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Lesson Plan Template

School: Omair Bin Yousef School. Date: 26- October-2017.

PST: Sara Abdulla. Time: 12:30 PM.

MST: Padraig Gleeson. Unit: English- reading and writing.

Class: Number
5D. 24 students.

ADEC Learning Outcome:

5WWP2 write a draft and revise it to communicate ideas and content effectively

Prior Knowledge:

The students learned to from their prior knowledge such as write and read a sample sentences.

Lesson Objectives:

The students must be able to write clear sentences and read it.
Lesson Activities:


The teacher asks the students first do you have any idea our lesson about what?

The students will guess and give them time to answer.

The teacher will tell them I will give 10 minutes to go to reading area and chose a tory and read it
quietly when finish from it you can change it.

The teacher put the timer.

The students start read the stories silent.

The teacher will say raise your hands if you dont understand any words.

The students keep reading until the 10 minutes finished.

The teacher will tell the students we will read a story together.
The teacher shows to the students the cover page and asks what do you see in the cover page?

The students will answers about they see.

Then the teacher tells them I will read first then will read together.

The teacher while the reading she asks the students what you think will happen?

The students will guess.

Also the teacher will keep asking them (what you think they do?)

When they finish reading the story they have to write a letter.

Because the story was talking about our mother.

So, the teacher ask the students I will give a time (30 minutes) to write a letter to any person you love them
but the teacher will say to the students when your write the letter with love, feeling and make the letter

The students will create their design and start writing their letter.

The teacher keeps walking around the class to see how the students work and if someone needs a help.

Some questions :

What do you think they are doing?

Can you guess what will happen?

Key words:



Glue. .
Color papers.
White papers.

Evaluation / Assessment:

The teacher asks the students to stop writing and she will choose one of each group to read their letter.
Give for those students 5 minutes to start reading. Make the students read their letter with confident.

Personal focus:

In this lesson I am working on my English such as speaking and be confident, I'm working to manage my time
and control myself in the classroom. Also, manage the classroom.

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