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1.- Take place: Tener lugar, ocurrir. 1.- LINGUISTIC FUNCTIONS:
2.- Develop (reg): desarrollar. 1.- Listing points (enumerar)
3.- Succeed (in) (reg): tener xito en. - First/ Firstly/First of all.
4.- Agree (reg): estar de acuerdo. - Second/ Secondly
5.- Cause (reg): causar -Third/thirdly
6.- Solve (reg): solucionar. - Finally/ Lastly/ last but not least.
7.- Put an end to = fnish: poner fin a - 2.- Givng examples
8.- Fail (in) (reg): fallar, fracasar, suspender - For example
9.- Deserve (reg) merecer. - For instance
10. Lead -led- led: guiar, conducir a - such as (como, tales como)
11. Mean-meant-meant (+Ving): implicar,suponer 3.- Giving personal opinions
12. Result (in) (reg): Traer como consecuencia. 3. -1 agree with (something or
13. Make a good/bad use of: Hacer buen/mal uso. somebody)
14. Benefit (from): beneficiarse de. -1 agree that.....
15. Damage (reg): perjudicar. -1 agree strongly
16. Prevent somebody from + Ving. Impedir up to a point / to a certain extent
17. Make sure + of7that + clause: asegurarse. -1 disagree = I don't agree
18. State (reg) : afirmar, exponer,declarar. - To my mind / In my opinion / In my
19. Stress (reg): recalcar, hacer hincapi. 20- view
Advise (reg): aconsejar. - From my point of view.
21. Report (reg): informar, dar parte de 4.- Making generalizations
22. Come to a conclusin: Llegar a una conclusin - In general
23. Be willing (+ To Infnitve): Estar dispuesto a - Broadly speaking=Roughly speaking -
24. Be unwilling: ser reacio a Basically
25. Reject (reg) = Turn down: rechazar 5.- Expressing contrasts
26. Lie-lay-lain (in): Estar tumbado/estar situado -But
27. Be located: estar situado en (lugares) - However=Nevertheless (sin embargo)
28. Have nothing to do with: no tener nada que ver -Whereas=While (mientras)
29- Share (reg): compartir - On the one hand.....On the other hand
30. SOME PREPOSITIONAL VERBS - Although/ even though +-Clause
-Depend on (reg); - Insist on (reg) - Despite = In spite of + Ving + noun.
- Listen to (reg) - Despite/ In spite of the fact + Clause.
- Talk to (reg) 6.- Giving conclusions
-Deal with (deal-dealt-dealt): tratar de; ir sobre - In short
-Worry about (reg) -To sum up -In conclusion
- Care about: importar 7.- Rephrasing ideas
-Be aware of (estar enterado de) - In other words.
- Remind someone of (reg) recordarle a alguier -That is to say
-Suffer from (reg): padecer de - To make a long story short (colloq)
-Belong to (reg) pertenecer .- 8.- Saying obvious things
- Be responsible for: ser responsable de - Obviously/ No doubt e -There is no
- Blame (someone) for: culpar por need to say that.....
- Have influence on: Tener influencia en -I needn't say that...
31.- Have in common: tener en comn -Everybody knows.....
32.- Replace (reg) sustituir
33.- Wonder (reg): preguntarse
34.- Struggle (reg): luchar, hacer todo lo posible
35.- Do one's best: Hacer algo lo mejor posible
1.- Feature: caracterstica 9.- Adding extra Information
2.- Behaviour: comportamiento - Besides: adems
3.- Meaning: significado - Furthermore: Es ms,...
4.- Human being: ser humano - What's more: Es ms
5.- Individual: individuo - In addition (to this),...
6.- Mankind: humanidad 10.- Expressing cause
7.- (to do) harm: ( hacer) dao, perjuicio - Because / as (conjuncin)+ Clause
8.- Landscape: paisaje - Because of + Noun
9.- Resources: recursos (en el amplio sentido) -Due to (prep)
10- Event: acontecimiento - Owing to + Ving-
11- Amount: cantidad - This is why + Clause
12- Boundary= borden lmite, frontera - (have) a reason + Inf: una razn para
13- Resemblance: semejanza 11. Expressing consequence or result
14- Development: desarrollo - so + adj/adv + that............
15- (in a) Mess= chaos: desastre, caos - so much /so many + noun + that.....
16.- a kind of= a sort of: un tipo de; una clase de - such (a) + (adj) + noun + that
17.- a waste of: una perdida o desperdicio - As a consequence ...
18.- Knowledge (incontable): conocimiento(s) - As a result , como consecuencia
19- Disease= Illness: enfermedad - Consequently
20- A good humour - So: por lo tanto; por consiguiente
A bad sense of responsibility - Therefore/ Thus: por lo tanto
A deep duty 12.- Expressing purpose (finalidad)
A wrong justice, freedom, - In order to
21.- Feeling: sentimiento - To +Infinitive (mismo sujeto)
22.- Crowd: multitud, gento - So as (not) to
23.- Punishment: castigo - so that/ so + Clause (normalmente
24.-Advantage # Disadvantage: ventaja# desvent distinto Sujeto)
25.-Advantanges and disadvantages:pros & cons 13.- Expressng probability
26- Effect: efecto. - probably: probablemente
27- Danger: peligro - To be likely to: ser probably
28- Issue: tema; 29- Problem - In all probability:con toda probabilidad
30- Solution - There's a good chance that: es muy
31- Life#death probable
32- Aim/ Target objetivo, blanco 14.- Expressing a conditon
33- (to play) the role: (desempear el) rol, papel - If: si
ADJETIVOS. - Unless: a menos que
1.- main= the most important - as long as/provided/providing: con tal
2.- relevant: 3.- essential que
4.- meaningful # meaningless - Otherwise: de lo contrario.
5.- key= clave - On the condition that. Con la
6.- well-known : conocido condicin de que
7.- harmful # harmless prejudicial/inocuo - In case: por si acaso
8.- proud of: orgulloso
9.- sensitivo: sensible
10. sensible: sensato
11. old-fashioned # fashionable - In (to be in
fashion # to be out of fashion)
12.- skillful (at, in): hbil
MASS MEDIA: 15.- Expressing surprise
1.- Media: medios de comunicacin -what (a) +(adj) + noun!; qu
2.- Broadcast-Broadcast-Broadcast: transmitir - such (a) + (adj) + noun!: tan
3.- Televisin - how + Adj/adverb: qu
television set: aparato de televisin - so + adj/ adverb: tan
programme (BrE) program (AmE): programa - so much + uncountable noun
serial: serie - so many + plural noun.
series: serie 16.- Telling stores (linkers & phrases)
chat-show: prog. de entrevistas informales - There was /were once: Haba una vez
documentary: documental - Once upon a time: Erase una vez
soap opera: culebrn. - Used to: sola / imperfectoindicativo
Quiz-show: programa concurso - In the past
- Nowadays/ currently/ at present
The news: telediario
- Suddenly: de repente
4.- Press
- so far: por ahora (con present Perf)
newpaper (paper): peridico magazine: revista
- at dawn/ at sunrise : al amanecer
tabloid: peridico sensacionalista - at sunset/ at dusk: al atardecer
journalist: periodista - From now on: de ahora en adelante
reader: lector - From time to time: de vez en cuando
literate # illiterate: culto/ analfabeto - All night/day long: todo la noche/da
- article: artculo - Every other day/: un da s y otro no.
- headlines: titulares. - at first. Al principio
5.- Radio - before : antes + 1: noun
radio station: emisora after: despus + 2:clause(S+V+C)
(to be) on the air: estar en el aire. + 3: + Ving
>.- Advertising - afterwards/Next: a continuacin
Advertising: publicidad - as soon as: tan pronto como
Advertise: anunciar - at the end : al final
Advertisement/ advert/ ad: anuncio -at last!: por fin.
Commercial: anuncio (tele o radio) Expressing frequency (How often?)
Market: mercado recuerda su posicin:
Marketing: comercializacin. I.- Entre sujeto y verbo
Billboard: valla publicitaria. II.- Si hay auxiliar, despus de l.)
Target: objetivo/blanco. - always: siempre; - usually/often
Consumers: consumidores. - sometimes
Hidden persuaders: persuasores ocultos. - hardly/seldom/rarely; - never
Advertising aims: - Once a day/year/week/month
-sell -sold -sold -Twice ; - Three /Fout times a
-create needs: crear necesidades 18.- Letter wrring
-Dear Michael,....
- Give my regards to... (da recuerdos)
-hide the negative aspects.
-1 hope to hear from you soon
-Persuade or convince: persuadir o convencer - All the best
-Have influence on: tener influencia en - Dear Sir/ Madam
-Put emphasis on (stress the attractive aspects) - I'm writing in connection with....
- Thank you for your letter of (date)
-1 look forward to your reply
- In reply to your (advertisement,etc)
- Please send me firther details.
-1 endose a curriculum vitat*
- Yours faithfully, Yors sincerely
-( be) at war.
-Declare war on: declare
- Battle: batalla
- Conflict
The Navy: la marina
The Army: ejercito (de tierra)
The Air Forces: fuerzas aereas
Join the army: alistarse al ejercito
Troop: tropa Soldier: soldado
Shoot-shot-shot: disparar
(Take) revenge on
Shelter: vb.-refugiarse
n.- refugio, cobijo
Threat: amenaza Threaten: amenazar
Coward (noun): cobarde Cowardly (adj): cobarde
Prisoner: prisionero
Imprison (vt): apresar ; Prison
Refugee: refugiado
Battlefield: campo de batalla
Torture: tortura
Execution: ejecucin.
To defend: defender Defence: defensa
Defenceless (adj): indefenso
Victory: victoria
Defeat (reg): derrotar
(to suffer) a defeat: sufrir uan derrota
To risk: arriesgar
(to run) a risk: (correr) un riesgo
(to be) at risk: estar en peligro.
Guns: pistolas
Weapons= arms: armas.
Shell: (noun): proyectil.
To shell: lanzar proyectiles
Safe: (adj) :seguro (a salvo, fuera de peligro)
Secure (adj): seguro (a nivel psicolgico) (to be)
sure: (adj): seguro, (tener la certeza) Courage:
valenta Brave: valiente
Hero: hroe
To have guts: tener agallas.
Enemy: enemigo Peaceful # peaceless
Peace-keeping forces: fuerzas de paz.
Concentration camp: campo de concentracin.
Relase: liberar.

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