Increased Steam Methane Reformer Throughput

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Increased steam methane reformer

Switching to a foil based catalyst technology raised throughput substantially
for a hydrogen producer

Marie Basin and Daniel Gary Air Liquide

William Whittenberger and Jumal Shah Johnson Matthey Process Technologies

ir Liquide delivers alyst was entirely replaced by
hydrogen and carbon Catacel SSR, with the objective of
monoxide to a wide increasing the production rate by
range of companies in the 5%.
refining and chemicals indus-
try by operating more than Roussillon SMR unit
50 steam methane reformer The Air Liquide SMR plant in
(SMR) units worldwide. Each Roussillon was started up in
unit is designed to respond 2010 (see Figure 1). It includes the
to demand which can vary following units: a hydrodesul-
over time. Amongst its fleet, phurisation unit, a reformer that
Air Liquide has a 12-tube comprises 12 reformer tubes with
SMR in Roussillon, France. a diameter of 5in and one burner,
The plants nominal hydro- a CO shift reactor, and a PSA unit
gen capacity was reached Figure 1 Air Liquide steam methane for final product purification. The
with conventional reform- reformer unit in Roussillon, France plant operates with a natural gas
ing catalyst and could not be feed and has a nominal capacity
increased any further due to the limitation of the of 2450 Nm3/h of hydrogen with conventional
reformer flue gas temperature. However, in 2015 catalyst.
the customer foresaw an increase in its hydro- The production rate was constrained by a high
gen consumption. Accordingly, Air Liquide was flue gas exit temperature which was close to its
required to investigate solutions to debottleneck maximum value of 1000C. This high flue gas
the plant. temperature prevented increasing the process
Air Liquide approached Johnson Matthey gas exit temperature.
which has been involved in the development
of steam reforming catalysts for many decades. Catacel SSR
Johnson Matthey identified its recently com- For many years, catalyst impregnated ceramic
mercialised Catacel SSR as a possible solution. pellet media has driven steam methane reform-
This next generation reforming catalyst is a ing reactions in hydrogen, methanol, and ammo-
coated, foil based alternative to metal impreg- nia plants. Steam reforming catalyst design is
nated ceramic pellets. Simulations suggested a balance between many competing require-
the enhanced heat transfer, activity and pres- ments and catalyst features such as strength,
sure drop properties would allow the reformer heat transfer, activity, pressure drop and avoid-
throughput to be increased by the desired rate. ance of unwanted side reactions such as carbon
In August 2015, the conventional pelleted cat- formation. By adopting a foil based structure, April 2107 1

alloy as a substrate material.
Alloy strip is formed into engi-
neered foil structures called
fans (see Figure 2). The fans
are coated with a nickel based
steam reforming catalyst using a
proprietary process that ensures
the catalyst remains attached to
the surface of the foil during the
catalyst lifetime. The fans are
stacked one upon another in the
reforming tube, separated by
Figure 2 Catacel SSR fan (left) and stack (right) thin metal washers. The outer
edges of the fans are located
close to, but not touching, the
internal surface of the tube.
The stacked fans deliver supe-
rior heat transfer by impinging
gas on the internal surface of the
reforming tube rather than rely-
ing on convective heat transfer
mechanisms. During operation,
gas flows down the tube and
encounters the first fan struc-
ture. It cannot move through
the fan and therefore it is forced
out of the triangular ducts. The
Figure 3 Gas forced out of duct and back into the underside vents process gas thus jets directly
onto the internal surface of the
reformer tube, where it gath-
Relative performance indicator

Heat transfer ers heat. Having nowhere else
Pressure drop to go, the gas flows around the
edges of the fan and back into
the triangular duct on the under-
side of the fan (see Figure 3).
The washers that separate the
fans from one another facilitate
this flow back into the fan. Once
inside the fan, the gas is free to
Rings 4-hole Quadralobe Catacel SSR
move to the next fan in the stack
and repeat the process.
Figure 4 Relative performances of various steam reforming catalysts The features of Catacel SSR
result in approximately 20-30%
Catacel SSR breaks away from many of the lim- more heat transfer for the same (or lower) pres-
itations imposed by the use of ceramic pellets. It sure drop when compared to traditional catalyst
is a catalyst system that exhibits a higher activ- pellets. In addition, the fans offer 1.5 to 2.0 times
ity, improved heat transfer, lower pressure drop more geometric surface area than conventional
and improved resistance to carbon formation all pellets. Thus it provides a step change in the
at the same time. Performance of this technology achievable performance from conventional pel-
has been proven in the hydrogen market since leted steam reforming catalyst. Figure 4 shows a
May 2012.1 comparison of the different generations of pel-
Catacel SSR uses a special high temperature leted ceramic catalyst against Catacel SSR.

2 April 2017

Increasing hydrogen throughput by increasing reforming temperature

Conventional catalyst Catacel SSR

Flue gas temperature, C 1000.1 997.5
Reformer exit temperature, C 816 828.5
S/C 3.24 3.1
Pressure drop, bar 0.68 0.51
Dry syngas flow rate, Nm3/h 4043 4178
Methane slip, mol% 6.7 6.2
Hydrogen production before PSA, Nm3/h 2965 3078
Hydrogen throughput, Nm /h
2450 2490
Performances in capacity increase
Increase in syngas flow rate, % - 3.3
Increase in hydrogen before PSA, % - 3.8
Tflue gas - Tsyngas, C 184 169

Table 1

Figure 5 Installation of Catacel SSR SSR allows additional burner firing to take place
before the maximum flue gas exit temperature is
Installation at Roussillon reached. Thus it is possible to achieve a higher
Catacel SSR is supplied as preassembled stacks reformer exit temperature for the same flue gas
up to a metre long. The fans are mounted on temperature. Consequently, following the instal-
a support structure that sits within the central lation at Roussillon the methane conversion is
space of the fans. This aids in the speed and higher and the hydrogen production from the
accuracy of the catalyst installation. reformer is improved. Table 1 compares the
As previously described, the outer edges of conventional catalyst performances with that of
each fan must be located close to but not touch- Catacel SSR for the maximum flue gas tempera-
ing the inside tube surface and each stack must ture allowed.
rest directly over the stack below without any The increased capacities in syngas and hydro-
gaps that could create hot spots. However, the gen production before purification (by pres-
internal surfaces of reformer tubes can be quite sure swing adsorption, PSA) are 3.3% and 3.8%,
irregular, especially on plants that have been in respectively, compared to former operation. The
service for some time. Hence the installation of increase in dry syngas flow rate is in line with
Catacel SSR is managed using patent protected predictions. Besides, this capacity enhancement
deployment technology that forms part of the is achieved at a lower reformer pressure drop
support structure along with patent protected than with conventional catalyst: 0.51 bar instead
installation tools and methodologies. of 0.68 bar.
During the installation at Roussillon, each The heat transfer enhancement by Catacel
stack of fans was inserted in a compressed con- SSR is also highlighted by the lower difference
figuration and engaged with the stack (or sup- between syngas and flue gas temperatures com-
port) below. Using compressed air, it was then pared to conventional catalyst: initially 184C,
expanded to bring the fan edges into the correct reduced to 169C.
position versus the tube wall. Deposition was
observed on the wall of some tubes but it was Increasing hydrogen throughput by increasing
scraped off and did not inhibit the loading. The plant load
installation was completed according to schedule. The previous case clearly indicates that addi-
Outage and pressure drop measurements during tional burner firing is possible thanks to Catacel
and on completion of the loading confirmed each SSR. The increased hydrogen production is
stack had successfully interlocked with the stack achieved through a higher reformer exit tem-
below. perature and thus a higher methane conver-
sion. However, the hydrogen production of the
Increasing hydrogen throughput by increasing unit can be increased more substantially by also
reforming temperature increasing the plant load in addition to increas-
The enhanced heat transfer provided by Catacel ing burner firing. Table 2 summarises the per- April 2107 3

with pellets: 0.57 bar instead of
Increasing hydrogen throughput by increasing plant load
0.68 bar.
Conventional catalyst Catacel SSR
Flue gas temperature, C 1000 1000
Performance over a year in
Reformer exit temperature, C 816 819 operation
S/C 3.2 3.1 A year of operation with Catacel
Pressure drop, bar 0.68 0.57
Dry syngas flow rate, Nm /h
4043 4299 SSR was achieved without any
Methane slip, mol% 6.7 7.0 incident. Data was collected
Hydrogen production before PSA, Nm3/h 2965 3135
Hydrogen throughput, Nm3/h 2450 2553 from September 2015 until
Performances in capacity increase September 2016 to compare with
Increase in syngas flow rate, % 6.3
Increase in hydrogen before PSA, % 5.7
the performance of pellets over
Tflue gas - Tsyngas, C 184 181 the year 2014. Plant loads for
both time periods are shown
Table 2 in Table 3. As can be seen, the
plant was operated at more than
Plant load 100% load (with respect to dry
syngas production) with the cat-
alyst for an extended period of
Plant load range Pellets Catacel SSR time. Obviously, the plant load
(dry syngas production) (% of operating time) (% of operating time) is dependent on the operators
Below 50% 4.2 2.0
51-70% 6.3 2.3 demand but the results clearly
71-80% 13.4 38.2 show that a maximum increase
81-90% 19.0 18.1
91-100% 57.1 14.9 of hydrogen throughput by over
101-105% 0.0 19.8 5% was successfully sustained.
>105% 0.0 4.7
Such an increase in produc-
Table 3 tion was possible because the
flue gas temperature at the
reformer exit remained below
Catacel SSR
Conventional catalyst
the threshold of 1000C, even at
106% load. Figure 6 shows the
Flue gas exit temperature, C

990 decrease of flue gas temperature

when the plant is operated with
Catacel SSR compared to oper-
970 ation with conventional pellets.
For a load range between 91%
960 and 100%, the flue gas tempera-
ture is decreased by up to 7C,
giving a margin to increase the
940 plant hydrogen throughput.
81-90 91-100 101-105 106+
The overall efficiency of the
Plant load, %
reformer and water gas shift
Figure 6 Comparison of flue gas exit temperature for various plant loads section can be assessed by con-
sidering the total natural gas
formances of Catacel SSR in this operating mode flow rate required to produce syngas. Figure 7
and compares it to operation with previous con- presents this data for different plant loads. The
ventional catalyst under the limitation of the savings on natural gas with Catacel SSR are high
maximum flue gas temperature. thanks to better conversion in the reformer due
In this operating mode, the syngas flow to higher reforming temperatures, and lower fuel
rate is increased by 6.3%. The hydro- consumption due to increased heat transfer in
gen throughput from the reformer is 5.7% the reformer. Savings are in the range of 3-4% for
higher. This capacity increase is achieved loads between 80% and 105%, even reaching 5%
at a lower reformer pressure drop than at a load of 106%.

4 April 2017

Hydrogen is used in oil refin- 108 Catacel SSR
Conventional catalyst
eries, chemical plants and 106
in clean transportation solu- 104

Plant efficiency
tions. Due to changing market 102
conditions there is a greater need
to be able to operate flexibly,
robustly and efficiently to meet
the users needs. As a world 96

leader in gases, technology and 94

services for industry and health, 92

81-90 91-100 101-105 106+
Air Liquide is always striving to
Plant load, %
explore process improvements
and thereby exceed customer Figure 7 Plant efficiency (syngas flow/total natural gas flow) at various loads
Steam reforming remains the dominant pro- capital cost to modify the plant equipment as oth-
cess for the production of hydrogen. Despite erwise may have been necessary.
being a mature process there is still an opportu-
CATACEL SSR is a trademark of Johnson Matthey Process
nity to employ innovative technologies to drive Technologies.
improvement. Structured Catacel SSR technol-
ogy represents the next generation of steam References
reforming catalysts offered by Johnson Matthey, 1 Farnell P, Whittenberger W, Foil supported catalysts deliver
delivering a significant improvement in perfor- high performance in steam reformers, Nitrogen + Syngas 2015
mance compared to traditional pelleted catalysts. International Conference, Istanbul, Feb 2015.
Adoption of the catalyst has shown the bene- 2 Whittenberger W, Catacel SSR novel structured catalysts for
fits of cooler tubes with lower methane slip and high performance in steam reformers, PTQ Catalysis, 31-33,
lower pressure drop. Whilst greater benefits may 2015.
be achieved with a reformer designed round the Marie Basin is a Research Engineer with Air Liquide Research
catalyst,2 even for existing plants it can improve and Development. She is a chemical engineer and graduated
performance that can then allow the unit limits to from cole Nationale Suprieure des Industries Chimiques
be overcome. (ENSIC Nancy, France) and Imperial College London.
Collaboration between Air Liquide and Johnson Daniel Gary is Senior International Expert in gas production
Matthey facilitated an understanding of the end and gas purification with Air Liquide. He graduated from
user requirements, identifying the existing bot- University Paul Sabatier Toulouse in chemical engineering.
Jumal Shah is a Hydrogen Technologist with Johnson Matthey
tlenecks and possible solutions. Although the
in Billingham, UK. He holds a MEng in chemical engineering
SMR at Air Liquides Roussillon plant is tailored
from the University of Bradford.
for conventional pelleted reforming catalyst, William A Whittenberger is Site and Technology Director with
the benefits of the coated foil based structure to Johnson Matthey Process Technologies, which acquired the
overcome the previously observed limit on flue assets of Catacel Corp in 2014. He co-founded Catacel in 2001.
gas exit temperature were demonstrated. Catacel He holds a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from
SSR catalyst has and continues to demonstrate Ohio State University, and a MBA from Pepperdine University.
that it is mechanically and chemically robust over
a range of operating conditions. Assessing the
reduction in total natural gas usage at different
plant rates, Air Liquide has been also able to val- More articles from: Johnson Matthey Process
idate the increased plant efficiency and highlight
More articles from the following categories:
the long term value. By employing the novel cat- Catalysts and Additives
alyst, the required 5% increase in throughput was Hydrogen Technologies
achieved successfully and without incurring any April 2107 5

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