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class: c Raffles Institution ae Year 5 42 Chemistry Practical 2017 of ions as Ie dark blue starch-ioane srePresented by the equation in reaction 2, THis Reaction 2 * Close appr 28:03" (aq) + 14aq)—, S.0.(aq) + 2F-(aq) foximations to am very small am the initial rates for react , paaeenet Point is determined by eUiNe is produced each wie" shmay be obtained, provided that the s ined by the ime. The amount of iodine produced at end- ‘Amount of thi t adine F The time taken ‘iosulfate ions added to the reaction mxture. for the dark (rantity of sodium thiosulfate oe, c oUt OF the starch-iodine complex to appear with a constant 1 Measure the time taken for Sere” SPPENdS on the rate of forneiion or etne Vou ore required ‘periments in which the concentration of iodide ions is varied. You are provided with the following: ia is is sulfuric acid, H.S0, ‘A 2 is 5.00 = 10° mol dm” sodi FA3 is aq Bee up. thlosutete, Na,S.0, FA 4 is hydrogen peroxide, H,0, starch indicator deionised water ‘ou will perform a series of five experiments. For each experiment, you will note the volume of FA3 » Veas, and the time taken, ¢, for the solution to tum dark blue values for 1/t, log(1/f) and log( Veq3). the volumes of FA 1, FA 2, FA 4 and starch indicator used in these. Mot need to be recorded ‘on page 3 for each experiment: 4, FA 2, FA4 and the starch indicator, (Vea3), recorded to 3 significant figures. (a) (i) Experiment 1 Os The end-point of the reaction is the ppe of a dark blue colour. : vance of the dark blue colout a 7 vent the appe: You are reminded to swirl sufficiently to Pre\ before the true end-point is reached. i gene Fill one burette with FA 3 and the second burette PEO ko RSs 11. tion. Rinse out a test-tube with FA 4 and discard this jai ek gas etntanee Transfer 5.00 cm’ of FA 4 to this test-tube. Stand this Transfer 25.00 cm‘* of FA 3 into a conical flask. Add 1 cm? of starch indicator to this flask. ae Using appropriate measuring cylinders, transfer to the conical * 10.0 cm* of FA 1, BS * 10.0 cm? of FA 2. ‘Swirl the contents of the flask. E teh anne FA 4 from the test-ube rapidly into the conical flask. Start the stopwa during this addition, ighly by swirling the flask. Mix the contents thorou Stop the stopwatch when the end-point ie reached. Note the time elapsed, f, to the Nearest 0.1 s. wa the conical flask thoroughly with water. Stand it upside down on a paper towel 0 drain, (ii) Experiments 2 to 5 EnWneteh pte Volume of water fem? tog (110) (®) Graphical determination of order of reaction In a series of experiments, total volume of the mixture i blue colour) is timed: * Time (1/9 can be used as a measure of rate * the volume of the reactant which is changed in each experiment can provide a measure of its concentration. In these experiments, the total volume has been kept constant a iodide ions in the reaction mixture has been changed. The rate e of reaction with respect to the concentration of iodide ions, {I"], ind only the concentration of quation, where m is the order can be simplified to rate = k(I]” * taking logarithms of the factors in this equation gives Jog (rate) = m x log ({I"}) + log (k) * _ by substituting for rate and concentration, as described above, we get log (1/t) Bi 3 Ribe of 1/8) on the y-axis against log (Vea 3) on the x-axis, you wil line a a fit, the gradient of which is the required order of reaction, m. x log (Vea) + constant (ii) Calculate the gradient of the line, showing clearly how you did this. Hence deduce the order of reaction with respect to the iodide ions. gradient = order of reaction with respect to iodide ions = . (©) Use yo, ue int eT STEPH to determi | pane’? Pe the tine, «, ton the experenent 40.75 cm ot FA 3 We added at re (4) Point 14 i er (eX) instructs you to wash and drain the conical flask before ts wed again (Before starting another e periment, a student had fale to wash had drained it. Deduce and explai oom oor yea to St un inthe likely effect on ° a student who washed and drained the conical lack as mctucted n° taken By effect on t explanation mw Before starting another experiment, a student had washed the conical flask but had failed to drain it. Deduce and explain the likely effect on time t compared to that taken by a student who washed and drained the conical flask as instructed, effect on t explanation .. UY (e) Select the experiment that is likely to have the largest error. Explain why you have selectes this experiment. (8) Calculate the rate of change of [8.05 in experiment 4. Include units in your answer (2) (9) Three additional experiments were carried out in order to determine the order of reaction with, respect to H’ ions and H;0,. In these experiments, only the concentrations of H’ ions and H.02 were varied, Experiment | initial [H'}/moldm= | iniial{H,0,]/moldm® | initial rate / mol dm? s*_ | 6 0.100 0.100 (0.0240 7 0.200 0.400 0.0240 8 0.300 (0.300 0248" 00720) Using the given data, determine the orders of reaction with respect to H’ ions and H.O2, Show clearly how you arrive at your answers. ‘order of reaction with respect to H’ ions = order of reaction with respect to H2O2 ira) (h) With reference to your answers in (b)(ii) and (g), write the rate equation for the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and iodide ions under acidic conditions. "i

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