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MARRIAGE the contracting parties _____________ to the solemnizing

Chapter 1. Requisites of Marriage officer's _________ or ________ sect;

(3) Any ______ ________ or airplane _______ only in the case

Article 1. _____________ is a ___________ contract of ___________ mentioned in Article 31;
___________ between a _________ and a __________ entered into in
_____________ with __________ for the _________________ of
______________ and ___________ life. It is the _________________ of the (4) Any __________ commander of a _______ to which a __________
____________ and an _______________ social _________________ whose is __________, in the _________of the latter, during a military
_____________ , _______________ , and ____________ are governed by operation, likewise only in the cases mentioned in Article 32;
_________ and not ____________ to ___________, except that
marriage settlements may ______ the ___________ relations (5) Any _______________, consul or _____________ in the case
___________ the marriage within the __________ provided by this provided in Article 10. (56a)
Code. (52a)
Article. 8. The ____________ shall be solemnized ____________ in
Art. 2. No _________ shall be _________, unless these _________ the ____________ of the judge or in _________ court, in the ________,
requisites are present: ________ or __________, or in the office the consul-general, consul
(1) __________ capacity of the ___________ parties who must be a or vice-consul, as the case may be, and not _____________,
_______ and a ________; and except in cases of marriages contracted on the _______ of
(2) _________ freely given in the __________ of the _____________ _______ or in _________ places in accordance with Article 29 of
officer. (53a) this Code, or where ______ of the ________ request the
______________ officer in _______ in which case the _____________
Art. 3. The __________ requisites of _________ are: may be _____________ at a ________ or ________ designated by them
in a ________ statement to that ________. (57a)
(1) __________ of the ____________ officer;
(2) A valid marriage __________ except in the cases provided
for in Chapter 2 of this Title; and Art. 9. A marriage ___________ shall be __________ by the local
(3) A marriage ___________ which takes place with the civil registrar of the ________ or ____________ where either
___________ of the ___________ parties __________ the __________ ______________ party ___________ resides, except in marriages
officer and their ______________ declaration that they take each where no ___________ is required in accordance with Chapter 2
other as husband and wife in the presence of not less than of this Title. (58a)
______ witnesses of legal age. (53a, 55a)
Art. 10. ___________ between ___________ citizens __________ may
Art. 4. The __________ of any of the _________ or _________ be solemnized by a _____________, __________ or _____________ of
requisites shall render the marriage___________, except as the Republic of the Philippines. The ___________ of the
stated in Article 35 (2). marriage __________ and the __________ of the _________ civil
registrar and of the solemnizing officer with regard to the
A ___________ in any of the ____________ requisites shall not affect _____________ of ___________ shall be _____________ by said
the ___________ of the marriage but the _________ or _________ ___________ official. (75a)
responsible for the _____________ shall be __________, ___________
and ____________ liable. (n) Art. 11. Where a marriage ___________ is ___________, each of the
contracting parties shall file _____________ a sworn ___________
Art. 5. Any _______ or ______ of the age of __________ years or for such ___________ with the _____________ local civil registrar
__________ not under any of the ____________ mentioned in which shall specify the following:
Articles 37 and 38, may contract marriage. (54a)
(1) Full name of the contracting party;
Art. 6. No _____________ _______ or __________ rite for the (2) Place of birth;
_____________ of the marriage is required. It shall be ___________, (3) Age and date of birth;
however, for the contracting parties to appear _____________ (4) Civil status;
before the solemnizing officer and ____________ in the __________ (5) If previously married, how, when and where the previous
of not _______ than _______ witnesses of legal age that they take marriage was ___________ or____________;
each other as husband and wife. This ____________ shall be (6) __________ residence and citizenship;
____________ in the marriage __________ which shall be __________ (7) ___________ of __________ of the contracting parties;
by the ____________ parties and their ___________ and ___________ (8) Full name, residence and citizenship of the _________;
by the solemnizing officer. (9) Full name, residence and citizenship of the _________; and
(10) Full name, residence and citizenship of the ____________ or
In case of a marriage in ______________, when the party at the __________ having charge, in case the contracting party has
point of _______ is _________ to ________ the marriage ___________, it neither father nor mother and is under the age of
shall be ____________ for _______ of the witnesses to the ______________ years.
marriage to ________ the __________ of said party, which fact The _____________, their ___________ or _____________ shall not be
shall be _____________ by the solemnizing officer. (55a) __________ to __________ their residence _____________ in any
______________ in connection with the ____________ of the
Art. 7. ______________ may be solemnized by: marriage __________. (59a)

(1) Any _____________ member of the _________ within the court's

jurisdiction; Art. 12. The local civil registrar, upon _____________ such
______________, shall ___________ the _____________ of the ___________
(2) Any __________, _______, ________, or _________ of any church or birth certificates or, in ____________ thereof, the ___________
religious sect duly authorized by his church or religious sect certificates of the contracting parties or __________ of such
and registered with the civil registrar ___________, acting ___________ duly ____________ by the persons having __________ of
within the __________ of the written ______________ granted by his the ____________. These ____________ or _____________ copies of the
__________ or __________ sect and provided that at least ______ of documents by this ___________ need not be ___________ to and
shall be _________ from the documentary stamp tax. The give any _________ this fact shall be stated in the sworn
____________ and ___________ title of the person ___________ the statement. (62a)
certificate shall be __________ proof of its _____________.
Art. 16. In the cases where parental ___________ or parental
If _________ of the contracting parties is __________ to __________ ________ is needed, the party or parties concerned shall,
his _______ or _________ certificate or a certified copy of either in_________ to the ______________ of the preceding articles, ______
because of the _____________ or __________ of the ________ or if it is a ____________ issued by a ________, _________ or minister
shown by an ____________ of such party or of any other person authorized to solemnize marriage under Article 7 of this
that such _______ or _____________ certificate has not yet been Code or a marriage ___________ duly ___________ by the proper
_________ though the same has been ____________ of the person government agency to the effect that the contracting parties
having ___________ thereof at least _________ days prior to the have undergone marriage counseling. Failure to attach said
date of the ___________, such _________ may ________ in ______ certificates of marriage counseling shall _________ the __________
thereof his current ___________ certificate or an _____________ of the marriage license for a period of ________ months from
________ up and __________ to _________ the local civil registrar the _________ of the ___________ of the application. __________ of
___________ or any public official authorized to _____________ the marriage license within the __________ period shall subject
oaths. Such _____________ shall _________ the __________ the issuing officer to administrative _________ but shall not
declaration of ______ witnesses of lawful age, setting forth the affect the ___________ of the __________.
full name, residence and citizenship of such contracting
party and of his or her parents, if known, and the place and Should only ________ of the _________ parties need _________
date of birth of such party. The nearest of _____ of the _______ or parental ________, the other party must be _________ at
contracting parties shall be __________ as witnesses, or, in their the _________ referred to in the preceding paragraph. (n)
___________, persons of good ___________ in the ____________ or the
______________. Art. 17. The local civil registrar shall _________ a ________ which
shall ________ the full names and residences of the applicants
The _____________ of ________ or __________ certificate shall not be for a marriage license and other _______ given in the
required if the __________ of the contracting parties appear applications. The ________ shall be _______ for _______
____________ before the local civil registrar concerned and consecutive days on a bulletin board outside the office of the
_________ to the _____________ of the lawful age of said parties, as local civil registrar located in a ___________ place _______ the
_________ in the __________, or when the local civil registrar building and __________ to the general public. This notice shall
shall, by merely looking at the applicants upon their __________ all persons having __________ of any ____________ to the
___________ appearing before him, be _________ that either or marriage to ________ the local civil registrar thereof. The
both of them have the required ______. (60a) marriage ________ shall be ________ after the _________ of the
period of __________. (63a)
Art. 13. In case ________ of the contracting parties has been
previously _________, the applicant shall be _________ to ________, Art. 18. In case of any ___________ ________ to the local civil
instead of the _________ or _________ certificate required in the registrar or brought to his ________, he shall note down the
last preceding article, the _________ certificate of the __________ ____________ thereof and his ___________ thereon in the __________
spouse or the judicial ________ of the absolute __________, or the for marriage ___________, but shall _____________ issue said
judicial ________ of ___________ or declaration of ________ of his or license _______ the _____________ of the ________ of __________,
her previous ___________. unless ordered otherwise by a __________ court at his _______
In case the _________ certificate cannot be secured, the party instance or that of any _________ party. No _______ fee shall be
shall make an __________ setting forth this _____________ and his __________ for the ___________ nor a ______________ bond required
or her __________ civil status and the ________ and ________ of for the _____________ of the order. (64a)
_______ of the ____________ spouse. (61a)
Art. 19. The local civil registrar shall ________ the payment of
Art. 14. In case ________ or _________ of the contracting parties, the fees _________ by _____ or ___________ before the __________ of
not having been ______________ by a previous ___________, are the marriage license. No other ________ shall be _________ in the
between the ages of __________ and __________, they shall, in nature of a ______ or ____ of any kind for the issuance of said
__________ to the ____________ of the preceding __________, _________ license. It shall, however, be issued free of charge to
to the local civil registrar, the __________ to their _________ of ____________ parties, that is those who have no ________ means
their father, mother, surviving parent or guardian, or of income or whose __________ is __________ for their ____________
persons having ________ ________ of them, in the _______ a fact established by their affidavit, or by their oath before
mentioned. Such __________ shall be ___________ in writing by the the local civil registrar. (65a)
____________ party, who ___________ appears before the_________
local civil registrar, or in the _________ of an __________ made in Art. 20. The ________ shall be _______ in any part of the
the presence of ______ witnesses and _________ before any Philippines for a period of ______ hundred _______ days from
_________ authorized by ________ to ____________ oaths. The the date of ______, and shall be deemed ______________ ___________
___________ ____________ shall be recorded in both _____________ for at the ___________ of the said period if the contracting parties
marriage license, and the __________, if one is__________ instead, have not made use of it. The_________ date shall be stamped in
shall be __________ to said _____________. (61a) _______ characters on the ________ of ______ license issued. (65a)

Art. 15. Any ____________ party ___________ the age of __________ Art. 21. When __________ or ________ of the contracting parties
and ____________ shall be obliged to ask their parents or are ___________ of a ___________ country, it shall be ___________ for
guardian for _________ upon the ________ marriage. If they do them _________ a marriage license can be __________, to submit a
not ________ such _________, or if it be ___________, the marriage __________ of legal __________ to __________ marriage, issued by
_________ shall not be issued till after _______ months following their respective __________ or __________ officials.
the _____________ of the ____________ of the _____________ therefor. __________ persons or __________ from other __________ shall, in
A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect __________ of the certificate of legal __________ herein required,
that such advice has been sought, together with the written submit an __________stating the __________ showing such
advice given, if any, shall be __________ to the __________ for __________ to contract marriage. (66a)
marriage license. Should the parents or guardian __________ to
Art. 22. The marriage __________, in which the parties shall __________ before the local civil registrar, the __________ may be
__________ that they __________ each other as husband and wife, __________ without __________ of a marriage __________ . (72a)
shall also state:
(1) The full name, sex and age of each __________ party; Art. 29. In the cases provided for in the __________ preceding
(2) Their __________, __________ and __________ residence; articles, the solemnizing officer shall state in an affidavit
(3) The __________ and __________ time of the __________ of the __________ before the local civil registrar or any other person
marriage; __________ authorized to administer __________ that the
(4) That the proper marriage __________ has been marriage was performed in __________ __________ or that the
__________according to __________, except in marriage provided __________ of either party, specifying the __________ or __________ ,
for in Chapter 2 of this Title; is so located that there is no __________ of __________ to enable
(5) That either or both of the contracting parties have such party to appear __________ before the local civil registrar
__________ the __________consent in __________ cases; and that the __________ took the necessary __________ to
(6) That either or both of the contracting parties have __________ the __________ and __________ of the contracting
__________ with the __________ requirement regarding __________ __________ and the __________ of __________ impediment to the
advice in __________ cases; and __________ (72a)
(7) That the __________ have __________ into marriage __________,
if any, attaching a copy thereof. (67a) Art. 30. The __________ of the __________ required in the last
__________ article, together with the __________ copy of the
Art. 23. It shall be the __________of the person __________the marriage __________ , shall be __________ by the person
marriage to __________either of the __________ parties the solemnizing the marriage to the local civil registrar of the
__________of the marriage __________referred to in Article 6 and __________ where it was __________ within the period of __________
to __________the __________and __________ copies of the certificate days __________ the __________ of the marriage. (75a)
not later than __________ days __________ the marriage, to the
local civil registrar of the place where the marriage was Art. 31. A __________ in __________ __________ between __________ or
__________ . Proper __________ shall be issued by the local civil __________ members may also be solemnized by a ship
registrar to the solemnizing officer __________ copies of the __________ or by an airplane __________ not only while the ship is
marriage __________ . The solemnizing officer shall retain in his at sea or the plane is in flight, but also during __________ at
file the __________ copy of the marriage __________ , the copy of __________ of __________ . (74a)
the marriage __________ , the __________ of the marriage __________ Art. 32. A military __________ of a __________ , who is a __________
and, in proper cases, the __________ of the contracting party officer, shall likewise have authority to solemnize marriages
regarding the __________ of the marriage in place other than in __________ __________ between persons within the __________ of
those mentioned in Article 8. (68a) military __________ , whether members of the __________ forces
or __________ . (74a)
Art. 33. __________ among __________ or among members of the
Art. 24. It shall be the __________ of the local civil registrar to __________ cultural communities may be performed __________
__________ the __________ required by this Title, and to without the necessity of marriage __________ , provided they
administer __________ to __________ interested parties without are __________ in accordance with their __________ , __________ or
any __________ in __________ cases. The __________ and __________ __________ . (78a)
filed in connection with __________ for marriage __________ shall Art. 34. No __________ shall be __________ for the marriage of a
be __________ from documentary stamp tax. (n) man and a woman who have lived together as husband and
wife for at least __________ years and without any legal
Art. 25. The __________ civil registrar __________ shall enter __________ to __________ each other. The __________ parties shall
__________ applications for marriage __________ filed with him in state the __________ facts in an affidavit __________ any person
a __________ book __________ in the __________ in which the same __________ by law to administer __________ . The solemnizing
are __________ . He shall __________ in said __________ the __________ officer shall also state under __________ that he ascertained the
of the applicants, the date on which the marriage __________ __________ of the contracting parties are found no legal
was issued, and such other __________ as may be __________ . (n) impediment to the __________ . (76a)

Art. 26. __________ marriages solemnized __________ the Chapter 3. Void and Voidable Marriages
Philippines, in accordance with the __________ in __________ in
the __________ where they were solemnized, and __________ Art. 35. The following __________ shall be __________ from the
there as such, shall also be __________ in this __________ , except __________ :
those __________ under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and (6), 3637
and 38. (17a)
Where a marriage __________ a __________ citizen and a __________ (1) Those __________ by any party below __________ years of
is validly celebrated and a __________ is thereafter __________ __________ even with the __________ of __________ or __________ ;
obtained __________ by the __________ spouse __________ him or (2) Those __________ by any person not __________ authorized to
her to __________ , the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to __________ marriages unless such __________ were __________ with
__________ under Philippine law. (As amended by Executive __________ or __________ parties believing in good faith that the
Order 227) solemnizing officer had the legal __________ to do so;
(3) Those solemnized without __________ , except those
Chapter 2. Marriages Exempted from License Requirement covered the preceding Chapter;
(4) Those __________ or __________ marriages not failing under
Art. 27. In case either or both of the contracting parties are at Article 41;
the point of __________ , the __________ may be solemnized (5) Those contracted through __________ of one contracting
__________ necessity of a marriage __________ and shall remain party as to the __________ of the other; and
__________ even if the __________ party subsequently __________ (6) Those __________ marriages that are __________ under Article
. (72a) 53.

Art. 28. If the __________ of __________ party is so located that Art. 36. A __________ contracted by any party who, at the time
there is no means of __________ to enable such party to appear of the celebration, was __________ incapacitated to comply with
the __________ marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise
be __________ even if such __________ becomes __________ only (1) The __________ of the __________ marriage conceived
__________ its solemnization. (As amended by Executive Order __________ to its termination shall be considered __________ ;
227) (2) The __________ community of property or the __________
partnership, as the case may be, shall be __________ and
__________ , but if __________ spouse __________ said marriage in
Art. 37. __________ between the following are __________ and bad faith, his or her __________ of the net __________ of the
__________ from the beginning, whether relationship between __________ property or __________ partnership property shall be
the parties be __________ or __________ : __________ in favor of the __________ children or, if there are
(1) Between __________ and __________ of any degree; and none, the children of the __________ spouse by a __________
(2) Between __________ and __________ , whether of the full or marriage or in __________ of children, the __________ spouse;
half blood. (81a) (3) __________ by reason of __________ shall remain __________ ,
except that if the __________ contracted the marriage in
Art. 38. The following marriages shall be __________ from the __________ faith, such __________ made to said __________ are
__________ for reasons of public policy: __________ by operation of law;
(4) The __________ spouse may __________ the __________ of the
other spouse who acted in __________ faith as __________ in any
(1) Between __________ blood relatives whether legitimate or __________ policy, even if such __________ be stipulated as
illegitimate, up to the __________ civil degree; __________ ; and
(2) Between step-parents and step-children; (5) The spouse who __________ the __________ marriage in
(3) Between parents-in-law and children-in-law; __________ faith shall be __________ to __________ from the
(4) Between the __________ parent and the __________ child; __________ spouse by __________ and __________ succession. (n)
(5) Between the surviving __________ of the adopting __________
and the adopted __________ ; Art. 44. If __________ spouses of the __________ marriage acted in
(6) Between the surviving __________ of the adopted child and __________ faith, said marriage shall be __________ and all
the __________ ; __________ by reason of marriage and __________ dispositions
(7) Between an adopted child and a __________ child of the made by one in favor of the other are __________ by operation
__________ ; of law. (n)
(8) Between __________ children of the same __________ ; and
(9) Between parties where one, with the __________ to
__________ the other, __________ that other person's spouse, or Art. 45. A __________ may be __________ for any of the following
his or her own spouse. (82) __________ , __________ at the time of the marriage:
(1) That the __________ in whose __________ it is sought to have
Art. 39. The __________ or __________ for the declaration of the marriage __________ was __________ years of age or over but
__________ nullity of a marriage shall not __________ . __________ twenty-one, and the marriage was __________ without
the __________ of the parents, guardian or person having
__________ parental authority over the party, in that order,
Art. 40. The __________ nullity of a __________ marriage may be unless __________ attaining the age of __________ , such party
__________ for purposes of __________ on the basis __________ of a freely __________ with the other and both lived together as
final __________ declaring such __________ marriage __________ husband and wife;
. (n) (2) That either party was of __________ mind, unless such party
after coming to __________ , freely cohabited with the other as
Art. 41. A __________ contracted by any person __________ husband and wife;
subsistence of a previous __________ shall be null and void, (3) That the __________ of either party was obtained by
unless __________ the __________ of the subsequent marriage, the __________ , unless such party __________ , with __________
__________ spouse had been absent for __________ consecutive knowledge of the __________ constituting the __________ , freely
years and the spouse __________ has a well-founded belief that cohabited with the other as husband and wife;
the absent spouse was already __________ . In case of __________ (4) That the __________ of either party was obtained by
where there is __________ of __________ under the circumstances __________ , __________ or undue __________ , unless the same
set forth in the provisions of Article 391 of the Civil Code, an having __________ or __________ , such party thereafter freely
absence of only __________ years shall be __________ . cohabited with the other as husband and wife;
For the __________ of contracting the __________ marriage under (5) That __________ party was __________ incapable of
the preceding paragraph the spouse __________ must institute consummating the marriage with the other, and such
a __________ proceeding as provided in this Code for the incapacity __________ and appears to be __________ ; or
__________ of presumptive __________ of the __________ , without (6) That either party was __________ with a __________ disease
__________ to the __________ of __________ of the __________ found to be __________ and appears to be __________ . (85a)
spouse. (83a)
Art. 46. Any of the following circumstances shall constitute
Art. 42. The __________ marriage referred to in the preceding __________ referred to in Number 3 of the preceding Article:
Article shall be __________ terminated by the __________ of the
affidavit of __________ of the absent spouse, unless there is a
__________ annulling the __________ marriage or declaring it (1) __________ of a previous __________ by final judgment of the
__________ __________ __________ . other party of a crime involving moral turpitude;
A sworn statement of the __________ and __________ of __________ (2) __________ by the wife of the fact that at the time of the
shall be __________ in the civil registry of the __________ of the marriage, she was __________ by a man other than her
__________ to the __________ marriage at the instance of any husband;
__________ person, with due __________ to the __________ of the (3) __________ of sexually transmissible disease, __________ of its
__________ marriage and without prejudice to the fact of __________ , existing at the time of the marriage; or
__________ being __________ determined in case such fact is (4) Concealment of __________ addiction, habitual __________ or
__________ . (n) __________ or __________ existing at the time of the marriage.
Art. 43. The __________ of the __________ marriage referred to in No other __________ or __________ as to __________ , __________ ,
the preceding Article shall __________ the following __________ : __________ , __________ or __________ shall constitute such __________
as will give grounds for action for the __________ of by __________ agreement __________ approved, had already
marriage. (86a) provided for such matters.
The __________ or their __________ or the __________ of their
__________ may __________ for the __________ of the judgment.
Art. 47. The action for __________ of marriage must be filed by The __________ of the __________ legitimes herein prescribed
the following __________ and within the __________ indicated shall in no way __________ the __________ successional rights of
herein: the children __________ upon the __________ of either of both of
(1) For causes mentioned in number 1 of Article 45 by the the parents; but the __________ of the properties __________
party whose parent or guardian did not give his or her received under the __________ of __________ or __________ nullity
consent, within __________ years __________ attaining the age of shall be considered as __________ on their __________ . (n)
__________ , or by the parent or guardian or person having Art. 52. The judgment of __________ or of absolute __________ of
legal charge of the minor, at any time __________ such party has the marriage, the __________ and __________ of the properties of
reached the age of __________ ; the spouses and the __________ of the children's __________
(2) For causes mentioned in number 2 of Article 45, by the legitimes shall be __________ in the __________ civil __________ and
__________ spouse, who had no __________ of the other's __________ __________ of property; otherwise, the same shall not affect
; or by any __________ or __________ or person having legal __________ persons. (n)
charge of the __________ , at any time __________ the __________ of
either party, or by the __________ spouse during a __________ Art. 53. __________ of the __________ spouses may marry again
interval or after regaining __________ ; __________ compliance with the __________ of the __________
(3) For causes mentioned in number 3 of Article 45, by the preceding Article; otherwise, the __________ marriage shall be
injured party, within __________ years __________ the __________ of null and void.
the __________ ;
(4) For causes mentioned in number 4 of Article 45, by the Art. 54. Children __________ or __________ __________ the judgment
injured party, within __________ years from the time the of __________ or absolute __________ of the marriage under
__________ , __________ or __________ influence __________ or Article 36 has become __________ and __________ shall be
__________ ; considered __________ . Children __________ or __________ of the
(5) For causes mentioned in number 5 and 6 of Article 45, by __________ marriage under Article 53 shall likewise be
the __________ party, within __________ years __________ the __________ .
__________ . (87a)
Art. 48. In all cases of __________ or declaration of absolute LEGAL SEPARATION
__________ of marriage, the Court shall order the prosecuting
attorney or fiscal __________ to it to appear on __________ of the Art. 55. A __________ for legal __________ may be filed on any of
State to take __________ to prevent __________ between the the following grounds:
parties and to take care that __________ is not __________ or
__________ .
In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, no (1) __________ physical __________ or __________ abusive conduct
__________ shall be based upon a __________ of __________ or directed against the __________ , a __________ child, or a child of
__________ of __________ . (88a) the __________ ;
(2) Physical violence or __________ pressure to __________ the
Art. 49. __________ the __________ of the action and in the petitioner to change __________ or __________ affiliation;
__________ of __________ provisions in a __________ agreement (3) __________ of respondent to __________ or __________ the
between the spouses, the Court shall __________ for the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to
__________ of the spouses and the __________ and __________ of engage in __________ , or __________ in such __________ or __________
their __________ children. The Court shall give __________ ;
consideration to the __________ and __________ welfare of said (4) __________ judgment sentencing the respondent to
__________ and their __________ of the __________ with whom they imprisonment of more than __________ years, even if __________ ;
wish to __________ as provided to in Title IX. It shall also (5) Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the respondent;
provide for appropriate __________ rights of the other __________ (6) __________ or __________ of the respondent;
. (n) (7) Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent __________
marriage, whether in the __________ or __________ ;
Art. 50. The effects provided for by paragraphs (2), (3), (4) (8) Sexual __________ or __________ ;
and (5) of Article 43 and by Article 44 shall also apply in the (9) __________ by the respondent against the __________ of the
proper cases to __________ which are declared __________ or petitioner; or
__________ by __________ judgment under Articles 40 and 45. (10) __________ of petitioner by respondent without __________
The __________ judgment in such cases shall provide for the cause for more than __________ year.
__________ , __________ and __________ of the properties of the For purposes of this Article, the term "__________ " shall
spouses, the __________ and __________ of the __________ children, include a child by __________ or by __________ . (9a)
and the __________ of __________ presumptive __________ , unless
such matters had been __________ in __________ judicial
proceedings. Art. 56. The __________ for legal separation shall be __________ on
All __________ of the spouses as well as of the __________ any of the following __________ :
community or the __________ partnership shall be __________ of (1) Where the __________ party has __________ the __________ or
the __________ for __________ . act complained of;
In the __________ , the __________ dwelling and the __________ on (2) Where the __________ party has __________ to the
which it is __________ , shall be __________ in accordance with the commission of the offense or act complained of;
provisions of Articles 102 and 129. (3) Where there is __________ between the parties in the
commission of the offense or act constituting the ground for
Art. 51. In said __________ , the __________ of the __________ legal separation;
legitimes of all __________ children, __________ as of the date of (4) Where __________ parties have given __________ for legal
the __________ judgment of the trial court, shall be __________ in separation;
__________ , __________ or __________ securities, unless the parties,
(5) Where there is __________ between the parties to obtain
decree of legal separation; or Art. 65. If the __________ should __________ , a corresponding
(6) Where the __________ is __________ by __________ . (100a) __________ manifestation under oath duly __________ by them
shall be __________ with the court in the __________ proceeding
Art. 57. An action for legal separation shall be filed within for legal separation. (n)
__________ years from the time of the __________ of the __________ Art. 66. The __________ referred to in the preceding Articles
. (102) shall have the following __________ :
(1) The legal separation proceedings, if still __________ , shall
Art. 58. An action for legal separation shall in no case be tried thereby be __________ at whatever __________ ; and
before __________ months shall have __________ since the (2) The __________ decree of legal separation shall be set aside,
__________ of the __________ . (103) but the __________ of __________ and any __________ of the share of
the __________ spouse already __________ shall __________ , unless
Art. 59. No legal separation may be __________ unless the the spouses agree to __________ their __________ property
__________ has taken __________ toward the __________ of the regime.
__________ and is __________ satisfied, despite such efforts, that The court's order containing the foregoing shall be recorded
__________ is highly __________ . (n) in the proper civil registries. (108a)

Art. 60. No __________ of legal separation shall be based upon a

__________ of __________ or a __________ of __________ . Art. 67. The __________ to __________ the __________ property
In any case, the Court shall order the prosecuting attorney or regime referred to in the preceding Article shall be __________
fiscal assigned to it to take __________ to prevent __________ under __________ and shall __________ :
between the parties and to take care that the __________ is not (1) The properties to be __________ to the __________ regime;
__________ or __________ . (101a) (2) Those to be __________ as __________ properties of each
spouse; and
Art. 61. __________ the filing of the petition for legal separation, (3) The names of all their __________ creditors, their addresses
the spouses shall be __________ to live __________ from each and the amounts owing to each.
other. The __________ of __________ and the __________ for its __________
The __________ , in the __________ of a __________ agreement shall be filed with the court in the __________ proceeding for
between the __________ , shall __________ either of __________ or a legal separation, with __________ of both __________ to the
__________ person to __________ the absolute community or __________ named therein. __________ due hearing, the court
conjugal partnership property. The __________ appointed by shall, in its order, take __________ to __________ the __________ of
the __________ shall have the same __________ and __________ as __________ and such order shall be __________ in the proper
those of a __________ under the Rules of Court. (104a) __________ of properties.
The __________ of the __________ in the registries of property
Art. 62. __________ the pendency of the action for legal shall not __________ any creditor not __________ or not __________ ,
separation, the provisions of Article 49 shall likewise apply unless the __________ has sufficient separate properties to
to the __________ of the __________ and the __________ and __________ satisfy the creditor's claim__________ (195a, 108a)
of the __________ children. (105a)
Art. 63. The __________ of legal separation shall have the RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE
following __________ :
(1) The spouses shall be entitled to live __________ from each
other, but the marriage __________ shall not be __________ ; Art. 68. The husband and wife are __________ to __________
(2) The __________ or the __________ __________ shall be __________ together, observe mutual __________ , __________ and __________ ,
and __________ but the __________ spouse shall have __________ and render mutual __________ and __________ . (109a)
right to any __________ of the net profits earned by the Art. 69. The husband and wife shall __________ the family
__________ __________ or the __________ __________ , which shall be __________ . In case of __________ , the __________ shall __________ .
__________ in accordance with the provisions of Article 43(2); The court may __________ one spouse from __________ with the
(3) The __________ of the __________ children shall be awarded to other if the __________ should live __________ or there are other
the __________ spouse, subject to the provisions of Article 213 __________ and __________ reasons for the __________ . However,
of this Code; and such __________ shall not apply if the same is not __________ with
(4) The __________ spouse shall be __________ from __________ the __________ of the family. (110a)
from the __________ spouse by __________ succession. Moreover, Art. 70. The __________ are __________ responsible for the
provisions in __________ of the __________ spouse made in the __________ of the family. The __________ for such __________ and
__________ of the __________ spouse shall be __________ by other __________ obligations shall be paid from the __________
operation of law. (106a) property and, in the __________ thereof, from the __________ or
__________ of their __________ properties. In case of __________ or
Art. 64. __________ the __________ of the decree of legal __________ of said __________ or __________ , such obligations shall
separation, the __________ spouse may __________ the __________ be __________ from the __________ properties. (111a)
made by him or by her in favor of the offending spouse, as Art. 71. The __________ of the __________ shall be the right and
well as the __________ of the latter as __________ in any __________ the duty of __________ spouses. The __________ for such __________
policy, even if such __________ be stipulated as __________ . The shall be __________ in accordance with the provisions of Article
__________ of the __________ shall be __________ in the registries of 70. (115a)
__________ in the __________ where the properties are located. Art. 72. When __________ of the spouses __________ his or her
__________ , __________ and __________ registered in __________ faith __________ to the conjugal __________ or commits acts which tend
__________ the __________ of the __________ for __________ in the to bring __________ , __________ or __________ to the __________ or to
registries of property shall be __________ . The __________ of or the __________ , the __________ party may apply to the court for
__________ in the __________ of the insurance __________ shall take __________ . (116a)
effect upon __________ notification thereof to the __________ . Art. 73. __________ spouse may exercise any legitimate
The __________ to __________ the __________ under this Article __________ , __________ , __________ or __________ without the
must be brought within __________ years from the time the __________ of the other. The __________ may __________ only on
decree of legal separation become __________ . (107a) __________ , __________ , and __________ grounds.
In case of __________ , the court shall decide whether or not:
(1) The __________ is __________ ; and Art. 82. __________ by reason of __________ are those which are
(2) __________ has occurred to the family __________ to the made __________ its __________ , in __________ of the __________ , and
objection or __________ . If the __________ accrued prior to the in __________ of __________ or __________ of the __________
objection, the resulting obligation shall be __________ against spouses. (126)
the __________ property of the __________ who has not obtained
__________ .
The foregoing __________ shall not __________ the __________ of Art. 83. These __________ are governed by the rules on
creditors who acted in __________ faith. (117a) __________ donations established in Title III of Book III of
the Civil Code, insofar as they are not __________ by the
TITLE IV following articles. (127a)
PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE Art. 84. If the __________ spouses agree upon a __________ other
Chapter 1. General Provisions than the __________ community of property, they cannot
__________ to __________ other in their marriage settlements
Art. 74. The __________ relationship between husband and wife more than __________ of their __________ property. Any __________
shall be governed in the following order: shall be considered __________ .
(1) By marriage __________ executed __________ the marriage; __________ of __________ property shall be governed by the
(2) By the __________ of this Code; and provisions on __________ succession and the __________ of
(3) By the local __________ . (118) __________ . (130a)
Art. 85. __________ by reason of __________ of property __________
Art. 75. The __________ spouses may, in the marriage __________ , to __________ shall be __________ . In case of __________ of the
__________ upon the __________ of __________ community, conjugal __________ and the property is __________ for __________ than the
partnership of __________ , __________ separation of property, or __________ amount of the __________ secured, the __________ shall
any other regime. In the __________ of a marriage settlement, not be __________ for the __________ . If the property is __________
or when the __________ agreed upon is __________ , the __________ for __________ than the __________ amount of said obligation, the
of __________ community of property as established in this __________ shall be __________ to the __________ . (131a)
Code shall __________ . (119a) Art. 86. A __________ by reason of __________ may be __________ by
the __________ in the following cases:
(1) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially declared
Art. 76. In order that any __________ in the marriage void ab initio except donations made in the marriage
settlements may be __________ , it must be made __________ the settlements, which shall be governed by Article 81;
__________ of the marriage, subject to the provisions of Articles (2) When the marriage takes place __________ the __________ of
66, 67, 128, 135 and 136. (121) the parents or guardian, as required by law;
Art. 77. The marriage __________ and any __________ thereof shall (3) When the marriage is __________ , and the donee acted in
be in __________ , __________ by the parties and executed bad faith;
__________ the __________ of the marriage. They shall not (4) __________ legal separation, the __________ being the
prejudice __________ persons unless they are __________ in the __________ spouse;
local civil registry where the marriage __________ is __________ (5) If it is with a __________ condition and the condition is
as well as in the proper __________ of __________ . (122a) complied with;
Art. 78. A __________ who according to law may contract (6) When the __________ has committed an act of __________ as
__________ may also __________ his or her marriage settlements, specified by the provisions of the Civil Code on donations in
but they shall be __________ only if the persons __________ in __________ . (132a)
Article 14 to give __________ to the marriage are made __________
to the __________ , subject to the provisions of Title IX of this Art. 87. __________ donation or __________ of gratuitous __________
Code. (120a) , __________ or __________ , between the spouses __________ the
Art. 79. For the __________ of any marriage __________ executed marriage shall be __________ , except __________ gifts which the
by a person upon whom a __________ of civil __________ has been spouses may give each other on the __________ of any family
__________ or who is __________ to any other __________ , it shall be __________ . The __________ shall also apply to persons living
__________ for the __________ appointed by a competent court to together as husband and wife without a valid
be made a party thereto. (123a) marriage. (133a)
Art. 80. In the __________ of a __________ stipulation in a
marriage settlement, the property __________ of the spouses Chapter 3. System of Absolute Community
shall be governed by __________ laws, __________ of the place of Section 1. General Provisions
the __________ of the __________ and their __________ .
This rule shall not apply: Art. 88. The __________ community of property between
(1) Where __________ spouses are __________ ; spouses shall __________ at the __________ moment that the
(2) With respect to the __________ validity of contracts marriage is __________ . Any stipulation, __________ or __________ ,
affecting property not situated in the Philippines and for the __________ of the __________ regime at any other time
executed in the country where the property is located; and shall be __________ . (145a)
(3) With respect to the __________ validity of contracts entered
into in the Philippines but __________ property situated in a
__________ country whose laws require different __________ for Art. 89. No __________ of __________ , __________ and __________ of
its __________ validity. (124a) the absolute community of property __________ the marriage
can be made except in case of judicial separation of property.
Art. 81. __________ stipulated in the __________ or __________ When the __________ takes place upon a __________ separation of
referred to in the preceding articles in __________ of a __________ property, or __________ the marriage has been __________ or
marriage, including __________ between the __________ spouses __________ , the same shall __________ in a __________ instrument
made therein, shall be rendered __________ if the __________ does and shall be recorded as provided in Article 77. The __________
not take place. However, __________ that do not __________ upon of the __________ who made such __________ may petition the
the __________ of the marriages shall be __________ . (125a) court to __________ the __________ to the extent of the amount
sufficient to cover the amount of their credits. (146a)
Chapter 2. Donations by Reason of Marriage
Art. 90. The provisions on __________ shall apply to the If the __________ property is __________ to __________ the foregoing
absolute community of property between the spouses in all liabilities, except those falling under paragraph (9), the
matters not provided for in this Chapter.(n) spouses shall be __________ liable for the __________ balance with
their __________ properties. (161a, 162a, 163a, 202a-205a)
Section 2. What Constitutes Community Property
Art. 95. __________ may be lost __________ the marriage in any
Art. 91. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter or in the game of __________ , __________ , __________ , or any other kind of
marriage __________ , the __________ property shall __________ of __________ , whether __________ or __________ by law, shall be
all the property owned by the spouses at the time of the __________ by the __________ and shall not be charged to the
__________ of the marriage or __________ __________ . (197a) community but any __________ therefrom shall form __________
of the community property. (164a)

Art. 92. The following shall be __________ from the community Section 4. Ownership, Administrative,
property: Enjoyment and Disposition of the Community Property
(1) Property acquired __________ the marriage by __________ title
by __________ spouse, and the __________ as well as the __________ Art. 96. The __________ and __________ of the community
thereof, if any, unless it is __________ provided by the __________ , property shall belong to __________ spouses __________ . In case
__________ or __________ that they shall form part of the of __________ , the __________ decision shall __________ , subject to
community property; __________ to the court by the __________ for proper remedy,
(2) Property for __________ and __________ use of __________ which must be availed of within __________ years from the date
spouse. However, __________ shall form part of the __________ of the contract __________ such decision.
property; In the event that one spouse is __________ or otherwise unable
(3) Property acquired __________ the marriage by __________ to participate in the __________ of the common properties, the
spouse who has __________ descendants by a __________ other spouse may assume __________ powers of __________ .
marriage, and the __________ as well as the __________ , if any, of These __________ do not include __________ or __________ without
such property. (201a) __________ of the court or the __________ consent of the other
spouse. In the absence of such authority or consent, the
Art. 93. Property acquired __________ the marriage is __________ or __________ shall be __________ . However, the
presumed to belong to the __________ , unless it is __________ __________ shall be construed as a __________ __________ on the
that it is one of those __________ therefrom. (160)chan robles part of the __________ spouse and the __________ person, and
virtual law library may be __________ as a binding contract upon the __________ by
the other __________ or __________ by the court before the
Section 3. Charges and Obligations of the Absolute __________ is __________ by either or both offerors. (206a)
Art. 97. __________ spouse may dispose by __________ of his or
Art. 94. The __________ community of property shall be liable her __________ in the community property. (n)
for: Art. 98. __________ spouse may __________ any community
(1) The __________ of the __________ , their __________ children, property without the consent of the other. However,
and __________ children of __________ spouse; however, the __________ spouse may, __________ the __________ of the other,
__________ of __________ children shall be governed by the make __________ donations from the community property for
provisions of this Code on __________ ; __________ or on __________ of family __________ or family __________
(2) All __________ and __________ contracted __________ the . (n)
marriage by the designated __________ for the benefit of the
__________ , or by __________ spouses, or by __________ spouse with Section 5. Dissolution of Absolute Community Regime
the consent of the other;
(3) __________ and __________ contracted by either spouse
without the __________ of the other to the extent that the Art. 99. The __________ community __________ :
family may have been __________ ; (1) Upon the __________ of either spouse;
(4) All __________ , __________ , __________ and __________ , including (2) When there is a decree of legal separation;
__________ or __________ repairs, upon the community property; (3) When the marriage is __________ or declared __________ ; or
(5) All __________ and __________ for mere __________ made (4) In case of judicial separation of property during the
__________ marriage upon the __________ property of either marriage under Articles 134 to 138. (175a)
spouse used by the family;
(6) __________ to enable either spouse to __________ or __________ Art. 100. The __________ in __________ between husband and
a __________ or __________ course, or other activity for __________ ; wife shall not affect the regime of absolute community
(7) __________ debts of either spouse insofar as they have __________ that:
__________ to the benefit of the family; (1) The spouse who __________ the __________ home or refuses to
(8) The __________ of what is __________ or __________ by both live therein, without just cause, shall not have the right to be
spouses in favor of their common __________ children for the supported;
__________ purpose of __________ or __________ a __________ or (2) When the consent of one spouse to any transaction of the
vocational course or other activity for __________ ; other is required by law, judicial authorization shall be
(9) __________ debts of either spouse other than those falling obtained in a summary proceeding;
under paragraph (7) of this Article, the support of __________ (3) In the absence of __________ community property, the
children of __________ spouse, and __________ incurred by either separate property of both spouses shall be __________ liable for
spouse by reason of a __________ or a __________ , in case of the support of the __________ . The spouse __________ shall, upon
__________ or __________ of the __________ property of the debtor- proper __________ in a summary proceeding, be given __________
spouse, the payment of which shall be considered as authority to __________ or __________ any specific __________
__________ to be __________ from the share of the __________ upon property of the other spouse and use the __________ or
__________ of the __________ ; and __________ thereof to __________ the latter's __________ . (178a)
(10) __________ of __________ between the spouses unless the
suit is found to be __________ .

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