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All About Me Survey

Name: Hannah Damasius

Birthday: 01/21/04

People I live with: Mom Dad and Sister

Pets I have: none

If I had one wish it would be: to find peace

If I had a million dollars, I would: build my dream house

One thing that Im really good at: kickboxing

After I graduate high school, I want to: go to high school

One place Id like to visit: England

Something else you should know about me: im amazing

My All-Time Favorites (Answer at least 10 of them for your Website)

1. Candy twix

2. Movie Suicide room

3. Song 70s classic rock

4. Musical group Led Zeppelin

5. Color purple

6. Car bike

7. Professional athletic UFC


8. Actor/Actress

9. Board game/video Fallout 4


10. TV show Supernatural

11. Outdoor activity stargazing

12. Hobby sleeping

13. Book Harry Potter

14. Other

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