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UNT Lesson Plan Template

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): School/Mentor Teacher (if applicable):

Sarah Shaw Multiple Cottonwood Creek Elementary School
Bonnie Kokal

Subject area(s): Unit Topic/Theme: Lesson Title:

Individual Goals Life Skills in Practical Direct Teach
Academics (Labeling,
Expressing Wants/
Needs, etc.)
Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:
(6) Comprehension skills: Listening: 2(G) D. Academic behaviors 1. Self-monitor learning
listening, speaking, reading, understand the general needs and seek assistance when needed. a. Ask
writing, and thinking using meaning, main points, questions to check for understanding or clarify
and important details of information
multiple texts. The student
spoken language ranging
uses metacognitive skills to from situations in which
both develop and deepen topics, language, and
comprehension of increasingly contexts are familiar to
complex texts. The student is unfamiliar.
expected to: Speaking: 3(D) speak
(C) make, correct, or confirm using grade-level
content area vocabulary
predictions using text
in context to internalize
features, characteristics of new English words and
genre, and structures with build academic language
adult assistance; proficiency
(D) create mental images to
deepen understanding with
adult assistance;
(E) make connections to
personal experiences, ideas in
other texts, and society with
adult assistance;
(F) make inferences and use
evidence to support
understanding with adult
(G) evaluate details to
determine what is most
UNT Lesson Plan Template
important with adult

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

When given objective cards based on IEP goals, SW correctly answer questions and accomplish various tasks
as described by said cards. Examples of questions/ tasks are as follows:

- Student is shown a picture of a hot dog and asked to describe what they see using a full sentence.
Teacher asks what do you see? Student says I see a hotdog with yellow mustard. Each response
aligns with specific questions and has already been predetermined by mentor teacher.
- Student is given a set of blocks and asked to count 20 blocks. Teacher records highest correct answer.
- Student is asked to identify letters.
- Etc.
If incorrect response/ no response is given, TW provide correct answer to directly teach the student what the
proper response should be.

Overall, a goal will be considered mastered when it has been correctly answered on three consecutive data
collection days and retained when correctly answered on the 4th consecutive data collection day.

SG- all within 36 instructional weeks and for 3 consecutive data collection days

-when shown a model of a digital clock will tell the time to the 5 minutes for 5 trials, for 3 consecutive data
collection days.

-When shown a picture will label the item with 2 components (noun and adjective) for 20 items

-Will be able to use correct irregular plurals for 15 trails

-When told the item will fill in the class of the item (ex: scissors are a school supply) for 20 items

-when asked what do you want or need will request using a preposition for 10 trails (under, inside, etc.)

I.H. - all within 36 instructional weeks and for 3 consecutive data collection days

when asked to count a specific number of items from a larger set of items, will count any amount up to
UNT Lesson Plan Template
SW use 2 component labels including a noun and an adjective using communication device paired with
SW be able to name the functions of 15 items

Assessment (Description/Criteria)

- Student responses will be categorized into two groups: yes and no-direct teach.
- After the student has worked through their objective cards for the day, TW record data in a binder per
the specifications of mentor teacher.

(Overall, a goal will be considered mastered when it has been correctly answered on three consecutive data
collection days and retained when correctly answered on the 4th consecutive data collection day.)

Materials and Resources

- Objective Cards
- Data Collection Materials (bags, student basket, etc.)
- Edible Reinforcements (pretzels, M&Ms. etc.)
- Student access to materials (pencils, journals, etc.)
Management of the Instructional Environment
- SW be held to classroom expectations raising hands, not interrupting others, giving speakers full
attention, etc.
- SW be given specific instructions on what to do if they are not involved in the direct teach
- SW be expected to follow instructions given by paraprofessionals when the teacher is working with
another student
Technology Integration
- SW have access to ipad should it be needed to address/ prevent speech or communication problems
- SW have access to ipad to find pictures to draw for journal entry
Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)
- The classroom will be set up to provide students with the least restrictive environment possible by
making walkways clear and placing desks and materials in easily accessible locations.
- Ipads are included in the lesson to ensure that students who require assistive technology receive extra
help (language assistance, struggles with holding a pencil, etc).
- Directions will be repeated as needed.
- Frequent breaks given
- Edible reinforcements used throughout lesson
- Tasks/ questions/ goals are developmentally appropriate and adhere to IEP goals
- Writing is modeled and can be traced for students to copy
- Modified paper/ writing utensils may be used
- Answers will be given in adherence with direct teach methods
UNT Lesson Plan Template
1. S1 arrives in classroom. TW allow student time to get settled and select what reinforcer they want to
work for. TW explain that she and the student will be working on some of that childs goals that they
have been working so hard on and will help them in school.
2. TW begin the direct teach process. TW ask students to answer questions and accomplish various tasks
that were designed based upon that students personalized IEP goals. Questions/ tasks include labeling
items, using a calculator to solve addition problems, expressing wants, etc. Each question/ task will be
written on an objective index card.
3. Throughout the teaching process, TW give frequent breaks so as not to overwhelm the student and
will provide edible reinforcements when appropriate.
4. When an incorrect answer/ no answer is given, TW provide correct answer as a part of the direct teach
5. As teaching continues,. TW sort each objective card based on the student's response. Correct answers
go in the bag labeled yes and other answers go in the bag labeled no-direct teach. These cards be
used later for data collection.
6. Teacher and S1 will read a developmentally appropriate text and discuss the main idea of the story.
7. S2 arrived in classroom. As they get settled, TW write a model sentence about the story based on S1s
discussion of the main idea. S1 will copy this sentence in their journal (an accommodation
recommended by OT) and can use the ipad to find an image to draw and color in their journal as well.
8. S1 will work on their journal writing independently while teacher repeats steps 1-5 with S2.
9. When S2 has completed work and leaves the classroom, S1 will return and go over journal writing with
10. SW help clean up any materials and head to their next activity on the schedule.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

I really couldnt be happier with the way this lesson went. I felt good about my time management, behavior
management, and questioning, which have been my areas for development throughout the semester. There
were some classroom distractions, such as screaming students, but I feel that I was able to ignore these
distractions for the most part, or redirect students who were not on task. During my next observation, Ill be
sure to implement even more questioning and try to make more connections to culture. This should not be
too difficult, as my next observation will be during calendar time, which lends itself quite nicely to
conversations about cultural differences.

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