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Singular and Plural Nouns

a. Add -s to the singular forms of most nouns

b. Add -es to nouns ending in s, x, ch, sh, z, and o.
c. Drop f or fe of nouns and add -ves.

Common nouns and Proper Nouns

d. Common nouns name persons, animals, places, or things in general.

e. Proper nouns name particular persons, animals, places, or things.

Concrete and Abstract Nouns

f. Concrete nouns stand for physical things.

g. Abstract nouns name qualities, actions, or conditions.

Collective Nouns

h. A singular connective noun represents one group and takes the -s form of the verb.
i. A plural collective noun takes the base from of the verb.
j. When the members of a collective noun are shown as acting individually, the base form
of the verb is used instead of the -s form.

Count and Non-count nouns

k. Count nouns can be counted by piece.

l. Non-count nouns are those which cannot be counted by piece. They use counters such
as sack, can, jar, loaf, and bag, to make them countable.


a. Pronouns are used in place of nouns in a sentence.

b. A subject pronoun can be used as the subject of the sentence or clause or as a subject
c. An object pronoun can be used as the object of a preposition and the object of a verb.
d. A possessive pronoun is used to show possession.

Indefinite and Adjective Pronouns

a. Indefinite pronouns refer to unspecified persons, places, or things.

b. If a pronoun is followed by a noun, then it cannot be considered an indefinite pronoun
but an adjective pronoun.

Parts of a Book

a. Title page contains the title of the book and name of authors.
b. The copyright page contains the name of the publisher.
c. The acknowledgment page shows the authors gratitude to the persons who helped
him/her in writing the book.
d. The dedication page shows to whom the author shows loyalty and love in the book.
e. The preface states that authors aim in writing the book.
f. The text makes up the body of the book.
g. The glossary is a list of important words in the book.
h. The bibliography is a list of books used by the author.
i. The index is an alphabetical list of persons, paces, and topics discussed in the book.

Positive, Comparative, and Superlative

a. Such adjectives describing only one person, animal, place or thing are in the positive degree.
b. When two or more nouns are being compared, the adjective is in the comparative degree.
c. It is in the superlative degree when three or more nouns are being compared.

Transitive and Intransitive verbs

a. A transitive verb transfers the action to a direct object.

b. An intransitive verb does not need a receiver of the action.


a. Prepositions are used to relate nouns or pronouns to other words in the sentences.
b. Prepositions are followed by a noun or pronoun called the object of a preposition.

Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions

a. To connect single words or parts of a sentence that are of the same kind, coordinating
conjunctions are used.
b. Subordinating conjunctions connect clauses of unequal status- the independent and
dependent clauses.
a. Independent clauses express the main idea.
b. The dependent clause express the subordinate idea.

Infinitive Verb and Verbs Used as Preposition

a. When to is used as a preposition, it is followed by a noun or a pronoun.

b. When to is used as an infinitive, it is followed by a verb.jygttfrghkh

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