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Welcome to our new owners/residents since last year. The LPHTA Board distributes this
newsletter at least once a year to keep everyone informed of activities. It is advisable to
keep it with your records for future reference.

Officers of the Board 2006:

President: Don Barletta 416 Gerald St.

V.P.: Anita Ditz 398 Gerald St. 238-1641
Treasurer: Kevin Lantzy 436 Gerald St. 234-1080
Secretary: Karen McCullough 400 Gerald St. 689-2175

Email is the preferred means of contact for the board. Since we all receive copious
amounts of email, please include LPHTA in the subject line of your emails so they are
certain to receive the appropriate attention.

You may use Kevin’s email for any questions regarding dues/payments. If you have any
questions about property maintenance or regulations for the Board you may forward them
to Karen.

You may share your own email address with Karen for an alternative means of contact
and/or to receive minutes of meetings.

This year we bid a fond farewell to long-time board President Sue Keller. Sue served as
the LPHTA board President from 1989-2005. Sue and Phil always dreamed of living by
the ocean, and in June they took the plunge and moved to South Carolina. Though we are
very happy for them, they are certainly missed.
2006 Financial Report Year to Date 11/28/06

Started 1/1/06
Check Book Balance: 10,158.99
Deposits: $30,245.00

Utilities/Trash/Recycling: $5593.63
Snow Removal: $1236.50
Insurance: $9601.00
Lawncare: $10,119.46
Repairs/Improvements: $3779.57
Taxes/Office: $59.59
Pest Control: $602.08

Total: $30,990.83

Transfered $3200.00 into reserve account.

Balance in checking: $6212.16

Projected deposits to year end: $1755.00
Projected expenses: $900.00

Reserve Fund: 1/1/2006 Balance $24,326.45

Current Balance 11/01/06 $28,098.98

As you can see expenses continue to increase. However, we are holding the dues to
$75.00 and the reserve fund allotment to $100.00 for the new year. Our expenses
outpaced the income that we received from the dues which is $28,800.00 per year. I
expect the same trend for 2007. The reserve fund is not to be used for normal expenses.

Projected income/expenses for 2007

Dues: $28,800.00
Reserves: $3200.00

Utilities/Trash/Recycling: $5600.00
Snow Removal: $2500.00
Insurance: $10,400.00
Lawncare: $9,000.00
Repairs/Improvements: $4,000.00
Taxes/Office: $70.00
Pest Control: $800.00

Total: $32,370.00
I do not project any growth in our reserve fund this year as we are looking to seal the
parking lot this spring. Instead of increasing dues this year we will watch the expenses
and keep try and keep them under control and use the $3200.00 for the sealing of parking
lot. However, with snow removal and lawn care being out of our control and in the hands
of mother nature these two expenses are change without notice.

I do expect dues to increase in 2008 by $10.00

For the Good of the Order

Modifications: Our Code of Regulations prohibits modifications to the exterior of the

units. While recognizing that satellite dishes can be considered a utility resource, they
are not allowed to be attached to the buildings. The proliferation of these devices is an
aesthetic concern. Please contact a Board member when considering the installation. We
will work with you and your provider to find the most aesthetic position with
consideration towards alternative locations and placement.

Animal Clean-up Policy: Reminder, you must clean-up after your pets. In October
1999, the Board passed a resolution that the Board would act upon information and
complaints against a unit, and issue a warning letter. A second offense would result in an
assessment of $25 against the property owner. The Board endeavors to keep complainant
information confidential, but please recognize that you are and can be called upon as a
witness. College Twp also enforces clean-up regulations, and you may request their
enforcement 231-3021 (and their fines are much higher!).

Parking: We have had some problems with non-residents using our parking lot. Please
keep your eyes open and if you believe that someone is inappropriately using our parking
lot please contact a member of the board with the description of the car and a license
plate number.

Garbage: We have also had problems with people dumping their garbage in our
dumpsters. Again, if you see someone inappropriately using our dumpsters please get the
license plate number of the car and contact a member of the board with this information.

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