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Financial Statement Analysis Insurance Companies

GR 518 Financial Management Team Project

Elisa Adriano, Terryann Bodden, Opal Ruiz

International College of the Cayman Islands

Dr. Alicia Law

June 19, 2017


Island Heritage Insurance Company, Ltd.

Company overview

This company was founded in the Cayman Islands on January 4, 1996. The companys

financial statement year end is December 31st. The 2015 financial statements of Island Heritage

were audited by PwC, a local audit firm in the Cayman Islands. In 2012, the company was acquired

by BF&M which is a reputable Bermuda-based insurance group, Island Heritage Insurance

Company, Ltd (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016). The company offers a broad range of insurance

products and services at reasonable prices which are available to its customers in the Cayman

Islands, in addition to licensed agents and brokers throughout the Caribbean. The Groups main

business function is insurance (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016). It calculates and charges a

premium to clients or policyholders. When viewed collectively, these premium amounts are

expected to take care of the companys underwriting expenses and claims which may take some

time to be settled. There are certain business risks innate in an insurance company. The main

risks are calculating premiums, settling claims, and forecasting claim costs and management of

investment funds (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

In order to reduce underwriting risk, the Group purchases reinsurance to split the risks

which are initially assumed when the Group writes its premiums (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Such initiations with reinsurance encompass Quota Share, Facultative, Risk Excess and

Catastrophe Excess of Loss programmes. None the less, reinsurance does not mean that the

company does not have the responsibility to pay its policyholders (Island Heritage Insurance,

2016). The Group is still responsible to pay policyholders for any amount that is not covered by

reinsurance. Island Heritage has branches in Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, the British

Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Maarten,

St Vincent & the Grenadines, Turks & Caicos and the US Virgin Islands (Island Heritage

Insurance, 2016).

The companys website can be found at:

Financial Statements

We had analysed the consolidated financial statements covering the two years period ending

December 31, 2015 and 2014 of Island Heritage Insurance Company, Ltd. and its subsidiaries

(Island Heritage). The four financial statements composing of 1) balance sheet is presented in

appendix 1, 2) the income statements presented in appendix 2, 3) the statement of changes in stock

holders equity presented in appendix 3, and the cash flows presented in appendix 4. The

companys financial statements were presented in United States dollar, rounded off to the nearest

thousand. Note that the asset portion of the balance sheet for Island Heritage was presented by the

auditors stating the non-current asset first before the current portion (Island Heritage Insurance,


Generally assets are presented in order of liquidity, assets such as cash, cash equivalents,

accounts receivables, marketable securities, inventories and other assets that can be converted to

cash in less than a year period is presented first under the current asset portion. While assets

expected to be realized or converted to cash for more than twelve month period such as; property,

plant and equipment, long term receivables and other non-current assets are classified under the

non-current asset portion of the balance sheet (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2014).

PWC (2014) however, stated in their guide to financial statement presentation that although

the balance sheet is generally presented in order of liquidity, the U.S. GAAP does not specifically

require the order in which the balance sheet item should be presented. The companies may

therefore chose to present as the first line in the balance sheet the asset that they deem significantly

important such as the property, plant and equipment (PWC, 2014).

Island Heritages balance sheet (also known as the financial position) figures for 2015 reflected

total assets of one hundred twenty five million dollars (us$125M), total liabilities of seventy four

million dollars (us$74M), and total stockholders equity of fifty one million dollars (us$51M).

While the balance sheet figures for year 2014 reflected total assets of one hundred twenty four

million dollars (us$124M), total liabilities of seventy three million dollars (us$73M), and total

stockholders equity of fifty one million dollars (us$51M) (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

The income statements (also known as the results of operations) figure of the company

reflected a total net premiums earned of thirty million dollars (us$30M) and net income of seven

million dollars (us$7M) for the year 2015. While the results of operations figure for the year 2014

reflected total net premiums earned of thirty four million dollars (us$34M) and net income of ten

million dollars (us$7M) (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Horizontal Analysis

Horizontal analysis is a type of financial analysis that compares line by line financial figures

of two or more consecutive accounting periods. Horizontal analysis is one way of detecting

favourable or unfavourable variances in the financial statement items over time periods. (Stevens-

Huffman, 2013).

Balance Sheet horizontal analysis


Analysis of Island Heritages balance sheet figures for the years 2015 and 2014 as illustrated

in appendix 1 reflects a minimal increase of less than 1% in the total assets but the following

balance sheet line items had notable percentage of variances: Intangible assets increased by one

hundred fifty four thousand dollars (us$154,000) or 60.63%. Cash and cash equivalents had

increased by four million one hundred thousand dollars (us$4,100,000) or 20.64%. Fixed deposits

and experience deposit receivable amounting to two million twenty one thousand (us$2,021,000)

and one million four hundred eighty thousand (us$1,480,000) respectively had both zeroed out in

2015 meaning 100% decreased in the amount. Insurance receivables & other assets account had

increased by four million two hundred twenty thousand dollars (us$4,220,000) or 23.48%. While

the deferred policy acquisition cost had decreased by one million one hundred four thousand

dollars (us$1,104,000) or negative 14.60% (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Liabilities and Equity

The total liabilities of the company had increased by 1.60% or total amount increased of one

million one hundred sixty nine thousand dollars (us$1,169,000) but the three notable variances in

the liability account were the following: The decrease of 73.59% or eight hundred sixty four

thousand dollars for income tax payable (us$864,000). The 100% increase in deferred tax liability

amounting to five thousand dollars (us$5,000). And the significant increase of 20205.56% or seven

million two hundred seventy four thousand dollars (us$7,274,000) on due to related parties

account. The stockholders equity account had decreased by less than one percent or total amount

of three hundred eighty nine thousand dollars (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Balance sheet variances explained

Cash and cash equivalents

The 20.64% or four million one hundred thousand dollars (us$4,100,000) increase in cash and

cash equivalents for the year 2015 was reflected in details in the companys Statement of Cash

flows. The companys operating activities had provided nine hundred sixteen thousand

(us$916,000) portion of the increase, the investing activities had provided net increase cash of one

million seven hundred four thousand dollars (us$1,704,000), while the financing activities had

provided net increase of one million four hundred eighty thousand dollars (us$1,480,000) (Island

Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Regulatory and Fixed deposits

Island Heritage operates in various jurisdictions within the Caribbean region, in compliance

with these jurisdictions regulatory requirement, the company have to maintain a regulatory

deposits with banks and government agency within the jurisdiction. Majority of the companys

regulatory deposits account is maintained in Bahamas. The regulatory deposits figure for the

company for the year 2015 had a minimal increase of 18% from 2014. The fixed deposit with 182

days term had matured in 2015 resulting to 100% decrease from 2014 balance (Island Heritage

Insurance, 2016).

Experience deposit receivable

As part of the Island Heritages affiliated groups agreement, part of the companys annual

premiums paid shall be segregated as credit to the experience deposit account and accumulated for

the benefit of the affiliated companies. Although the said groups agreement was agreed to run for

three years ending March 31, 2017, the affiliated companies can also elect to revert the said

agreement provided that the Groups experience account has a positive balance. On March 31,

2015 the company elected to revert the agreement and collects the one million four hundred eighty

thousand dollars (us$1,480,000) resulting to 100% decrease from 2014 balance (Island Heritage

Insurance, 2016).

Insurance receivables & other assets

The 23.48% increase in the companys insurance receivables & other assets account was

caused by the increase in all of the accounts sub account components with figure and percentage

increase as follows: Premium receivable four hundred eighty seven thousand dollars

(us$487,000), 4% increase. Ceding commission receivables - one million four hundred forty seven

thousand dollars (us$1,447,000), 41% increase. Reinsurance receivables eight hundred fifteen

thousand dollars (us$815,000) 151% increase. Broker rebate receivables nine hundred thirty

seven thousand dollars (us$937,000), 252% increase. Prepayments five hundred thirty four

thousand dollars (us$534,000), 123% increase. The last component was the investment income

receivables of which contributed nothing in the accounts percentage increase (Island Heritage

Insurance, 2016).

Intangible assets

The 60.63% or one hundred fifty four thousand dollars (us$154,000) increase in intangible assets

represents was attributable to the companys additional expenditures incurred in the development

of its underwriting system (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Income tax payable

The decrease of 73.59% or equivalent amount of eight hundred sixty four thousand dollars

(us$864,000) in the income tax payable account for 2015 was attributable to the income tax

payments made by the company during the year ranging from 25% to 37.4% of the income earned

from various jurisdictions where it operates other than the Cayman Islands. Total tax payments

made for year 2015 amounts to one million eight hundred twenty one thousand dollars

(us$1,821,000) this covers the 2014s income tax balance and partly 2015s income tax due (Island

Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Due to related parties

The companys due to related parties percentage increase of 20205.65% or seven thousand two

hundred seventy four thousand dollars (us$7,274,000) was attributable to the unpaid dividends

payable to the related party or its ultimate parent as of December 31, 2015. The company had

declared as of December 31, 2015 dividend amounting to seven million five hundred thousand

dollars (us$7,500,000), this amount was not paid or outstanding as of the closing of the financial

period 2015. Island Heritage in the normal course of business incurs receivables and payables

among its related parties and settles the same at closing of each year period via dividend offsetting

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Income Statement Horizontal Analysis

The results of operation of Island Heritage for the year 2015 reflected decline in company

performance, the net profit and comprehensive income had decline by 34.07% or equivalent

amount of three million six hundred twenty nine thousand dollars (us$3,629,000). All the income

statement line items reflected decline in figures except for commission income which had

increased by 12.31% or equivalent amount of one million five hundred eight thousand dollars

(us$1,508,000). The gross premium written had decreased by seven million six hundred twenty

three thousand dollars (us$7,623,000) but its equivalent negative percentage change from the

2014s figure was only 7.55%. Change in net unearned premiums account had decreased by

38.34% or equivalent amount of one million five hundred seventeen thousand dollars

(us$1,517,000). The recovered insurance claims & loss adjustment expenses figure had declined

by 48.48% or equivalent amount of two million two hundred thirty one thousand dollars

(us$2,231,000). The resulting net underwriting income had decreased by 15.49% or equivalent

amount of three million four hundred forty six thousand dollars (us$3,446,000). The percentage

change in net investment income had significantly decreased by 78.97% but the equivalent amount

change only amounts to four hundred thirteen thousand dollars (us$413,000). The overall

decreased in company performance had decreased the companys net profit before tax of 31.81%

or equivalent amount of three million seven hundred nineteen thousand dollars (us$3,719,000)

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Net premiums earned (Sales)

The 12.07% percentage decrease or equivalent amount of four million seventy thousand dollars

(us$4,070,000) in the companys net premiums earned was attributable to the decrease in net

premiums written of 8.58% and the decrease in the change in net unearned premiums account of

38.37%. The net premiums earned was the net resulting figure after deducting the reinsurance

ceded (7.12% decrease from 2014) to the gross premiums written (7.55% decrease from 2014).

Gross premiums written refers to the total insurance premiums sold by the company, while the

reinsurance ceded refers to the amount of written insurance premiums that were passed on to

another insurance companies also called the reinsurers to lessen the risk exposures of the company

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Cost of Sales

The companys cost of sales or insurance premiums (net of adjustments on previously

estimated insurance claims expenses) were composed of insurance claims & loss expenses, and

acquisition cost. The 2015s figures for these cost accounts have decreased by 3.59% and 5.25%

respectively or total amount decrease of one million three hundred forty seven thousand dollars

(us$1,347,000) and total percentage decrease of 8.84% (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Net underwriting income

To arrive with the net underwriting income, the companys net premiums earned was reduced

by the cost of sales, while recovery from insurance claims & loss adjustment as well as profits

derived from underwriting commission were added to the net premiums earned. During the year

2015 the companys recovered insurance claims & loss adjustment had reduced to almost half

(48.48%) or equivalent amount of two million two hundred thirty one thousand dollars

(us$2,231,000) from 2014 figure. While the insurance commission income earned hand increased

by 12.31% or equivalent amount of one million five hundred eight thousand dollars (us$1,508,000)

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Net investment income

The companys investment income was derived from its investment portfolio composing of

U.S. Treasury securities, non-U.S Government securities, corporate bonds and U.S. equities. The

companys investment account figure had decreased by minimal percentage of 2.14% or equivalent

amount of four hundred forty seven thousand dollars (us$447,000). The decrease in investment

figure for 2015 was attributable to the decrease in the observed fair market value of the said

investments. The International Financial Reporting Standards ruling number 9 (IFRS 9) as

quoted in the Island Heritages notes to financial statements, requires that the financial instruments

or investment in securities to be valued at its fair market value (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

During the year 2015 the company earned total investment income of five hundred forty six

thousand dollars (us$546,000) derived from interest income (us$277,000), dividend income

(us$118,000) and gain on sale of investments (us$151,000). The investment income figure

however, were reduced by the decrease in fair market value of the said investment in the amount

equivalent to four hundred thirty six thousand dollars (us$436,000). This explains the 78.97%

decreased in the net investment income (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Vertical Analysis

Vertical analysis also known as common size analysis; common size balance sheet shows the

percentage or ratio of balance sheet items as to the total assets, while the common size income

statement shows the percentage of each income statement items as to the net sales. The percentage

results is very useful in determining which item in the balance sheet or income statement was the

source of positive or negative variance (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2014).

Balance Sheet Vertical Analysis

The companys total assets composition for the year 2015 and 2014 were composed of 91.68%

and 91.44 % respectively for current assets and 8.32% and 8.56% respectively for non-current

assets. Island Heritages cash and cash equivalent account has a high percentage share on the total

asset at 19.17% and 15.99% for the year 2015 and 2014 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Stevens-Huffman (2013) expressed that a company that maintains cash balance of 10 to 20 percent

of its total assets reflects good health. Cash is very important especially for growing company

(Stevens-Huffman, 2013). The total percentage liquid assets excluding receivables to total assets

represents 46.99% and 45.95% for years 2015 and 2014 respectively, these liquid accounts were

composed of cash and cash equivalents, fixed deposits, regulatory deposits, and investments. Total

receivables account represents 17.76% and 15.66%, while reinsurance assets represents 21.77%

and 23.74% of total assets for year 2015 and 2014(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Although the company maintains high percentage of liquid assets, the companies percentage

of total liabilities represents 59.47% and 58.90% for 2015 and 2014 (Island Heritage Insurance,

2016). Brigham & Ehrhardt (2014) discussed that if the companys total debt ratio is high, the

shareholders share in loss is magnified in the event of decline in operational performance. Island

Heritages financial statements reflects decline in the companys performance, hence, there was a

huge decline in the share in the reported income for shareholders (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Income Statement Vertical Analysis

The gross premiums written (Gross Sales)


The horizontal analysis for gross premiums written reflects a decrease of 7.55% in figures but

if we will analyse the account as to its percentage relationship as to the years net premiums earned,

its percentage actually increased by 15.39% as compared to the gross premium rate for the year

2014 (from 299.38% in 2014 to 314.77% in 2015). This simply means that the company had

increased their premium rate but had sold lesser volume of insurance premium in 2015 as

compared to 2014 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Reinsurance ceded

The amount of written premiums ceded to other reinsurers had decreased by 7.12% as noted

in the horizontal analysis of the account, but its percentage as to the total net insurance premiums

earned actually had increased by 11.18%, from 211.12% in 2014 to 223% in 2015. This means

that the percentage volume of written premiums being reinsured for the year 2015 had increased

by 11.88% as compared to the percentage volume being reinsured in 2014 (Island Heritage

Insurance, 2016).

Cost of Sales

The insurance claims & loss adjustment percentage relationship as to the net premiums earned

for the year 2015 had increased by 2.42%, from 25.11% in 2014 it rise to 27.53% in 2015. This

means that the company had incurred higher cost of sales for every insurance premium written

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

The percentage relationship of acquisition cost for 2015 had increased by 4.57% as compared

to the 2014s rate, from 58.90% rate in 2014 to 63.47% rate in 2015. Just like the insurance claims

& loss adjustment, the company in 2015 had incurred higher acquisition cost for every insurance

premium written (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).


The commission income as well as the recovered insurance claims & adjustment expenses

were contra account to cost of sales, meaning these account reduces the amount of cost of sales.

Vertical analysis reflects that the commission income percentage as to total net insurance

premiums earned had increased by 10.07% from 36.33% in 2014 to 46.47% in 2015. This means

that the net cost of sales percentage would have been higher should the company had not earned

additional commission income (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

The recovered insurance claims & loss adjustment expenses just like the commission income

was a contra account to the cost of sales. For the year 2015 horizontal analysis had reflected a

48.48% decreased in the amount but it actually decreased by only 5.65% if we will look at its

percentage relationship with the insurance premiums earned, from 13.65% in 2014 it became 8%

in 2015. This means that the net cost of sales amount would have been lower should the company

had recovered higher or the same percentage of recovered cost as it was in 2014 (Island Heritage

Insurance, 2016).

Net underwriting income

The net underwriting income of the company per horizontal analysis had decreased by 15.49%,

this was influenced by the 2.57% decreased in net underwriting income percentage as to the net

insurance premiums earned (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Operating expenses

The percentage of operating expenses as it relates to the net insurance premiums earned had

increased by 4.04% from 32.93% in 2014 to 36.97% in 2015 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited

Company overview

British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on

December 20th, 1984. The companys yearend is December 31st. The 2015 financial statements

of British Caymanian were audited by Ernst & Young, a local audit firm in the Cayman Islands

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2015). The company, also known as BritCay provides complete

service in business and personal insurance and financial planning products to various clients

including employers and individuals. The service lines offered by the company include property,

marine, health insurance and pension (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Additionally, life

Assurance and medium to long term investment plans are available. BritCay is a subsidiary and its

parent is 75% owned by Colonial Group International. CGI companies share a common goal which

is delivering internationally competitive products and services at the best possible price to our local

markets (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

The companys website can be found at:

Financial Statements

Introduction to Financial Analysis for British Caymanian Insurance Company Ltd

We were tasked with analysing the financial statements for British Caymanian Insurance

Company Ltd for a two-year period ending December 31, 2015 and 2014. Hence this section is in

relation to analysing the companys financial statements as it relates to its financial performance

as evaluated via a horizontal and vertical analysis. According to Szramiak (2017) the horizontal

analysis is also commonly referred to as time series analysis and focuses on highlighting changes

in numbers and trends over a period of time. Horizontal analysis is beneficial as it allows for the

evaluation and detection of cyclicality and growth patterns and to compare these variables among

different firms (Szramiak, 2017). As mentioned by Szramiak (2017) vertical analysis is also known

as common-size analysis and highlights the relative size of line items so that the income statement

and balance sheet can be compared between companies of different sizes. The information was

obtained from an Independent Auditors Report and was prepared by Ernst and Young Ltd. The

financial statements analysed consisted of 1) balance sheet as shown in appendix 6, 2) the income

statements shown in appendix 7, 3) the statement of changes in stock holders equity as shown in

presented in appendix 8, and the cash flows as shown in appendix 9.

Overview of Balance Sheet / Income Statement for BritCay

British Caymanian Insurances balance sheet (also referred to as Statement of Financial

Position) figures for 2015 reported total assets of $50,783,328 total liabilities of $23,208,267 and

total liabilities and stockholders equity of $50,783,328. Conversely, the balance sheet figures for

2014 reported total assets of $53,073,937 total liabilities of $25,446,122 and total liabilities and

stockholders equity of $53,073,937(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). According to Brigham

and Ehrhardt (2014) the balance sheet can be described as a statement of a companys financial

position at a particular period of time. British Caymanian Insurances income statement (also

referred to as Statement of Comprehensive Income) reported total net premiums earned of

$7,571,797 and net income of $1,587,246 for the year 2015. Conversely, for the year 2014 the

company reported total net premiums of $7,798,758 and net income of $2,862,987 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016). As stated by Brigham and Ehrhardt (2014) the income statement can

be described as a summary of the companys revenues and expenses within a particular financial


Balance Sheet Horizontal Analysis


Cash and cash equivalents


In conducting a horizontal analysis of British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited

Statement of Financial Position as at December 31 2015 and 2014; the companys cash and cash

equivalents increased from $6,751,098 in 2014 to $8,455,970 in 2015 (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). This represents an increase of 25.25 %. Cash and cash equivalents are a

representation of BritCays current accounts, short-term deposit balances, and demand deposits.

In 2015 7% of cash and cash equivalents are held at a Bermuda based bank and another 93% are

held in various unrelated banks predominantly in the Cayman Islands (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). Cash and cash equivalents increased as in 2015 approximately $900,000 were

held in banks with ratings of A S&P equivalent of higher ratings compared to only $550,000 in

2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Furthermore, cash and cash equivalents also increased

as in 2014 $3,800,000 was held in BBB S&P or equivalent ratings while in 2015 this increased

to $5,200,000 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Therefore, in analysing the financial

statements the cash and cash equivalent increased as BritCay held more cash and cash equivalents

in its current accounts, short-term deposit balances, and demand deposits accounts across the

Cayman Islands and Bermuda (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Financial assets

Furthermore, the companys financial assets also increased by 17.20% from $20,839,706

in 2014 to $24,423,839 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). BritCays financial assets

increased from 2014 to 2015 as the company invested more in managed funds in 2015 compared

to 2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). In particular, the amount of money invested in

managed funds increased from $16,807,591 in 2014 to $21,313,735 in 2015 (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). Therefore, this represents an increase of $4,506,144 being invested in managed

funds. Therefore, in analysing the financial statements the financial assets increased as a result

BritCay investing more money in managed funds over 2014 to 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance,


Amounts due from related parties

According to BritCays balance sheet as at December 31 2015, in 2014 the amounts owed

from related parties was $5,175,774 compared to 2015 when only $968,975 was the amounts owed

from related parties (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This drop in the amounts owed from

related parties represents a reduction in the sum of ($4,206,799) or -81.28% (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). The amounts that are due from related parties are evaluated and monitored

monthly in order to detect any signal of impairment (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Additionally, as at December 31, 2015 a total of $845,064 of the total related parties balance was

due to be collected from Gibbons Management Limited which represents 87% of the total amount

that is due from related parties and as of December 31 2015, and all amounts are considered to be

collectible (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Insurance balances receivables

BritCays balance sheet at December 31 2015 shows that there was a -24.06% decrease in

insurance balances receives (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). In decrease resulted from

insurance balances receivables from 2014 to 2015 from $4,788,488 to $3,636,381(British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The breakdown for BritCays insurance balances receivables

consists of $2,734,745 for instalments not currently due, $742,149 for up to 30 days, and $159,487

for 31 60 days (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Insurance balance receivables declined as

at December 31 2015 approximately $990,136 of insurance balances receivables due to British

Caymanian Insurance were due from key clients groups, brokers or agents (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). However, it is the opinion of the companys management team that this

concentration will not significantly affect the companys financial position (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). Further to this, British Cayman Insurance (2016) states that its insurance

balances receivable is reported net of an allowance for doubtful accounts of $50,000 as at

December 31 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Additionally, insurance balance

receivables also include premiums of $376,663 due from related companied in 2015, it is important

to note this is a decrease from $468,729 in 2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Accounts Receivables and accrued interest

In a similar manner, the companys accounts receivables and accrued interest also

decreased from 2014 to 2015 by -8.76% or ($137,458) (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). In

2014 accounts receivable and accrued interest was recorded at $1,569,540 and at $1,432,055 in

2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Reinsurance balances receivables

In 2014 the companys reinsurance balances receivables was reposted at $300,629 in 2014

and at $201,941 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Therefore, according to BritCays

2015 balance sheet the company reported a reduction in its reinsurance receivables by ($98, 688)

or -32.83% (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). According to British Caymanian Insurance,

(2016) the companys reinsurance balances receivables decreased as reinsurance balances

receivables amounts past due in 2015 were reported at $159,979 compared to $422,230 which was

due in the previous year in 2014. With that said, this is not considered as impaired management as

BritCay expects that these funds are fully recoverable (British Caymanian, 2016).

Prepaid reinsurance premiums

BritCays prepaid reinsurance premium for 2014 were recorded at $9,167,208 and

$7,418,266 in 2015 hence there was a decrease of -19.08% or ($1,748,942) (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial Statements does not provide an indication as to why

prepaid reinsurance premiums reported a decrease of -19.08% as at December 31 2015. Therefore,

the Notes to Financial Statements do not provide any detail variance of prepaid reinsurance

premiums between 2014 and 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Prepaid and other assets

According to BritCays balance sheet as at December 31 2015 there was a 38.84% increase

on prepaid and other assets (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Furthermore, in 2014 the

company reported its prepaid and other assets at $179,393 and at $249,077 for the following year

in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Whats more is that this represents an increase of

prepaid and other assets in the sum of $69,684 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This occurred

as the change in non-cash operating capital reported a decrease in prepaid and other assets in 2015

of $69,684 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial Statements do not provide

any explanation as to the change in prepaid and other assets between 2014 and 2015 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Deferred acquisition expenses

In 2015, there was a decrease in BritCays deferred acquisition of -19.15% or ($151,097)

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This was due to the fact that BritCays deferred acquisition

went from $789,118 in 2014 to $638,021 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). There is

no explanation in the Notes to Financial Statements as to why there was a decrease in BritCays

deferred acquisition expenses in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Conclusion of asset items on balance sheet


It is important to note that overall BritCays balance sheet as a December 31 2015

BritCays total assets have decreased by ($2,290,306) or -4.32 % as the companys total assets

went from $53,073,937 in 2014 to $50,783,328 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).


Accounts payable and other liabilities

BritCays Balance Sheet as at December 31 2015 reports that the companys accounts

payable and other liabilities decreased from $430,792 in 2014 to $379,002 in 2015 respectively

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This represents a decrease of negative -12.02% or ($51,790)

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Unearned premiums

Furthermore, there was a decrease in unearned premiums in the sum of ($1,869,205) or -

12.91% (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Therefore, BritCays unearned premiums went from

$14,143,031 in 2014 to $12,606.826 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). According to

the change in non-cash operating working capital, unearned premiums declined from (1,317,004)

in 2014 to (1,869,205) in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial

Statement does not provide any details on the variance of unearned premiums.

Deferred commission income

As at December 31 2015 BritCays deferred commission income reduced by -16.74% from

2014, as in 2014 the company reported its deferred commission income at $1,826,244 and

$1,520,513 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). According to the change in non-cash

operating working capital deferred commission income decreased from (173,933) in 2014 to

(305,731) in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial Statements does

not indicate why deferred commission income decreased from 2014 to 2015.

Income Statement Horizontal Analysis

Premiums written

BritCays Statement of Comprehensive Income as at December 31 2015 and 2014 indicates

the premiums written decreased by -14% from 2014 to 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

This represents a total decrease in premiums written of $4,798,552 (British Caymanian Insurance,

2016). Therefore, premiums written went from $33,805,854 in 2014 to $29,007,302 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial Statements that premiums written decreased

during this period as the companys Income and Expenses reports (as transactions carried out with

related parties) premiums written at $2,958,033 in 2915 and $3,059,478 in 2014, hence the income

and expenses showed that overall premiums written decreased during this period (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Change in unearned premiums written

Additionally, change in unearned premiums written increased by 42% or $552,202 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This occurred as change in unearned premiums written was reported

at $1,317,003 in 2014 and at $1,869,205 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The notes

to financial statements did not provide an explanation as to why change in unearned premiums

written declined over 2014/2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016)

Reinsurance premiums ceded

According to BritCays Statement of Comprehensive Income reinsurance premiums ceded

increased from $26,379,192 in 2014 and $21,555,768 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance,

2016). The represents a decrease in reinsurance premiums ceded in the sum of ($4,823,424) or -

18% (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial Statement reports under the

Income and Expenses section (as transactions carried out with related parties) reinsurance

premiums ceded at ($214,616) consistently for 2014 and 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance,


Change in prepaid reinsurance premiums

Change in prepaid reinsurance premiums saw a notable increase of 85% during the

2014/2015 financial period (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The companys change in

prepaid reinsurance premiums went from $944,907 in 2014 to $1,748,942 in 2015. This therefore

represents an increase of $804,035 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial

Statements does not provide any details in relation to prepaid reinsurance premiums variances.

Premiums ceded

Premiums ceded in 2014 were recorded $27,324,758 compared to $23,304,710 the in 2015

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Hence, premiums ceded decreased by -17% or ($4,019,389)

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The notes to the financial statements have not provided an

indication as to why premiums ceded decreased from 2014 to 2015.

Claims paid
BritCays claims paid decreased from the 2014/2015 financial year by -27% (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016). In 2014 BritCays claims paid were recorded at ($3,561,573) and in

2015 claims paid were recorded at ($4,910,179) in 2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

This means that in 2015 BritCay paid out ($1,348,606) less claims than it did in the previous year.

Change in outstanding loss provisions

In 2014 BritCay reported change in outstanding loss provisions of $52, 261 in 2014 and

($321,375) was reported in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This represents a decrease

in change in outstanding loss provisions of -716% (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Claims recovered and recoverable from reinsurers


Claims recovered and recoverable from reinsurers was recorded at $1,388,001 in 2014 and

$523,162 in2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This represents a significant decrease in

claims recovered and recoverable from reinsurers over the 2014/2015 financial period (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).Accordingly, claims recovered and recoverable from reinsurers

decreased by -62% or ($864,839) (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial

Statements reports that the claims settled in 2015 by reinsurance at ($499,134) and in 2014 claimed

settled by reinsurers were reported at ($1,547,833) (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Commission Income

According to BritCays Statement of Comprehensive Income as at December 31 2015 and

2014 commission income reported a -14% or ($773,623) decrease (British Caymanian Insurance,

2016). In 2014, commission income was reported at $5,645,961 in 2014 and $4,872,338 in 2015

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The Notes to Financial Statement does not provide

information on the variance of commission income.

Commission expense

In a similar manner, commission expense reported a decrease of -14% (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). In 2014 BritCays commission expense was reported at ($1,981,522) in 2014

and in the following year in 2015 the companys commission expense was reported at ($1,699,869)

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This means that the companys commission expense

actually decreased from 2014 to 2015. The Notes to Financial Statement did not provide an

explanation for the variance in the commission experience over the 2014/2015 financial period.

Net investment income

From 2014 to 2015 BritCays net investment income exponentially decreased from

$780,371 in 2014 to $16,020 in 2015 to (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This accounts for a

decrease of -98% or ($764,651) (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This occurred as The Notes

to Financial Statements report that dividends and interest (net of amortization) was reported at

$457, 238 in 2015 and $569,101 in 2014; foreign exchange gain was reports at $75,708 in 2015

and $20,344 in 2014; net realized gain (loss) on sale of investments at fair value through profit and

loss was reported at $118,513 in 2015 and ($1,072,593) in 2014; net unrealized (loss) gain on

investments was reported at ($526,581) in 2015 and $1,361,970 in 2014; and management fees

and investment expenses were reported at ($108,858) in 2015 and ($98, 451) in 2014 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Net income and comprehensive income for the year

Net income and comprehensive income for the year saw a decrease of 45% or ($1,275,741)

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Therefore, net income and comprehensive income decreased

from $2,862,987 in 2014 to $1,587,246 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Balance Sheet Vertical Analysis

Cash and cash equivalents
As at December 31 2015, Cash and cash equivalents consists of 17% of BritCays total

assets (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This represents a 4% increase from 13% in 2014

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Financial assets

The companys balance sheet as at December 31 2015, financial assets made up 48% of

BritCays total assets and this represents an increase from 39% from the previous year in 2014

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Insurance balances receivables


Insurance balance receivables were reported at 7% of total assets as a December 31 2015

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This represents a 2% decrease as insurance balance

receivables were recorded as 9% of total assets in 2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Prepaid reinsurance premiums

As at December 31 2015, 15% of BritCays total assets were represented by prepaid

insurance premiums (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Prepaid insurance premiums were

recorded at 17% in 2014 therefore there was a 2% decrease in prepaid insurance premiums over

the 2014 to 2015 period (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).


Reinsurance balances payable

As at December 31 2015 reinsurance balance payable represented 11% of total liabilities

for British Caymanian Insurance Company Ltd (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). As at

December 31 2015 reinsurance balance payable presented 12% of total liabilities (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Outstanding losses and loss expense

Outstanding losses and loss expense represented 21% of BritCays total liabilities as at

December 31 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Outstanding losses and loss expense

increased by 4% as in 2014 outstanding losses and loss expenses represented 17% of total liabilities

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Unearned premiums

From 2014 to 2015 unearned premiums remained constant at 57% of total liabilities

(British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Shareholders equity

Share capital

As at December 31 2015 share capital was recorded at 6% of total liabilities and

shareholders equity (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). Likewise, share capital was also

recorded at 6% of total liabilities and shareholders for the previous year in 2014 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Share premium

BritCays share premium was reported as 54% of total liabilities and shareholders equity

as at December 31 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). As at December 31 2014 BritCays

share premium was reported as 52% of total liabilities and shareholders equity therefore the share

premium increased by 2% of total liabilities and shareholders equity from 2014 to 2015 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Total equity attributable to the equity holder of the Company

As at December 31 2015 the total equity attributable to the equity holder of the company

was reported at 54% of BritCays total liabilities and shareholders equity (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). As at December 31 2015 BritCays total equity attributable to the equity holder

of the company was reported at 52% of total liabilities and shareholders equity, which means that

there was a 2% increase from 2014 to 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Income Statement Vertical Analysis

Premiums Written

The horizontal analysis for BritCays premiums written reflects a decrease of -14% in

figures; however, if we analyse the account as to its percentage relationship as to the years total

premiums earned its percentage actually decreased by -50.38% as compared to the total premiums

earned for the year 2014 (from 433.48% in 2014 to 383.10% in 2015) (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016). This means that the company has decreased their premium rate and sold less

volume in 2015 compared to 2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Reinsurance premiums ceded

The amount of reinsurance ceded to other reinsurers for BritCay has decreased by -18% as

noted in the horizontal analysis of the account, but its percentage as to the total bet insurance

premiums earned had has actually decreased by -53.56% from 338.25% in 2014 to 284.68% in

2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This means that the percentage volume of written

premiums being reinsured for the year 2015 has decreased by -53.56% as compared to the

percentage volume being reinsured in 2014 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Cost of Sales

BritCays insurance claims & loss adjustment percentage relationship as to the net

premiums earned for the year 2015 had increased by 11.01%, from -62.29% in 2014 to -51.28%

in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This means that BritCay incurred higher cost of

sales for each insurance premium written (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

The percentage relationship of acquisition percentage cost for 2015 2.96% as compared to

2014s rate, from -25.41% in 2014 to -22.45% in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Similar to the insurance claims & loss adjustment, in 2015 BritCay incurred higher acquisition

cost for each insurance premium written (British Caymanian, 2016).

BritCays vertical analysis reflects that the commission income percentage as to total net

insurance premiums earned had decreased by -8.05% from 72.40% in 2014 to 64.35% in 2015.

This means that the net cost of sales percentage would have been lower had the company not

earned additional commission income (British Caymanian Inaurance, 2016).


For the year 2015 horizontal analysis for BritCay had reflected a -62.31% decrease in

recovered insurance claims & loss adjustment expenses, however, it actually decreased by -10.89%

if we will look at its percentage relationship with the insurance premiums earned from 17.80% in

2014 it became 6.91% in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Net underwriting income

The net underwriting income for BritCay as per horizontal analysis had decreased by -

7.62%, this was influenced by the -4.97% decrease in net underwriting income percentage as to

the net insurance premiums earned (British Caymanian Insurance, 2017).

Operating expenses

The percentage of operating expenses as it relates to net insurance premiums earned had

decreased by -0.99% from -75.79% in 2014 to -76.78% in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance,


Financial Ratios

Current ratio - The current ratio compares a companys current assets with its current liabilities.

The current ratio will illustrate if the company can pay off its short-term liabilities in an emergency

selling its current assets (Lan, 2012).

Total asset turnover ratio The asset turnover looks at how efficiently a company uses its total

assets to raise revenues. This ratio is computed by dividing revenues by average total assets (Lan,


Debt-to-asset ratio - Debt to asset ratio is a solvency ratio which looks at a companys ability to

pay its long term obligations. This is considered to be the simplest solvency ratio and it measures

the amount of the companys total assets that is leveraged by debt (Lan, 2012). A low number

indicates that the company is not using a large amount of financial leverage, which reduces its

financial risk (Lan, 2012).

Debt-to-equity ratio - The debt-to-equity ratio looks at the amount of debt capital a company

utilizes in comparison to the amount of equity capital it uses. A ratio equal to 1.00 illustrates that

the company uses the same amount of debt as equity. I such a situation, creditors can claim all

assets, which leaves nothing for if the company were to be liquated (Lan, 2012).

Net profit margin - Net profit margin looks at the similarity between a companys net income

and net revenue. This ratio is computed by dividing net income by net revenue (bottom line).

This is an indicator as to whether the company is able to translate sales into earnings for

shareholders. Investors usually seek out companies that have strong net profit margins.

Gross profit margin - Gross profit margin examines pricing decisions and product costs. Gross

profit margin is tied to competition. Therefore it will be reduced if competition increases.

Companies that possess higher profit margins typically have a competitive advantage in quality,

perception or branding, which allow them to charge more for its products (Lan, 2012).

Return on total assets - The return on total assets ratio looks at the relationship between the profits

of the company and its total assets. It measures how well the company used its assets to generate

profits (Lan, 2012).

Financial Ratio - Island Heritage Insurance Ltd.

Liquidity Ratios

Current ratio was 1.54 in 2014 and 1.55 in 2015. The ratios as seen in 2014 and 2015 indicate

that the company can cover its current liabilities 1.5 times in the current year if it was to sell off

its current assets at current value (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).


Asset Management Ratios

Days sales outstanding was 206 in 2014 and 261 in 2015 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Total assets turnover ratio was 0.24 in 2014 and 0.27 in 2015 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Debt-to-asset ratio was 0.59 in 2014 and 0.59 in 2015. Since the numbers as indicated in 2014 and

2015 are less than 1, the company does not appear to have a large portion of its total assets backed

by debt (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Debt Management Ratios

Debt-to-equity ratio was 1.47 in 2014 and 1.43 in 2015. As seen in 2014 and 2015, the

company has 1.47 and 1.43 of equity over its debt. These ratios are not that strong and could have

been higher (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Profitability Ratios

Net profit margin was 0.24 in 2014 and 0.32 in 2015 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016). The

net profit margin of 32% indicates that for every $1 of revenue raised by the company, $0.32 is

created for the shareholders. Operating profit margin was 0.27 in 2014 and 0.35 in 2015 (Island

Heritage Insurance, 2016). Gross profit margin was 0.63 in 2014 and 0.66 in 2015. This means

that in the most recent year, 66% of revenues generated by the company are used to pay for the

cost of goods sold (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016). Basic earning power (BEP) Ratio was 0.06

in 2014 and 0.09 in 2015 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016). Return on total assets (ROA) was 0.06

in 2014 and 0.09 in 2015. This means that in 2015, $0.09 in profit is generated by each $1.00 in

assets (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016). Return on common Equity was 0.14 in 2014 and 0.21 in

2015. In 2015, there was $0.21 in profit for every $1.00 in equity invested in the business (Island

Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Financial Ratios - British Caymanian Insurance


Liquidity Ratios

Current ratio was 1.90 in 2014 and 1.92 in 2015. The ratios as seen in 2014 and 2015 indicate

that the company can cover its current liabilities 1.92 times in the current year if it was to sell off

its current assets at current value (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015).

Asset Management Ratios

Days sales outstanding was 744 in 2014 and 238 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015).

Total assets turnover ratio was 0.12 in 2014 and 0.12 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015).

Debt Management Ratios

Debt-to-asset ratio was 0.48 in 2014 and 0.46 in 2015. Since the numbers as indicated in 2014

and 2015 are less than 1, the company does not appear to have a large portion of its total assets

backed by debt (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Debt-to-equity ratio was 0.92 in 2014 and

0.84 in 2015. As seen in 2014 and 2015, the company has 0.92 and 0.84 of equity over its debt.

These ratios are not that strong and could have been higher (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015).

Profitability Ratios

Net profit margin was 0.37 in 2014 and 0.21 in 2015. The net profit margin of 21% indicates

that for every $1 of revenue raised by the company, $0.21 is created for the shareholders (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Operating profit margin was 0.37 in 2014 and 0.21 in 2015 (British

Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Gross profit margin was 1.02 in 2014 and 0.98 in 2015. This means

that in the most recent year, 98% of revenues generated by the company are used to pay for the

cost of goods sold (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Basic earning power (BEP) Ratio was

0.05 in 2014 and 0.03 in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Return on total assets (ROA)

was 0.05 in 2014 and 0.03 in 2015. This means that in 2015, $0.05 in profit is generated by each

$1.00 in assets (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015). Return on common Equity was 0.10 in 2014

and 0.06 in 2015. In 2015, there was $0.10 in profit for every $1.00 in equity invested in the

business (British Caymanian Insurance, 2015).

Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis

Island Heritage Insurance vs. British Caymanian Insurance

Non-current assets

In completing a comparative analysis for Island Heritage and BritCay balance sheets it is

noted that both companies are comparable for non-current assets, although, BritCay is slightly

disadvantaged as the vertical analysis reveals that its non-current assets increased by 3.48% from

8.78% in 2014 to 12.27% in 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). The vertical analysis

reveals that Island Heritage was able to maintain its level of non-current assets as it 2014 the

company reported an increase in non-current assets of 8.56% and 8.32% was reported for 2014

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016).

Current Assets

In relation to the vertical analysis for current analysis, the figured reveals that both

companies are comparable for liquidity for current assets as both were able to maintain their

respective percentages of current assets (British Caymanian Insurance & Island Heritage, 2016).

Based on vertical analysis in 2014 Island Heritage reported its percentage of current assets at

91.44% in 2014 and 91.68% in 2015 (Island Heritage, 2016). In a similar manner, BritCay reported

its percentage of current assets at 91.21% in 2014 and 87.73% in 2015 (British Caymanian

Insurance, 2016).


In reviewing the current liabilities in respect to horizontal analysis, it is noted that the

percentage for due to related parties is significantly higher for Island Heritage at 20205.56%,

however this is actually 5.85% as per vertical analysis is due to dividends being declared by the

company (Island Heritage, 2016). On the contrary BritCay has an advantage as the company was

able to maintain their percentage of liabilities as per vertical analysis of 2.46% for 2014 and 2.51%

for 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance, 2016). This therefore reveals that BritCay has the

advantage in respect to current liabilities as the company has a lower level of liabilities whereas

Island Heritage has a higher level of liabilities (British Caymanian Insurance & Island Heritage,


Contributed Surplus

In doing a comparative analysis of the equity section of the balance sheet for Island

Heritage and BritCay it is noted that Island Heritage has an advantage as its contributed surplus is

reported at 23.61% for 2014 and 23.53% for 2015, hence the company was able to maintain its

percentage of contributed surplus over this period (Island Heritage, 2016). Additionally, Island

Heritage has an advantage over BritCay as according to the vertical analysis as its contributed

surplus for 2015 is reported at 23.53% whereas BritCays percentage of contributed surplus is

reported at 52.28% for 2015 (British Caymanian Insurance & Island Heritage, 2016). Therefore,

Island Heritage has the advantage as its contributed minimal capital to operate the firm unlike

BritCay as its contributed surplus of BritCay is almost double as to that of Island Heritage (Island

Heritage, 2016).

Comparative Results of Operation (Income Statement) Analysis

Island Heritage Insurance vs. British Caymanian Insurance

After analysing the results of operations of the two insurance companies under study we had

found out that each company have its advantage and disadvantages over the other. Below are the

strengths and weaknesses of the two companies (the strength of one company was the weakness

of the other):

British Caymanian Insurance Strength

Based on the vertical analysis of the two insurance companies, British Caymanian Insurance

reflected a better performance over Island Heritage Insurance. The 2015 and 2014 resulting

percentage of gross profit from regular operation also referred to as the net underwriting income

of British Caymanian were 97.53% and 102.49% for the respective years. While the Island

Heritage Insurances profit from regular operation only results to 63.40% and 65.96% for 2015

and 2014 (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016 and British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

It shows in the vertical analysis comparison that British Caymanian was able to dictate a higher

premium price. The companys gross premium written were 383.10% and 433.48% above net

premiums earned for the years 2015 and 2014. While Island Heritage had their gross premium

written percentage rate of only 34.77% for 2015 and 299.38% in 2014 (Island Heritage Insurance,

2016 and British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

British Caymanian also have high percentage rate of commission income earned for both year

2015 and 2014 earning percentage rate of 64.35% and 75.79% respectively. The higher percentage

earnings derived from commission income had greatly reduced the companys cost of sales.

Commission income account is a contra cost of sales account for insurance companies (Island

Heritage Insurance, 2016 and British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

British Caymanian also has a tax advantage over Island Heritage, as reflected in each of the

companys income statement; British Caymanian pays no income tax while Island Heritage had

reported income tax expense average of 3% (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016 and British

Caymanian Insurance, 2016).


Island Heritage Insurance Strength

The overall performance of Island Heritage for the year 2015 and 2014 were actually not bad

because the companys resulting bottom line figure of 23.69 was higher than British Caymanians

20.96% bottom line figure for the year 2015. For both companies the 2015s bottom line

percentage figure had decline from 2014s percentage figure. Island Heritages net income

percentage declined only by 7.91% while British Caymanians net income had declined to 15.75%.

(Island Heritage Insurance, 2016 and British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).

Island Heritages higher bottom line figure was attributable to their lower operating expense.

The company was able to maintain their operating expense below 40% for the years 2015 and

2014. While British Caymanians operating expenses eats up the companys high gross profit from

operation. The companys operating expense for the years 2015 and 2014 were 76.78% and

75.79%. The staff cost, professional fee, communication expense, office rental were among the

notably higher percentage share in operating expense for British Caymanian, while Island Heritage

reflects lower percentage for those said expense. Added to Island Heritages strength which

potential employees might consider was the training and development expense for the companys

staff (Island Heritage Insurance, 2016 and British Caymanian Insurance, 2016).


From the analysis that was performed we can conclude that Island Heritage Insurance

Company Limited was the strongest performer when it came to Net Profits. In 2014, the company

made $10,653,000 and $7,024,000 in 2015. British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited only

made $3,491,000 in 2014 and $1,936,000 in 2015. The difference in Net Profits can be partly

attributed to the fact that British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited earned much less

premiums than its counterpart Island Heritage Insurance Company Limited. Although British

Caymanian Insurance Company had a tax saving advantage, Island Heritage Insurance Company

Limited still produced better results. British Caymanian Insurance Company also had negative

retained earnings in both years.

The Island Heritages operational presence in other Caribbean jurisdictions has contributed

a lot in the companys operational profit. This is an option that British Caymanian Insurance Ltd.

may consider to improve the companys bottom line figure.


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Island Heritage (2017). Financials. Island Heritage retrieved April 28, 2017 from

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