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eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve /1

Unified Commerce:
Creating the Retailer of the Future

The retailer of the future does not define customers by the channels they shop
in, or the devices they use. The retailer of the future simply considers them as
touch-points that offer new opportunities for converting customer service into

The retail industry is one of the most dynamic, forward-thinking industries in

existence. It has to be, as technologically-savvy, knowledgeable, and discern-
ing customers continue to revolutionize retail engagement with ever changing
expectations toward retail service.

Unified commerce represents a fundamental shift in how technology supports

the retail business. With unified commerce merging disparate front-end and
back-end systems into a single platform, technology is no longer a stand-
alone, separate entity; it instead melds effortlessly into the retailers business
foundation, providing an agile system for delivering insightful, efficient service
at every touchpoint.

Ultimately, a retailers success depends upon a positive customer experience,

which unified commerce helps to deliver.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve /2
Table of Contents

Unified Commerce: Creating the Retailer of the Future / 02

Cloud Based Applications: The Key / 04
Five Trends Disrupting the Industry / 05
1. Unique in-store experiences will differentiate retailers from their
competition - and their own online channels. / 05
2. Shoppers no longer accept one-size fits all service. Personalization
rules customer engagement. / 06
3. The lines between brick-and-mortar and online will blur as
a seamless shopping experience will no longer be merely an
expectation, but a requirement. / 07
4. Online customers want the same immediate gratification that
brick-and-mortar shopping offers. Same-day shipping, and turning
the physical store into a mini-fulfillment center, will help align
delivery with customer demand. / 08
5. The checkout line isnt just a means to an end it is an opportunity
to connect with, and delight, customers at the conclusion of their
buying journey. / 09

How Unified Commerce Keeps Retailers Ahead of the Trends / 10

Customer Engagement / 10
Optimized Operations / 12
Empowered Employees / 14

Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Next-Generation Cloud Unified / 15

Commerce Platform
Next Steps / 17

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve /3
Cloud-Based Applications:
The Key to a Successful Unified
Commerce Platform

A successful unified commerce platform can easily handle each facet of

operational management from storefronts to back office along with all of
their inherent complexities. Yet the platform must also be flexible enough
to seamlessly integrate the data and processes from each operation into a
cohesive, all-in-one view of the business. Thats where the Cloud comes in.

A Cloud-based unified commerce

platform means that retailers are no
longer required to purchase costly
systems (or to maintain equally
costly, rigid IT infrastructure) in
order to run their business. The
Cloud offers flexibility and choice
for companies seeking a robust
business management system that
cost-effectively scales with business
change and growth.

In addition, a Cloud-based unified commerce platform enables retailers

to seamlessly transition to an increasingly digitalized world. As consumer
technology continues to evolve, new channels arise for people to connect
and interact, creating new preferences for communication and engagement.
Cloud technology helps retailers pull in and consolidate this cross-channel
data, analyze trends and patterns, and develop more effective strategies for
reaching customers on their terms, in their preferred channels.

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Five Trends Disrupting the Industry


Unique in-store experiences will differentiate

retailers from their competition - and their
own online channels

The brick-and-mortar store provides an interactive, hands-on shopping ex-

perience: the ability to pick up, feel, and try-on products before buying; the
immediate gratification of taking products home the instant that checkout is
complete; the chance to view and browse new merchandise in stock.

But in this digital age of ecommerce ease and convenience, customers who
can purchase the items they need with a simple click of a smartphone button
seek an extra incentive for visiting a physical store. Because with the time and
energy they save with an online transaction, brick-and-mortar store shopping
competes not only with the ecommerce channel but also with other recre-
ational activities that vie for customer attention.

A retailer that can provide a uniquely memorable in-store shopping experi-

ence creates a compelling reason for the customer to return. The brick-and-
mortar store will move beyond being an inventory storage space and instead
a focal point for retailtainment combining retail and entertainment to
provide customers worthwhile experiences that delight and excite.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve /5

Shoppers no longer accept one-size-fits-

all service. Personalization rules customer

Todays digitally savvy customers are more knowledgeable and connected

than ever before. They can look up competing retailers and compare their
offerings within seconds. They can make a purchase with the click of a
smartphone button. They can broadcast their satisfaction (or displeasure)
to social media followers, and influence the opinions of an entire network.
Todays customer is able to quickly discern whats worth their time and
attention, and ultimately, their hard-earned cash.

The key to winning the loyalty of these astute and selective customers is by
providing an outstanding personalized shopping experience across channels.
According to Forrester Research, 77% of consumers have recommended or
paid more for a brand that provides personalized experiences, or chosen that
company because of those services. Retailers that deliver service tailored to
customer needs and wants can provide recommendations and support in line
with customer desires at each stage of their buying journey and thus are
better positioned to guide the customer to final checkout.

In line with tailored service, staffing supportive, friendly store associates arent
simply a cost of doing business they are dynamic factors in the difference
between sustained sales conversions and store abandonment. Even in this
digital age of 24/7 ecommerce access and quick answers, customers still crave
human expertise and assistance during their shopping experience.

In a report by TimeTrade, it was found that 90% of consumers leave a store

without purchasing anything when they cant find the right person to assist
them, while 93% are likely to buy when helped by a knowledgeable associate.
In addition, 85% would buy more when helped by a knowledgeable associate.
Retailers also understand the importance that sales associates have on the
bottom line, as of the 60 major retailers that TimeTrade surveyed, 80% noted
that sales increase by 25-50% when shoppers are assisted by knowledgeable
retail associates.

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The lines between bring-and-mortar

and online will blur as a seamless
shopping experience will no longer be an
expectation, but a requirement

Digital communication is rapidly becoming the predominant form of

connection, as digital channels offer a wealth of information at a persons
fingertips, helping them to learn and find answers effortlessly.

Ecommerce enables retailers to stake their

claim in this digital world, providing them
unprecedented opportunities for reaching
new customers and growing business. And
with unified commerce, no longer must
retailers think of ecommerce as a completely
separate entity from the brick-and-mortar store. Instead, the online store and
the physical store are both extensions of the customer experience, offering an
additional means for customers to engage while simultaneously strengthening
both channels that the retailer operates in.

According to the ICSCs study on recent holiday

consumer shopping trends, nearly one-third of shoppers
opted to purchase their products online and pick them
up in-store.

Click-and-collect, the process in which a customer can purchase a product

in an online channel and pick that product up in a physical retail location, is
a prime example of a service that unites both the online and the brick-and-
mortar experience. According to the ICSCs study on recent holiday consumer
shopping trends, nearly one-third of shoppers opted to purchase their
products online and pick them up in-store.

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Online customers want the same

immediate gratification that brick-and-
mortar shopping offer. Same-day shipping,
and turning the store into a mini-fulfillment
center, will help align delivery with
customer demand

The quicker a product gets into the hands of the customer, the quicker the
sale is sealed which sets up the potential for more sales in the near future.
Brick-and-mortar, of course, offers the advantage of immediacy, with custom-
ers able to take home the product they buy in-store right away no waiting,
no anticipation of delivery.

96% 63%
of US consumers feel the same way
consider same/ about three- or
next-day delivery four- day shipping

On the other hand, a customer must usually wait at least two days for the
merchandise they bought online to arrive, in addition to paying shipping and
delivery fees on top of the product cost. In a survey by Deloitte, 96% of U.S.
consumers consider same-day or next-day delivery to be fast, compared with
only 63% feeling the same way about three- or four-day shipping.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve /8

The checkout line isnt just a means to an

end - its an opporunity to connect with,
and delight, customers at the conclusion
of their buying journey

Nobody wants to be kept waiting. The checkout line has long been the
least-favorite part of many consumers shopping experience, with people
dropping everything to avoid a long line and usually not come back. An
Omnico Group study found that more than 77% of Americans would be less
likely to return to a store if they experienced long checkout lines.

Retailers who transform checkout from a necessary evil into an opportunity

to create a positive connection with the customer, give customers one more
reason to return.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve /9
How Unified Commerce Keeps
Retailers Ahead of the Trends

Customer Engagement

Unified commerce enriches the in-store shopping and service experience by

consolidating customer data across channels into a single view, and making
it accessible to store associates through the mobile point of sale devices they
use to engage. Equipped with information on a customers multi-channel
transactions, preferences, and desires, a store associate can deliver the
relevant, one-on-one personalized service that turns browsing into purchasing.
And retailers are not the only ones who receive greater insight when an
ecommerce channel is seamlessly integrated with the other retail systems.
Unified commerce delivers important visibility and self-service capabilities to
customers striving for more control over their shopping experience.

A unified commerce platform benefits both customers and

retailers. Using insights gleaned from a customers multi-
channel transactions and experiences store associates
can provide a tailored experience, turning browsing into

For instance, a unified commerce platform helps the customer to see up-to-
date pricing and inventory availability at all times. Integration with order and
financial data also provides customers a record of all their shopping activities
across channels. Purchases, returns, or exchanges that have occurred in the
brick-and-mortar store or online shop are all available for perusal in a single,
self-service view.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve / 10
Ashleys Furniture is a retailer leveraging an integrated Microsoft Dynamics
solution as its foundation for providing customers self-service capabilities that
unite both physical and online shopping experiences. For instance, a customer
can search for a particular piece of furniture on the website, and after find-
ing it, the site then automatically presents a package of related items to fit a
room, as well as related promotional items. The customer can then either add
items to a shopping cart or to a wish-list after completing a quick registration

If the customer chooses to shop at a brick-and-mortar location, a salesperson

can assist by looking up the customers wish-list through a tablet that connects
with the backend system; the sales associate can then provide suggestions
or take the customer to view the product in the store. The tablets integration
with the backend also enables the salesperson to tell the customer the pro-
jected delivery date for the product.

A unified commerce platform connects a customers

online and in-store shopping experience.

customer data across
channels into a single
view, and making it
accessible to store
associates through the
mobile point of sale

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve / 11
Optimized Operations

The bottom line existence of a store is its products the products are
the primary reason that a shopper visits in the first place. Any disruption
in receiving, storing, or delivering inventory creates errors or delays that
negatively impact the customer experience. Empty shelves are not an enticing
sight, and an overabundance of the wrong product is money sitting and
collecting dust.

The true core of a differentiated in-store

experience is a supply chain system
that is seamlessly connected from
beginning to end. Unified commerce
provides an all-encompassing view into
inventory availability and locations across
warehouses, distribution centers, and
channels. With one system, retailers can
assess stock levels across channels in
real time, and compare current data with
historical inventory data to get a better understanding of inventory trends and
patterns. This analysis helps retailers conduct more accurate forecasting and
demand planning, vital elements for a profitable supply chain.

With one system, retailers can assess stock levels across

channels in real time, and compare current data with
historical inventory data to get a better understanding
of inventory trends and patterns.

An end-to-end solution provides a retailer with the ability to see how real-time
data and how it relates to other information, right on the spot. Grocery chain
Coborns, a US $1.5 billion family-owned business, plans to double in size over
the next three years, but with disparate, uncoordinated systems managing
operations, the company needed a business management system that would
help take it to the next level.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve / 12
Coborns selected an integrated, consolidated Microsoft Dynamics
retail solution that streamlines merchandising, warehouse management,
manufacturing, loyalty, and financial tracking. Microsoft Dynamics also works
seamlessly with the companys existing investment in Microsoft Office 365
and, in the future, will work with Power BI and CRM.

Unified commerce also simplifies the transition of the physical store into mini-
fulfillment center by fusing customer transaction history insight with store
inventory visibility, such as with returns management. While customers enjoy
the convenience that online shopping offers, it can be far less convenient
when they need to return or exchange a product. Getting packaging, printing
out return labels, using the right carrier to ship the item back, and then
waiting for the new item or the cash back to be applied can be a hassle that
many customers dont want to deal with.

Unified commerce makes returns much easier (for both the retailer and the
customer) with the ability to accept and process returns at a brick-and-mortar
location for items purchased online. Since the ERP, point of sale (POS), and
online store are all connected within the unified commerce framework, a store
associate can simply look up the customer through the POS, see the purchase
that was made on the online store, and then proceed with the refund or

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Empowered Employees

Retailers that empower their sales associates with the tools and the
mindset for cultivating personal relationships with customers help turn
those customers into loyal brand advocates. Unified commerce provides the
cross-channel insights that retailers need for strengthening customer loyalty
and evolving with ever-changing shopping behaviors and expectations. Store
associates get to know the customer at-a-glance, and thus personalize the
service theyre providing at that moment.

In a report by TimeTrade it was found that

93% of consumers are likely to buy when
helped by a knowledgeable associate, and
85% were likely to buy more.

For instance, if a customer shops online, saves an item to their wish list,
and then visits a brick-and-mortar location, a store associate can look up
the customer and see the item that was saved online, and can then ask the
customer about the item, or bring it to them to feel and try on. The store
associate is able to answer questions, listen to customer feedback, and
provide suggestions and guidance accordingly. Customers look at this well-
informed, tailored assistance as an important advantage in their pursuit for the
right products.

Pandora Jewelry LLC, a global retailer of hand-finished jewelry pieces

operating in more than 90 countries on six continents, sought a new system
that would keep pace with explosive business growth, and support not only
internal employees but its thousands of wholesalers, retailers, and franchisees
in their goal of creating amazing customer experiences.

Using Microsoft technologies, Pandora is able to leverage structured

reporting, with the ability to compare stores and analyze results. Pandora
field teams are equipped with a central location to submit data about the
retailers they visit; view their performance, goals, and other account-related
details; and obtain and share timely information which adds up to a
knowledgeable, enthusiastic sales community that facilitates better jewelry-
buying experiences.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365:
The Next Generation Cloud Unified
Commerce Platform

A Retailers Business Depends on the

Customer Experience

A retailers business depends on the customer experience. Fiercer competition

for customer wallet share is rising; new competitors are popping up across
channels; new shopping outlets (both digital and brick-and-mortar) are
appealing to customers changing preferences.

Retailers that deliver a differentiated, customer-centric experience will be the

ones that take their business into the future. Developing and executing omni-
channel strategies for effectively serving customers across channels has long
been an important priority for the retail industry.

But now, the industry and its customers are moving beyond omni-
channel, and retailers must align their businesses with this shift. Cloud
unified commerce provides the operating model for retailers in search of the
technology that will help them evolve.

An example of an innovative new platform designed with a unified commerce

model in mind is Microsoft Dynamics 365. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a
Cloud-based platform of purpose-built business applications that centralize
Sales, Customer Service, Operations and Marketing processes within a single

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve / 15
DYNAMICS 365 The Next Generation Cloud Unified Commerce Platform

Business insight from these applications enables retailers to streamline

processes and optimize operations across departments. Familiar Microsoft
productivity tools such as Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Power BI are
also provided within the Dynamics 365 instance, enabling employees to con-
tinue working with ease, with the tools they need to effectively do their work.
In addition, an accessible ecosystem of industry apps provided by Microsoft
Dynamics implementation partners offers retailers a wealth of options for tai-
loring and extending the platform to their needs.

Dynamics 365 also offers extensive data intelligence tools within the platform.
Microsoft Power BI, Cortana Intelligence, and Azure Machine Learning allow
users to easily create the dashboards, reports, and visualizations that collect
and organize data in the ways that are most meaningful to their work. Users
are able to improve productivity with powerful, real-time insights, and always
stay up-to-date on the areas that require their attention most.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a unified commerce platform that remodels the

way retailers connect their business. Dynamics 365s applications provide the
intuitive, user-friendly business tools that effectively manage processes across
sales, marketing, and supply chain departments. These Cloud-based appli-
cations, which are fully accessible through the different devices employees
use on a daily basis, deliver the data and analytics that attune employees to
customer needs, desires and preferences.

For customer service is (and will continue to be) the driving force behind retail
success. Retailers who offer a remarkable experience from beginning to end,
no matter where or how a person shops, create the long-term customer loyal-
ty that inevitably leads to long-term business profitability. Microsoft Dynamics
365 is the unified commerce platform that helps deliver on this promise.

eBook: The Retailer of the Future | How Cloud Unified Commerce Technology is Helping Retailers Evolve / 16

Dont miss out on the crucial collaboration,

data organization, and data analysis
opportunities that Microsoft Dynamics 365
If youre ready to start the conversation about Microsoft Dynamics 365, reach out
to us at We help businesses like yours
improve their business management models with technology every day.

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