Task 2

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Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Task 2: Differentiating centres based activities in the Preschool


Complete Table 3 below. Photograph and document the centres based activities implemented in the setting during the course of
the day and identify the learning outcomes with reference to the prevailing preschool curriculum e.g. the UK EYFS curriculum that
they could be used to develop. For each of these activities note any differentiation provided by the MST or TA. Describe how
each activity could be differentiated to three ability levels.
Table 3: Differentiating centres based activities in the Preschool Classroom
Learning / Activity Centres observed in Activities / Resources: Links to Early Learning Goals in the UK EYFS Possible differentiation to three ability levels.
the preschool classroom: (2007) document:
(Photo) (list only what you consider to be the primary goals)
High Ability
Different colored cubes Problem Solving, reasoning and numeracy
Papers and pencils Sort, count and write groups of cubes >10
Recognizes, counts, orders, writes and uses numbers up
Overview of the activity: to 10. Sort different colors of cubes and write numbers of them

The children are sorting animals counting Sorts or matches objects and talks about sorting Sort according to color and add one/two more of another color OR
them and writing the numbers down make one/two less etc. Write the number sums you create.

Communication, language and literacy

Average Ability
Uses some clearly identifiable numbers to communicate
Build by specific number of cubes by count and write the number
Interacts with others in a variety of contexts negotiating <10.
plans and activities and taking turns in conversations.

Personal, Social and Emotional development Low Ability

Maintains attention and concentrates Choose one color and build by the cubes by use 10 or less
number of cubes.
Works as part of a group, taking turns and sharing fairly.

TP Task Booklet for EPC 3903 Practicum 3b 1

Year Three, Semester 6 / 2010-11/ SI / DWC
Revised MAG 2015-16

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