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SPE 84583

Accurate Prediction Wellbore Transient Temperature Profile Under Multiple

Temperature Gradients: Finite Difference Approach and Case History
Zhongming Chen, SPE, and Rudolf J. Novotny, SPE, BJ Services Company

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

the design and testing of cement slurry. Wellbore temperature
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and affects all aspects of cement slurry design, including
Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 5 8 October 2003.
thickening time, compressive strength development, fluid
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
rheology, and fluid loss. The primary chemical reactions
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to governing the hydration process of the cement slurry are
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at directly affected by temperature. Over or under estimation of
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
the wellbore temperature can lead to any number of possible
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is nonproductive time events ranging from excessive Wait On
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Cementing (WOC) to the drilling out of cement filled casing.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
The effect of small changes in estimated temperature on
additives used to control cement slurry properties can be
significant. Besides the properties of cement slurry, the
Abstract rheology of other fluids pumped into the well will also be
Failure to estimate the correct temperature during cementing affected by well temperatures.
operations can often lead to long delays in rig operations or
can allow the flow of gas or water from shallow over For decades the thickening time well simulation schedules
pressured formations. API (American Petroleum Institute) contained in API RP10B Recommended Practice for Testing
Sub-committee 10 (Well cements) has developed methods to Well Cements, have served as the fundamental basis for
determine the bottom hole circulating temperature (BHCT) for determining well cementing temperatures. With the
the proper design of cementing slurries. These methods work increasing thermal complexity of horizontal, extended reach,
adequately in most cases. But, in wells that are deviated and and deepwater wells, the predictive limits of the schedules
have multiple temperature gradients like those found offshore contained in the API document were exceeded. As such, the
in deep water basins, these methods are inadequate. need for well condition specific cementing temperature
determinations became evident.
This paper presents a finite difference model developed to
predict the wellbore and formation transient temperature Over the years two approaches have been emerged to estimate
behavior during fluid circulation in the wellbore. It also the circulating fluid temperature: analytical and numerical.
provides the information on temperature recovery after the The analytical solutions were obtained for system geometries
cement slurry becomes static. Emphasis is placed on of lesser complexity, such as the case of a single casing string
evaluation of wells with multiple temperature gradients, and single temperature gradient. Holmes and Swift1 obtained
multiple fluid circulation schedule, and wellbore deviations. solution for steady-state heat transfer both in the conduits and
The effect of offshore water currents is also discussed. in the formation. Arnold2 presented analytic solutions for
steady heat flow in the conduits but unsteady-state flow in the
The predictions of the wellbore temperature profiles and formation. The coupling of steady heat flow in the wellbore
return temperatures from this model are validated through with unsteady heat flow in the formation was first introduced
actual measured wellbore temperature profile history, by Ramey3, which has been successfully applied by many
including offshore and onshore cases. The paper also authors, dealing with steam injections, oil, and geothermal
discusses the impact of job execution parameters such as fluid steam production, among others. Note that these earlier
density, flow rates, inlet temperature, and fluid rheology. analytical models, proposed by Edwardson et al4. and
Guidelines are provided to help the engineer design an optimal modified version by Tragesser et al5., are good for a simple
working schedule to achieve ones particular goal of specific condition but unsuitable as generalized predictive
controlling wellbore temperature at desired level during actual tool.
cement placement operation.
In the second approach, numerical solutions of the governing
Introduction finite-difference equations dealing with the unsteady-state heat
The prediction of wellbore temperatures is above all other transfer problem were sought. Raymond6 proposed the first
parameters; the single most influencing assumption made in
2 SPE 84583

numerical model for predicting circulating fluid temperatures The heat exchange at the interface between annulus and
during both unsteady and pseudo steady-state conditions. formation is defined as:
Subsequent improvements made to Raymonds model evolved T ( r, z, t )
from modification of heat transfer correlations to the inclusion 2raU a ( z, t )(T f ( ra , z, t ) Ta ( z, t )) = 2ra K f a
t r =ra
of several casing strings in the physical model. More recently,
an improved numerical solution technique was proposed ........(4)
leading to a rapid yet stable solution.
The proper boundary and initial conditions are also needed to
A number of related papers describing different approaches to solve the above governing equations. The undisturbed static
the solution of the wellbore temperature problem are listed in temperature profile is used as the initial condition, including
the references. Some of the efforts found in the literature use the wellhead temperature at surface, the temperature at bottom
simplified approaches that do not properly simulate the of the wellbore and the formation temperature profile, which
unsteady-state nature of the problem. In this paper, we present is a function of depth. The boundary conditions include the
a finite difference model (FDM) which is capable of surface fluid temperature, which can be either constant or can
simulating the cases from normal onshore wells to the riser- change as function of time.
less offshore well with mud return to sea floor. The FDM
presented is designed to meet all the challenges and to obtain At bottom the circulation depth,
accurate transient wellbore and formation temperature T p ( z = H , t ) = Ta ( z = H , t ) ....(5)
Inside the formation there are inner and outer boundary
Numerical Approach conditions. The interface between the wellbore and formation
To accurately describe the heat transfer phenomenon in the defines the inner boundary. The outer boundary is defined as
well-bore (casing, tubing, coiled tubing, and annulus) and the a sufficient distance away from wellbore where the formation
formation, a set of rigorous governing differential equations remains undisturbed at static temperature. In mathematical
were derivated. The governing differential equations were language it is expressed as,
then solved numerically by means of finite difference T f ( r , z, t ) = Ts + G ( z ) z .(6)

Model development The finite difference approach is used to solve the governing
The governing differential equations were developed based on equation (1) to (6). Fully implicit solution techniques are used.
the law of conservation of mass and energy transfer. The heat Fig. 1 is a sketch of the numerical grid system. In the
transfer between tubing and annulus was considered as steady- dimension of space, there are axis of z and r; in the dimension
state heat flow. The heat transfer between the annulus and of time, there is time t. The assumptions used in the solution
formation was treated as unsteady state flow. are listed in appendix A.

The equation of conservation of energy for a control volume The simulator

inside the pipe is: The simulator was built based on the rigorous heat transfer
governing equation (1)-(6). It is a FDM developed to simulate
T p ( z , t )
2rpU p ( z, t )(Ta ( z, t ) T p ( z , t )) = Ap f v p c f transient temperature profiles in the wellbore and formation
z during fluid circulation. It also predicts the heat recovery after
T p ( z, t ) circulation is stopped. The main features of the simulator
+ m pc p include the evaluation of :
1. Multi-formation layers
2. Multi-fluid properties
The equation of conservation of energy for a control volume
3. Multi-fluid rate schedules
inside the annulus is:
4. Formation database to manage different formation
thermal properties
5. Fluid database to provide oil based and water based
2raU a ( z, t )(T f ( z, t ) Ta ( z, t )) 2rpU p ( z, t )(Ta ( z, t ) T p ( z, t )) = mud properties
Ta ( z, t ) T ( z, t ) 6. Well deviation survey data
Aa f v a (t )c f ma c f a 7. Multiple depth temperature profiles
z t
........(2) 8. Report utility providing report formation and plot
The temperature in formation is governed by the equation: 9. Unit conversion control

1 T f ( z, r , t ) T f ( z, r, t ) c f T f ( z, r, t )

r + =
r r r z 2 kf t
SPE 84583 3

Case History and Model Validation the temperature inside the drill pipe and the other describes the
The static temperature profile of the well is an important temperature in the annulus.
parameter to the simulator. It uses the true static or geothermal
temperature profile to simulate a realistic heat source to the Offshore well #1 basic data:
well. True static temperatures are the earth temperatures Water depth = 3780 ft.
before the well is drilled. Casing size = 20 in.
Casing depth = 5778 ft.
The FDM models the wellbore and formation transient Riser O.D. = 21 in.
temperature behavior during fluid circulation and cement Riser I.D. = 19.75 in.
placement operation. It accounts for the heat lost to and gained Temperature gauge #1 at circulation depth = 5721ft.
from surrounding formation during circulation. Each Temperature gauge #2 in annulus at depth = 4786 ft.
individual fluid in the pumping schedule is tracked. The data Temperature gauge #3 at surface
associated with each simulation grid, including fluid and Workstring size = 5 in. drill pipe
formation thermal properties, fluid rheology, local temperature Ambient temperature = 77 oF
gradient, pump rate and local fluid velocity, are critical and BHST = 59 oF
calculated separately.
Fig. 3 plots the FDM predicted and measured temperatures at
The following presents the comparison of FDM predicted circulation depth. The temperature dropped rapidly during the
results with several field-measured wellbore temperature first 5 minutes circulation. The FDM predicted that the
profiles at different depths. Both offshore and onshore wells temperature dropped from initial 57.5 oF to the minimum of
are selected. 46.5 oF. In contrast the recorded temperature dropped from
57.5 oF to the minimum of 47.5 oF indicated 4 minutes later.
Two Offshore Cases There are two factors that can explain the discrepancy. The
There is no API temperature table available that can be first was mentioned before, the gauge has an accuracy of
directly used for deep water offshore application where cold within 1.5 oF error, and secondly the temperature gauge had a
water has a pronounced effect on the temperature of fluids, 2-minute response time. Especially when the temperature
including cement, circulated into wellbore. The wellbore changed rapidly during the initial 5 minutes, the gauge would
temperature profiles of these wells are quite different from fail to record the peak low temperature due to the response
these of onshore wells. Two offshore cases are first included time. The temperature from FDM was based on heat and
here to validate the FDM under multiple temperature gradients energy balance and conservation, and represents instantaneous
of seawater and formation. or real-time temperature.

Offshore Well #1 is a deepwater offshore well with total After the initial 5 minutes, the simulated and measured
depth of 5778 ft., water depth of 3780 ft., circulation fluid temperatures are within 1.7 oF difference. At the end of
return to surface with a 21-in. riser. The circulation fluid was circulation both simulated and measured temperatures are
pumped into wellbore through a 5 in. drill pipe to the almost identical.
circulation depth of 5721 ft., and then fluid returned to surface
through annulus. The circulation fluid was seawater. Three Table 1: Measured and predicted temperatures at circulation
temperature gauges were placed in the wellbore. The first depth (offshore well #1)
gauge was placed inside the drill pipe at the depth of 5721 ft. Circulation (min) 20 40 60
to record the Bottom Hole Circulation Temperature (BHCT) at Measured (oF) 51.5 53.3 54.4
circulation depth. The second gauge was placed in the annulus Predicted (oF) 53.2 54.0 54.3
at the depth of 4786 ft. to record the annulus temperature, and Difference (oF) -1.7 0.7 0.1
the third was at the surface to record the return fluid
temperatures. Prior to running the temperature gauge, its Fig. 4 plots the measured and predicted temperatures in annulus
accuracy was determined by comparison with a digital at the depth 4786 ft., 926 ft. above the circulation depth. When
thermometer, which was served as the standard. The gauge the fluid flowed up in the annulus, it experienced the two heat
was found to be within 1.5 oF at temperature of 67 oF. transfers: the heat exchange between the annulus fluid and drill
pipe fluid, and the heat exchange between annulus fluid and the
During the circulation period the measured temperatures were formation. Accurately predicting temperature at the annulus
recorded every 4 - 5 minutes. The surface water temperature requires the correct simulation of the overall heat exchange.
was 77 oF. The water temperature decreased with water depth Fig. 4 demonstrated that both the FDM predicted and gauge
and reached the minimum of 38oF at sea floor. Four measured annulus temperatures increased for the first 20
temperature gradients were found and can be used to minutes and dropped slightly before the upward trend
approximate the temperature profile in seawater. In the continues. During the whole 60 minutes circulation the
formation temperature increases with depth at roughly the maximum difference between the measured and predicted is
same rate. Fig. 2 plots the temperature profile before the within 2.0 oF. At the end of circulation, the difference between
circulation started, labeled as static, and two other simulated measured and predicted temperatures is within 1.0 oF.
temperature profiles at the end of circulation. One describes
4 SPE 84583

Table 2: Measured and predicted annulus temperatures at 4786 Fig. 7 plots the measured and predicted temperatures vs. time
ft. (offshore well #1) at circulation depth. During initial 25 minutes of circulation,
Circulation (min) 20 40 60 the BHCT increased sharply and then stabilized at 76 to 77 oF.
Measured (oF) 51.5 53.3 53.9 Fig. 7 demonstrated the predicted temperature matched the
Predicted (oF) 52.4 52.5 53.0 measured temperature quite well, even the small temperature
Difference (oF) -0.9 0.8 0.9 variation (up and down bumps) during the early circulation.
The closely matched profiles between the predicted and
The returned surface fluid temperature is much easier to measured temperatures demonstrate the FDMs capability to
monitor and can serve as a good criterion to validate the FDM accurately simulate the Bingham plastic fluid heat transfer
since the fluid has experienced all the heat exchange in the drill behavior under unconventional condition.
pipe and annulus. Fig. 5 compares the temperatures of returned
fluid. The difference between the measured and predicted Table 4: Measured and predicted BHCT (offshore well #2)
temperatures for the first 20 minutes is within 3 oF, and then the Circulation (min) 50 100 150
difference between these two is within the range of 1.4 oF. Measured (oF) 76.7 76.5 77.2
Predicted (oF) 76.4 76.5 76.7
Table 3: Measured and predicted returned surface fluid Difference (oF) 0.3 0.0 0.5
temperatures (offshore well #1)
Circulation (min) 20 40 60
Measured (oF) 68.9 65.7 64.8 Onshore wells
Predicted (oF) 66.0 64.3 63.7 We selected two onshore wells with actual cement placement
Difference (oF) 2.9 1.4 1.1 pumping schedule for comparison. ERD Devices (Electrical
Resonating Diaphragm) were used to detect down-hole
Offshore Well #2 is also a deep water well. Comparing with annular temperature. The measured temperature is transmitted
Offshore Well #1, instead of a Newtonian fluid, Bingham electrically to surface via instrument cable. The device is
plastic fluids were used as the circulation fluid. This is a good permanently attached to casing and can continuously record
example to determine the FDMs ability to deal with complex the temperature in the annulus. It will record the circulation
fluid systems. temperature during circulation and also the bottom hole static
temperature (BHST) after the well is static.
Prior to circulation, the temperature gauge was lowered to the
circulation depth of 6826 ft. by wireline. The gauge recorded Onshore well # 1 is a shallow 2500 ft. vertical well with
the temperature every 30 seconds during the trip in the well. multiple pays. The temperature sensor is located at +/- 1500 ft.
The recorded temperature profile during the process of This well utilized 3 in. casing set in 7 7/8 in. hole and had a
lowering the gauge was assumed to be static and was used in very low BHST at the sensor depth of only 66 oF. The
simulation as the initial temperature profile. The circulation temperature in this onshore well was low and fluids lost some
started after the gauge was lowered to the circulation depth heat during circulation instead of gaining heat, making it more
and secured. like an offshore well.

Offshore well #2 basic data The pump schedule consisted of multiple stages with different
Water Depth = 3000 ft. fluids, including mud, cement and water. The fluid inlet
Hole Size = 22 in. temperatures were also different for fluids with mud and water
Hole Depth = 6832 ft. at 80 oF and cement at 85 oF. Fig. 8 plots the predicted and
Temperature Gauge Depth = 6826 ft. measured temperatures at sensor depth. The simulation used
Workstring Size = 5 in. the required static temperature profile as the starting
Ambient temperature = 80oF temperature at the time simulation started. The recorded
BHST = 69 oF temperature is the actual temperature. Since the wellbore
Fluid Weight = 10.7 ppg temperature profile did not reach static condition before the
Fluid Type = Polymer pump schedule started, the simulation results for the first 20
PV/YP = 11 / 19 minutes circulation should be interpreted as the transition
Pump Rate = 430 gpm for first 9 minutes, then switch to 930 period from static to the actual sensor recorded condition. The
gpm comparison between the two temperatures should start only
after the initial 20 minutes transition period was over. During
Fig. 6 plots the static temperature prior to circulation and two the 20 to 75 minutes of circulation, the predicted and
other temperature profiles at the end of circulation, including measured temperatures matched closely with a difference of
the temperature profiles in the pipe and in the annulus. The these two between 2-3 oF before cement arrived at sensor
recorded temperatures during the period of lowering the gauge depth at 75 minutes. After cement arrived at the sensor depth,
was plotted and labeled as static temperature. Using a single the difference between predicted and measured temperature
temperature gradient to describe the static temperature profile is grew bigger and peaked at 10 oF at the end of the cement
clearly unfeasible and multiple temperature gradients must be placement operation. The recorded temperature was 87 oF at
used. sensor depth at the moment circulation ended. This
SPE 84583 5

temperature (87 oF) was higher than the hottest static typical wellbore temperature profiles with static, and the
temperature (84 oF) of the whole wellbore system prior to workstring, and annulus temperature profiles at the end of
circulation. The recorded static temperature close to surface circulation. The actual hot spot depth is a function of fluid
was 40 oF, at the sensor depth was 66 oF, and at the bottom property, hole size, pump rate and circulation time. It will be
hole was 84 oF. The fluid was cooled down when it was in the depth of to 1/3 of total depth from the bottom when it
pumped into the wellbore. It was suggested that this difference is stabilized6, 7, 8. During the cement placement operation it is
in the predicted and measured temperature might have been important to realize that the bottom hole temperature may not
due to the heat of hydration of the cement or additional be the highest the cement will encounter in the annulus.
heating of the cement during the mixing operation.
Sensitivity Analysis
Table 5: Measured and predicted in annulus 1500 ft. (onshore To investigate the effects of variables, including pump rate,
well #1) hole size, fluid rheology on BHCT, a standard case was
Circulation (min) 25 50 100 used as starting point and only one parameter was allowed to
Measured (oF) 71.3 71.3 86.2 change each time. The standard case was a vertical well
Predicted (oF) 73.3 73.8 75.8 10,000 ft. deep, 1.9 oF/100 ft. of temperature gradient, bottom
Difference (oF) -1.9 -2.5 10.4 temperature of 270 oF, 10-in. hole, 4-in. workstring, and 6
BPM pump rate. Circulation fluid is water-based mud and
Onshore Well #2 was a deeper well with Total Depth (T.D.) circulation volume was 1.5 hole volume.
of +/- 9800 ft. The annular temperature sensor was placed
much closer to the casing shoe, at a depth about 9,500 ft. A 3 The results from the investigation shows that the fluid
in. casing was used and set in a 7 7/8 in. hole. The BHST at rheology, pump rate, hole size, and drill pipe size had different
the sensor of the well was 202 oF. Fig 9 plots the predicted impact on the BHCT and should not be ignored. The BHCT
and measured temperatures for comparison. The first 20 can deviate from that of standard case by 10%. Fig. 11
minutes circulation is the transition period from static to the plotted the normalized BHCT when pump rate, fluid rheology,
actual sensor recorded condition. The maximum difference hole size, and workstring pipe size were changed. The
between the two is about +/- 4 oF for the whole 220 minutes normalized BHCT was defined as the actual BHCT over
circulation until the cement was successfully placed. At the BHCT of standard case.
end of circulation the simulated and measured temperatures
are virtually the same, rested at 132 oF. The sensitivity: the effect of fluid properties on BHCT had
the greatest impact of the tested parameters. Fluid properties
Table 6: Measured and predicted in annulus 9500 ft. (onshore include viscosity, heat conductivity, and heat capacity. Three
well #2) typical fluids, water, water-based mud, and oil-based mud,
were used in the comparison run. Water resulted in the highest
Circulation (min) 75 150 220
Measured (oF) 133.5 134.7 132.4 BHCT and oil-based mud the lowest. The reason behind this
phenomenon is that water has lower viscosity and higher heat
Predicted (oF) 128.6 135.1 132
conductivity than those of oil. The second biggest effect on
Difference (oF) 4.9 -0.4 0.4
BHCT was the hole size. At the same pump rate, a smaller
hole implies bigger annulus fluid velocity. Hence, more heat
Hot Spot Temperature was gained from formation due to the larger heat transfer
Except for some offshore and shallow onshore wells, such as coefficient, which is a function of fluid velocity and fluid
Onshore Well #1, the majority of wells have a BHST higher properties. The effects on BHCT by pump rate and workstring
than the surface fluid temperature. Before circulation starts, size were smallest of the four. The BHCT is the ultimate result
the bottom hole temperature is the highest in wellbore. The of heat transfer between workstring and annulus fluids,
depth where the highest temperature occurs in a well during annulus fluid and formation. Any parameter change that will
circulation is called the hot spot and the temperature is called alter the heat transfer behavior will alter the final BHCT.
hot spot temperature (HST). During the circulation, the
surface fluid is pumped into wellbore and heated up in the Conclusions
path traveling to the bottom by gaining heat from annulus The finite difference temperature simulator was developed
fluid. After the fluid reaches the bottom hole it turns into the from rigorous heat transfer governing equations. Based on the
annulus and flows up to surface. The annulus fluid will gain validation performed in this paper for both offshore and
heat from formation and loses heat to the workstring fluid at onshore cases, and the parameters sensitivity study, the
the same time. In the near bottom hole section, the annulus following conclusions are made:
fluid will gain more heat than it loses, resulting in being 1. The techniques and methodology used in developing the
heated up and temperature increases. At a certain depth, the simulator are appropriate. Both onshore and offshore
heat gained and lost by the annulus fluid reaches a balance and wellbore temperature profiles predicted by the FDM
the fluid temperature reaches its maximum, or hot spot closely match actual measured temperature profiles.
temperature. The hot spot is initially at bottom hole and will 2. The simulator has rich built-in features for both onshore
move up during circulation. After circulating a certain amount and offshore well configurations.
of fluid, such as one wellbore volume, the hot spot will 3. The BHCT is the ultimate results of heat transfer between
stabilize and remain at roughly the same depth. Fig. 10 shows circulation fluid and formation. Fluid viscosity, fluid
6 SPE 84583

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March. 4-7, 1987. considered in the formation model. Convection (fluid
22. Zacarias, D., Maraven, S.A.: Determination of Design flow) in the rock is not included.
Temperature for Cementing Slurries, paper SPE 23714, 2. The problem is assumed to be symmetrical around the
presented at the Second Latin American Petroleum vertical well axis.
Engineering Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, March 8 3. Well fluids are assumed to be incompressible and
11, 1992. movement is piston-like.
23. Kabinoff, K.B., Ekstrand, B.B., Shultz, S., Tilghman, 4. No phase change is considered in the workstring, annulus
S.E., and Fuller, D.: Determining Accurate Bottomhole and formation.
Circulating Temperature for Optimum Cement Slurry 5. There are no sources or sink of heat in wellbore and
Design, paper SPE 24048, presented at the SPE Western formation. Cement hydration heat is not included.
Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, March. 30 April 1, 6. Only convection and radial conduction across the
1992. formation face and the casing wall are considered for the
24. Hasan, A.R., Kabir, C.S., Ameen, M.M. and Wang, X.W.: wellbore fluids.
A Fluid Circulating Temperature Model for Workover
8 SPE 84583

Fig. 1 FDM (Finite Difference Model) simulation grid


Depth, ft


4000 Static
Inner pipe
5000 Annulus

35 45 55 65 75
Temperature, F

Fig. 2 Static temperature, pipe and annulus temperature at end of simulation (offshore well #1)
SPE 84583 9



Temperature, F


0 20 40 60 80
Time, min

Fig. 3 Measured and predicted temperatures at circulation depth (offshore well #1)

Temperature, F

49 Measured

0 20 40 60 80
Time, min

Fig. 4 Measured and predicted annulus temperatures at 4786 ft. (offshore well #1)
10 SPE 84583


Temperature, F


0 20 40 60 80
Time, min

Fig. 5 Measured and predicted return surface fluid temperatures (offshore well #1)

1000 Static
Depth, ft





60 65 70 75 80 85
Temperature, F

Fig. 6 Static temperature, pipe and annulus temperatures at end of simulation (offshore well #2)
SPE 84583 11



Temperature, F


70 Simulation

0 50 100 150 200
Time, min

Fig. 7 Predicted and measured BHCT (offshore well #2)


Temperature, F



65 Measured

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time, min

Fig. 8 Predicted and measured annulus temperatures at 1500 ft. (onshore well #1)
12 SPE 84583

180 Measured

Temperature, F



0 50 100 150 200 250
Time, min

Fig. 9 Predicted and measured annulus temperatures at 9500 ft. (onshore well #2)

Fig. 10 Typical well annulus hot spot depth and hot spot temperature
SPE 84583 13

Fluid viscosity
Drill pipe size
1.15 Hole size

Normalized BHCT Pump rate



Variable value

Fig. 11 Sensitivity of a typical well normalized BHCT

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