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Name: Fatema saeed Grade Level: Grade 1 / RAK Academy BC

CCSS Standards: Instructions words Date: 21ofOctober,2017 Number of Students:21

Lesson Objectives: learning instructions words.(first, second, next, after that, then, finally)

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

The students will able to get idea about how can trap the wolf.
The students will able to share idea in pairs.
The students will able to make a jam sandwich activity.
The students will able to make a leaf man activity.
The students will able to make a sandcastle activity.
The students will able to make a how to trap wolf activity.
The student will be able to stick parts of superhero body following instructions words. (first, second,
next, after that, then, finally).
The student will be able to do actions about key connectives (first, next, After that, finally) activity.

Students Prior Knowledge: Knowing little red riding hood story.

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

After the greeting, I will ask the students to sit on the spots on the ground
I will stick wolf on the board to ask them about it.
o Look at this picture, who is it? (the wolf) When did you know the wolf
before? Look at the wolf, what do you think about how the wolf looks
15 min
(angry or happy). How do you feel about the wolf? Do you remember what
happened with the wolf in the end of the story? Where do you think could
the wolf is now?

I will show them some pictures (zoo, hospital, mall, house) to help them to guess
where could is?
I will tell them to try to get idea about how can catch the wolf.
I will give them one minuet to share idea in pairs.
I will write their idea on sticker points and stick on the board.

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

I will put students in 4 groups in the levels.

I asked student to back to their table group by group.
High level will make a jam sandwich activity with me.
Medial level will make a leaf man activity with MS.sajena.
Low level will make a sandcastle activity with Ms Bosten.
Lowest level will make a how to trap wolf activity with Ms Rose .
After finish groups their activities.
High level and middle group will do superhero body parts following instructions
word game activity.(with me and Ms sajena)
Low and lowest group will do suggestions for key connectives (first, next, After
that, finally) activity.
25 min

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 4 min

I will asked to leave everything away and stand up on spots to do actions about
instructions words.(first, second, next, after that, then, finally) with me.

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