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< FONT>p r i n c i p l e s of aerodynamics< FONT>


The attitude of an aircraft refers to it's relationship to the ground. When in a level attitude, the longitudinal centreline of the
aircraft is approximately parallel to the earth's surface. In this attitude, the horizon will appear to be just about on the nose of
the aircraft( i.e. the top of the engine cowling is approximately aligned with the horizon).

When the nose of the aircraft is above the horizon, this is called a nose high attitude. If the nose is below the horizon, the
aircraft is in a nose low attitude.


centre of gravity

The weight of the airplane, pilot and passengers, fuel and baggage is distributed throughout the aircraft, as shown by the
small downward arrows in the diagram. However, the total weight can be considered as being concentrated at one given
point, shown by the larger downward arrow. This point is referred to as the Centre of Gravity. If the plane were suspended
by a rope attached at the centre of gravity ( referred to as the CG) it would be in balance.

The centre of gravity (CG) is affected by the way an aircraft is loaded. For example, if in a 4 place aircraft, there are 2 rather
large individuals in the front seats, and no rear seat passengers or baggage, the CG will be somewhat toward the nose of the
aircraft. If however, the 2 front seat passengers are smaller, with 2 large individuals in the rear seats, and a lot of baggage in
the rear baggage compartment, the CG will be located more aft.

Every aircraft has a maximum forward and rearward CG position at which the aircraft is designed to operate. Operating an
aircraft with the CG outside these limits affects the handling characteristics of the aircraft. Serious "out of CG" conditions
can be dangerous.


aircraft balance

There is a balance point in the middle (called a fulcrum), with weight on both sides of the fulcrum. For an aircraft in straight
and level flight, the downward forces on both sides of the fulcrum are equal.

In the diagram above, the fulcrum of an aircraft in flight is the centre of lift. Generally the CG is forward of the Centre of
Lift, causing the aircraft to naturally want to "nose down". The elevator located at the aft end of the aircraft provides the
counter-balancing force to provide a level attitude in normal flight. Normally, the pilot will "trim" the elevators, by use of
the trim tab control in the cockpit, to cause the elevators to provide the correct elevator balance force to relieve the pilot from
constant elevator control.

You can readily see that loading of the aircraft, which affects the CG, is a critical consideration in properly balancing the
aircraft and it's controllability.

If the pilot pulls back on the control wheel, an "up-elevator" condition results. This forces the tail downward, causing the
aircraft to assume a "nose up" attitude. Likewise, a forward movement of the control wheel by the pilot causes a "down
elevator" state. This causes the tail to rise, forcing the aircraft into a "nose low" attitude. By use of the elevator trim control
(a small wheel or crank in the cockpit), the pilot can cause the aircraft to remain in a nose-up, level, or nose down attitude.

As can be seen in the diagram above, when the CG is forward, a greater downward force is required by the elevators to
produce a level attitude. Likewise, when the CG is aft, the elevators must produce less downward force to maintain level
flight. NOTE: If the CG gets behind the Centre of lift (the fulcrum) the aircraft becomes unstable because the CG is aft of
AIRCRAFT ALWAYS WANTS TO NOSE UP, AND BE UNSTABLE. Therefore the pilot must pay attention to proper
loading of the aircraft. This will be discussed in greater detain under the subject of Weight and Balance.


effects of attitude change

When the wing is in a given attitude with respect to the Relative Wind (R W) as shown in the diagram below, the wing
produces a Vertical Lift Force (LIFT) which is perpendicular to the Relative Wind..

There is also a DRAG component operating parallel to the Relative Wind in opposition to the forward motion of the wing.
Drag is created as a natural part of producing lift. These two forces intersect at a point called the CL (centre of lift}, or is
also called the CP (centre of pressure]. The LIFT and DRAG force vectors can be resolved into a single force vector called
the RESULTANT force.

Envision if the Angle of Attack is increased. The Vertical Lift decreases in value, and the horizontal force of Drag increases.
Therefore, when a pilot wants to slow the aircraft, the nose of the aircraft must be slowly raised into a greater "nose up"
attitude, causing drag to increase, thus slowing the aircraft. This increase of angle of attack has limits, however. The wing
design of most small aircraft, the wing has a "Critical Angle Of Attack" (somewhere around 18 to 20) at which point the
wing ceases to create sufficient lift to fly, and the wing STALLS. The air flowing over the wing becomes so disturbed that
adequate lift to sustain flight ceases, and the aircraft pitches "nose down". This is a STALL.

The primary way to recover from a stall is to push the nose further downward, thus decreasing the Angle Of Attack so that
the wing flies again.

Also, envision in the diagram, when the pilot pushes the nose down by use of forward elevator, the Angle of Attack
decreases, thus decreasing the drag. Therefore, when power is held constant, the angle of attack (nose high, level, or nose
low) provides "Airspeed Control".
Assume for example, an aircraft has been cruising at 120 knots. When the aircraft enters the landing pattern of an airport, the
pilot may want to reduce speed to 90 knots. The pilot must reduce power to prevent an altitude increase, and concurrently
raise the nose of the aircraft so that the drag is increased sufficiently to slow the aircraft to 90. Later, when on the final
approach for landing, the pilot may wish to slow even further, say to 70 knots. Power can be further reduced and the nose
raised further, to again increase drag. In addition, the pilot may add 10,20 or 30 degrees of flaps to add an additional drag
and lift.

The important point is that ATTITUDE is the primary control of airspeed; not THROTTLE! However, if level flight is to be
maintained, appropriate changes in power must be made whenever the pitch attitude is made to prevent gaining or loosing

Climbs are a combination of power and "up elevator." The amount of power used determines whether the climb is steep
or shallow. If, for example, a pilot is taking off and must clear trees near the end of the runway, all available power must be
used and the climb angle must be as steep as possible. This is called the best angle of climb, but it is a short-term climb. A
sustained climb at this angle can overheat the engine because there is too little cooling air flowing around the engine's
cylinders. The reason the airflow is reduced is the relatively low airspeed resulting from the steep climb angle.

Normal descents are a combination of reducing power and adjusting to maintain the desired airspeed. The airspeed is
maintained by varying pressure on the control wheel. This, as you know, varies the angle of attack and, consequently,


the turn

elements of a turn


In order to turn the aircraft, it must be placed into a BANKED state, where one wing is high, the other low. This state is
pictured below.
In order to bank the aircraft, the pilot must turn the control wheel (or move the control stick) to the left. The Right Aileron
lowers This increases the angle of attack of that part of the right wing, causing the right wing to rise. At the same time, the
Left Aileron raises. The angle of attack of that part of the left wing decreases, causing the left wing to lower. This increased
lift of the Right and decreased lift of the Left Wing causes the aircraft to roll to the Left.

NOTE: During the time the Right aileron is down, the right wing has MORE DRAG than does the left wing. The effects of
this unequal drag is discussed later under Adverse Yaw.

When the aircraft reaches the bank angle the pilot wishes, the ailerons must be neutralized. This causes equal lift by left and
right wing, and the aircraft roll stops. Basically, the aircraft will remain in this banked attitude until the pilot rolls the aircraft
back to level attitude by operating the control wheel ( or stick) in the opposite direction.

Note in the lower diagram that some of the Total Lift ( force T) goes into a Horizontal Force ( H ). This is the force which
pulls the aircraft in a circular motion (turn). Note also that the Vertical Lift ( force V) becomes less. If the bank angle
becomes large, say 45 degrees, the vertical lift is appreciably less. The pilot may have to hold some up elevator and/or add
power to prevent loosing altitude.


adverse yaw


During the time that the ailerons are activated, an unwanted effect occurs. In the left turn shown above the pilot turns the
control wheel to the left, raising the left aileron, and lowering the right aileron. The intent is to turn left.

Unfortunately while the ailerons are activated, the left wing has less drag; the right wing has more drag. This causes the
airplane to want to turn to the Right, and not to the left. This tendency to turn in a direction opposite to the intended turn
direction is called ADVERSE YAW. So how does the pilot overcome this tendency to initially turn in the wrong direction?
He uses the Rudder. By applying just the right amount of rudder in the direction of the turn, the pilot can offset the adverse
yaw. When the pilot does this correctly, applying just the right amount of rudder, a Coordinated turn results. If the pilot
applies too little or too much rudder, an Un-Coordinated turn results.

If the pilot uses too little rudder, the nose of the aircraft wants to stay yawed opposite the turn. The rest of the aircraft wants
to "slip" toward the inside of the turn.

If the pilot applies too much rudder, the tail wants to remain outside the radius of the turn, and a "skid" results. Its similar to
the rear end of an automobile wanting to skid outside the turning radius of a car.

Therefore, a principle use of the rudder is to control the adverse yaw while rolling into a bank.




A slip is created by applying rudder in the opposite direction to the turn. This is called Cross Controlling. There are 2 forms
of the slip.

Side Slip
Forward Slip


side slip

This manoeuvre is primarily used to compensate for a cross wind while landing. If the wind is from the right of the aircraft,
the aircraft will drift to the left side of the runway unless some force is applied in the opposite direction keep the aircraft
straight with and on the centreline of the runway. The pilot uses a Right Side Slip to compensate for the leftward drift caused
by the wind. The pilot turns the control wheel to the right to initiate a right turn, but simultaneously applies opposite Left
rudder just enough to keep the aircraft from turning. Thus the pilot induces just enough right side slip to offset the leftward
wind drift. This way, the pilot can keep the aircraft both over the centreline of the runway, and aligned with the runway. This
prevents a "side load" on the landing gear on touchdown.


forward slip


The forward slip is used primarily on aircraft with no flaps. This configuration is used to loose altitude quickly without
increasing airspeed.

In this manoeuvre, the pilot simultaneously turns the aircraft left or right, and applies a lot of opposite rudder so the side of
the aircraft is presented to the relative wind. It is almost like slipping a sled down a hill somewhat sideways. The pilot
maintains this configuration until the desired altitude is lost, whereupon he neutralizes controls to continue straight flight.

Since most modern aircraft have effective flaps to slow the aircraft on landing, and to allow a steeper decent, the forward slip
in usually unnecessary. Some aircraft manufacturers state that forward slips should not be made with flaps deployed.


stalls and spins


The angle of attack which produces maximum lift is a function of the wing design, and is called the CRITICAL ANGLE OF
ATTACK. A stall occurs when the Critical Angle of Attack is exceeded. Smooth air flow across the upper surface of the
wing begins to separate and turbulence is created along the wing surface. Lift is lost and the wing quits flying. THE

On most aircraft, the stall starts at the wing root, and progresses outward to the wing-tip. The wings are designed in this
manner so that the ailerons are the last wing elements to loose lift. Flap and gear extension affect the stall characteristics. In
general, flap extension creates more lift, thus lowering the airspeed at which the aircraft stalls.

Recovery from a stall requires that the angle of attack be DECREASED to again achieve adequate lift. This means that the
back pressure on the elevators must be reduced. If one wing has stalled more than the other, the first priority is to recover
from the stall, then correct any turning that may have developed.

A CG that is too far rearward can significantly affect the ease of stall recovery. The aft CG may inhibit the natural tendency
of the nose to fall during the stall. It may be necessary to force a nose down attitude to recover.

Although weight does not have a direct bearing on the stall, an overloaded aircraft will have to be flown at an unusually
higher angle of attack to generate sufficient lift for level flight. Therefore the closer proximity to the critical angle of attack
can make an inadvertent stall due to pilot inattention more likely.

Snow, ice or frost on the wings can drastically affect lift of the wing. Even a small accumulation can significantly inhibit lift
and increase drag. Due to the reduced lift, the aircraft can stall at a higher-than-normal airspeed. Takeoff with ice, snow or
frost on the wings should never be attempted.

Stall recognition can come several ways. Modern aircraft are equipped with stall warning devices (usually an audible signal)
to warn of proximity to the critical angle of attack. The aircraft may vibrate, control pressures are probably "mushy", the
"seat of the pants" sensation that the aircraft is on the verge of loosing lift, and other sensations can tip off the pilot of an
impending stall. Practice of slow flight and stalls at altitude is invaluable training in stall recognition.
A spin is a stall that has continued, with one wing more stalled than the other. The aircraft will begin rotation around the
more stalled wing. The spin may become progressively faster and tighter until the stalled condition is "broken" (stopped).

Usually spin recovery procedures are covered in the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH) for the given type of aircraft. If one is
not available, the following is the suggested spin recovery technique.

a. Close the throttle. Power usually aggravate the spin. b. Stop the rotation by applying opposite rudder. c. Break the stall
with positive forward elevator pressure. d. Neutralize the rudder when rotation has stopped. e. Return to level flight.


pitch, power and performance

The amount of lift that a wing generates is a function of it's design (camber, area, etc.), speed through the air, air density, and
angle of attack.

The three aircraft shown can all be in constant altitude flight, but at different airspeeds. Maintaining a fixed altitude at a
given airspeed requires the pilot to control two factors; (1) Angle of Attack and (2) Power. The angle of attack is controlled
by the up, neutral, or downward trim position of the elevators. The power, is controlled by the "power setting" of the engine
and propeller. For a "fixed pitch" propeller, this means adjusting the engine RPM. For a variable pitch propeller, this means
adjusting both the throttle and the propeller pitch control.

The left aircraft could be at a 10 degree nose-up attitude with an indicated airspeed of say 70 nautical miles per hour (knots).
The centre aircraft could be at cruise with a 0 degree attitude and 110 knots. The right aircraft could be in a slightly high
speed decent at minus 3 degrees of pitch and an indicated airspeed of 140 knots (abbreviated kts).

The pilot can control the Pitch, Power and Performance of the aircraft and can fly at a considerable range of attitudes, speeds
and power settings.


ground effect

An aircraft can be flown near the ground or water at a slightly slower airspeed than at altitude. This is known as Ground
Effect. The airflow around the left aircraft at altitude can flow around the surface of the aircraft in a normal manner. The
airflow around the right aircraft is disturbed by the proximity to the ground. The normal downwash of air produced by the
wing and tail surfaces cannot occur, and the air becomes compressed under these
surfaces. A "cushioning" effect occurs which allows the airplane
to fly at slightly slower airspeed than at altitude.

The maximum ground effect occurs at approximately 1/2 the wingspan above the ground. It is this effect which causes the
plane to seem to float when near the ground on landing. It also allows the aircraft to be "pulled" off the ground before
adequate climb speed is achieved.



load factor


The load factor is the total load supported by the wings divided by the total weight of the airplane. In straight and level
flight, the load factor is 1; i.e. the weight supported by the wings is equal to the weight of the loaded aircraft. The load factor
is described as 1G Force. With a load factor of 1, the G force is 1. In other terms, the load supported by the wings equals the
total weight of the loaded aircraft.

In a turn, the weight of the aircraft increases due to the addition of centrifugal force. The rate of turn determines the total
weight increase. A faster turn (steeper bank) generates greater centrifugal force. The centrifugal force is straight out from the
centre of the turn. When the downward weight of the aircraft is mathematically resolved with the horizontal centrifugal
force, the load on the wings is the Resultant Load.

< FONT>banking load factor

In a 45 degree banked turn, the resultant load factor is approximately 1.4 G. In other words, the load on the wings is 1.4
times the loaded weight of the aircraft. In a 60 degree banked turn, the load factor is 2G. The load on the wings is TWICE
the loaded weight of the aircraft. The G force is greater than 1 in a loop manoeuvre for the same reason; i.e. a centrifugal
force adds to the airplanes weight. An abrupt change from level to nose down creates an upward centrifugal force,
decreasing the G load to less than 1G.

The effects of the bank angle is shown in the graph on the right. The G Force is shown on the Left Side, and the Bank Angle
is shown on the bottom of the graph.

The manoeuvre of most importance to the private pilot is the forces in a turn. The most critical time is in turns in the traffic
pattern, when airspeeds are low, and the attention to bank angle and airspeed may be distracted by other duties

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Chapter #3 - Airplane Stability and Control

Chapter 3 : Airplane Stability and Control

All aircraft needs stability and the only way to stabilize an aircraft (if it
cannot stabilize itself) is by its control surfaces. But first let us study the
airplane's axis of rotation. The airplane moves on it's three dimensional
axis (see Fig. 9a):

1) "X" axis or the longitudinal axis

2) "Y" axis or vertical axis
3) "Z" axis or lateral axis

Figure 9a : Three dimensional axis of rotation

The aileron controls the longitudinal axis. It serves to stabilize the aircraft
by banking and steering left or right (see Fig. 9b). It is a common notion
that the rudder in the vertical fin controls the steering of the aircraft. Yes
its true, even the Wright brothers used the rudder on their first airplane
until they discovered that the aileron is much better. If you have a model
with just three channels (rudder, throttle and elevator) it will work just
fine. It operates with similar principle but I would suggest that aileron is
much better. I remember when I was flying a full size Cessna. It was my
first flight and when the instructor let go of the controls and put me in
charge, I used to experiment steering the aircraft by its rudder. He said,
"Hey, what are you doing?" I said, "I'm steering the aircraft." Then he told
me "Who told you to use the rudder? Use the aileron, you can't use the
rudder for turning."

Figure 9b : Using aileron on banking and steering the aircraft

Maybe he is not aware that model aircraft can use rudder for turning. But
I also don't know why is it not possible in the full-scale aircraft. Not until I
studied Aeronautical engineering that I discovered how those control
surfaces and the viscosity of air aerodynamically affects the aircraft.
Because the model is much lighter compared to full-size aircraft, rudder is
quite effective in steering the aircraft. Unlike the full-size aircraft, because
of the viscosity of air, it's ineffective.

The aileron works by deflecting the air upwards or downwards. Since the
airflow is disturbed, drag increases. But the upper and lower camber has
two different functions so it will result in two different manners. Disturbing
the airflow in the upper camber will create more drag compared to the
lower camber. Why? Because the upper camber, as we've learned has
lower pressure area that creates the lift. If the airflow is deflected
upwards, the high-pressure region will leak to the low-pressure region,
hence resulting in a loss of lift. Because of the leakage, turbulence will
occur in the trailing edge until it reaches the upper camber. This causes
more drag than deflecting the air downwards because the upper region,
which is the low-pressure area, will not leak on the high-pressure area.
Hence, turbulence is minimal (see Fig. 10).

This is why the airplane turns when banking. If you bank the airplane's
wing on the right, it will automatically turn right or vice versa. The drag
created on the right wing causes the delay, which gives the left wing more

Figure 10 : Aileron deflection of an airfoil

The primary purpose of the rudder is to stabilize the aircraft on its vertical
axis. In model aircraft, rudder is utilized for steering. But what is amazing
is when you deflect the rudder for example to the left (looking at the back
end of the model) the aircraft will turn left and the wing will bank to the
left side or vice versa. The explanation is as you turn or rotate the aircraft
to the left (along the vertical axis) the right wing travels faster than the
left wing. Because the velocity of air is faster in the right wing, more lift is
produced. Hence, the result is unbalanced lift that causes the aircraft to
bank (see Fig. 9c).

Figure 9c : Rudder deflected to left for steering the aircraft

The elevator located on the tail end of the aircraft controls the lateral axis.
Its main function is for take-off and landing of the aircraft. It stabilizes the
up and down motion of the aircraft. The elevator pushes the tail down
when deflected upwards or vice versa and increase the angle of attack of
the wing so more lift is produced (see Fig. 9d).

Figure 9d : Elevator deflected upward

The location of the wing will also determine the stability of the aircraft.
The most stable type is the high wing configuration on a typical
monoplane. The pendulum stability of its wing gives it the natural stability
because the weight is under the wing (Fig. 11a). The shoulder wing type is
a little touchy because the weight is near the wing (Fig. 11b). The low
wing type is the most sensitive to control because the weight is on the
upper portion of the wing. That is why dihedral is used to add stability
(see Fig. 11c).

Adding another set of wings can increase wing area. This configuration is
called a biplane. The wings are decked together, one in the upper part of
the fuselage the other on the bottom (see Fig. 11d). This type is quite
common in the early days of aviation. In fact the first airplane flown by
the Wright brothers the Kitty Hawk was a biplane. The only advantage is
the longitudinal stability and drag is a major concern in this design due to
the wire braces to support the wings. Triplanes fighters appeared in WWI
and was not very popular it is because drag is also a major issue. That is
why monoplanes are quite popular until this day because it produces the
least drag.

Figure 11a : High wing monoplane

Figure 11b : Midwing monoplane

Figure 11c : Low wing monoplane

Figure 11d : Typical Biplane

Typical Triplane

Other forces that affects aircraft stability

There are other things to consider to stabilize the aircraft. One of them is
the three degrees right thrust, which are necessary to stabilize the
directional stability of the aircraft. The reason for this is the aircraft has a
tendency to turn left when there is no three degrees right thrust (see Fig
12a). The pilot needs to trim the rudder to the right to counteract the left
turn tendency. The engine torque against the propeller (see Fig 12b)
causes this phenomenon. Most propellers turn in a counter-clockwise
motion (front of the airplane). The opposite force is the engine torque,
which is clockwise. So the aircraft has a tendency to bank along with the
clockwise motion, which is banking to the left. A three degrees right thrust
is needed to neutralize the aircraft to fly in a straight path.

Figure 12a : Top View of Model Aircraft Engine with 3 degrees Right Thrust

Figure 12b : Illustration of engine vs. propeller torque

What about the down thrust? It is used to counteract a natural tendency

of the aircraft to pitch up or to nose up on a typical high wing monoplane.
Since the thrust line is below the wing (see Fig. 13a), there is a tendency
for the aircraft to pendulum on its neutral point (see Chapter 4). The
engine literally pulls the fuselage up being the neutral point as the pivot
point. A three degree down thrust is used to counteract this force to
balance it aerodynamically (see Fig 13b). If the thrust line is along the
neutral point, like in the mid-wing airplanes (see Fig. 11b) there is no
need for down thrust.

Figure13a : Illustration of propeller thrust below the neutral point

Figure13b : Side view of model aircraft engine with 3 degrees down thrust

Landing gear design also has a destabilizing effect if not properly

considered. Trainer type RC airplanes always have tricycle landing gear
and a tail dragger is usually not recommended. This is not always
explained in detail by other beginner books, I also didn't realize before
that this is also important to know for a beginner.

Whenever an aircraft lands, the main gear touches the ground first
whether it's a tail dragger or a tricycle type. Sometimes because of the
wind direction an aircraft has to "crab". Crabbing is a term used because
the airplane flies side ways to counteract the wind perpendicular to the
landing strip (see Fig 14a). If the aircraft flies straight without crabbing,
the aircraft will deviate from its path (see Fig. 14b).

Figure14a : Aircraft crabbing to counteract wind direction

Figure14b : Aircraft deviates from straight path in a crosswind

Because of this, landing a tail dragger is not as easy as we thought. The

entire weight of the aircraft is behind the main gear so the momentum is
pushing the aircraft instead of pulling it (see Fig. 15a). There is no
inherent stability in tail dragger unlike the tricycle type. In a tricycle type,
the weight is concentrated in front of the main landing gear (see Fig.15b).
The momentum is pulling the aircraft so this is more stable because there
is no tendency for the aircraft to tip over when landing and crabbing at the
same time. The main gear will just drag and pull the aircraft to a straight
path when the wheels strike the ground.

Figure15a : Tail Dragger in a Crosswind Landing

Figure15b : Tricycle Type in a Cross Wind Landing

Chapter #4 Back to Learning to Fly

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Top-performing aerospace companies
As of June 2005, the top-performing aerospace companies, as ranked by Aviation Week &
Space Technology, were: [1]

[edit] United States

B-24s under construction at Ford's Willow Run factory in the United States during World
War II

1. United Technologies Corporation

2. General Dynamics Corp.
3. L-3 Communications
4. Honeywell International Inc.
5. Parker Hannifin
6. Computer Sciences Corp.
7. Thales Group (U.S. branch)
8. Lockheed Martin Corp.
9. Northrop Grumman Corp.
10. Boeing
11. Aquarius Defence Industries
12. Woodlawn Manufacturing

[edit] Europe

1. Thales Alenia Space

2. EADS Astrium Satellites
AAI Acquisition, Inc. - We are a company full of dedicated, experienced employees who are
motivated to design, manufacture, certify and support an all composite twin turbine powered very
light jet (VLJ) known as the A700. We operate our business as a lean, low cost enterprise and are
responsive to customers and respectful of the environment and the community within which we
Air Tractor, Inc. - Olney, TX USA. For more than 50 years, Leland Snow has manufactured standard-
setting agricultural aircraft: first the Snow, then the Thrush, and since 1972, the Air Tractor. These
planes have shaped the evolution of agricultural aviation.
Aircraft Manufacturing & Development Co., Inc. - Eastman, Georgia USA
Airgyro Aviation - Airgyro Aviation will give you personal wings to put you back in control of your
travel. Justifying the cost of an aircraft is way easier than you might think. We offer models of
aircraft that you can afford and will be safe to fly even as a new or low-time pilot. And the FAA has
greatly reduced the obstacles to getting your pilots license.
American Champion Aircraft - Rochester WI USA
American Legend Aircraft Company - When defining the legendary American aircraft, one needs to
look no further than the Legend Cub. Using the classic lines of the enduring J-3 Cub, American
Legend Aircraft Company sought to build its modern offspring. The original simply had no equal.
This is true today of the Legend Cub.
Angel Aircraft Corporation - The Angel, a graceful sleek pusher aircraft with fully retractable landing
gear and seating for eight offers comfort and ease of handling plus a high load capacity, while
providing the peace of mind of a twin-engine, STOL-capable airplane. With easy seat removal, the
Angel can economically carry one or two medical stretcher patients and one or two paramedics.
Antilles Seaplanes, LLC - Antilles Seaplanes LLC has put together an outstanding team of highly-
experienced individuals in all aspects of the operation-design, engineering, manufacturing,
marketing, finance, and flight operations. The company is operating from a brand-new 20,000 square
foot facility in Gibsonville, North Carolina and soon will expand to additional facilities at the
Burlington-Alamance County Regional Airport.
Australian LightWing - Ballina, NSW Australia
Aviat Aircraft Inc. - Aviat Aircraft Inc. is located in Afton, Wyoming. Aviat is engaged in the
development, manufacture and servicing of sport and utility aircraft sold under the Aviat trade
names of Husky A-1A and A-1B, the Pitts Special S-2C, and the Eagle II.
Aviation Technology Group, Inc. - Englewood CO USA
Basler Turbo Conversions, LLC - Oshkosh, WI USA
Boeing - Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of
commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures
rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced
information and communication systems. As a major service provider to NASA, Boeing operates the
Space Shuttle and International Space Station. The company also provides numerous military and
commercial airline support services. Boeing has customers in more than 90 countries around the
world and is one of the largest U.S. exporters in terms of sales.
Bombardier - Bombardier Aerospace is a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative
aviation products and services for the business, regional and amphibious aircraft markets. This
legacy of innovation consolidates more than 250 years of aviation history and has produced an
unparalleled 15 new aircraft programs in 15 years.
Britten-Norman - Britten-Norman Aircraft is an EASA approved Aerospace Design and Manufacturing
company. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Britten-Norman.
BushCaddy - The Bush Caddy was developed as a bush plane and performs equally well on wheels,
skis or floats. The wide 44 to 47 inch cabin, doors that swing upwards under the wing and side by
side deluxe adjustable seating afford even a 6 foot plus pilot easy access and a comfortable ride. - From cutting-edge aircraft to hot jobs in aerospace, is your online
resource for all the latest details about the Cessna Aircraft Company
Cirrus - We founded Cirrus Aviation in 1984 with a dream to design and build affordable airplanes
that deliver greater control, more comfort and added levels of safety. Today, Cirrus is the world's
second largest manufacturer of single-engine, piston-powered aircraft. Our SR22 is the world's best
selling plane in its class. Because we design with the mind of an engineer and the heart of a pilot, we
build planes that are both sensible and exhilarating. It's how we were meant to fly.
Commander Premier Aircraft Corporation - Tyler TX USA
CubCrafters, Inc. - Yakima, WA USA
Dassault Falcon Jet Corp. - South Hackensack, NJ USA
Diamond Aircraft - Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH - Austria
EADS Socata - Tarbes Cedex, France
Eclipse Aviation - The Eclipse 500 jet is the first very light jet the category leader that has made it
possible for more people to travel directly between cities on a quick, affordable and convenient
EHROFLUG GmbH - Ecolight Aircrafts - Altnau, Switzerland
Embraer - Embraer has become one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world by focusing on
specific market segments with high growth potential in regional, military, and corporate aviation.
Embraer Executive Jets - Brasil
Epic - Bend, Oregon USA
Evektor - Kunovice, Czech Republic
Explorer Aircraft Inc. - At Explorer Aircraft, Inc., our job is to provide innovative aircraft to the global
aviation community that will replace the current fleet of aging light twins and utility singles.
Extra Aircraft - Hnxe, Germany
Flight Design - For more than 25 years the people behind Flight Design have been professionals in
sport aviation.
Flight Design USA - Woodstock CT USA
Found Aircraft - Parry Sound, Ontario Canada
Gippsland Aeronautics - Latrobe Regional Airport, Australia. Gippsland Aeronautics produces a
family of aircraft designed specifically to meet particular market needs. We are the only company in
Australia, and one of a handful in the world, with the capability to both design and manufacture
commercial aircraft from first principles.
Grob Aircraft - Grob Aircraft is one of the world s largest and most experienced composite aircraft
manufacturers since 1971. Within its 35 years of history Grob delivered more than 3,500 aircraft that
have flown over seven million hours on five continents. Its product range evolved from pioneering
gliders of the 70s, the record- breaking high-altitude aircraft of the 80s and 90s, and to today s
leading edge designed and state-of-the-art business jets, as well as to training and special mission
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation - Wichita, KS USA
Helio Aircraft - Prescott, AZ USA
ICON Aircraft - Los Angeles, CA USA. ICON s sport aircraft are not only designed to deliver an
amazing and safe flying experience, but also to inspire us the way great sports cars do. After years
of development with some of the world s best aerospace engineers and industrial designers, ICON
Aircraft has released the first of its line of sport planes, the ICON A5. The A5 is a bold yet elegant
design that communicates beauty, performance, safety, and most importantly fun.
JORA - Czech Republic
Lake Aircraft - Manufacturer of the Lake Amphibian Aircraft
Maule Air, Inc. - Moultrie, GA USA
Meyers Aircraft Company -
Mooney - Mooney Airplane Company (MAC) has a long and rich history of producing the highest
performance single engine aircraft available and pioneering the Performance/Value equation. Its
ubiquitous brand, the forward swept tail, is instantly recognizable at airports all over the world and
helps to create its speed advantage.
Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. - Piaggio Aero Industries is one of the world s leading aerospace
companies. The Company designs, develops, constructs and maintains aircraft, engines and aircraft
structural components.
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd - Pilatus Aircraft Ltd is the world market leader in the manufacture of single-
engine turboprop aircraft and the only Swiss company to develop, produce and sell aircraft and
training systems all over the world. We are also licensed to maintain and perform upgrades on a
variety of aircraft. Home of the Pilatus PC-6 PC-7 PC-9 PC-12 PC-21
Piper - Vero Beach, FL USA
PZL Mielec - Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze (Polish Aviation Factory), a Limited-Liability Company, is
presently the largest aircraft manufacturer in Poland. For over 60 years aviation industry has been
active in the South-Eastern town of Mielec, and the Factory continues as producer of worldwide-
popular agricultural & fire-fighting planes, passenger/cargo commuters and trainer aircraft.
Everybody knows airplanes like Dromader or Skytruck.
Quad City Ultralight Aircraft Corp. - Moline, IL USA
Quest Aircraft Company - Sandpoint, ID USA
REMOS Aircraft GmbH - Only a one-hour drive from Berlin, the new REMOS manufacturing plant is
located in the city of Pasewalk, near the Baltic coast. Advanced manufacturing technology, excellent
working conditions and a highly motivated work force guarantee state-of-the-art manufacturing
quality and the application of the most stringent test standards. You can be sure of superb efficiency
and outstanding work results from our crew, in the tradition of a long line of superior German
Seawind Amphibian - Kimberton, PA USA
Sport Aircraft Works - Sport Aircraft Works evolved from Skyshop Inc. as a separate company
specializing in Light Sport Aircraft sales. With Skyshop Inc. and Airlink technologies we go back
almost 10 years in serving the sport aviation industry originally providing builder assistance for
Experimental aircraft. We are currently the sole USA importer for all Czech Aircraft Works and
Aerospool products. We are establishing a nationwide distribution network.
Van s Aircraft - Aurora, OR USA
WACO Classic Aircraft Corporation - Battle Creek, Michigan USA
Zlin - CzechAircraft s.r.o. is an acquirer of MORAVAN - AEROPLANES a.s. the Czech aircraft
manufacturer with the long tradition in production of training, sporting, aerobatic, utility and touring
aircraft bearing the name ZLIN which were delivered to over 60 countries worldwide. Since 1934
more than 5,600 aircraft have left the company production facilities.

There are five major manufacturers of civil transport aircraft these include:

1. Airbus
2. Boeing
3. Bombardier
4. Embraer
5. Tupoloev

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