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*It is raining heavily outside*

A man comes screaming to Mr. Rs mansion and asks for help

The queen is dead! the man screams, No one answers and so he

knocks the door again but still nothing. He then breaks into his

his house to check if he is alright and he sees that Mr. R is sleeping

,he wakes him up and tells him about the queen. While going down

he observes blood on the walls. He runs out of the mansion to the

police station to tell them about the blood. I think Mr. R is somehow

connected to the queens murder the man tells.


*Sterlins house*

Sterlin is sitting on his couch with his companion James.

Sterlin- Hey James

James- What now?

Sterlin-what do we do for living?

James-We are clowns!

Sterlin- Come on James Im trying to be serious here.

James-then why did you ask me?

Sterlin- We solved our last mystery two months ago and if the

Condition stays like this for one more week then I think

Well have to move somewhere else.

*The phone starts ringing*

Sterlin- Hello?

Mr. R- Sterlin I need your help!

Sterlin (whispers to James)- James! I think we got something.



~Sterlin and James arrive at the police station~

Mr. R- Thank you Sterlin for coming!

Sterlin- What happened Mr. R why are you in prison?

Mr. R- I think you already know about the queens death

Sterlin- According to my observations the police arrested you

Because they think that you are somehow connected to

her murder.

Mr. R- Thats exactly what happened! Sterlin youre the only

person who can save me from this. I need you to investigate

and find out who the murderer is.

Sterlin- Ill do it for you but.

Mr. R- Ive transferred some money to your account.

Sterlin- Now you dont need to worry about anything.

*Crime scene*

The murderer must have left some clue Sterlin says as he investigates

the crime scene. Sterlin notices that there is no blood stain or any sign

of murder. He checks the security footage but still doesnt find anything

There is no camera in the queens bedroom the guard says.

Do you keep any attendance register for guards? Sterlin asks.

Yes we do keep a register and in it Were assigned some duties

The guard replies.

Sterlin tells the guard to give him the register with the security footage
of last night. Sterlin checks the footage for clues the whole night but

Still he doesnt find even a single clue.

James! Sterlin shouts, Ive been noticing that youre treating me like

Im your assistant Sterlin! James replies. Could you please get me a

cup of coffee Sterlin asks, I think I can help you with this James say.

Please do what I asked you to do Sterlin replies.

James while going down sees a group of guards talking, He hides and
listens to them quietly.

Guard 1- Hey guys I think that new guy is the murderer!

Guard 2- What makes you think so?

Guard 1- Because he stopped coming here after the queens death!

Guard 3- Yes I also think the same.

Guard 1- Do you think we should tell the detectives about him?

Guard 2- I think we should tell the detectives about him.

James stands up and says Youre good people!

And who the hell are you? Guard 1 asks

James shows them his ID card and tells them to not talk about this

ever again.

*Sterlin working on the computer*

James comes running, What happened? asks Sterlin.

I know who the killer is! But Ill tell you about him only if you apologize
to me for treating me like your assistant James with a grin on his face

Fine well check that later, I checked the footage and the register and

I think I know the one who did this! Sterlin says, Who?! James asks
A new guard joined this place the day before the queen was murdered
and now he is missing so he is probably the murderer! Sterlin says.

Who do you think is the murderer James? Sterlin asks

Never mind! James replies.

Sterlin tells James to investigate this place and then Sterlin goes to the

manager to ask him about the new guard. We tried to contact him but

he is not picking up his phone so we dont know where he is right now

manager says, Do you have his address? Sterlin curiously asks.

The manager tells Sterlin the new guards address and now Sterlin goes
to investigate the guards house.

*The New Guards House*

Sterlin rings the bell but no one opens the door, After ringing the bell
many times Sterlin decides to break into his house. Sterlin climbs up
enters in there through a window. He takes out his detective glasses
and starts looking for clues. There is board where there are maps and

a train ticket is attached to it, He takes the ticket and looks at it for a

Sterlin calls James and tells him to book two train tickets to Gyra.

*Railway Station*

Do you have his photo? Sterlin asks , Yes! This is the third time
Sterlin! James replies. Sterlin tells James to print the ticket, Sterlin
starts looking for the guard. After printing the ticket they both get in
the train. James sees the guard and says I have to go to the toilet and
James starts following the guard. As the guard enters another cabin
James doesnt notice that the cabin is a private cabin. The cabin has
cameras inside, After a few seconds the guard receives a message
about James following him. The guard gets in the washroom and James
also comes in, The guard hits James with a stick and takes him to his

Sterlin observes that James hasnt come yet so he knows that

something has happened to him. He then goes to the washroom to
check if he is there but he doesnt find James. Sterlin takes out the
ticket that he found in the guards house and checks the seat and cabin
number. Sterlin plans to go to the other cabin but he notices that there
are cameras everywhere in the cabin so he looks for some other way to
get inside. Sterlin sits down to think but then a passenger starts
watching train TV, Sterlin also starts watching it.
*Scene on TV*

A person is running on the roof of the train trying to defend himself

from getting shot by bullets.

Sterlin now knows how he can get in the other cabin. He goes inside the
toilet and opens the roof door and climbs up. He finds it difficult to
stand on the train so he thinks of crawling.

*Meanwhile in the guards cabin*

I think he knows the secret! the guard says to his team. They ask him
if he has any companion with him but to show his bravery he says I
came here alone and Ill kill you all one by one!, From inside James is
crying and hoping for Sterlin to come and save him. The team decides
to throw James out of the train and they start making fun of James.

Sterlin! James cries and suddenly they hear a bump on the roof, they
all look up and Sterlin breaks the roof. What the heck are you doing
here James? Sterlin asks, I wanted to catch him alone but I didnt
know that hes with his team James replies.

Sterlin starts fighting with the team but is unable to beat them so he
climbs back on the roof and checks for a tunnel with a minimum
distance of 200 meters using his binoculars. The whole team climbs up
the roof and the guard stays down for James. Sterlin starts running
backwards and now he sees a tunnel, He starts calculating the amount
of time hell require to reach the washroom window and the speed.
The team also starts following him and everything works just the way
Sterlin planned, All the team members collide with the tunnel and now
remains the guard. Sterlin climbs up and gets back to the compartment
where James is locked. He kicks the guard while he was busy watching

Sterlin asks the guard and hits him until he opens his mouth. The guard
screams and finally he tells everything to Sterlin. I was a part of the
plan but I didnt kill the queen and Im speaking the truth! Were just a
bunch of pawns. They are using us to distract detectives like you, They
are probably planning for another assassination now The guard says.

Who are they?Sterlin asks with a tensed expression on his face, I

dont know anything about them. We get orders from them, Me with
my team were going to visit our boss who receives orders from them
Guard says. Sterlin forces the guard to take him to his boss.

James apologizes to Sterlin for getting him in trouble and now they wait
for the train to reach to their destination.

*Gyra Railway Station*

Now is anyone coming to pick you up? Sterlin asks, Actually Im new
so I dont know much about this place but I do have the address The
guard says. Well pay you for being honest with us James says, Thank
you very much! The guard replies. They stop a taxi and they tell him
the address but the driver refuses to go there and tells them that no
taxi driver will take them there because that place is not safe.

After asking to many drivers they get tired and decide to stay in a hotel
for one night.

By the way hell pay you not we Sterlin says with a funny smile, They
all start laughing and then Sterlin says No Im serious!.

*Next Morning*

Sterlin! James cries , What happened now?! Please dont disturb my

precious sleep Sterlin replies. The guard is gone! James says, Sterlin
wakes up runs towards the guards room. I knew it that he would do
something like that! James says, He didnt run away! He has been
kidnapped and we have to save him Sterlin says. How are you so
sure? James asks, I am a mind reader and also he didnt take the
address with him Sterlin answers.
Whats the probability of him being kidnapped? James asks, In terms
of mathematics fifty but in logical terms its ninety nine! Sterlin replies.

They both check out of the hotel and start asking everyone about the
address, many of them refuse to reply and some of them run away.

We cant get to the address if everyone just runs away! James says.

Sterlin walks to the phone booth and calls Mr. Rs butler and asks him
about someone who could take them to their boss and luckily Mr. R
knows someone who can take Sterlin and James to their head quarter.

After a few hours the driver comes to pick them up and takes them to
the written address. I think this is the place Sterlin says with the
paper in one hand and the head quarter in front of them. James looks
up and says This business is huge! Looking at the size of the building I
think five to ten thousand people work here! James says amusingly but
then Sterlin says Thats not the headquarter, The headquarter is in the

As Sterlin walks inside the building he observes a few cameras and as

he moves ahead the security gets tighter. We need a disguise to enter
this building or Sterlin says and then Sterlin sees two workers going
inside, I have an idea! Sterlin says.

*Meanwhile in the basement*

Weve received orders from the higher level that well have to burn
this place and we have to kill the guard, he is a traitor! an unknown
person says

*Back to Sterlin*

James! Go ahead! Sterlin whispers, Sterlin and James hit the workers
on their head when they are out of cameras sight. They now disguise
as the workers.

*Control Unit (Security)*

``knock knock``

Come on in!Officer 1 says, As they enter in the room Sterlin sees t

hat there are only two officers there.

Worker 1(Sterlin)- Here is your coffee sir!

Officer 1- Are you new here?

Worker 2(James)- Yes we both are new here sir

Officer 1- okay

Both the officers start sipping the coffee and Sterlin & James exit the
room. After two minutes both the officers fall asleep. James come on
this wont last for long so we need to change the video tape as soon as
possible!Sterlin says, James changes the video tape while Sterlin looks
for the officers id. Now as they get out of the room the officers also
wake up and they see that all the cameras are clear. Sterlin and James
dont know where they have kept the guard and they dont have any
information about their office either so they start roaming.

Hey we both are new here and we were wondering where does our
boss work? Sterlin asks to some random worker, Look up there, There
is no direct way to his office and only his dealers have the access to his
office the worker replies. Sterlin looks up and sees that the building is
under construction, He smiles and says The building is under
construction James!, They both now go to the construction office for
the construction map and they find out that a ventilator is connected to
the bosss office so they decide to wear a sweater to get in there.

They silently get in the ventilator.

\\ After 5 minutes\\

They are now above the bosss office and they try to look down if
someone is there or not, but they dont hear anything. After sometime
Sterlin smells smoke so he jumps down in his office and he finds no one
in the office. James come down! Sterlin says, James comes down and
they both try to look for clues. When Sterlin looks down the building he
sees that the building is on fire, Sterlin screams and they both try to run
out of the building but when they reach the first floor they both faint.


Sterlin wakes up and sees that guard is sitting in front of him. Oh thank
god! The guard says, What are we doing here? Who saved us? And
who saved you? Sterlin asks curiously , Calm down! Ill tell you
everything The guard replies. Sterlin asks the guard his name and the
guard replies Albert and now the guard starts telling him everything.

//Previous Day//

*Locked room*

The guard is being locked in another room but suddenly a smoke bomb
falls and all the officers start falling but because Albert was locked in
the room he doesnt faint, When everyone faints Albert comes out of
the room and sees Sterlin & James also lying there so he saves them
and takes them to the hospital.

*Back to the Hospital*

Oh my god! Thanks for saving us James says and now they sit silently
for a few minutes and t

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