Sources of Market Failure Notes

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Merit/Demerit Goods Information Failure

Merit Demerit
Definition A merit good is a good that the government deems A demerit good is a good that the government Imperfect information occurs when people have
socially desirable but consumers underconsume deems socially undesirable but consumers inaccurate, incomplete, uncertain or misunderstood
them, resulting in allocative inefficiency. overconsume them, resulting in allocative data.
Consumers consume too little of these goods from inefficiency. Consumers consume too much of them
societys point of view because of three main from societys point of view because of two main
reasons: (i) imperfect information affecting reasons: (i) imperfect information affecting personal
personal well-being argument and (ii) positive well-being argument and (ii) negative consumption
consumption externalities argument (iii) excessive externalities argument.
income inequality argument.
Sources of
Market i. Imperfect Information i. Imperfect Information
Failure o If left to the free market, it is likely that o If left to the free market, consumers will
healthcare/education will be under-consumed overconsume demerit goods because they will
because individuals undervalue their private overvalue the private benefit of consuming the
benefits from the consumption of services good such as cigarettes and alcohol
such as health-screening and education. o Hence the government takes on a
o Individuals may not act in their best interests paternalistic role and judges that
due to the lack of information about the full individuals may not act in their own best
benefits of consuming merit goods and the interests because of imperfect and
costs of consumption. incomplete information about the benefits
o Imperfect Information: Individuals not fully that arise from the consumption of demerit
aware of full benefits to themselves goods.
Underestimate/undervalue their private o Imperfect information: Individuals not fully
benefits from consuming education/basic aware of the full costs to themselves and tend
healthcare to overvalue the their private benefits if left to
Perceived demand with imperfect the free market
information < Actual demand with perfect Individuals may not be fully aware of the ill
information for healthcare services health effects on themselves of consuming
Consumers may be unaware of the cigarettes
benefits of health-screening (routine Individuals generally believe that the risk of o Imperfect information could stem from ignorance,
medical check-up), i.e, that the early them getting sick from smoking/drinking is complexity of information, uncertainty about
detection of illnesses like cancer leads to low. costs/benefits, cost of acquiring information is too
high chances of cure and recovery high, persuasive advertising etc.
ii. Income inequality i. Inaccurate/incomplete information in the case
o With excessive income inequality, some of asymmetric information: situation whereby
people will have insufficient dollar votes one party has better information than the
their preference for the good is not other
considered by the free market Over/Underestimate benefits of consumption
o Due to the excessive income inequality In the case of persuasive or misleading
there will be a lack of effective demand advertising which are inaccurate, incomplete
since lower-income groups unable to afford and tend to misinform consumers about the
healthcare services in the free market in potential benefits about consumption of
absence of dollar votes
o If left to the free market , equilibrium quantity certain goods contributes to peoples
consumed and produced = Qe ignorance
o Thus, with income inequality, there will be Misleading advertising/information leads to
underconsumption of merit goods leading to a higher demand for a good hence leads to
allocative inefficiency overconsumption if left to the free market.
c Analysis

Step 1: Explain the free market equilibrium

where private individuals make their decisions Step 1: Explain the free market equilibrium
where private individuals make their decisions
Due to imperfect information private The free market equilibrium (with imperfect
individual underestimates the full benefits of information, DD0) occurs at output Qe with price
consuming healthcare services such as P e.
health screening (eg. disease prevention),
the perceived demand for healthcare Step 2: Explain how imperfect information leads
services is lower than that of the actual to overconsumption of merit good such as
demand for healthcare services with perfect healthcare in the free market
information. However, the socially optimal level of
Private individual consumes up to only Qe consumption is at output Qs with price Ps (with
perfect information).
Step 2: Explain how imperfect information Hence, with imperfect information, demerit
leads to underconsumption of merit good such good will be over-consumed.
as healthcare in the free market
However, the socially optimal level of Explain DWL area: Represented by area ABC as
consumption is at QS the additional benefits gained in consuming QsQe
Underconsumption of QeQs units of units of demerit goods is less than the additional
healthcare costs incurred from the resources allocated in
consuming them. Hence, the overconsumption of
Explain DWL area: Represented by area ABC demerit goods results in allocative inefficiency.
which arises from imperfect information as the
benefit forgone in not consuming QeQs units
exceeds the resources saved under consuming
QeQs units of health screening. Hence, the net
benefit forgone from the underconsumption
leads to allocative efficiency.

Step 1: Explain the free market equilibrium

where private individuals make their decisions
The free market will allocate resources based
on the dollar votes, where DD = SS and
produce at Qe units of output
It could also skew the market to provide for
expensive medical facilities serving only the
rich who have stronger dollar votes

Step 2: Explain how excessive income

inequality leads to underconsumption of merit
good such as healthcare in the free market
However, consumers who lack the
willingness and ability to afford healthcare will
be priced out of the market due to lack of
effective demand at the prevailing market
equilibrium price due to the lack of dollar
Societys welfare will improve if income is
less unequal as that will cause the effective
demand to increase from DD0 to DD1 and
output to increase to Qs.
Explain DWL area ABC benefit from
consumption of additional units of healthcare is
greater than the cost savings from the under
consumption net benefit forgone results in
allocative inefficiency

Externalities: An externality occurs when some of the costs or benefits associated with the production or consumption of a good 'spills over' onto third parties, that
is, to non-participating parties (not the immediate seller or buyer).

Positive Externality in Consumption Negative Externality in Consumption

Definition The spillover benefits on third parties who are not directly involved in the The spillover costs on third parties who are not directly involved in the consumption
consumption of a good and who do not pay for the benefits enjoyed by them. of a good and who are not compensated for the costs inflicted upon them.

1. If you are analyzing positive externalities in consumption, you must 1. If you are analyzing negative externalities in consumption, you must
assume that there are no externalities on the production side and there assume that there are no externalities on the production side. As such,
are no external costs. As such, MPC = MSC. assume MPC=MSC and no external benefits.
Source o In the free market, due to pursuit of self-interests, consumers will only o In the free market, due to pursuit of self-interest, consumers will only take into
take into account of private costs and benefits in their consumption account of private costs and benefits in their consumption decision to
decision to undertake consumption of education/healthcare undertake consumption of alcohol/cigarettes
o As such, consumers will ignore the existence of external benefits/positive o As such, consumers will ignore the existence of external costs/negative
externalities of consumption of education/healthcare externalities of consumption of demerit goods.
o Therefore, they will consume up to QE, where MPB=MPC. o For example, when consumers consume cigarettes/alcohol, non-smokers/non-
o The existence of the external benefits of consumption of drinkers will be negatively affected through second-hand smoking, drink
education/healthcare that generates the higher economic growth leads to driving, sexual/physical assaults arising from alcohol abuse, road accidents
the divergence between the private and social benefits of and etc
consumption of education/healthcare o Therefore, private individuals will consume up to QE, where MPB=MPC.
where MPB of consuming education according to screening o The existence of the external costs of consumption of alcohol/cigarette leads
hypothesis, there is a strong positive correlation between to the divergence between the private and social benefits of consumption
educational attainment and productivity higher abilities/skills where MPB of consuming demerit goods satisfaction/pleasure one
enable individuals to attain a higher paying job and hence higher derives from smoking/drinking
salary where MSB = MPB + (-MEB) ; alternatively known as MEC
where MPB of consuming healthcare/vaccination healthier o Hence, the MSB from consuming cigarettes/alcohol is lower than the MPB
individual, lower medical expenses together with lower absenteeism. from consuming demerit goods private valuation of the benefit of smoking
Higher productivity level, higher bonuses and wage increments or drinking is greater than societal valuation of the benefit hence, the costs
where MSB = MPB + MEB incurred by the third parties reduces the overall benefit to the society by the
o This means that the marginal social benefit arising from the individuals amount of external costs
consumption of the good (MSB) is higher than the marginal private
benefit (MPB) as the benefits accrued to the third parties increases the
overall benefit to the society by the amount of the MEB
c Analysis

Step 1: Explain the free market equilibrium where private individuals Step 1: Explain the free market equilibrium where private individuals make
make their decisions their decisions
In the pursuit of self-interest, individuals only consider their own private In the pursuit of their self-interests, consumers of demerit goods will only take
benefits (reduction in frequency of falling ill or prevention of catching on into consideration their MPB and MPC, ignoring the negative consumption
certain illnesses) and costs and ignore the external benefits (Herd externalities generated
immunity effects) Free market equilibrium is at point A with output Qe units, where
Free market equilibrium point is at point A with output at Qe units, MPB=MPC.
where MPB=MPC.
Step 2: Explain how presence of external costs leads to overconsumption of
Step 2: Explain how presence of external benefits leads to demerit good such as alcohol/cigarettes in the free market
underconsumption of merit good such as healthcare/education in the On the other hand, if the private individuals internalise the external costs of
free market consuming alcohol/cigarettes, the socially optimal (allocatively efficient)
However, if private individuals internalize the external benefits of output level of consumption will be at Qs units at point C (MSB=MSC)
consuming healthcare/education, the socially desired output level will be Thus, private valuation of cigarettes/alcohol is greater than the societal
Qs units at point C (MSB=MSC) valuation of the benefits (MPB>MSB)
Therefore, societal valuation of the benefits of healthcare is greater than
private valuation of benefits (MSB>MPB) Explain DWL area ABC there excess of social costs over social benefits from
overconsuming demerit goods net loss incurred by the society results in
Explain DWL area ABC benefit from consumption of additional units of allocative inefficient market fails
healthcare is greater than the cost savings from the underconsumption net
benefit forgone by the society results in allocative inefficiency market

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