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Next Gen: The Future Finance Leaders

This program has been developed to ensure our up and coming leaders are skilled across the capabilities of the Finance Triangle of
Success Leadership, Financial Control & Commercial Acumen. This course also has a project component which will allow the
participants to work on a business relevant issue in groups and submit their proposal to business leaders at the end of the course.

The duration of the program is six months; with modules conducted approximately every second month. The modules will primarily
be help centrally in Brisbane, with the possibility of one module being held inter-state.

5 Principles of Leadership

The objective of this module is to provide an overview of the fundamentals of leadership. These fundamentals are based on
Kouzes and Posners Leadership Attributes

Expectations of a Commercial Leader/Manager

This session will explore the expectations of a finance leader in FCTG. You will have the opportunity to hear from senior leaders
within FCTG to gain an understanding of their expectations, and discuss how finance can better support our business commercially.

Presentation Skills

This module will provide tips in how to structure and deliver your presentations to ensure they are more effective. Be prepared to get
up and give it a go!

Financial Analysis

This workshop will be split into two components; management accounting and financial accounting.

Managing Risk/Creative Thinking

This workshop will focus on how to manage risk in our FCTG business and how to think creatively through challenging the process

Recruitment Techniques/Project Presentations

The module is designed to give you the tools you need to successfully recruit in your business.

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