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Class/Semester :
Assessment date :

The value of each performance observed using the scale as follows:

0 : Steps of work or activities are not done
1 : The steps of work or activity are not done properly or not in order (if must be in
2 : The step of work or activity is done correctly but in doubt
3 : The step of work or activity is done correctly and confidently
0 1 2 3
1. Check maternal obstetric care records
2. Identification of factors or conditions that may contribute to contra
3. Tools preparation :
Comfortable back seat or bed
4. Environmental preparation
The rooms were not noisy, comfortable, quiet, and kept private
5. Mother's preparation
Mother is ready for acupressure therapy
6. Greet and call the mother by her name and introduce yourself (for the
first meeting)
7. Ask about mother's complaints / feelings
8. Describe the purpose, procedure and duration of action on the mother
and family
9. Give the client and family the opportunity to ask
Reduces Nausea and Vomiting
10. Set the position of the mother sitting with feet tread the floor (not
11. Finding a point P6: located three fingers below the inner wrist
12. Rub with a circular motion or press for 10 minutes
13. Repeat until the nausea and vomiting of the mother subsides
Mengurangi nyeri persalinan
14. Atur posisi ibu berbaring miring ke kiri
15. Mencari titik LI 4 : terletak di antara ibu jari dan jari telunjuk.
16. Mencubit anyaman antaraantara tulang metacarpal pertama dan kedua
(antara jari telunjuk dan ibu jari)
17. Gosok dengan gerakan melingkar atau tekan
18. Ketika kontraksi mulai terasa, hentikan menggosok lalu lanjutkan kembali
saat kontraksi mereda.
Menginduksi persalinan
19. Atur posisi ibu berbaring miring ke kiri
20. Mencari titik BL 67 : titik ini berada di jari kelingking kaki ibu
21. Gosok dengan gerakan melingkar atau tekan selama 10 menit atau
sampai ibu merasakan kontraksi.
22. Lanjutkan menekan setelah kontraksi berlalu
Membantu Penurunan Kepala Janin
23. Atur posisi ibu berbaring miring ke kiri
24. Mencari titik BL 60 :Temukan titik di antara tulang mata kaki dan tendon
25. Gosok dengan gerakan melingkar atau tekan selama 10 menit
26. Lakukan sampai kepala bayi memasuki pintu atas panggul
D. Tahap Terminasi
27. Evaluasi hasil kegiatan
28. Beri umpan balik positif
29. Kontrak pertemuan selanjutnya (bila dianjurkan untuk mengikuti terapi
30. Akhiri kegiatan dengan baik
31. Bereskan peralatan
32. Cuci tangan
E. Dokumentasi
33. Catat hasil kegiatan didalam catatan asuhan kebidanan
SKOR Nilai/33 x 100
Paraf Pembimbing
Tanda Tangan Praktikan

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