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Section 1 (40 marks)

Answer all questions from this section

Question 1
a) Write a short note on Ozone depletion.
b) What is GEF? What are its objectives
c) What are the major sources of air pollution which affect our health?
d) How does WHO define health?

Question 2
a) What is equilibrium population? (2)
b) What is CITES? What is its main objective? (2)
c) What are the renewable sources of energy. (2)
d) Name two activities prohibited in a wildlife sanctuary. (2)
e) What resulted in formation of the Rio Earth Summit (2)

Question 3
a) Name the various methods used to arrest grit, dust and smoke in air. (2)
b) Name the major gaseous pollutants in the air. (2)
c) What are the emissions limits for various motor vehicles under the Motor (2)
Vehicle Act 1988?
d) Write a short note on Bhopal Gas Tragedy (2)
e) Describe in short the reasons for land degradation (2)

Question 4
a) What is Nation-State? What is its role? (2)
b) Mention two causes for the loss of bio-diversity (2)
c) What are the modern view on activities for wildlife management (2)
d) What is sustainable development? (2)
e) What is the three tier system of land usage in hilly areas? (2)

Section B (40 marks)

Answer any 4 Questions from this section

Question 1
a) What are the functions of the regional level agency for controlling air pollution?
b) Describe briefly the important steps needed to preserve wildlife.

Question 2
a) What are the steps taken by Indian villages to reduce environmental
degradation with examples of two villages?
b) What are the common grounds for environment and development between
developed and developing countries?
Question 3
a) Describe the guidelines related to environment protection to be followed by
MNCs in India (4)
b) What are the essential elements and premises for sustainable development?
Question 4
a) How do remote satellites help in arresting /controlling environmental issues?
b) Explain how Sulphur dioxide emissions can be reduced citing example of the Taj (4)
trapezium and Mathura Refinery. (6)

Question 5
a) What are the objectives of the MAB programme. (4)
b) Write a brief note on Montreal Protocol (6)

Question 6
a) What are the economic policy measures to control motor vehicle air pollution? (4)
b) Write short notes on alternate technologies for: (6)
a. Mining
b. Dam Construction and power generation

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