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Building Small Native

Languages with Haskell

Paris Functional Programming Meetup
Berlin Haskell Meetup
Haskell Basics

Higher Order Functions

Higher-kinded types
State Monad
Writer Monad
Monad Transformers

Longer form of this talk.


The smallest lambda calculus derivative language that compiles to native


Virtual machines (SECD, CAML, Z-Machine, G-machine) are interesting

points in the design space, but industrial uses often have different

Many use-cases in image processing, signal processing, numerical

computing, query planning, data analytics that require the ability to generate
fast native code dynamically from a mathematical description of the kernel.
Petit Language

rivendell% ./petit
_ _
_ __ ___| |_(_) |_
| '_ \/ -_) _| | _| Minimalist Language
| .__/\___|\__|_|\__| Type :help for help
>> :load
>> ...

rivendell% ./petit -i -o example


LLVM is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain

This Talk is in 3 Languages

data Expr
Haskell = Var Name
| App Expr Expr
| Lam [Name] Expr
| Let Name Expr Expr
| Lit Literal
| If Expr Expr Expr
| Prim Prim
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

Host Language Surface Language Target Language

Surface Syntax

data Literal
= LInt Int
| LBool Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Expr
data Prim
= Var Name
= Add
| App Expr Expr
| Sub
| Lam [Name] Expr
| Mul
| Let Name Expr Expr
| Eql
| Lit Literal
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
| If Expr Expr Expr
| Prim Prim
data Decl
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
= FunDecl Name [Name] Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Program = Program [Decl]

deriving (Show, Eq)

let fib = \n -> [ "n" ]
if (n == 0) (If
then 0 (App (App (Prim Eql) (Var "n")) (Lit (LInt 0)))
else if (n==1)
(Lit (LInt 0))
then 1
else ((fib (n-1)) + (fib (n-2)));
(App (App (Prim Eql) (Var "n")) (Lit (LInt 1)))
(Lit (LInt 1))
let main = fib 15;
(Prim Add)
(App (Var "fib") (App (App (Prim Sub) (Var "n")) (Lit (LInt 1)))))
(Var "fib") (App (App (Prim Sub) (Var "n")) (Lit (LInt 2))))))))

Not shown because parsers are boring. Google parsec tutorial

Functional Compilation

The lambda calculus does not admit a naive translation into LLVM due to the
presence of currying, partially applied functions, and partially saturated

Via transformations we can manipulate the program into a form that is

amenable to translation to low level machine code.

Can always turn functional code into an explicitly compilable form using
continuation passing transformations. This is of limited usefulness in
practice and is difficult to optimize on modern CPUs.
Closure Conversion

Closure conversion adjusts all call sites to be saturated (adding extra arguments to calls) so as
the function does not introduce a closure for the lifted lambda expression.

type Env = Map Name Name

type Lift a = WriterT [Decl] (State (Int, Env)) a

\x -> (+x) => \x y -> x + y Closure Conversion

Lambda lifting is a transformation that restructures a program so that functions are defined
independently of each other in a global scope. An individual "lift" transforms a local function into a
global function:

Eliminating free variables in the function by adding parameters.

Moving all functions to fully saturated global functions with all arguments passed.

function g(a,b,x) {
function f(x,y) { return (x+y+a)
function g(a,b) { }
return (x+y+a)
} function f(x,y) {
return g(x,y) return g(x,y,x)
} }
Lambda Lifting

liftExpr :: Name -> Expr -> Lift Expr

liftExpr root = \case
Var x -> do
mx' <- relocate x
case mx' of
Just x' -> pure (Var x')
Nothing -> panic ("Variable not in scope: " <> (toS x))

Lam vs e -> do
let sc = Map.fromList [(x,x) | x <- vs]
e' <- scope sc (liftExpr root e)
tell [FunDecl root vs e']
return (Var root)

App x1 x2 -> App <$> liftExpr root x1 <*> liftExpr root x2

Simple Types

data MType Polytypes ( )

= TVar TVar Monotypes ( )
| TCon String
| TArr Type Type
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

typeInt, typeBool :: Type const :: forall a b. a -> b -> a

typeInt = TCon "Int"
typeBool = TCon "Bool" TArr (TVar a) (TArr (TVar b) (TVar a))

data PType = Forall [Name] MType


type Subst = Map Name MType :s

comp :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst [s]=[s]
comp s1 s2 = M.union s1 ( (subst s1) s2)

instance Substitutable MType where

free (TVar n) = S.singleton n The solver function simply iterates over the set of
free (Con _) = S.empty
constraints, composing them and applying the
free (TArr t1 t2) = free t1 `S.union` free t2
resulting constraint solution over the intermediate
instance Substitutable Env where solution eventually converting on the most general
free gamma = S.unions (map free (M.elems gamma)) unifier which yields the final subsitution which when
subst s gamma = (subst s) gamma applied over the inferred type signature, yields the
principal type solution for the expression.
Unification ala Damas-Milner

unify :: Type -> Type -> Infer Subst

unify (l `TArr` r) (l' `TArr` r') = do
s1 <- unify l l'
s2 <- unify (apply s1 r) (apply s1 r')
return (s2 `compose` s1)

unify (TVar a) t = bind a t

unify t (TVar a) = bind a t
unify (TCon a) (TCon b) | a == b = return nullSubst
unify t1 t2 = throwError $ UnificationFail t1 t2

bind :: TVar -> Type -> Infer Subst

bind a t | t == TVar a = return nullSubst
| occursCheck a t = throwError $ InfiniteType a t
| otherwise = return $ Map.singleton a t
Generalization & Instantiation

(a -> Int) => forall a. (a -> Int)

forall a. (a -> Int) => a0 -> Int

instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type

Generalization: Converting a type into a type by
instantiate (Forall as t) = do
closing over all free type variables in a type scheme.
as' <- mapM (const fresh) as
Instantiation: Converting a type into a type by
let s = Map.fromList $ zip as as'
creating fresh names for each type variable that does
return $ apply s t
not appear in the current typing environment.

generalize :: TypeEnv -> Type -> Scheme

generalize env t = Forall as t
where as = Set.toList $ ftv t `Set.difference` ftv env
Inference Rules

infer :: Env -> Expr -> Infer (Subst, MType)

infer gamma (Var x) = do
sigma <- lookupEnv x gamma
tau <- inst sigma
pure (none, tau)

infer gamma (App e1 e2) = do

(s1, tau1) <- infer gamma e1
(s2, tau2) <- infer (subst s1 gamma) e2
tau3 <- fresh
s3 <- unify (subst s2 tau1) (TArr tau2 tau3)
pure (s3 `comp` s2 `comp` s1, subst s3 tau3)

infer gamma (Lam xs e) = do

tau1 <- fresh
ts <- replicateM (length xs) fresh
let gamma' = extends (zip xs (fmap (Forall []) ts)) gamma
(te, e') <- infer gamma' e
pure (te, subst te (foldl1' TArr (tau1 : ts)))

compose f g x = f (g x)

The generated type from the infer function consists again simply of unique fresh variables.

a -> b -> c -> e

Induced by two cases of the T-App rule we get the following constraints:

b ~ c -> d
a ~ d -> e

Here d is the type of (g x). The constraints are already in a canonical form, by applying Uni-VarLeft twice we
get the following set of substitutions:

b ~ c -> d
a ~ d -> e

compose :: forall c d e. (d -> e) -> (c -> d) -> c -> e

Lowering Types

The AST then has a complete copy of inferred type and the types of all lambda
binders are annotated with type information.

Our program is nothing but toplevel functions that can be called precisely like C

Our program is ready for translation into LLVM.

Code Generation

llvm-general-pure is a pure Haskell representation of the LLVM IR.

llvm-general is the FFI bindings to LLVM required for constructing the C representation of the
LLVM IR and performing optimization and compilation.

andl %edx, %esi
andl %edx, %edi
xorl %esi, %edi
LLVM IR movl %edi, %eax

define i32 @test1(i32 %x, i32

%y, i32 %z) {
%a = and i32 %z, %x x86
%b = and i32 %z, %y
%c = xor i32 %a, %b
ret i32 %c test1:
} and r1, r2, r1
and r0, r2, r0
eor r0, r0, r1
mov pc, lr

LLVM Features

Abstracts over register allocation Optimizations

Abstracts over instruction allocation
Cross-platform targeting Dead code elimination
Fast compile times Loop invariant code motion
Builtin JIT compiler Loop strength reduction
Reusable Optimizations Loop unrolling
Extensible Instruction combination
Automatic function inlining
Automatic tail recursion detection
LLVM Types

i1 ; Boolean type {float, i64} ; structure

i8 ; char {float, {double, i3}} ; nested structure
i32 ; 32 bit integer <{float, [2 x i3]}> ; packed structure
i64 ; 64 bit integer
float ; 32 bit <4 x double>
double ; 64 bit <8 x float>

[10 x float] ; Array of 10 floats float* ; Pointer to a float

[10 x [20 x i32]] ; Array of 10 arrays of [25 x float]* ; Pointer to an array
20 integers.
LLVM Operations

shl add Unconditional Branch

lshr fadd Conditional Branch
ashr sub
and fsub Phi
or mul
xor fmul

Symbols used in an LLVM module are either global or local. Global symbols begin with @ and local
symbols begin with %. All symbols must be defined or forward declared.

Instructions in LLVM are either numbered sequentially (%0, %1, ...) or given explicit variable names (%a,
%foo, ..). For example the arguments to the following function are named values, while the result of the add
instructions unnamed.

define i32 @add(i32 %a, i32 %b) {

%1 = add i32 %a, %b
ret i32 %1

load: Load a typed value from a given reference

store: Store a typed value in a given reference
alloca: Allocate a pointer to memory on the virtual stack

%ptr = alloca i32

store i32 3, i32* %ptr
%val = load i32* %ptr

The getelementptr instruction is used to get the address of a subelement of an aggregate data
structure. It performs address calculation only and does not access memory.

getelementptr i32* %0, i64 %index

Static Single Assignment

Static single assignment form is a property of an intermediate representation

which requires that each variable is assigned exactly once, and every variable is
defined before it is used.

x := 10; x := 10;
a := 11; a := 11;
x := x + a; x := x + a;
Static Single Assignment

if x < 5 { if x < 5 {
x := x + 1; x := x + 1;
} else { } else {
x := x + 2; x := x + 2;
} }
x := (x, x)
Branching Logic

define i1 @foo() { define i32 @foo() {

ret i1 0 start:
} br i1 true, label %left, label %right
ret i32 10
ret i32 20

define i1 @foo() {
br label %next
br label %return
ret i1 0
Control Flow

define i32 @foo(i32 %a) {

switch i32 %a, label %default
i32 0, label %f
i32 1, label %g
i32 2, label %h
ret i32 1
ret i32 2
ret i32 3
ret i32 0
Phi Nodes

define i32 @foo() {

br i1 true, label %left, label %right
%plusOne = add i32 0, 1
br label %merge
br label %merge
%join = phi i32 [ %plusOne, %left ], [ -1, %right ]
ret i32 %join

define i32 @count(i32 %n) {

br label %loop

%i = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %nextvar, %loop ]
%nextvar = add i32 %i, 1

%cmptmp = icmp ult i32 %i, %n

%booltmp = zext i1 %cmptmp to i32
%loopcond = icmp ne i32 %booltmp, 0

br i1 %loopcond, label %loop, label %afterloop

ret i32 %i
Generating LLVM Programmatically

newtype LLVM a = LLVM { unLLVM :: State AST.Module a }

deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState AST.Module )

newtype Codegen a = Codegen { runCodegen :: State CodegenState a }

deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState CodegenState )

data CodegenState
= CodegenState {
currentBlock :: Name -- Name of the active block to append to
, blocks :: Map.Map Name BlockState -- Blocks for function
, symtab :: SymbolTable -- Function scope symbol table
, blockCount :: Int -- Count of basic blocks
, count :: Word -- Count of unnamed instructions
, names :: Names -- Name Supply
} deriving Show
Basic Blocks

data BlockState
= BlockState {
idx :: Int -- Block index
, stack :: [Named Instruction] -- Stack of instructions
, term :: Maybe (Named Terminator) -- Block terminator
} deriving Show

define i64 @n1(i64 %x, i64 %y, i64 %z){

Block Index entry:
%0 = mul i64 %x, %y
%1 = add i64 %0, %z
Terminator ret i64 %1
Instruction Stack

instr :: Instruction -> Codegen Operand

instr ins = do
n <- fresh
blk <- current
let i = stack blk
let ref = (UnName n)
modifyBlock $ blk { stack = i ++ [ref := ins] }
return $ local ref

terminator :: Named Terminator -> Codegen (Named Terminator)

terminator trm = do
blk <- current
modifyBlock $ blk { term = Just trm }
return trm
Monadic Interface initModule :: AST.Module

to LLVM initModule = emptyModule "my cool jit"

logic :: LLVM ()
We can compose monadic functions logic = do
for each of the machine instructions define double "main" [] $ do
that give rise to more complex logic
let a = cons $ C.Float (F.Double 10)
that can be composed with each other.
let b = cons $ C.Float (F.Double 20)
res <- fadd a b
We can write higher-order functions
ret res
that compose larger pieces of
assembly code to build larger
main :: IO (AST.Module)
abstractions needed for compiler
main = do
let ast = runLLVM initModule logic
runJIT ast
return ast
Code Generation

Walk typechecked AST, convert inferred types

to LLVM types and generate LLVM for the
codegenDecl :: Decl -> LLVM () function body logic.
codegenDecl (FunDecl fn args body) = do
let args' = fmap codegenArg args
define int (toS fn) args' $ do

forM args $ \a -> do

let aname = toS a
assign aname (local (typeOf a) (AST.Name aname))

codegenExpr body
Code Generation

codegenExpr :: Expr -> Codegen AST.Operand

codegenExpr = \case

Var x -> do
getvar (toS x)

App (Var f) arg -> do

arg' <- codegenExpr arg
call (externf (fn int [int]) (AST.Name (toS f))) [arg']
Code Generation for Conditionals

If cond tr fl -> do
ifthen <- addBlock "if.then" -- if.else
ifelse <- addBlock "if.else" ------------------
ifexit <- addBlock "if.exit" setBlock ifelse
flval <- codegenExpr fl
-- %entry br ifexit
------------------ ifelse <- getBlock
cond <- codegenExpr cond
test <- icmp IP.EQ true cond -- if.exit
cbr test ifthen ifelse ------------------
setBlock ifexit
-- if.then phi int [(trval, ifthen), (flval, ifelse)]
setBlock ifthen
trval <- codegenExpr tr
br ifexit
ifthen <- getBlock

define i64 @n3(i64 %n){

%0 = icmp eq i64 %n, 0
%1 = icmp eq i1 1, %0
br i1 %1, label %"if.then", label %"if.else"
br label %"if.exit"
%2 = icmp eq i64 %n, 1
%3 = icmp eq i1 1, %2
let fib n = br i1 %3, label %"if.then0", label %"if.else0"
if (n == 0) "if.exit":
then 0 %10 = phi i64 [0, %"if.then"], [%9, %"if.exit0"]
ret i64 %10
else if (n==1) "if.then0":
then 1 br label %"if.exit0"
else ((fib (n-1)) + (fib (n-2))); "if.else0":
%4 = sub i64 %n, 1
%5 = call i64 @n3(i64 %4)
%6 = sub i64 %n, 2
%7 = call i64 @n3(i64 %6)
%8 = add i64 %5, %7
br label %"if.exit0"
%9 = phi i64 [1, %"if.then0"], [%8, %"if.else0"]
br label %"if.exit"

# BB#0: # %entry
xorl %eax, %eax
testq %rdi, %rdi
let fib n =
je .LBB3_2
if (n == 0)
then 0
# BB#1: # %if.else
else if (n==1)
movl $1, %eax
then 1 cmpq $1, %rdi
else ((fib (n-1)) + (fib (n-2))); jne .LBB3_3
.LBB3_2: # %if.exit
JIT Integration & Haskell FFI

foreign import ccall "dynamic" haskFun :: FunPtr (IO Int) -> (IO Int)

run :: FunPtr a -> IO Int

run fn = haskFun (castFunPtr fn :: FunPtr (IO Int))

import qualified LLVM.General.ExecutionEngine as EE

EE.withModuleInEngine executionEngine m $ \ee -> do

mainfn <- EE.getFunction ee (AST.Name "main")
case mainfn of
Just fn -> do
res <- run fn
putText $ "Evaluated to: " <> show res
Nothing -> putText "Invalid data returned"

Optimizations Features

More efficient representation of closures. Custom datatypes mapping to LLVM

Efficient handling of mutually recursive structs.
functions. Target a richer Core langauge (System-F,
Avoiding combinatorial blowup of creating MLF, Dependently Typed)
toplevel lambda-lifted functions Custom Runtime
specialized to every type of call site.
This approach forces to compiler writers
to remove all polymorphism. (Make joke
about Go here).

The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages

Simon Peyton Jones

Modern Compiler Implementation in ML

Andrew W. Appel

Types and Programming Languages

Benjamin Pierce

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