one small step forward to shutting off the economic faucets deliver real progress on an issue that is no doubt on
that draw illegal alien invaders to Pennsylvania in the first place,” said the minds of nearly every American citizen.”
Metcalfe. “However, especially when compared to Arizona, Pennsylvania -- Dan Stein, president, Federation for
is still miles away when it comes to implementing a total solution to American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
protect our lives, jobs, liberty and property against the illegal alien
Metcalfe Celebrates Multiple Defeats of
PA’s Gun-Grabbing Governor During
Annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally

Watch Representative Metcalfe, National Rifle Association Executive

Vice President Wayne LaPierre (fourth from left) and all the rest of
Recognized Leadership the “locked and loaded” speakers line up from the Fifth Annual
Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally in the video library at
Representative Daryl Metcalfe is “a double-barreled booster
for gun rights and the political right.”

-- John Baer, Political Columnist,

Philadelphia Daily News, April 28, 2010
Castle Doctrine Poised for Full House
Representative Metcalfe once again brought together a Consideration & Several Rendell-Supported
united coalition consisting of dozens of pro-Second Amendment Gun Control Measures Again Suffer Defeat
lawmakers, leading state and national advocates and hundreds
of gun owners on the state Capitol steps for the Fifth Annual
Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally. Following the provisions of Article 1, Section 21 of
“As the reign of our most notorious gun-grabbing the Pennsylvania Constitution which clearly states that:
governor comes to a much-anticipated conclusion, Second “The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of
Amendment Liberty remains Second to None in themselves and the state shall not be questioned,”
Pennsylvania,” said Metcalfe. “Thanks to your relentless on May 24, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee
and well-organized grassroots efforts to let state lawmakers voted to advance the Castle Doctrine (House Bill 40) to
know in no uncertain terms that you will never tolerate the full House floor for consideration.
the enactment of any gun control measure that leaves law-
abiding citizens disarmed and defenseless. One-gun-per-month If enacted, House Bill 40 would make Pennsylvania the
rationing, eliminating statewide pre-emption against local 24th state to adopt the Castle Doctrine to fully restore the
firearm ordinances, mandatory annual firearm registration and legal ability of law-abiding gun owners to use lethal force to
so many other examples of overkill, confiscatory and intrusive defend themselves against violent criminals.
legislation unconstitutionally targeting Keystone State firearm
owners have repeatedly tasted defeat.” In addition, the Judiciary Committee also decisively voted
In response to cities such as Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,

once again to defeat several of the governor’s high-priority

Harrisburg and any other local government entity who have gun control measures, that would:
or plan to violate Section 6120 of the Pennsylvania Criminal
Code that specifically prohibits local firearm laws, Metcalfe • Eliminate statewide preemption against local
again touted his Private Firearm Ownership Protection firearm ordinances (House Bill 1044).
Act (House Bill 1541) that would require the offending
jurisdiction to reimburse any plaintiff or organization who • Ban specific types of legal firearms and
successfully challenges an illegal local firearm ordinance for ammunition (House Bill 1045).
actual damages, reasonable attorney fees and other legal costs.

For the latest Second Amendment updates or to sign the

Say ‘NO’ to gun control petition, visit

Continued from page 2...

“It is time to change Pennsylvania from the Teacher

Strike Capitol of the United States to the 38th
state to outlaw teacher strikes and other public school
lockouts,” said Metcalfe. “The unconscionable practice
of shortchanging our children out of the uninterrupted,
quality education they deserve and taxpayers have paid
for has no place in the classroom, public service arena or
anywhere else.

Join Pennsbury and the ever-increasing number of

Pennsylvania school districts that are standing strong
Representative Metcalfe presents local resident James Turley with an
against militant teachers unions by signing the Strike- official House citation in recognition of being one of only four U.S.
FREE Education Pact petition at towing companies to earn the American Towman Commendation this
year for demonstrating professionalism when lives were at stake.

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