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Major themes of the Renaissance:

Rebirth of
Interest in what cultures increased
There was a shift in focus from
Artists really began studying how to show spatial
__________ in their artwork (element: )
Linear: Mathematical formulas are used to
Perspective create the illusion of depth and volume on a
flat surface
Horizon line: where the earth seems to meet the sky; it is your eye level
Vanishing point: place on horizon line where parallel lines seem to come
together; it is the point where you are looking when you are facing straight
1 point: 1 vanishing point
2 point: 2
vanishing points
often used to
show corners
3 point
2. Atmospheric or aerial perspective
Uses hue, value, & intensity to show distance in a painting
Things that are closer are more in focus and brighter in color
Things that are farther away are less focused, duller, and lighter. They
also seem bluer.
Discovered linear
Designed the dome
Known for designs
based on harmonious
proportions and
simple beauty
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Fresco painting depicting the Bible from the ________ through the __________
Fresco- painting created on ____ plaster. The pigment is actually absorbed
into the wall and becomes a part of the wall.
Spent 3-4 years actually painting the ceiling
Painted the ceiling looking up.
Detail shows the Creation of Adam
5 A goiter it seems I got from this backward craning
like the cats get there in Lombardy, or wherever
bad water, they say, from lapping their fetid river.
My belly, tugged under my chin, 's all out of whack.
Beard points like a finger at heaven. Near the back
of my neck, skull scrapes where a hunchback's lump would be.
I'm pigeon-breasted, a harpy! Face dribbledsee?
like a Byzantine floor, mosaic. From all this straining
my guts and my hambones tangle, pretty near.
Thank God I can swivel my butt about for ballast.
Feet are out of sight; they just scuffle around, erratic.
Up front my hide's tight elastic; in the rear
it's slack and droopy, except where crimps have callused.
I'm bent like a bow, half-round, type Asiatic.
Not odd that what's on my mind,
when expressed, comes out weird, jumbled. Don't berate;
no gun with its barrel screwy can shoot straight.
Giovanni, come agitate
for my pride, my poor dead art! I don't belong!
Who's a painter? Me? No way! They've got me wrong.
The Last Judgment
Fresco painting depicting
the judgment to go to
heaven or hell
Detail of the fresco shows
the self-portrait.
Michelangelo included his
self-portrait as a sack of skin w/o
bones or muscles. This symbolized
his feeling that he had given all of
his ability, energy, and creativity to
the church.
Italian word meaning
pity, compassion,
Sculpture showing
Mary mourning over
the dead body of
Other artists have
created Pietas, this is
Only signed sculpture: signed it
on the sash of Mary because he
witnessed people wondering who
sculpted it. He signed it in such
a place that no one would ever
wonder. However, he later
regretted his action, because he
felt that his signature took on too
much importance compared to
the subject of the sculpture.
David Moses
Painted four frescoes in the papal apartments in the Vatican. Each one
represented one of the four branches of learning
Law The Cardinal Virtues
Poetry Parnassus the dwelling place of the God Appollo and the
muses the home of poetry
Theology Disputa
Philosophy School of Athens
Theology and Philosophy face one another together they symbolize the
popes balance of divine religious wisdom with a cultural and secular education
School of Athens philosophy
The most famous philosophers of ancient times move within an imposing
Renaissance architecture, which is inspired by Bramante's project for the
renewal of the early Christian basilica of St Peter. Some of these are easily
Architectural features barrel vaults, coffers
Uses linear perspective to draw the barrel vaults, etc.
Atmospheric perspective in how the receding barrel vaults get lighter
The Sistine Madonna

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