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The model-driven software factory

CodeFluent Value Proposition

The first model-driven software factory designed by developers for developers

For several years, we have been doing software development projects, on various platforms. We know about the numerous
challenges and issues that you face every day: business analysis & modeling, application architecture, data storage, access and
manipulation, business specific code development, user interface design, development integration, code security, legacy sys-
tems interoperability, interface with other custom or packaged applications, testing, documentation, overall software lifecycle
management and managing development teams.
And we want to make your life easier. CodeFluent has been designed to give developers a simple solution to build modern
software applications, with a world-class up-to-date architecture, an easy programming model and a very low risk to fail. As
part of the solution, CodeFluent brings a very pragmatic approach that somewhat contrasts with the trend towards “meta-
meta-frameworks”, pushed by some people interested in overemphasizing architectural concepts. Those architecture-centric
approaches often add a layer of complexity to an already rich and evolving technology landscape. This ends up generating
additional problems whereas developers have a crucial need for solutions.
With CodeFluent, you will be able to take a quick start, building applications within hours instead of months, even if you don’t
have a PhD. Still, because generated components leverage best practices across all layers, you will be able to implement the
most demanding solutions, once you discover the unlimited capabilities of the product that has been designed from day one to
address the challenge of top-class enterprise applications.
CodeFluent was designed to properly address your need for functional features, technology support and industrialization in a
balanced way, using the three usual parameters of a software devel-
opment project: Perimeter, Cost and Delay.
The schema hereunder somewhat compares classical approaches with
the unique CodeFluent pragmatic approach.
We perceive Off-Shore as being often an approach driven by an over-
emphasis on cost, sometimes at the price of a real industrialization
process and maintainability.
Case Tools have been a popular response from the past but are struc-
turally doomed to lag behind in terms of technology support.


Focus on cost Focus on perimeter

Prototyping tools allow you to go

Functional features
fast but set structural boundaries
in functionality. When switching to
production, you often need to
rewrite your code or change your
CodeFluent takes the best of all
Prototyping Tools

those approaches to address your

needs in a balanced and competi- Technology Industrialization &
tive way (see next page). Support Maintenance

Focus on delay

46, rue Auguste Blanqui - 94250 GENTILLY - FRANCE

Phone: +33 1 46 16 05 02
Fax: +33 1 46 16 06 71 Copyright © 2005-2007 SoftFluent S.A.S.
The model-driven software factory

CodeFluent helps you achieve 10 key goals

You want to… How it is addressed by CodeFluent

Commit without risks • The software factory limits endless technical investigations and ensures success within a
predictable budget
• The proposed approach reduces technology risks by guaranteeing consistent integration
of all bricks and layers

Optimize development & • Automatic development driven by model-level declaration allows an unprecedented pro-
maintenance costs ductivity
• The leverage effect you get on all layers through generation is a tremendous mainte-
nance gain

Digest innovation • Applications produced through CodeFluent software factory already embed any layers
relevant to an up-to-date application including Web Services
• Integrating a new technology wave is delegated to the product avoiding the need for a
technology-focused team

Evolve continuously • A model update is deployed across all components simply through generation
• The model-based approach allows technology evolution by using new producers

Focus on your business • The model-driven approach favors business orientation and focus
• Components are aligned with the business, including naming and vocabulary as it is for-
mulated in the model

Link your design to imple- • The process avoids any missing string in the analysis to implementation chain
mentation • By design, the code is consistent with modeled elements

Use implementation best • Application architecture and layer split is pragmatic and optimal in our experience, and
practices allows dealing with any performance challenges
• Development best practices are used by producers on each of the layers

Enhance software • Code generation prevent the occurrence of bugs in repetitive code lines
quality • Architecture choices have been made and tested “end-to-end”

Normalize your develop- • The model-centric approach and the proposed component architecture structures the
ment process software development process and non expert developers are productive from day one
• The software factory itself is a service that can be embedded in a larger process

Tackle the shorter innova- • The approach drastically reduces software application development delays,
tion cycle challenge • Automatic generation from a model allows business analysts to quickly get an operational
prototype to validate design,
• For bigger projects, the productivity gain is even stronger in proportion because manage-
ment overhead is not linearly correlated to project size

How CodeFluent addresses your challenges in developing data-oriented applications

Please look at for the detailed whitepaper and other technical documents that discuss CodeFluent
and feel free to contribute to our online forums at

46, rue Auguste Blanqui - 94250 GENTILLY - FRANCE

Phone: +33 1 46 16 05 02
Fax: +33 1 46 16 06 71 Copyright © 2005-2007 SoftFluent S.A.S.

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