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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Alexa White PSMT Name: Emer MacLean

Lesson Plan Nouns, Verbs & Lesson Plan Language
Title: Adjectives Topic: Arts/Grammar
Date: 18/10/17 Estimated Time: 40-50 min.
Grade Level: 3rd School Site: Scoil inde

1. State Standard(s):
Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions in particular sentences.
Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.

2. Teaching Model(s): direct instruction, cooperative-based learning, Lemov strategy

Check for Understanding

3. Objective(s):
SWBAT define the terms noun, adjective and verb
SWBAT identify nouns, adjectives and verbs in sentences
SWBAT create sentences with nouns, adjectives and verbs given to them
SWBAT act out different nouns, adjectives and verbs

4. Materials and Technology Resources: SmartBoard, computer, plickers sheets, 3 cups,

cut outs of various nouns, verbs and adjectives, A4 paper, pencils

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement: (5 min.)
Introduce by asking the class to define nouns, adjectives and verbs
Review how each part of speech adds details to a sentence
Write a simple sentence and have 3 students come up to identify the noun,
verb and adjective
Go over lesson objectives
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Sentences Activity: (10 min.)
1. Students will be split into groups of 4 each group will be given
a noun, adjective and a verb
2. Their goal is to write a complete sentence with the three words in
5 minutes
3. Once they write a complete sentence, they will be challenged to
write as many more sentences as possible with their three words
4. All the groups will be asked to share their sentences once the 5
minutes is finished
Charades Activity: (15 min.)
1. The class will be split in three groups
2. There will be 3 stations with cups of papers
3. Each group will have 5 minutes at each station and then will
rotate with their group
4. 1 person will be chosen to start as the actor
5. They will draw a slip of paper from a cup with a noun, adjective
or verb
6. Their task is to act out the noun, adjective or verb without using
7. The audiences task is to guess which part of speech the word
being acted out is as well as what the word is
8. Whoever gets the word correct gets to be the actor
Plickers Review: (10 min.)
1. Students will take out their Plickers sheets
2. Students will answer 10 questions about nouns, adjectives and

c. Closure: Teacher will review activities from the lesson as well as the answers to
the Plickers questions. The students will go over the terms from the lesson.

d. Extension: If time permits, students can do a worksheet on underlining the nouns,

adjectives and verbs in the sentence.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

Groups will be divided and differentiated, each with one high, medium and
low student

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative: Teacher will observe students understanding of the concepts while the
students are writing their sentences. The charades will also give some understanding of
where each student is
b. Summative: The students Plickers results will act as a quiz grade

8. Homework Assignment: objectives were met during the lesson, so homework is not

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths: This lesson was very interactive and included collaboration with
peers. This bridges the gap between the high and low students. I purposefully
wanted short, quick activities so that I could keep their attention spans the whole
time. The boys absolutely loved the charades part. I think any time the kids can get
up, move around, and physically work with the things they are learning, they really
connect with the content.
b. Concerns: As much as the student liked the charades, keeping the noise level
down was a difficult task for me. I understand that the boys were excited about
what they were doing, but the next time I do something like this I will just have to
remind them to keep the noise down. I also realized after the first round of
charades that the 5 minutes was way too long, so the 2nd and 3rd round I bumped it
down to 2 minutes. This kept the boys moving quicker.
c. Insights: Overall, it was a fantastic lesson all around. The boys thoroughly
enjoyed it. I also think that I covered a lot of ground with all the activities; they got
to write sentences, act out different nouns, adjectives and verbs, and finally, used
their favorite assessment tool to review what they had just gone over. Dr. Ryan
seemed incredibly pleased with the lesson, and my teacher was also very happy
with how the boys performed.

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