Palavecino - TPD - Primaria - 7mo A TM - Lesson Plans

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Patricia Palavecino

Perodo de Prctica: Nivel Primario

Institucin Educativa: Instituto San Felipe Neri

Direccin: Andalgal 2264, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sala / Grado / Ao - seccin: 7mo Grado B -TM

Cantidad de alumnos: 33

Nivel lingstico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificacin: Clase

Unidad Temtica: Hbitos & Rutinas

Clase N: 1

Fecha: Vie 23/Jun/2017

Hora: 10.30 11.50hs.

Duracin de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de entrega: Lun 19/Jun/2017
Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to

Ask and answer questions describing habits and routines.
Develop their listening skills by watching a video.
Develop their speaking skills by identifying the different questions in the video: Commented [A1]: Listening speaking then
Hows it going with Jack?
Do you see him on Wednesdays then?
Do you go out together at weekends?
Does he like sports?
To deepen their understanding of questions and/or answers while developing their
gross motor skills as well.


the Present Simple
Auxiliary + Subject + Infinitive Verb + ?

- language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Look! Making positive and She watchES do //
Listen! negative statements He doES.
Pay attention! using the 3rd person He doESnt play any
singular. sports. Etc.
New Word order in Identifying the word Do (you) understand? does // or //
questions: order in questions Yes, (I) do / No, (I) dont do // or /u:/
A + S + I + Does (she) study?
& Short Answers. Yes, (she) does / No,
(she) doesnt.

Teaching approach or combination of methods / approaches:

The lesson is based on the Natural Approach, and organized through the TBL procedure.

Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?

Listening and speaking skills will be integrated. The watching of the video will lead the
students to the reflection of the language and the listening will lead them to the speaking skill.

Materials and resources:
Video to Systematize Yes/No Questions & Short answers in the Present Simple. I will
only use the video from minute 0:15 to 1:32. This is the part of the word order in
The Power Point file
Photocopy with Task 2. Listen & tick the questions you hear.
Their book, page 57 (Ex. 1 to 4)
CD Player, listening 2.18 (to do exercise 1, page 57)
A dice to play games.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home:

In this lesson, a video will be used to support the presentation and exposure of the students to the teaching
point. Activities organised through the combination of audio and pictures (audiovisual material) enhances
language learning and acquisition.

Seating arrangement:
Students will be sitting at their desk but they can move their seats if they feel more comfortable while working
in the different group activities. At some points in the lesson, theyll move to play different games and activities.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how
Sts will be assessed while doing different activities during the class and at the end of the lesson when they have
to interview their partners using Yes/No Questions.

Stages in the lesson

Each stage or activity must be described in terms of the following items:

Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech, and students possible answers).
Teaching strategies (description, explanation, demonstration,
modelling, exemplification, etc.)
Strategies to check understanding of instructions
Strategies to check new language comprehension
Interaction patterns
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one

Mandatory lesson stages:

- Lead-in or Warm-up
Warm up: 10 Purpose: To introduce the topic and the teaching points

I welcome them and introduce myself by saying my name and something about me. Eg. My names Pat. I
have a small family and I like sleeping. Etc. So afterwards, I explain to them that we are going to play the
BALL GAME in order to get to know each other. They can exchange the same or similar information about Commented [A2]: Sitting in their places?

T: hello everyone, how are you today? My names Pat and Im going to be with you for 3 classes. I have a
small family and I like sleeping. Can I learn something about you?

Transition. Lets see if I can learn a little more about you.

Instructions. I will throw a ball (a cloth one) and the one who catches it will have to introduce
him/herself by make two or three sentences. Are you ready? Commented [A3]: You should suggest the structures they can
use. You may even write some prompts on the board.
I will throw the ball and they will start introducing themselves. Commented [A4]: They are 33. Keep an eye on timing.

Transition. Great. Everybody has mentioned something about their habits, routines, likes and dislikes. Now lets
check how much do you remember about Busy Daisy. (I will use the same video that their teacher has used to
introduce statements in the Present Simple).

- Presentation 10
Presentation. Purpose: To expose sts to the target language, to foster comprehension of a very simple video.

Task 1. T: have a look at this slide and make sentences to describe her. (PPT, slide #2). You will be
divided into 2 groups, while music is being played you can come to the front and write any sentence that
you remember about her. When the music stops, you cant write any more. Be careful with grammar Commented [A5]: On the board? Will it be divided so that each
mistakes, remember that we are talking about Daisy (=she). group writes on a specific place?

Once the music is off and Sts have finished writing, we need to check the sentences they have learnt last Commented [A6]: How are you planning to correct mistakes?
class with their teacher: Statements using the 3rd person singular in the Present Simple.

Transition. You did a great job! Now we will continue working with the PRESENT SIMPLE.

Task 2. T: Now, we are going to watch a part of the video and you will have to tick the questions that you
can hear. (Sts will watch the video only from minute 0:15 to 1:32)

1. Where is Jack going?

2. Do you see him on Wednesdays then?
3. Do you eat pizza on Saturdays?
4. Do you go out together at weekends?
5. Does Jack love Daisy?
6. Does he like sports? Commented [A7]: Will they copy these questions? Will you give
them a worksheet?
After watching, Sts check their answers with the rest of the class.

Transition. Now that you have recognized all the questions in this part of the video, lets analyze them a little bit.

- Development = 35
Activity 1: Purpose: To identify alone the word order in questions.

systematization. (10)
Instructions. Have a look at the previous questions and answer these ones.
1. Look.

Do you see him on Wednesdays then? / Do you go out together at weekends? / Does he like sports?
2. Answer.
1) All these questions are connected to the:
a) Present b) Past c) Future

2) And they are describing:

a) Abilities b) Habits, routines, likes & dislikes.

3) Rewrite the sentences to complete this chart. Writing the different words in the correct
Auxiliary verb + Subject + Infinitive verb + ?
Example. Do You See Him on Wednesdays then?

4) Complete these sentences using these words: AUXILIARY / DO-DONT / FORMULA / SAME /
a) These questions share the __ __ __ __ pattern.
b) The __ __ __ __ __ __ __ for these questions is ASI.
c) A stands for __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ verb.
d) When we use auxiliaries, the verb should be in the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ form.
e) We use __ __ __ __ for the 3rd person singular (she, he & it) and we use __ __ / __ __
____ for the rest of the persons. Commented [A8]: Make sure you don`t split the Word.

Transition. Well done! Now you are ready to start answering these this kind of questions.

Activity 2: Purpose: To answer question in a short form.

Students book, page 57. Ex 1. (5)

Instructions. Look at the picture on page 57. They are Tina, Jake and their father and they are having a
conversation. But, what are they saying? You need to work in pairs within the groups to match the
questions 1-5 with answers a-e. Then we will listen & check your answers. If your answer is correct, you can
throw the dice and get your points because we are going to play different competitions and at the end of
the class, the winners will have less homework to do for next class. lets start. Commented [A9]: If you put it this way, homework can be seen
as a kind of punishment. We never know how children can read
I give Sts 3 to match the questions with the correct answers. They work in pairs & match the sentences, between lines. Think of a prize for the winners.
then they will listen, check and get points for the correct answers. (see PPT, slide 7)

Transition. Well done! Now you are ready to start asking and answering these kind of questions on your own.

Activity 3: Purpose: To recognize how to make Yes/No Questions & answer them in a short form.

Ex 2. ST 57 = Complete the table (5)

Instructions. Lets check how much you have understood to ask and answer questions in the Present Simple.
Complete the table while playing a competition.

I give Sts some minutes to prepare their questions & answers so that they can start playing the game. (see
PPT, slide 8)

Transition. Well done! Now you are ready to start asking and answering these this kind of questions on your own.
Activity 4: Purpose: To practise how to make Yes/No Questions & answer them in a short form.

Drilling. Tic Tac Toe (15)

Instructions. We are going to practise how to ask and answer yes/no questions while playing a Tic Tac Toe.
So you need to choose a number, ask a question to your partner using the given information and if your
question and answer is correct, you can draw a X or a O to play this game.

I give Sts some minutes to prepare their questions & answers so that they can start playing the game. (see
PPT, slide 9)

Transition. We are getting to the end of the lesson and we need to get some information to do the homework.

- Closure. 15
Ex 3. ST 57 Complete the questions individually and then interview their partners to
collect information in order to write a simple paragraph describing him/her.
Part A

Think Along & make the questions (5)

Sts will work in pairs but individually. St-A will make up the odd questions to ask his/her partner and St-B Commented [A10]: Are they familiar with the terms odd and
will make the even ones. Once they finish they will get ready to interview their partners. even?

Instructions. You will work in pairs. One of you will be St-A and the other St-B. St-As will make up the odd
questions and practise them to interview their partners while St-Bs will make up the even questions to
interview St-A. When you finish, get prepared to interview your partner. Commented [A11]: What does the question Does it sleep on
your bed? refer to?
Transition. You have finished making the questions!! Thats great. Now lets interview each other & collect the
information from you partner to write a paragraph describing him for hw.

Ex 3. ST 57 Interview your partner and write down his information in order to write a
paragraph describing him/her.
Part B

Interview your Partner & collect his/her information (10)

St-A will interview St-B and write down his/her answers. Then they swap roles.

Instructions. You will interview each other and write down your partners answers to write his description
for hw.

Transition. You have come to the end of the class, remember to write a paragraph about your partner for hw.

Homework .
1) Sts will write a description about their partners using the information collected from the last activity.
2) Losers will choose 3 verbs and make 3 questions to work with next class. Commented [A12]: Reflect upon this
The format in which the stages are presented will vary according to the
teaching approach or combination of approaches you decide to base your
lesson plan upon.

To be completed by your tutors:

Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Below

component 5 4 3 2 Standard
Visual x
Coherence and x
Variety of x
Learning styles
Stages and x
Teaching x
Language x
Observations Nice lesson, Pat! You will be working on language awareness. Great!

Try to focus on meaning, too. Keep the context clear and appealing. Remember to
use a thread thoughout your lessons.

Have a nice time!

Sts. Photocopy for Systematize the Language Point.

Language Focus. Present Simple: Yes/No Questions. ( 57)

1. Look.

Do you see him on Wednesdays then? / Do you go out together at weekends? / Does he like sports?
2. Answer.
(1) All these questions are connected to the:
(a) Present (b) Past (c) Future

(2) And they are describing:

(a) Abilities b) Habits, routines, likes & dislikes.

(3) Rewrite the sentences to complete this chart. Writing the different words in the correct place.
Auxiliary verb + Subject + Infinitive verb + ?
Example. Do You See Him on Wednesdays then?

(4) Complete these sentences using these words: AUXILIARY / DO-DONT / FORMULA / SAME /
(a) These questions share the __ __ __ __ pattern.
(b) The __ __ __ __ __ __ __ for these questions is ASI.
(c) A stands for __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ verb.
(d) When we use auxiliaries, the verb should be in the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ form.
(e) We use __ __ __ __ for the 3rd person singular (she, he & it) and we use __ __ / __ __ ____
for the rest of the persons.

ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Patricia Palavecino

Perodo de Prctica: Nivel Primario

Institucin Educativa: Instituto San Felipe Neri

Direccin: Andalgal 2264, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sala / Grado / Ao - seccin: 7mo Grado B -TM

Cantidad de alumnos: 33

Nivel lingstico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificacin: Clase

Unidad Temtica: Hbitos & Rutinas

Clase N: 2

Fecha: Vie 30/Jun/2017

Hora: 10.30 11.50hs.

Duracin de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de entrega: Mar 27/Jun/2017
Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to

Ask and answer questions describing habits and routines.
Develop their speaking and listening skills by asking each other questions in the
Present Simple.
o Yes/no Questions.
o WH-Questions.
To deepen their understanding of questions and/or answers while developing their
gross motor skills as well.

Teaching points: WORD ORDER IN QUESTIONS in the Present Simple

Question Word + Auxiliary + Subject + Infinitive Verb + ?

- language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Look! Making Yes/No Does (she) eat? do //
Listen! Questions Do (you) study?
Pay attention! WH-questions words
New Word order in Identifying the word Where do (you)? does // or //
questions: order in questions When does (she)? do // or /u:/
Q + A + S + I +

Teaching approach or combination of methods / approaches:

The lesson is based on the Natural Approach, and organized through the TBL procedure.

Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?

Listening and speaking skills will be integrated. The production of questions and answers
during the class will lead students to reflect on the word order in questions in the Present

Materials and resources:
Games made with Software of the SmartNotebook.
Photocopy with systematization.
Their book, page 57 (Ex. 4-7)
A computer and a projector to carry out the different tasks.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home:

In this lesson, games were especially made in order to support the presentation and exposure of the students to
the teaching point. Activities and exercises from the book were also organised through the combination of
words and pictures (audiovisual material) enhances language learning and acquisition.

Seating arrangement:
Students will be sitting at their desk but they can move their seats if they feel more comfortable while working
in the different group activities. At some points in the lesson, theyll move to play different games and activities.
They will use my computer to choose the different answers for the exercises.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how
Sts will be assessed while doing different activities during the class and at the end of the lesson when they have
to interview their partners using Questions in the Simple Present.

Stages in the lesson

Each stage or activity must be described in terms of the following items:

Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech, and students possible answers).
Teaching strategies (description, explanation, demonstration,
modelling, exemplification, etc.)
Strategies to check understanding of instructions
Strategies to check new language comprehension
Interaction patterns
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one

Mandatory lesson stages:

- Lead-in or Warm-up
Warm up: 20 Purpose: To introduce the topic and revise Yes/No Questions

Question Race Game. (10)

I welcome Sts and ask them for the homework. They had to prepare 4 Yes/No Questions, 2 with do & 2 with
does and we will use some of them to revise how to make this kind of questions. When the game is over, I will
collect the HW and take it home to correct.

Task 1. Using the questions that you had to do for HW, we are going to play this game. First of all, we need Commented [A13]: Appealing way of checking homework! Well
to make 2 groups, like we did last class, and then you will take turns to ask your questions to the opponent done!


If your question is correct, you can throw the dice & get your points. But if it is incorrect and you can
spot the mistake, then you can get 1 point.

If you answer the opponent groups question correctly, then you will get 2 points.

Are you ready to play? (Slide #1)

Transition. Now, that you have been able to produce correct questions, we will take another challenge. Are
you ready?

Question Maker Game. (10)

Instructions. Last class, we learnt how to make Yes/No Questions in the Simple Present. Now we
are going to play a game to provide the correct question for the following answers. You can work in
groups and within the group, you can work with your partner. Here is a chart with the answers that
need a question. So you will choose one of them, ask the correct questions for that answer and finally
click on the grey part of the sentence to discover your points for your correct answer. (Slide #2)
Transition. You have done a GREAT JOB! So we are ready to learn more questions.

- Presentation 10
Presentation. Purpose: To expose sts to the target language, to foster comprehension of already discussed

Discussion. (5)
Task 1. T: have a look at Kanzi the chimpanzee & tell the class what is special about her. (Slide #3) Commented [A14]: Expected answers?

Transition. Well done! You have made a lot of sentences about her. Now lets see if you can recognize the different
kind of questions in the PRESENT SIMPLE.

Classification of Questions in the Present Simple. (5)

Task 2. T: have a look at the question on Ex 4, page 56 and classify them in these different types. (Slide #4)
You need to drag the question to the correct category.

1. Where does Kanzi live?

2. Does her teacher work in a zoo?
3. Does Kanzi speak English?
4. How does Kanzi communicate?
5. How many symbols does she understand?

After playing the game, they will see the 2 different kind of questions with their examples.

Transition. Lets analyze these questions and answer some others.

- Development = 35
Activity 1: Purpose: To identify alone the word order in WH-questions.

systematization. (10)
Instructions. Have a look at the previous questions and answer these ones.

3. Look.

Yes/No Questions WH Questions

1. Does her teacher work in a zoo? 1. Where does Kanzi live?
2. Does Kanzi speak English? 2. How does Kanzi communicate?
4. Answer.
5) They Yes/No Questions start with..
a) An auxiliary b) Subject c) Infinitive Verb

6) The formula for a Yes/No Questions is

a) ASI b) QASI

7) But the WH-Questions are a bit different from them. They start with..
a) An auxiliary b) WH Question word c) an infinitive verb

8) Whats the difference between these kind of questions?

a) The beginning b) the end

Match the questions with the correct answers:

10) What WH-Questions words can we find at the beginning of the WH-Questions?
What Are/is Where Do/does
How When Why because

Transition. Well done! Now you are ready to start working with this kind of questions.

Activity 2: Purpose: To identify and choose the correct WH Question word.

The WH-Question Game (7)

Instructions. Sts will play a game, where they have to choose the correct WH-Question Word to complete
the questions (Slide 5)
Transition. Great!! Lets continue working with this kind of questions.

Activity 3: Purpose: To make sentences using the given words.

Ex 6. ST 57 = Make Sentences Using the prompts (8)

Instructions. Open your book on page 57 and in groups, do Ex 6. = Write 6 questions using the words in the
box. You can use the same words more than once. Eg. WHERE DOES HE STUDY? You will get 1 point for
each correct question.

Transition. You are becoming a great Question Maker!!! So lets continue working.

Activity 4: Purpose: To recognize and produce the correct order of words in questions.

Ex 5. ST 57. Complete the Questions (10)

Instructions. We are going to play a game in order to complete questions in the Present Simple. Be careful
because they can be Yes/No Questions and WH-Questions. (Slide #6)
Transition. We are coming to the end of the exercises from the book.

Activity 5: Purpose: To make up questions in the present Simple correctly.

Ex 7. ST 57. Questions in the Simple Present (10)

Instructions. In order to make up these questions, you are going to use the prompts and work in groups. If
your sentence is correct, you will get 2 points.

Transition. We are coming to the end of the class so we need to practise these questions orally.

- Closure. 15
Ex 4. ST 57 To make sentences on their own and interview their partners.

Click and make a question (10)

Instructions. In this last activity you will click on the frog, read the verb and make a question using it to
interview your partner. If your sentence is correct, then you will get points. (Slide #7)
Transition. This is the end of our class, remember to write 5 sentences about your partner for next class.

Homework .
3) Sts will write 5 sentences about their partners using the information collected from the last activity.

The format in which the stages are presented will vary according to the
teaching approach or combination of approaches you decide to base your
lesson plan upon.

To be completed by your tutors:

Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Below

component 5 4 3 2 Standard
Visual X
Coherence and X
Variety of X
Learning styles
Stages and X
Teaching X
Language X
Observations Wonderful resources!

So far, youve been working with grammar mainly. They are using the language to
communicate orally, as well. I hope you can develop the other skills in further lesson

Have a nice lesson!

Sts. Photocopy for Systematize the Language Point.

Language Focus. Present Simple: WH-Questions. ( 57)

1. Look.

Yes/No Questions WH Questions

1) Does her teacher work in a zoo? 1. Where does Kanzi live?
2) Does Kanzi speak English? 2. How does Kanzi communicate?

2. Answer.
1. They Yes/No Questions start with..
a) An auxiliary b) Subject c) Infinitive Verb

2. The formula for a Yes/No Questions is

a. ASI b) QASI

3. But the WH-Questions are a bit different from them. They start with..
a. An auxiliary b) WH Question word c) an infinitive verb

4. Whats the difference between these kind of questions?

a. The beginning b) the end

5. Match the questions with the correct answers:


6. What WH-Questions words can we find at the beginning of the WH-Questions?

What Are/is Where Do/does
How When Why because

ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Patricia Palavecino

Perodo de Prctica: Nivel Primario

Institucin Educativa: Instituto San Felipe Neri

Direccin: Andalgal 2264, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sala / Grado / Ao - seccin: 7mo Grado B -TM

Cantidad de alumnos: 33

Nivel lingstico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificacin: Clase

Unidad Temtica: Hbitos & Rutinas

Clase N: 3

Fecha: Mar 4/Jul/2017

Hora: 7.30 8.55hs.

Duracin de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de entrega: Sb 1/Jul/2017
Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to

Ask and answer questions describing habits and routines about learning a second
Develop their speaking and listening skills by asking each other questions in the
Present Simple.
To deepen their understanding of key phrases while writing a report and
developing their gross motor skills as well.

Teaching points: How to write a Language Report

- language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Look! Questions in the Does (she) eat? study //
Listen! Present Simple Do (you) study?
Pay attention! How many hours.?
How often?
New Key phrases to write a Punctuation She thinks watch //
report Her native language is.. Commented [A15]: This is not a language function.

She wants to improve..

Teaching approach or combination of methods / approaches:

The lesson is based on the Natural Approach, and organized through the TBL procedure.

Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?

Listening and speaking skills will be integrated. The production of questions and answers
during the class will lead students to reflect on how to write a Language Report

Materials and resources:
Power Point Presentation file with games & instructions.
Their book, page 59
A computer and a projector to carry out the different tasks.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home:

In this lesson, games were especially made in order to support the presentation and exposure of the students to
the teaching point. Activities and exercises from the book were also organised through the combination of
words and pictures (audiovisual material) enhances language learning and acquisition.

Seating arrangement:
Students will be sitting at their desk but they can move their seats if they feel more comfortable while working
in the different group activities. At some points in the lesson, theyll move to play different games and activities.
They will use my computer to choose the different answers for the exercises.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how
Sts will be assessed while doing different activities during the class and at the end of the lesson when they have
to interview their partners using Questions in the Simple Present.

Stages in the lesson

Each stage or activity must be described in terms of the following items:

Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech, and students possible answers).
Teaching strategies (description, explanation, demonstration,
modelling, exemplification, etc.)
Strategies to check understanding of instructions
Strategies to check new language comprehension
Interaction patterns
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one

Mandatory lesson stages:

- Lead-in or Warm-up
Warm up: 20 Purpose: To revise Questions in the Present Simple & to introduce the topic.

Question Race Game. (10)

I welcome Sts and collect the homework. Last class the most of them didnt do the HW and it spoilt my game
to correct it. So, this time I will prepare something different. We are going to revise how to make Questions in
the Simple Present while playing a game. These are the instructions:

Task 1. Have a look at the chart, you have some prompts on the left and some points on the right. If you can
make the question and answer it correctly, you can get those points. If you make any mistake, then you will get
half of the points. Are you ready to play?


I will give you some minutes to go over all the questions and think about their answers.

I will choose 1 student from each group to make up the question.

Are you ready to play? (Slide #1)

Transition. You have done a great job!!! Now its time

Picture Puzzle. (10)

Instructions. We are going to make a puzzle to discover the topic of todays lesson. Lets see who
can guess it first. To do it one member of each group will come to the front and move a piece of the
puzzle. If his/her group knows the topic, they can say it aloud. If they guess, they get points but if
they dont, they will lose one (Slide #2)

This activity is very easy to make. You enter in and upload the image
that you would like to work with. Then the same program turns it into a great puzzle. Commented [A16]: I loved it!
Transition. Now, that you know that we are going to work with languages. You are ready to answer some questions
about it.

- Presentation 20
Presentation. Purpose: To expose sts to the target language, to foster comprehension of already discussed
questions and to make them produce the language.

Discussion. (10)
Task 1. T: you will choose some of these squares and answer some questions about you? (Slide #3)

Transition. Well done! Now we know a little more about how you learn a second language. But we want to learn
some more.

Questionnaire: Learning Languages. (10)

Task 2. T: have a look at this questionnaire & answer the following questions:
Transition. Great! Now that you have finished the first part of Ex 1 from page 59, we are going to keep on working
with those questions and this report.

- Development = 30
Activity 1: Purpose: To introduce Sts to a Language Report

Presentation of the Language Report (10)

Sts will work in pairs and I will show them the heading of the report in order to explore it and end the class
writing a similar report.
Instructions. Have a look at this report & answer these questions (ST 59, Ex 1) Commented [A17]: At the heading
While Sts make their own predictions, I will write them on the bb so that when we read the report we can find
similarities and differences.

Transition. Well done! Now you are ready to analyze this report.

Activity 2: Purpose: To identify the different information that you can include in a report.

Presentation of the Report (7)

Instructions. Please, open your book on page 59 and have a look at the questionnaire. We have already
answered these questions which are included in the report. Now we are going to find the answer to these
questions in this report. Are you ready?
Transition. Great!! Lets continue working with this report.

Activity 3: Purpose: To make their own phrases.

Ex 2. ST 59 = Make your own phrases. (8)

Instructions. Pay Attention & answer these questions. Ex2.

Transition. Great! Now, lets pay attention to Punctuation which is a very important tool for your writing
Activity 4: Purpose: To revise and reflect on the punctuation rules for writing.

Ex 3. ST 59. Discussion (5)

Instructions. Punctuation is really very important while writing. Lets check how much you know about this

Transition. We are coming to the end of the exercises from the book.

- Closure. 10
Ex 4. ST 59 To collect information & start writing your own Language Report

Interviewing my partner (10)

Instructions. You will use the questions from the questionnaire used at the beginning of the class and
interview your partner to collect information about him/her and write a Language Report. Remember
that you will need to answer your partners questions as well in order to let him write his report about you.
Transition. This is the end of our class, remember to finish your Language Report for next class.

Homework .
4) Sts will write their own report using the information collected from their partners.

The format in which the stages are presented will vary according to the
teaching approach or combination of approaches you decide to base your
lesson plan upon.

To be completed by your tutors:

Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Below

component 5 4 3 2 Standard
Visual X
Coherence and X
Variety of X
Learning styles
Stages and X
Teaching X
Language X
Observations Lovely lesson

Keep an eye on timing so as to fulfil the aims!


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