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Consul,ng Group

Perdue Consul,ng Group is an Atlanta-based consul,ng rm specializing in advisory services
at the nexus of government and business, with an emphasis on economic development
strategy, interna,onal trade consul,ng, government eciency and public policy.

We are founded on rich experience and broad exper,se in private industry and
interna,onal commerce.

Our chief aim is to bring intrinsic value to our investments and engagements with a well-
dened strategic vision, informed analysis, experienced management, and seasoned

Perdue Consul,ng Group

Prac,ce Areas

Economic Interna,onal
Development Business Public
Strategy Development

Workforce Government
Development Eciency

3110 Maple Drive NE, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30305 USA office +1 (404) 228-0061 fax +1 (404) 348-4348
Perdue Consulting Group
Economic Development Strategy

Perdue Consulting Groups economic development practice assesses local and regional
economic conditions, analyzes market opportunities, and facilitates the design of improved
strategic plans for future economic growth and development. Prospective clients for this
practice include local and regional economic development agencies, state and local
governments, non-governmental organizations, federal agencies and local business

Our services span a range of applications:

Economic development strategy
Incentive strategy and design
Incentive negotiations for new capital investment
Regional growth opportunities
Local development planning
Industry market assessment
Benefit-cost analysis
Program evaluation
Plan and execute international business development missions

Interna,onal Business Development

Perdue Consulting Group can assist your organization with growth opportunities and strategies
through successful expansion into international markets. Our services include:
Market entry strategies support your business intelligence needs and ensure the best
market presence
Representation and business partnering facilitate relationships and partnerships, offering
representation and liaison services
Intercultural support navigating multi-cultural and international challenges
Consultation services on how to do business in the United States
Plan and execute international business development missions
Site location and incentive negotiations for foreign direct investment

Our role is that of strategist at the planning stage, facilitator of key contacts, and project
manager in the execution phase.

3110 Maple Drive NE, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30305 USA office +1 (404) 228-0061 fax +1 (404) 348-4348
Perdue Consulting Group
Public Policy
Perdue Consulting Group helps clients understand and address urgent, emerging and ongoing
issues in order to meet their business and policy objectives.

Products and services include:

Research and analysis of the business, legislative and regulatory environment

Expertly written white papers, advocacy materials and briefings
Best Practices identification
Development of positioning and advocacy strategies
Project management

Smart Government & Government Eciency

Perdue Consulting Group brings unparalleled experience in transforming government into more a
efficient and effective organization using the principles of business. Our teams previous work
and experience has been nationally recognized by Pew Center on the States and Governing
Magazine as best-in-classmoving the State of Georgia to be among the best-managed states
in the nation.

We focus on:

Creating systems and cultures that create value for citizens

Reducing and mitigating waste
Improving outcomes
Managing programs and agencies more efficiently and effectively
Effective execution of cost-avoidance and cost-saving strategies
Identifying data-based approaches to achieve desired results

Workforce Development
With years of experience innovating in field of workforce development, Perdue Consulting
Groups workforce development practice will help you identify the most effective means to equip
your state or local workforce for the unique demands of your economy. Our services include:
Workforce development strategy
Industry sector focus identification
Implementation and programming
Program evaluation

3110 Maple Drive NE, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30305 USA office +1 (404) 228-0061 fax +1 (404) 348-4348

Sonny Perdue, a founding partner of Perdue Partners, LLC, served as Georgias 81st Governor. On
October 26, 2010 Governing Magazine named Governor Perdue a Public Ocial of the Year for his
outstanding leadership. Reason Founda2ons 2009 Innovators in Ac2on Magazine recognized
Governor Perdue as a leader who aggressively pursued new strategies to increase the eec,veness
and eciency of government and deliver beWer value at less cost to taxpayers. And in 2008 the Pew
Center on the States ranked Georgia among the best managed states in the na,on emphasizing the
value and impact of improvements made by Governor Perdues Commission for a New Georgia.
Perdue is also owner of three other successful companies, the southeasts largest grain dealer and
wholesaler company, a dedicated trucking company and a logis,cs-solu,ons provider.

David Perdue, a founding partner, of Perdue Partners LLC, has enjoyed a 39-year career in retail and
branded consumer products. His career, which was focused on interna,onal consumerism, required
him to live in France, Singapore and Hong Kong as well as several loca,ons within the U.S. During his
career, Perdue served as Chairman and CEO of Dollar General., a Fortune 500 Company, with
oversight of 8,000 stores na,onwide. He was Chairman and CEO of Pillowtex, a tex,le manufacturing
company. He also served as President and CEO of the Reebok brand and is credited with revitalizing
the athle,c brand in the early 2000s. Mr. Perdue served as a Senior Vice President of Haggar Inc.,
and was Senior Vice President of Asia Opera,ons for Sara Lee, where he established the rms rst
Asia headquarters.

Trey Childress, a founding partner in Perdue Partners, LLC, served as the Chief Opera,ng Ocer
(COO) for the State of Georgia where he was responsible for leadership and supervision of Georgias
50 state departments, agencies, and their boards and commissions. Prior to being named as COO,
Mr. Childress served as the Director of the Governors Oce of Planning & Budget, responsible for
the States $35 billion budget, annual capital outlay poriolio of $1 billion and strategic planning. In
these roles, Mr. Childress has provided cri,cal nancial leadership, leading reorganiza,ons and
business process reforms improving customer service and opera,onal eciencies. With his
leadership, Georgia maintained its AAA bond ra,ng during unprecedented nancial challenges and
worked to reformed Medicaid for over $3 billion savings.

Heidi Green, a founding partner of Perdue Partners, recently concluded four years with the Georgia
Department of Economic Development (GDEcD), serving as Deputy Commissioner of Global
Commerce and then Commissioner. While at GDEcD, Ms. Green managed a sta of 200 people and
an annual budget of $27 million. Under her management the Global Commerce team was
reorganized into industry clusters to beWer serve clients, systems and business opera,ons were
streamlined to adjust to 25% reduc,on in budget appropria,ons, and a new four-year $10 million
interna,onal marke,ng campaign was launched. Despite budget reduc,ons, GDEcD aWracted more
65,000 new jobs to the state under her tenure. She led the agencys work to grow Georgias small
business and interna,onal trade sectors as well as its global, na,onal and statewide market

3110 Maple Drive NE, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30305 USA office +1 (404) 228-0061 fax +1 (404) 348-4348

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