Procedure Text SD 6

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Procedure text is a text which describes how something is accomplished through a sequence of

actions or steps. Generic structure of procedural textt:

How to make a glass of milk How to make a plate of ...........juice How to make a cup of coffee
How to make a cup of tea How to make a glass of .......? - First ...... - Second ......... As the sentence
introducers (sequencers) especially in spoken text : First Firstly Second Secondly After that
Afterwards Finally Lastly As time introducers, especially in written text : before After When
While until During N

Exercise 1 Read and memorize the words below! Vocabularies Meaning Add Stir Put into Pour
Ready to serve Ready to drink Ready to eat Seasoning Materials First Second Third
Next, Then Finally Tools Cut Dont mix Blend Turn Put Mix For five minutes Boil
Wait until Fried Peel Cook Prepare Tambahkan Aduk Letakan ke dalam Tuangkan Siap
untuk disajikan Siap untuk diminum Siap untuk dimakan Bumbu Alat-alat Pertama Kedua
Ketiga Selanjutnya/berikutnya Akhirnya Alat-alat Potong Jangan campur Campur
Balikan Letakan Campur Selama 5 menit Rebus Tunggu sampai Goreng Mengupas
Masak Siapkan How to Make Mango Juice

Materials: a piece of mango a half glass of water a glass of ice pack a spoon of sugar milk

First, peel the mango and clean it
Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer
Then, put the water, ice and sugar
After that turn on the juicer and wait about 15 seconds
Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and ready to drink
Exercise 2
1. The first step tells us about....
a.cut the mango c. peel it
b. put it into the juicer d. clean it
2. What will you do after the first step?....
a. put it into the juicer c. peel it
b. cut it d. put the water into the juicer
3. The materials needed in making Mango Juice are ....
a. mango, juicer, water, sugar, ice c. mango, sugar, milk, water, ice
b. mango, water, ice, sugar, spoon d. mango, ice, water, sugar, milk, glass
4. The last step in making mango juice is ....
a. turn on the juice and wait about 15 minutes
b. put the water, ice and sugar
c. pour the mango juice into the juicer
d. pour the mango juice into the glass
5. The tools needed in making the mango juice are .....
a. spoon, knife, glass, juicer and water c. spoon, glass, knife, juicer and glass
b. knife, spoon, glass, water, and juicer d. juicer, glass, knife, spoon, and milk
6. How long you should wait to blend the juice?
a. 15 minutes c.15 hours
b. 15 seconds d. 15 days

Exercise 4
1. Write down how to make a glass of orange juice!
- Materials:
- Tools
- Procedure


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