The Diagnosis and Management of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and The Associated Headache

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1177/1756285616635987Therapeutic Advances in Neurological DisordersRH Jensen, A Radojicic

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Review

The diagnosis and management of idiopathic

Ther Adv Neurol Disord

2016, Vol. 9(4) 317326

intracranial hypertension and the associated DOI: 10.1177/


The Author(s), 2016.
Reprints and permissions:

Rigmor Hjland Jensen, Aleksandra Radojicic and Hanne Yri

Abstract: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a challenging disorder with a rapid

increasing incidence due to a close relation to obesity. The onset of symptoms is often
insidious and patients may see many different specialists before the IIH diagnosis is settled.
A summary of diagnosis, symptoms, headache characteristics and course, as well as
existing evidence of treatment strategies is presented and strategies for investigations and
management are proposed.

Keywords: acetazolamide, headache, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, visual loss

Introduction 2004; Durcan etal. 1988]. Visual loss can occur Correspondence to:
Rigmor Hjland Jensen,
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), or anytime along the course of the disease but is MD, PhD
pseudotumor cerebri, formerly called benign often insidious and as central vision is spared Danish Headache Center,
Department of Neurology,
intracranial hypertension, is a challenging condi- until late in the course of the illness the visual loss Rigshospitalet-Glostrup,
tion with raised intracranial pressure (ICP) in the is often asymptomatic until profound. In addi- University of Copenhagen,
absence of identifiable cause [Friedman et al. tion, diagnosis is often delayed as the general rigmor.jensen@regionh.
2013; Mollan etal. 2014; Friedman, 2014]. knowledge of IIH is limited and multiple doctors dk

from various specialties have been consulted Hanne Yri, MD, PhD
Danish Headache Center,
In the literature, IIH primarily affects young before patients are identified. In a new series from Department of Neurology,
obese women and the estimated incidence in this our group the visual prognosis after one year was University of Copenhagen,
population is 20 per 100,000 which is 20-fold good, probably due to earlier diagnosis, more 2600 Glostrup, Denmark
higher than in normal-weight individuals [Durcan awareness, a dedicated team effort or a close fol- Aleksandra Radojicic,
et al. 1988; Radhakrishnan et al. 1993]. Due to low-up [Yri etal. 2012]. Neurology Clinic,
the close relationship with obesity, which has Clinical Center of Serbia,
Belgrade, Serbia
been reported to have increased three-fold over
just 15 years in Western countries [WHO, 2013], Clinical presentation and diagnosis
the incidence of IIH is expected to increase rap- In most patients IIH manifests with severe head-
idly. As obesity affects children and males to a ache, visual disturbances and bilateral papilledema
similar degree as in females, and as the reports of [Carta et al. 2004; Mollan et al. 2014; Yri and
IIH in these groups are accumulating [Bruce etal. Jensen, 2015; Yri etal. 2012]. The symptoms are
2009; Standridge, 2010] it can be hypothesized clearly summarized [Wall etal. 2014a] (Figure 1)
that obesity is the main underlying causative fac- and were confirmed in the recent field testing of
tor, and not gender or age. Still, case-control diagnostic criteria [Yri and Jensen, 2015].
studies with male and female patients matched by
weight are needed to clarify the role of gender. Headache is present in around 93% of patients at
the time of diagnosis, usually being constant or
At time of diagnosis various degrees of visual occurring daily or nearly daily [Craig etal. 2001;
impairment are present in up to 90% of patients Yri etal. 2012]. It lacks specific features and may
with IIH [Craig etal. 2001] and in prior studies mimic chronic migraine, chronic tension-type
an estimated rate of 1024% progressed to severe headaches or both. Headache related to IIH is
and permanent visual impairment [Carta et al. more likely to be focal than holocranial, and often 317
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 9(4)

Figure 1. Percentage of patients and their presenting symptoms in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension,
modified from Wall and colleagues [Wall et al. 2014a].

Table 1. International Classification of Headache Disorders, third edition beta (ICHD-3-beta) criteria for
headache attributed to IIH [Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society,
A Any headache fulfilling criterion C
B Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) has been diagnosed, with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure
>250 mm
CSF (measured by lumbar puncture performed in the lateral decubitus position, without
sedative medications, or by epidural or intraventricular monitoring)
C Evidence of causation demonstrated by at least two of the following
1. Headache has developed in temporal relation to IIH, or has led to its discovery
2. Headache is relieved by reducing intracranial hypertension
3. Headache is aggravated in temporal relation to increase in intracranial pressure
D Not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 beta diagnosis
IIH, idiopathic intracranial hypertension; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

with pulsating elements. Aggravation by cough- Characteristic for the condition is the presence of
ing, straining and physical activity is reported by a pulsatile tinnitus that is believed to arise from
the majority of patients [Yri and Jensen, 2015; Yri intensified vascular pulsation occurring with high
et al. 2014b]. The current diagnostic criteria for ICP. Although very common, it is often not
headache attributed to IIH given by the reported by the patients unless specifically que-
International Classification of Headache Disorders ried about it.
(ICHD-III beta) [Headache Classification
Subcommittee of the International Headache Patients with papilledema often present with tran-
Society, 2013] are presented in Table 1. Recently, sitory visual obscurations which can be a manifes-
these criteria have been field tested and new vali- tation of increased bulb pressure, retinal ischemia
dated criteria have been proposed [Yri and or transient ischemia at the optic nerve caused by
Jensen, 2015]. Still, the headache attributed to papilledema. Increased ICP without papilledema
IIH is scarcely studied and none of the existing has been reported in unresponsive chronic migraine
trials elucidated the effects of current headache patients suggesting a diagnosis of IIH without
treatments. The headaches may also determine papilledema [De Simone etal. 2014; Mathew etal.
the impaired quality of life reported in a study of 1996; Wang etal. 1998]. However, such a diagno-
IIH patients from the Birmingham group [Mulla sis is challenging and requires caution with addi-
etal. 2015]. tional clinical or neuroradiological confirmation as

RH Jensen, A Radojicic et al.

Table 2. Diagnostic criteria for pseudotumor cerebri syndrome [Friedman et al.2013].

1. Required for diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri syndromea
A. Papilloedema
B. Normal neurologic examination except for cranial nerve abnormalities
C. Neuroimaging: Normal brain parenchyma without evidence of hydrocephalus, mass, or structural
lesion and no abnormal meningeal enhancement on MRI, with and without gadolinium, for typical
patients (female and obese), and MRI, with and without gadolinium, and magnetic resonance
venography for others; if MRI is unavailable or contraindicated, contrast-enhanced CT may be used
D. Normal CSF composition
E. Elevated lumbar puncture opening pressure (250 mm CSF in adults and 280 mm CSF in children
[250 mm CSF if the child is not sedated and not obese]) in a properly performed lumbar puncture
2. Diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri syndrome without papilloedema
In the absence of papilloedema, a diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri syndrome can be made if BE from
above are satisfied, and in addition the patient has a unilateral or bilateral abducens nerve palsy.
In the absence of papilloedema or sixth nerve palsy, a diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri syndrome can
be suggested but not made if BE from above are satisfied, and in addition at least three of the following
neuroimaging criteria are satisfied:
i. Empty sella
ii. Flattening of the posterior aspect of the globe
iii. Distention of the perioptic subarachnoid space with or without a tortuous optic nerve
iv. Transverse venous sinus stenosis
aAdiagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri syndrome is definite if the patient fulfills criteria AE. The diagnosis is considered
probable if criteria AD are met but the measured CSF pressure is lower than specified for a definite diagnosis.
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computerized tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

suggested in the revised diagnostic criteria for visual field by perimetry are also essential [Carta
pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (Table 2) etal. 2004; Mollan etal. 2014; Skau etal. 2011a]
[Friedman etal. 2013]. Other symptoms and clini- but the test method should be standardized and
cal signs include dizziness, nausea, reduced mem- in most cases needs ophthalmological expertise.
ory and concentration and horizontal diplopia due Use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) is
to sixth nerve palsy [Carta etal. 2004; Mollan etal. recommended for quantification of papilledema
2014; Yri and Jensen, 2015; Yri et al. 2012]. and the method has been demonstrated to be a
Recent studies demonstrated a marked cognitive valuable additional tool for identification and
dysfunction [Kharkar etal. 2011; Yri etal. 2014a; monitoring of papilledema over time [Skau etal.
Zur etal. 2015] and indicated that impaired execu- 2011a; El-Dairi et al. 2007; Rebolleda and
tive function, working memory, processing speed Munoz-Negrete, 2009].
and reaction time remained after normalization of
ICP and alleviation of the headache and the visual The next step is neuroimaging, preferably a mag-
symptoms [Yri etal. 2014a]. It is likely that such netic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain.
cognitive dysfunction could contribute to the sub- Supplemental MR/CT venography to rule out
stantial loss of work capacity and life quality in sinus venous occlusions is essential, since sinus
patients with IIH and increased focus of the under- venous occlusions may manifest clinically as iso-
lying pathophysiology and of their rehabilitation lated intracranial hypertension syndrome in more
are highly relevant. than one-third of patients [Biousse et al.1999].
Bilateral transverse sinus stenosis, but not occlu-
sions, are frequently reported in IIH patients
Examination [Fera etal. 2005; Farb etal. 2003; Higgins etal.
The first step in the neurological examination of a 2004]; still, it remains unclear whether this plays
suspected IIH patient is fundoscopy. Although a role in the pathogenesis of IIH or just serves as
assessment of papilledema may be limited by con- a radiological marker of raised ICP. The other
siderable intra- and inter-observer variability and neuroimaging abnormalities of IIH include empty
lack of experience in junior doctors, is it still a sella, flattening of the posterior aspect of the globe
quick, simple and accessible bedside test in the and perioptic subarachnoid space enlargement
emergency room. Test of vision and especially [Friedman etal. 2013]. 319
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 9(4)

In the clinical setting IIH is documented by a Bariatric surgery can be offered to these over-
lumbar puncture with manometry. To minimize weight patients for the faster weight reduction
false positive values a standardized procedure is and a review of case reports or small case series
essential with patients placed in a lateral decubi- has been published [Fridley et al. 2011].
tus position on a flat bed, as relaxed as possible, Altogether, the 62 included patients reported
with legs stretched before pressure measurements 92% resolution of IIH symptoms postsurgery.
[King etal. 2002; Whiteley etal. 2006]. Opening Specifically, papilloedema regressed in 34 of 35
pressure values above 25 cm H2O are considered subjects and a mean ICP reduction of 25 cm H2O
abnormal [Headache Classification Subcommittee was reported. The average weight loss was impres-
of the International Headache Society, 2013; sive with a 45.4 kg decrease and the BMI was
Friedman etal. 2013]. However, it is only a point reduced by 16 kg/m2 [Fridley etal. 2011]. On the
measurement and with high diurnal ICP variabil- indication of severe IIH with rapid loss of vision
ity repeated pressure measurements may be and morbid obesity, bariatric surgery appears
required in patients presenting with an atypical promising; but the complication rate has been
phenotype or with only marginally increased very high and randomized controlled trials with
opening pressure. at least some years of follow-up protocols are
required to establish the long-term outcome and
Based on the existing evidence and clinical expe- the side effects.
rience the following diagnostic plan has now been
developed in our academic center and can be rec-
ommended for systematic testing in other settings Drug treatments
(Figure 2). The first drug of choice in IIH management is
acetazolamide, an old diuretic with a significant
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor effect. The efficacy
Management of acetazolamide in IIH has been investigated in
The target of IIH management is to reduce ICP two randomized studies. The first by Ball and col-
with the main goals of preservation of vision and leagues was an open-label randomized pilot study
relief of headache. Over the years the manage- of acetazolamide versus no acetazolamide, includ-
ment strategy for IIH has been based on clinical ing 25 patients in each arm [Ball et al. 2011].
experience, but in recent times, well designed However, 48% of patients in the active group
clinical trials assessing acetazolamide and weight could not to tolerate the medication and stopped
loss have been published [Ball etal. 2011; Sinclair or reduced the planned dose up to a maximum of
etal. 2010; Wall etal. 2014b]. 1500 mg. The authors concluded that a very large
controlled study was needed to demonstrate a
moderate treatment effect. The reported side
Weight reduction effects were acroparesthesia, dysgeusia, fatigue,
Weight loss plays a significant role in IIH man- gastrointestinal symptoms, and nephrolithiasis.
agement. Originally, this was based on case The other study was a multicenter, randomized,
reports and small open series but was recently double-masked, placebo-controlled study of
confirmed in a prospective cohort trial [Sinclair acetazolamide in 165 participants with IIH and
etal. 2010]. Twenty-five patients with IIH were showed a small but significant beneficial effect of
treated with a very low calorie diet (425 kcal/day) acetazolamide on visual function [Wall et al.
for three months following a three-month obser- 2014b]. For obvious ethical reasons only patients
vational control period. Upon diet, patients with mild visual loss were included which may
reduced their weight dramatically (15% of body explain that only a limited effect of treatment
weight) resulting in a significant reduction in could be demonstrated. The clinical significance
ICP, headaches and papilledema. In another of the shown visual improvement and of other
open-labeled design study of newly diagnosed symptoms thus remains to be determined.
IIH, the CSF pressure decreased markedly in
patients with 3.5% reduction of body mass Furosemide and other diuretics are sometimes
index (BMI), in contrast to patients with no used in IIH, either alone or in combination with
weight loss [Skau etal. 2011b]. Large scale rand- acetazolamide but there are no randomized con-
omized controlled studies with long-term follow trolled trials supporting its effect. Further evi-
up are still warranted to verify these findings. dence is thus required before furosemide or other

RH Jensen, A Radojicic et al.

Figure 2. Proposal of a diagnostic work-up and strategy in patients with possible idiopathic intracranial

diuretics can be recommended. Topiramate, an patients, with a main focus on visual fields
antiepileptic and a migraine prophylactic, has [Celebisoy et al. 2007]. Both drugs showed an
become increasingly popular as a management improvement over time with no significant differ-
option in IIH [Celebisoy etal. 2007; Linde etal. ence between them with respect to visual func-
2013]. The appeal for this drug stems from the tion. However, the effect of topiramate could be
combined effect as carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, explained by a greater weight loss in this group.
although weaker than acetazolamide, a migraine As headache is such a predominant and disabling
preventive, and its positive side effect of appetite feature in patients with IIH, topiramate is appeal-
suppression and weight loss. Reported adverse ing to prescribe as a monotherapy or in combina-
effects are very similar to acetazolamide with par- tion with acetazolamide. However, treatments are
esthesia, fatigue, and gastrointestinal symptoms often hampered by the marked side effects. In
in addition to dizziness, coordination, and gait migraine treatment the adherence to topiramate
problems. is under 50% [Linde etal. 2013]. In addition cog-
nitive symptoms may occur even with low doses
The effect of topiramate and acetazolamide was of topiramate, and it is a highly undesirable
compared in an open-label study of 40 IIH adverse effect in a patient population already 321
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 9(4)

hampered by severe headaches and various outcome on headache and quality of life are not
degrees of cognitive dysfunction. reported.

So far, there are no guidelines or relevant studies

that would provide recommendations for drug CSF diversion
treatment duration. Our clinical practice is to Types of CSF diversion include: lumboperitoneal
taper the medication slowly down when the visual shunts (LPS) or VPS. In earlier days also ven-
symptoms and papilledema are improved, the triculojugular and ventriculoatrial shunting have
CSF-pressure is normalized, and 510% weight been performed. There are no prospective con-
loss is achieved. We recommend regular follow- trolled trials to guide procedure choice but shunts
up visits of the patients, so an eventual relapse with variable flow valves are reported to be supe-
can be identified and medication reinstituted. rior [Hickman etal. 2014].

In one of the largest retrospective case note

Other interventions reviews of LPS and VPS shunts, including 53 IIH
Several surgical procedures for IIH have been patients, improvements from baseline were noted
reported but none of them have been subjected to in VAs after 6 months and 12 months. However,
randomized controlled trials and the evidence is at 6 month follow up, 68% of patients still
still lacking. Neurosurgical intervention with reported persistent or recurrent headache and
insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) is after 12 months this number was increased to
not indicated in the vast majority of IIH-cases but 77% [Sinclair et al. 2011]. Other reported IIH
should be reserved for cases with rapid or malig- symptoms, such as tinnitus and diplopia remained
nant loss of vision (i.e. fulminant or malignant unchanged in 28% of patients and low pressure
IIH) [Thambisetty etal. 2007]. A recent system- headaches were also reported post-procedurally.
atic review summarizing the effect and the com- Although appearing effective in reducing the early
plications of different surgical options and ICP-related signs and symptoms, complications
stenting for IIH concluded that no evidence was included shunt blockage, infection, abdominal
available to support the use of any technique in and back pain, intracranial hypotension and ton-
particular [Lai etal. 2014]. Considering a risk of sillar herniation. Shunt revisions were required in
various complications associated with surgical 51% with multiple revisions needed in 30%
interventions, in many settings repeated spinal [Sinclair etal. 2011].
taps are employed with daily or weekly intervals
but the evidence is entirely clinical. The choice of
procedure is therefore largely dependent on local Dural venous sinus stenting
expertise, resources, and preference. The causal role of venous sinus compression in
IIH is debated and stenting of the dural venous
system is controversial. Several smaller case series
Optic nerve sheath fenestration and retrospective studies have been published
Studies assessing the safety and efficacy of optic and no prospective, randomized controlled trials
nerve sheath fenestration (ONSF) are small and have yet been performed, probably due to the
uncontrolled and there have been no prospective ethical considerations. Resolution of tinnitus,
trials. Chandrasekaran and colleagues reviewed 32 improvements in headaches, visual function, and
patients in an observational case series including papilledema is commonly reported after dural
13 diagnosed with IIH. Visual function improved venous sinus stenting, but none of these end-
significantly post-operatively, but in 11 of 32 points are statistically confirmed [Higgins et al.
patients additional CSF diversion was required 2002; Radvany etal. 2013; Riggeal etal. 2013].
after the ONSF procedure [Chandrasekaran etal. However, in a larger study of 52 patients immedi-
2006]. Another series of 78 patients with ONSF, ate, and in most cases longstanding, amelioration
62 of which had a unilateral diversion [Alsuhaibani of signs and symptoms was obtained [Ahmed
etal. 2011] suggested that a unilateral procedure etal. 2011]. Complications reported in the litera-
may be sufficient in relief of pressure in both eyes. ture include stent migration, stent thrombosis,
Complications to ONSF include traumatic optic restenosis, and vessel perforation [Ahmed et al.
neuropathy, retinal vascular occlusion, pupil dila- 2011; Higgins et al. 2002; Radvany et al. 2013;
tation, and diplopia [Spitze et al. 2014]. Overall Riggeal etal. 2013].

RH Jensen, A Radojicic et al.

Figure 3. Proposal of a stratified treatment strategy for idiopathic intracranial hypertension according to
symptom severity.

Headache management and prognosis and visual symptoms had resolved [Yri et al.
Although headache is the most frequent symptom 2014b], supporting theories that headache in IIH
in patients with IIH, headache management is a is attributed to more complex mechanisms than
field yet to be explored, since the existing treat- ICP elevation alone [Ekizoglu et al. 2012].
ment trials have been focused on ICP changes or Persistent headache has a major impact on qual-
visual outcome rather than a headache relief. ity of life in IIH but the causes of headache
chronification are yet unknown. Coexisting
In many patients IIH headache responds well to migraine and tension-type headache, medication
management of ICP by cerebrospinal fluid overuse, depression and anxiety which are com-
withdrawal or medical treatment, with most mon in IIH, may have a role in chronic post-IIH
improvement occurring within the first month headaches, and should be recognized and treated
[Yri etal. 2014b]. Immediate headache relief is simultaneously [Friedman and Rausch, 2002;
typically seen after the diagnostic lumbar punc- Kleinschmidt et al. 2000]. In the recent study
ture with CSF removal [Yri and Jensen, 2015]. predictors for a favorable outcome of headache
In a small prospective acetazolamide study, 12 months after diagnosis were younger age at
headache prevalence was reduced from 68% to onset and a high diagnostic opening pressure.
43% in acetazolamide-treated patients, com- This may relate to an early diagnosis or fast ini-
pared to a reduction from 72% to 65% in a con- tiation of relevant treatment in these patients [Yri
trol group [Ball et al. 2011]. However, no etal. 2014b].
significant treatment effects were noted with
respect to headache disability in a larger, rand- The visual prognosis appears to have improved in
omized placebo-controlled study of acetazola- recent years, but IIH is still a complex disorder to
mide [Wall etal. 2014b]. handle, multiple medical specialties need to be
involved and the relapse rate is high at up to 40%
Data on the long-term outcome of headache in [Best et al. 2013; Kesler et al. 2004; Ko et al.
IIH are limited. In a prospective follow-up study 2011; Shah etal. 2008]. In our IIH populations of
by Yri and colleagues, 43% of patients either 44 and 40 patients, respectively, the visual func-
recovered totally or reported only infrequent tion were almost normalized in all subjects after
headache (1 day/month) after 1 year while 12 months whereas the major long-term compli-
another 43% were left with a persistent chronic cations were headache and impaired cognition
headache even after intracranial hypertension [Yri etal. 2014b; Yri etal. 2012]. 323
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 9(4)

Despite the severe headache and a potential treat Ball, A., Howman, A., Wheatley, K., Burdon, M.,
to visual function, compliance to treatment and Matthews, T., Jacks, A. etal. (2011) A randomised
follow-up is surprisingly poor. Therefore, we rec- controlled trial of treatment for idiopathic intracranial
ommend patient education and close long term hypertension. J Neurol 258: 874881.
follow-up with weight control. From a clinical Best, J., Silvestri, G., Burton, B., Foot, B. and
perspective, we also recommend that the treat- Acheson, J. (2013) The Incidence of Blindness Due to
ment strategy should be stratified according to Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in the UK. Open
disease severity (Figure 3). Other issues such as Ophthalmol J 7: 2629.
patient tolerability, compliance and the available Biousse, V., Ameri, A. and Bousser, M. (1999)
health care service should also be considered. Isolated intracranial hypertension as the only sign of
cerebral venous thrombosis. Neurology 53: 15371542.

Conclusion and recommendations Bruce, B., Kedar, S., Van Stavern, G., Monaghan,
IIH is a challenging and serious disease with a sig- D., Acierno, M., Braswell, R. etal. (2009) Idiopathic
intracranial hypertension in men. Neurology 72:
nificant burden on the individual and the society.
We suggest organization of specific national IIH
teams for awareness, management and research. Carta, A., Bertuzzi, F., Cologno, D., Giorgi, C.,
In a setting with a dedicated IIH team consisting Montanari, E. and Tedesco, S. (2004) Idiopathic
of neuro-ophthalmologist, neurologist and dieti- intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri):
cian and an easy access to frequent follow-up vis- descriptive epidemiology, clinical features, and
its, it should be possible to adjust the medical visual outcome in Parma, Italy, 1990 to 1999. Eur J
Ophthalmol 14: 4854.
treatment individually depending on disease
course and symptomatology. The number of sur- Celebisoy, N., Gokcay, F., Sirin, H. and Akyurekli,
gical interventions should be minimized and only O. (2007) Treatment of idiopathic intracranial
employed for the malignant cases or rapid pro- hypertension: topiramate vs acetazolamide, an open-
gression. The visual prognosis seems to have label study. Acta Neurol Scand 116: 322327.
improved in recent years while persistent head- Chandrasekaran, S., McCluskey, P., Minassian, D.
ache still poses a significant long-term problem for and Assaad, N. (2006) Visual outcomes for optic
the patients. The incidence of IIH is in rapid pro- nerve sheath fenestration in pseudotumour cerebri
gression in the wake of the global endemic obesity and related conditions. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 34:
problem and expertise is absolutely required for 661665.
scientific progress and a better outcome.
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