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Galvanic interaction of grinding media with arsenopyrite and pyrite and its
eect on gold cyanide leaching

A. Rabieh, J.J. Eksteen , B. Albijanic
Department of Mining Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering, Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia


Keywords: Galvanic interactions between dierent types of grinding media and arsenopyrite and pyrite, during the grinding
Grinding media was quantied and the eect of galvanic interactions on gold cyanide leaching was investigated. The synthetic
Gold cyanidation ores were prepared by mixing arsenopyrite or pyrite with clean gravity gold concentrate and quartz. In the
Arsenopyrite presence of arsenopyrite, the results showed that when the grinding of the ore was performed using the 30%
chromium or ceramic grinding media, the gold leaching was more ecient than that when the forged steel
Galvanic interaction
media was used. Based upon the measurement, it was suggested that the galvanic interactions between the
forged steel grinding media and sulde minerals resulted in the formation of more iron hydroxide than that
when the 30% chromium or ceramic grinding media was used. As a result, free cyanide was converted to
ferrocyanide thereby lowering the cyanide available for the gold leaching. Additionally, the galvanic interactions
also reduced the dissolved oxygen content and thus cyanide gold leaching was more dicult particularly at the
early stages of the leaching process because the dissolved oxygen is required to dissolve gold. In contrast, when
the grinding was performed with the 30% chromium or ceramic media, a very small amount of free cyanide was
converted into by-products. Cyanide gold leaching was the most ecient when the 30% chromium media was
used during the grinding of the ore for both pyrite and arsenopyrite. In addition, in the presence of pyrite, due to
the lower galvanic current between pyrite and grinding media in comparison with arsenopyrite, the amount of
iron hydroxide was lower, and thus more free cyanide was available for the gold extraction. These results
indicated that more gold was extracted in the presence of pyrite rather than the arsenopyrite for a given media
type used. More precisely, in the presence of pyrite, when the 21% chromium grinding media was used, 70% of
gold was extracted while it was 60% in the case of arsenopyrite in 24 h. The selection of grinding media appears
to be signicant when cyanide reagent consumption is evaluated.

1. Introduction Forssberg, 1993; Peng et al., 2003; Greet et al., 2004). Furthermore, it
was observed that the grinding media with less electrochemically ac-
Galvanic interactions between grinding media and sulde minerals tivity such as stainless steel and chromium grinding media may produce
during grinding not only increase the corrosion of grinding media but higher otation recoveries of sulde minerals (Forssberg et al., 1988;
also can have a negative eect on downstream operations such as o- Cullinan et al., 1999). However, Rabieh et al. (2016 and 2017a) showed
tation of galena (Cullinan et al., 1999; Peng et al., 2003), pyrrhotite that the improved response with high chromium media is not guaran-
(Adam and Iwasaki, 1984; Natarajan et al., 1984; Hodgson and Agar, teed in all cases, as forged steel can perform marginally better prior to
1988; Pozzo et al., 1990), sphalerite (Vathsala and Natarajan, 1989) otation as known for orogenic gold-bearing pyrite ores such as Ka-
and chalcopyrite (Ahn and Gebhardt, 1991; Grano et al., 1994; Yuan nowna Belle in Western Australia. Meanwhile, the otation response is
et al., 1996; Peng et al., 2003). The driving force for these interactions seen as dependant on a number of factors, such as ore mineralogy,
is the dierence in open circuit potential of grinding media and sulde process water chemistry, and grinding media metallurgy.
minerals. Sulde minerals electrochemically interact with steel Although the inuence of grinding media on otation performance
grinding media which can increase the corrosion of steel grinding of sulde minerals have been studied, the literature does not provide
media. It was found that the higher the electrochemically active any information about the inuence of galvanic interactions during
grinding media, the less the otation recovery of sulde minerals grinding on the cyanide gold leaching for the common gold associated
(Adam and Iwasaki, 1984; Martin et al., 1991; Subrahmanyam and minerals such as pyrite and arsenopyrite. The objectives of this research

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.J. Eksteen).
Received 15 August 2017; Received in revised form 16 October 2017; Accepted 24 October 2017
0892-6875/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Rabieh, A., Minerals Engineering (2017),
A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

are: (i) to quantify the galvanic interactions between grinding media reactor, mechanically agitated along with a sucient quantity of Perth
and arsenopyrite and pyrite based on their electrochemical behaviour tap water to generate slurry samples at 22% (w/w) pulp solid ratio.
during grinding, (ii) to investigate the inuence of grinding media type Around 12 mL of caustic soda solution (1 M NaOH) was added into the
on cyanide gold leaching in the presence of arsenopyrite and pyrite and slurry in order to maintain a pH of approximately 10.5, and then mixed
(iii) to propose a model which can explain the correlation between for another 5 min; then the solid sodium cyanide was added to the
oxidized iron and galvanic currents. Conversely, it would also be im- slurry in order to keep cyanide solution concentrate at 500 ppm. During
portant to investigate to which extent post-grind cyanidation can serve the leaching process, approximately 20 mL of the slurry samples were
as a diagnostic tool to infer the extent of galvanic interactions during collected after 2, 4, 6, and 24 h. These samples were ltered to analyse
the grind. This work extends previous research by the authors (Rabieh the solution for gold content by atomic absorption (AAS) technique,
et al. (2017b), which investigated the interactions between grinding cyanide speciation by high performance liquid chromatography
media and pyrrhotite on cyanide leaching of gold from ores containing (HPLC), and solution cyanide strength by silver nitrate titration.
2% gold-bearing pyrrhotite. As pyrrhotite is a highly reactive iron
sulde it signicantly amplied the grinding media-ore interaction and
the eects on cyanide leaching of gold was highly signicant. This 2.4. Determination of iron hydroxide content by EDTA
paper investigates, using a similar approach as followed by Rabieh et al.
(2017b), the interactions of grinding media with the less reactive ar- The amount of extractable iron in the samples taken from the mill
senopyrite and least reactive (of the iron sulde minerals) pyrite, both slurry (every 20 min) was analysed by an ethylene diamine tetra acetic
of which are common gold-bearing, or gold-associated minerals. acid (EDTA) extraction method. In this method, a 250 mL of 3 wt% of
EDTA solution at pH of 7.5 was prepared and transferred into a la-
2. Materials and methods boratory leaching vessel with a magnetic stirrer and purged with ni-
trogen for 5 min to remove the dissolved oxygen. The mill slurry sam-
2.1. Synthetic ore ples (25 ml) were then added to the leaching vessel. The experiments
were carried out for 5 min by purging with nitrogen. The slurry was
Two synthetic ores were obtained by mixing 12 g of arsenopyrite then ltered through a 0.2 m millipore membrane, and the solution
(99% FeAsS and 1% SiO2) or pyrite (98% FeS2 and 2% SiO2), 0.5 g of was analysed by inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectro-
the gravity gold concentrate (6% gold from Knelson concentrator ana- metry (ICP-OES) for iron content, and then the amount of iron in the
lysed by re assay), and 587.5 g of quartz (99.5 % purity). Therefore, aqueous phase was calculated.
the synthetic gold ores had 2% arsenopyrite or 2% pyrite and 50 ppm
gold. Table 1 shows the XRD analysis of the gold concentrate.
2.5. Electrodes preparation and voltammetry apparatus
2.2. Grinding system
2.5.1. Grinding media electrodes preparation
The feed ore was ground to a 80% pass size (P80) of 75 m by wet Two types of grinding media (i.e. forged steel and 30% chromium)
grinding at 34% w/w solids in the grinding system as explained in our were used to make the working electrodes. A grinding media sample
previous work (Rabieh et al., 2017b). The grinding time to achieve the was cut to the size of 15 15 3 mm to ll a Teon tube. The elec-
desired particle size distribution was 80 min for all type of grinding trode was connected to a screw by a conductive epoxy resin, and non-
media, and the only dierence was the speed of the mill which was 42, conductive epoxy was used to ll in between the Teon tube and
38, 38 and 46 RPM for forged steel, 21% chromium, 30% chromium electrodes for isolation. Before each experiment, the electrode surface
and ceramic, respectively. The pulp chemical conditions (pH, Eh, and was gently polished by a set of polishing discs and alumina slurries. The
dissolved oxygen) during the grinding of the ore samples was recorded chemical composition of dierent grinding media types used in this
for each minute. Additionally, every 20 min around 35 mL of the slurry project explained in our previous research (Rabieh et al., 2017b).
was collected for the EDTA iron extraction and dissolved sulfur mea-
surements. The dissolved sulfur measurements were performed using
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); SO42 ions were the 2.5.2. Sulde mineral electrodes preparation
only detected sulfur species. The carbon paste-pyrite or arsenopyrite electrodes were prepared by
thoroughly mixing 4 g of graphite powder with 3 g of pure arsenopyrite
or pyrite mineral and 3 g of paran oil. The carbon paste-minerals was
2.3. Cyanide leaching procedure
packed into the hole of the electrode body and polished. The exposed
surface area of the mineral electrode was 0.071 cm2. It should be noted
After the grinding, the mill discharge was transferred into a 3 L glass
that the carbon paste electrode was used for the electrochemistry study
of sulde minerals by a number of researchers such as Gerlach and
Table 1
Mineralogical analysis of the gold concentrate. Kuezeci (1983), Lu et al. (2000), Cruz et al. (2005), and Urbano et al.
(2007). For further details about the carbon paste electrochemistry the
Mineral Mass (%) reader is referred to work published by Lazaro et al. (1995) and Sauber
and Dixon (2011).
Clinochlore 6
Talk <1
Biotite 27
Muscovite 25 2.5.3. In-situ mill electrochemistry
Amphibole 1 All in-situ mill electrochemistry measurements were performed
Clinopyroxene 3
Rutile 1
using a WaveNow Potentiostat/Galvanostat system (Model number:
Albite 3 AFTP1) provided by Pine Research Instrumentation. It should be noted
Alpha quartz 22 that the potentiostat electrodes were placed inside the mill. The three-
Calcite <1 electrode setup consisted of the grinding media electrode or carbon
Dolomite - ankerite 4
paste-mineral electrode as the working electrode, an Ag/AgCl in 3 mol/
Malachite 4
Magnetite 3 L KCl as a reference electrode and a platinum wire as a counter elec-

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

Fig. 1. Pulp chemical properties during grinding of gold in the presence of (a) arsenopyrite and (b) pyrite as a function of grinding time.

3. Results and discussion the slurry, and this explains why the dissolved oxygen content slightly
3.1. Grinding On the surface of a sulde mineral:

1/2 O2 + H2 O+ 2e 2(OH) K1 = 3.687 1013 (1)

3.1.1. Pulp chemistry
The pulp chemistry properties during the grinding of the gold-ar- Steel media oxidation:
senopyrite or gold-pyrite synthetic ores with four dierent grinding
media are given in Fig. 1. As seen in Fig. 1, the changes from the 30% Fe Fe2 + + 2e K2 = 6.598 1013 (2)
chromium and ceramic to the forged steel grinding media resulted in a
Fe Fe3 + + 3e K3 = 1.025 103 (3)
systematic reduction in the pulp potential. This may be explained by the
galvanic interactions between the forged steel media and sulde mi- Hydrolysis:
nerals, which cause the increase in the hydroxide ion production as
Fe2 + + 2H2 O Fe(OH)2 + 2H+ K 4 = 2.534 1012 (4)
shown in Eq. (1). A list (Eqs. 17) of the electrochemical reactions that
may occur on the surface of sulde minerals (cathodic reaction, Eq. (1)) Fe3 + + 3H2 O Fe(OH)3 + 3H+ K5 = 3.654 105 (5)
and grinding media (i.e. anodic reaction (Eqs. (2) and (3)) and hydro-
lysis of Fe 2+and Fe 3+ (Eqs. (4) and (5))) is provided below. In addi- Arsenopyrite and pyrite oxidation:
tion to galvanic interactions, arsenopyrite and pyrite surfaces oxidize
(Marsden and House, 2009); the oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite in 2FeAsS + 7O2 + 8H2 O= 2Fe(OH)3 + 2H3 AsO4 + 4H+ + 2SO24 K6
neutral and alkaline solutions can be explained by Eq. (6) and (7). =1 10308 (6)
It should be noted that pyrite can be slightly oxidized (see Eq. (7)).
This implies that pyrite may consume a small amount of the oxygen in 4FeS2 + 15O2 + 14H2 O 4Fe(OH)3 + 16H+ + 8SO24 K7 = 1 10308

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

3.1.2. EDTA and dissolved sulfur measurements during grinding comparison with the 30% chromium and ceramic media. Given that the
The samples collected every 20 min during the grinding of the gold- amount of dissolved sulfur was negligible, it can be deduced that the
arsenopyrite or gold-pyrite synthetic ores with four dierent grinding EDTA-extractable iron in the slurries mainly originated from the
media were analysed by EDTA iron extraction technique. It should be grinding media oxidation. Even though the ceramic media is non-con-
noted that the EDTA-extracted iron originate from the oxidation of ductive, this media showed iron oxidation products due to the metallic
grinding media and sulde minerals. Therefore, the amount of EDTA mill shell (which is the same in all the tests). One would expect some
iron extraction can be shown as: galvanic interactions between the inner wall of the mill and sulde
QEDTA for Iron = QFe from media oxidation + QFe from sulfide minerals (8) minerals, as the inner wall of the mill is made of steel. The mill di-
mensions and shell internal surface area and grinding media surface
Arsenopyrite and pyrite was probably oxidized according to the areas are given in Rabieh et al. (2017b). It has a smaller surface area
reactions shown in Eqs. (6) and (7). As can be seen in Eqs. (6) and (7), than the area associated with the grinding media, but it will nonetheless
the amount of dissolved sulfur is equal and twice to the EDTA-ex- have a background inuence irrespective of the grinding media used. In
tractable iron formed from arsenopyrite and pyrite oxidation respec- in the case of pyrite (see Fig. 4b), a similar observation was seen.
tively. Therefore, the oxidation of forged steel media can be described However, due to the lower galvanic current between pyrite and
by Eqs. (11) and (12): grinding media in comparison with arsenopyrite, the amount of iron
QFe from arsenopyrite oxidation = QSO4 (9) hydroxide was lower.

QFe from pyrite oxidation = 1/2QSO4 (10) 3.2. Cyanide gold leaching
Arsenopyrite:QFe from media oxidation = Q EDTA for IronQ SO4 (11)
3.2.1. Pulp chemical properties
Pyrite:QFe from media oxidation = Q EDTA for Iron1/2Q SO4 (12) Free cyanide was added to dissolve gold (Eq. (13)). However, free
cyanide reacts with other species available in the mill discharge. More
Fig. 2 shows the amount of iron hydroxide in the slurries as a
precisely, the free cyanide is consumed by iron hydroxide as presented
function of grinding time and grinding media. As seen in Fig. 2, the
in Eq. (14) (Marsden and House, 2009). The free cyanide also reacts
amount of iron hydroxide produced in the slurries decreased in the
with arsenopyrite and pyrite according to Eqs. 1517 (Yannopoulos,
following order: forged steel media > 21% chromium media > 30%
chromium media > ceramic media. It implies that the amount of
produced iron hydroxide strongly depends on the type of the grinding 4Au + 8CN + O2 + 2H2 O 4Au(CN)2 + 4OH K10 = 5.618 106
media. In addition, in the case of gold-arsenopyrite grinding, the (13)
amount of EDTA-extractable iron oxidation products is higher than the
gold-pyrite grinding. The reason for this higher the electrochemical Fe(OH)3 + 6CN + e Fe(CN)64 + 3OH K11 = 6.660 1018 (14)
activity of the arsenopyrite rather than the pyrite.
Fig. 3 shows the amount of dissolved sulfur in the slurry as a 4FeAsS + 28CN + 5O2 + 2H2 O AsO33 + 4Fe(CN)64 + 4SCN
function of various grinding media and grinding time. Relative to iron + 4H+ K12 = 1 10308 (15)
oxidation products, the amount of dissolved sulfur was small regardless
of the type of the grinding media and sulde minerals. It is important to 2FeS2 + 9CN + 1/2O2 + H2 O FeS + Fe(CN)64 + 3SCN
highlight that arsenopyrite oxidation did not change the amount of iron + 2OH K13 = 2.37 1076 (16)
hydroxide in the slurries even though arsenopyrite have oxidized sig-
nicantly; the reason was that the ore contained a small amount of 2FeS + 2CN + 3/2O2 + 3H2 O 2SCN + 2Fe(OH)3 K14
arsenopyrite (2%). These results are in agreement with the results ob-
= 1.71 10114 (17)
tained by Huang and Grano (2005). However, it should be mentioned
that Huang and Grano (2005) conducted the experiments with much It should be noted that the presence of iron hydroxide can be ex-
higher concentrations of arsenopyrite and pyrite. This is an important plained by Eqs. 47.
dierence as it would inuence the overall reduction/oxidation equi- Fig. 5 shows that the Eh-pH diagram for the Fe-S-As-CN-H2O system
librium in the mill. For instance, in their results, a higher concentration at 25 C (Marsden and House, 2009). The diagram was obtained for
of dissolved sulfur during grinding was observed which was very low in dissolved iron, arsenic, and sulfur species of 104 M and a free cyanide
this study. concentration of 103 M. Given that the pulp pH was between 10.5 and
In the presence of arsenopyrite, the calculated amounts of iron hy- 11.5 as well as the pulp Eh was between 0.3 and 1 V vs SHE during
droxide due to the oxidation of grinding media is shown in Fig. 4a. The the leaching experiments in this work, ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)64) was
forged steel media produced a higher amount of iron hydroxide in the most dominant ion. The formation of ferrocyanide can be explained

Fig. 2. The amount of EDTA extractable iron during

grinding of gold in the presence of (a) arsenopyrite and
(b) pyrite as a function of grinding time.

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

Fig. 3. The amount of dissolved sulfur in slurry during

grinding of gold in the presence of (a) arsenopyrite and
(b) pyrite as a function of grinding time.

by Eqs. 1416.
Fig. 6 shows the changes of pulp chemical variables (pH, DO, and
Eh) during the cyanide gold leaching in the presence of arsenopyrite
and pyrite. The amount of iron hydroxide was higher when the forged
steel or 21% chromium grinding media were used than that when the
ceramic or 30% chromium grinding media were used. For that reason,
using of the forged steel or 21% chromium media resulted in the pro-
duction of a strong reducing environment during the rst hours of
leaching process probably due to the reaction between iron hydroxide
and free cyanide (see Eq. (14)). It is important to highlight that free
cyanide was consumed by iron hydroxide which is especially important
when the forged steel or 21% chromium media were used (Eq. (14)).
Additionally, when the forged steel or 21% chromium grinding media
were employed in the rst hours of leaching, hydroxide ion is produced;
therefore, the pulp pH increased to 11.4 until the free cyanide or iron
hydroxide were consumed.

3.2.2. Cyanide gold leaching performance

The inuence of grinding media on the cyanide gold leaching in the
presence of arsenopyrite or pyrite is shown in Fig. 7. In the presence of
arsenopyrite, when the ceramic or 30% chromium grinding media was Fig. 5. EhpH diagram for the FeSAs-CNH2O system at 25 C (Marsden and House,
employed, the gold dissolution was the highest due to the lowest gal-
vanic interaction. The consequences of the galvanic interactions were
the forged steel media oxidation and thus iron hydroxide was generated possible explanations for the reduced gold extraction could be a certain
in the slurries (see. Fig. 4). Iron hydroxide has been precipitated on gold consumption of the free cyanide. Precisely, 5.5% of the free cyanide
surfaces, causing (in addition to the lower available cyanide due to was converted to ferrocyanide and 1.2% of the free cyanide was con-
cyanide consumption) a low gold extraction. Furthermore, a signicant verted to thiocyanate. In addition to the consumption of the free cya-
amount of the free cyanide (60%) converted to ferrocyanide (see Fig. 8 nide, the passivation of gold grains by arsenopyrite have also reduced
and Eq. (14)) which could not dissolve gold. Fig. 7 also shows that the the gold extraction. For that reason, the gold leaching mechanism is
gold extraction in the presence of arsenopyrite was the highest (i.e. probably aected by galvanic interactions, cyanide consumption and
75%) when the ceramic or 30% chromium media was used. One of the gold passivation.

Fig. 4. The amount of iron oxidized from media during

grinding of gold in the presence of (a) arsenopyrite and
(b) pyrite as a function of grinding time.

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

Fig. 6. Pulp chemical conditions during cyanide leaching of gold in the presence of (a) arsenopyrite and (b) pyrite as a function of leaching time.

In the presence of pyrite, due to the lower galvanic current between 3.2.3. Cyanide speciation during gold leaching
pyrite and grinding media in comparison with arsenopyrite, the amount The solution samples collected during the leaching of gold in the
of iron hydroxide was lower and thus more free cyanide was available presence of arsenopyrite and pyrite (at 2, 4, 6, and 24 h) were analysed
for gold extraction. It means that more gold was extracted in the pre- by HPLC for cyanide speciation to show how the grinding media and
sence of pyrite than the arsenopyrite. More precisely, in the case of sulde minerals can aect the cyanide speciation. As can be seen in
pyrite, when the 21% chromium grinding media was used, 70% of gold Fig. 8a, in the presence of arsenopyrite, when the forged steel or 21%
was extracted while it was 60% in the case of arsenopyrite. chromium media were used, around 60% of the free cyanide was

Fig. 7. Eect of grinding media on gold-leaching in the

presence of (a) arsenopyrite and (b) pyrite.

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

Fig. 8. The amount of free cyanide, ferrocyanide

and thiocyanate during leaching in the presence
of (a) arsenopyrite and (b) pyrite as a function of
leaching time.

consumed to form ferrocyanide (see Eq. (14)). For that reason, gold 3.3. Electrochemical properties of grinding media and arsenopyrite during
cyanide leaching was less ecient when the forged steel or 21% grinding
chromium media were used. It should be noted that a small amount
(around 1.2%) of free cyanide was converted to thiocyanate due to the 3.3.1. Open circuit potentials (OCP)
reaction of arsenopyrite with free cyanide (see Fig. 8). By contrast, Open circuit potentials determines the behaviour of grinding media
when the ceramic and 30% chromium media were used, only 5.5% of and sulde minerals in galvanic couples when exposed to the same
free cyanide was converted to ferrocyanide because the amount of environment (Huang and Grano 2005). The open circuit potentials of
produced iron hydroxide during grinding with the ceramic media was the grinding media (i.e. forged steel or 30% chromium) and the ar-
insignicant. The amount of converted free cyanide to thiocyanate was senopyrite and pyrite electrodes were measured in-situ of mill. Fig. 10
also negligible. As a result, when the ceramic or 30% chromium media shows the open circuit potentials of the forged steel, 30% chromium
were used, the cyanide remained mostly unreacted (thus free) and thus grinding media and sulde minerals (arsenopyrite and pyrite) elec-
cyanide gold leaching was more ecient than that when the grinding trodes during grinding of the gold-arsenopyrite and gold pyrite syn-
was performed with the forged steel or 21% chromium grinding media. thetic ores. During grinding of the gold-arsenopyrite ore, forged steel
However, in the presence of pyrite (see Fig. 8b), due to the lower grinding media electrode showed much lower open circuit potential
galvanic interaction between pyrite and grinding media, the amount of than the arsenopyrite electrode, demonstrating that the forged steel
iron hydroxide was lower. Therefore, less free cyanide was decomposed behaved as anode with regards to arsenopyrite. A similar observation
to formed ferrocyanide. was seen in the case of the 30% chromium grinding media electrode.
However, the 30% chromium grinding media electrode had slightly

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

higher open circuit potential than the forged steel grinding media
electrode. In the case of pyrite electrode, similar results were obtained;
the only dierence was that the pyrite electrode had higher potential in
comparison with the arsenopyrite electrode. As can be seen in Fig. 9,
the potentials of grinding media and minerals electrodes decreased in
the following order:
Forged steel > 30% chromium > arsenopyrite > pyrite.
It means that pyrite is the least electrochemically active mineral. As
a result, grinding of pyrite resulted in the lowest galvanic current and
thus a small amount of produced iron hydroxide.
Similar observation was seen in the results obtained by Huang and
Grano (2005, 2006). The only dierence is that Huang and Grano
(2005) only studied the behaviour of the forges steel media.

3.3.2. Polarization curves

Due to the dierence in open circuit potentials of grinding media
and sulde minerals, a galvanic interaction occur during grinding
(Huang and Grano 2005). In this study, the galvanic current between
grinding media and sulde minerals (arsenopyrite and pyrite) was de-
termined from polarization curves of the electrodes. Polarization curves
of the grinding media (forged steel or 30% chromium) and sulde
mineral electrodes (arsenopyrite and pyrite) during grinding of the
gold-arsenopyrite and gold-pyrite synthetic ores with the forged steel
and 30% chromium media are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The dash line
shows the galvanic current for the grinding media-sulde minerals
couple. It can be seen from Figs. 10 and 11 that the forged steel-ar-
senopyrite couple had a signicantly higher galvanic current than the
Fig. 9. Open circuit potentials of forged steel, 30% chromium, arsenopyrite and pyrite
30% chromium-arsenopyrite couple; the presence of chromium in the
electrodes during grinding of gold-arsenopyrite and gold-pyrite synthetic ores as a
function of time. grinding media reduced the galvanic current between the grinding
media and sulde minerals. Comparison of the galvanic currents of the
couples, the following order may be given:

Fig. 10. Polarization curve of grinding media and arsenopyrite at dierent grinding times. Measured times at (a) 20 min; (b) 40 min; (c) 60 min; (d) 80 min.

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

Fig. 11. Polarization curve of grinding media and pyrite at dierent grinding times. Measured times at (a) 20 min; (b) 40 min; (c) 60 min; (d) 80 min.

Forged steel-arsenopyrite > forged steel-pyrite > 30% chromium- was seen in the case of pyrite (Fig. 12b). However, in the presence of
arsenopyrite > 30% chromium-pyrite. pyrite, due to the lower galvanic current between pyrite and grinding
media, the amount of iron hydroxide were lower in comparison with
arsenopyrite. Therefore, the lower coecient can be observed.
3.4. Correlation between oxidized iron and galvanic currents The linear relationship between the galvanic currents and the
amount of iron oxidation in the mill discharge was also obtained using
Fig. 12 shows that there is a linear relationship between the gal- the mathematical model derived by Huang and Grano (2006). The
vanic currents for the sulde mineral-grinding media couple and the model is given in Eq. (18):
amount of iron oxidation in the mill discharge after grinding of the
gold-arsenopyrite and gold-pyrite synthetic ore. It means that in the QFe (t) = Q0 /t grind + IgAMd
nF (18)
presence of arsenopyrite (Fig. 12a), the higher the galvanic current
between the grinding media and arsenopyrite, the greater the degree of where Q Fe (t) is the total amount of oxidized iron in the mill discharge;
oxidation of the grinding media (i.e. the amount of EDTA extractable Q0 represents the iron hydroxide identied on the surface of grinding
iron produced). It can be seen that the coecient of galvanic current media and the mineral samples before grinding of the ore; tgrind is the
with the forged steel grinding media is around two times higher than grinding time; AMd is the surface area of the grinding media; n re-
that with the 30% chromium grinding media, which correlates with the presents the number of moles of electrons transferred per mole of iron;
information provided by the polarization curves. A similar observation IgAMd is the average galvanic current; F is the Faraday constant i.e.

Fig. 12. Correlation between the oxidation of grinding

media and galvanic current between (a) arsenopyrite
or (b) pyrite and grinding media.

A. Rabieh et al. Minerals Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxxxxx

96,500 C/mol. The model assumes that the sulde mineral oxidation References
does not change signicantly the total amount of oxidized iron in the
mill discharge. This assumption is experimentally also validated in this Adam, K., Iwasaki, I., 1984. Grinding mediasulde mineral interaction and its eect on
study. Namely, the amount of dissolved sulfur was negligible (see otation. In: S. P., S., Woods, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing, Pennington, N.J., 6680.
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Gold Reagents, Barrick Gold Corporation, Gekko Systems, Lhoist, Int. J. Miner. Process. 46 (34), 181204.
Newcrest Mining, Newmont Asia Pacic, Northern Star Resources,
Orica Australia, CRC ORE and Pionera) is gratefully acknowledged.


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