Fill in the blanks with suitable words: Сдать в первую неделю сессии! Day And Time

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I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words

My friend was given a beautiful gold ... on his 25th ... . The watch neither
... nor ..., in a word, it ... perfect time. But one evening my friend forgot to ... it
..., and the watch ... . Next morning he ... it ... the exact time. A few months later
my friend took his watch to ... to have it... and ... . But after ... the watch began
to ... and my friend began to be..all his appointments.

II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles

1) There are sixty minutes in ... hour.

2) It was ... foggy evening in ... November.
3) He wondered what... hour it was. ... sun seemed to indicate ... late morning.
4) It was ... evening, and he was going across ... school grounds on his way
5) As ... night was sharp and frosty, we trembled from... head to ... foot.
6) ... night was ... windy one, with ... broken clouds drifting swiftly across ... face
of... moon.
7) ... machines at... factory were in ... perpetual motion ... day and ... night.
8) When it is 4 o'clock in ... afternoon in Vladivostok, it is 9 o'clock in ...
morning in Moscow.
9) ... morning, so fresh and cold, was delicious, and for ... moment his eyes
wandered out over ... garden with ... friendly glance.
10) Kate doesn't watch ... TV or listen to ... radio. In fact, she has neither ...
radio nor ...television.
' i
III. Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions or adverbs

1) She works ... early ... the morning ... late ... night.
2) Classes begin at 9 o'clock but she never comes ... time.
3) Have you decided what to do ... the weekend? - Yes, I'll probably go ... a
visit... my aunt.
4) She intends to return home ... a fortnight.
5) It is ten ... nine ... my watch.
6) We must finish this work ... the end ... the month.
7) The dean is away ... a business trip, but ... case ... emergency you can talk ...
him ... the phone.
8) As I work ... the night shift, I usually sleep ... about 3 o'clock ... the
afternoon. Then I play ... my little daughter and try to get some housework done
... the same time.
9) As people had trouble telling time ... night, they invented the water clock.
10) King Alfred ... England divided his day ... equal parts ... using eight candles.

IV Open the brackets using the verb in the Present or Future Simple

1) I (be) at home if you (need) anything.

2) I wonder when they (come) back.
3) Come and see me when you (come) up to town, and we (talk) everything over.
4) If you (go) to your aunt's on Sunday I (hope) you (have) a good time there.
5) Ask them when they (move) to a new flat.
6) He (want) to know if you (be) free tomorrow morning at 3.30.
7) Give this message to the teacher as soon as you (come) to school.
8) Unless you (work) very hard you (not be) successful.
9) What I (do) if the train (be) late?

10) Wire the time of your arrival. I (send) a car to meet you at the airport and
(book) a reservation for you at the hotel.

V. Describe your friend's usual weekday and write (in 250 words) how it will
change next year, when your friend becomes a second year student.

VI. Compose a conversation on the following situation and then write it down.

Write about 30 sentences. ,

Someone you know complains that s/he doesn't manage to get a really good rest on
the day off. You discuss the best way to spend one's free time and give your friend
a few pieces of advice.
I. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary

1) He and his daughters walked up _____ steps of____school and entered narrow
2) They had two children, one of them still at ____ school, ___ other in her first
year at ____ university.
3) Richard's grandfather insisted that he attend_____law school, following
_____family tradition.
4) We shall have lectures on____English literature this term.
5) He is an expert on ________ ___History of _____Middle Ages.
6) One advantage of_____essay test is that it reduces__ __ element of luck. ___
student cannot get ___ high score just by making _____ lucky guess.
7) My friend Herbert Holt is _________ professor of _________ modern history in
one of_____smaller universities of the Middle West.
II. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary

1) The teacher's second question was_____the part Cromwell played _____the

history_____England, and the girl knew the answer _______ that, too.
2) He had missed a lot of lectures _________ the beginning ____the term and
was working hard now to catch____ ______ the rest _____ the group.
3) As _ Grace, her parents didn't want her to take part ____their long trip because
that would mean missing a semester ___________ college and being____the other
students when she returned.
4) If you are interested____research work, you may join _____ us. We work
____the guidance of Professor Smith and hope to do well ____ physics.
5) What mark did you get____the examination____English? Did you get the same
mark __ the examination dictation?
6) I do not say that I'm proud _____cheating _ the exam, I want to explain ____
you why I had to do it.
7) Unfortunately he hasn't succeeded ____making much impression ____the
examiner and he will have to go___ ___the examination again _ two weeks.
III. Rephrase the following sentences expressing the same meaning

1) The teacher won't bear patiently your staying away from college for weeks.
2) After the lecture the students began to revise for the seminar.
3) She shows a remarkable ability at Latin and English.
4) Learning a language demands a lot of time, energy and perseverance.
5) I'll do everything in my power to help you.
6) Are you clever at doing sums?
7) She wasn't present at a number of lectures last week, and her explanations
were unsatisfactory.

IV. Complete the sentences with suitable modal verbs

1) A good 1500-metre runner___run the race in under four minutes.
2) He _ draw or paint at all when he was a boy, but now he's a famous artist.
3) She _ to get up yet, if she's not going to work today.
4)You _ wear a helmet when you ride a motor-bike.
5)___I make myself a cup of coffee? - Yes, certainly.
6) We __ spend a long time in the museum, if it isn't interesting.
7) I am sorry, sir, you___ enter the club with a dog.
V. Open the brackets using the verb in the appropriate tense-form
1) I (love) you since I (see) you walk into that classroom.
2) I (try) all the afternoon to get a minute alone with you.
3) I (be) here long. I (want) to get away.
4) What he (do) for a living? - He (sing) and (play) the guitar. - He (play) for his
friends or just for money? -1 (not know).- He (have) a commercial concert soon?
- Yes, on Saturday.
5) You (know) the man for many years? - Yes, we (be) at Cambridge together.
6) I (sit) here all night, and I swear I (not doze) for a moment.
7) I can't think where I (leave) my key. It's probably in my other bag.
8) "I'm sorry I (keep) you waiting," said the maid. "I hope you (not ring) long. I
just (do) the bedroom and the bell (be) rather faint there."
9) "You'll find," said Ted, "that you'll long for home when you (leave) it."

V. Write a dialogue in which you discuss with someone your subject

preferences and the way to study English so as to succeed in the
language. Write about 30 sentences.

I. Give the correct answer: what do we call

1) small pieces of raw potatoes fried crisp;

2) the sweet nectar of flowers collected by bees;
3) small ball of dough cooked in boiling oil;
4) two pieces of buttered bread with cheese or meat between them;
5) a room in a school, in a theatre or in a cinema where one can eat something;
6) breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper;
7) substances we add to food to make it tastier;
8) a person who likes sweets;
9) cake, sweets, pie, ice-cream, jam, jelly, pudding, etc.;
10) potatoes,tomatoes, cabbage, peas, beets, etc.;
11 )one of the several parts of a meal;
12) milk, sour cream, cream, etc.;
13) a list of courses of a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant;
14) some food in order to stimulate the appetite;
15) thick orange or lemon jam;
16) sliced bread made brown and warm on a fire.

II.Open the brackets

Coffee and tea ( be known) in Europe two hundreds years ago. People (be
afraid) to drink them because they (think) coffee or tea (can) kill a person. Once
the king of Sweden (decide) to find out whether it (be) true or not.
At that time there (be) two brothers in prison. They (be) twins and (be)
much alike. They (commit) a crime and (be sentenced) to death. The king said he
(let) them live but they (must) drink coffee or tea to the end of their lives; one
brother (drink) coffee and the other (drink) tea every day.
They both (live) many years. At last one of the brothers (die) when he (be)
eighty-three years old. The other (die) a few years later. In this way it was proved
that neither tea nor coffee (be) harmful to man.
III. Insert prepositions and adverbs where necessary

When the mistress the house _ England offers her visitors a cup tea she
sometimes asks "Russian or English tea"?___"Russian tea" means tea___a
slice___lemon _ it.
"English tea" means very strong tea _____ milk it. Tea drinking is quite a
tradition with the English. Tea is served __ almost ___every house___ ____the
same time: ____five o'clock _____ the afternoon. ____ the table the tea cups and
saucers______tea spoons are laid. The milk-pot and the sugar-basin are
also_____the table. There are small plates _____bread and butter, or bread and
jam, or biscuits. Tea is ready. The hostess pours tea ____the cups.
- Do you take milk ____your tea?
- Yes, please.
- How many lumps ____ sugar?
- Help yourself ____some biscuits.

IV. Insert articles where necessary

1) ____Coffee is____ good drink. I personally like it black and with _ sugar.
2) After___substantial dinner you must have ____short rest.
3) I told____waiter I was leaving ___ choice to him.
4) ___table is laid. It's____high time we had____ breakfast.
5) They say, that ____supper must be ____light meal.
6) ___cafe was noisy but I was pleased with____ service.
7) ___ Meat chops were so delicious that I asked for___ helping.
8) What can you recommend me for____main course?
9) ___steak is ____bit underdone. I don't like ____tough steak.

V. Your groupmates asked you about the dinner party you had last weekend.

Later you tell your relative what they asked you.

You use reported speech (indirect). Write 10 sentences according to the

model: Model: Tom wanted to know who had helped me to cook.
VI. Make up a dialogue on the following situation. Write about 30 sentences.
You are talking about food and drink. You discuss with each other your likes
and dislikes.
II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words

1)___year every four years makes the calendar year equal to the astronomical
2) I usually get up at ____and go for a long walk before breakfast.
3) The day was ___and ___. The sky was mostly blue and ___ that afternoon but
here and there were a few small, white ____. Flash! There it was, the first flash of
_____. A few seconds later came the sound of ____. Then the wind began to blow.
By now the sky was ___ .
4) Do look up at the sky. I've never seen such black clouds. We'll ____, I'm afraid.
5) Do you know the ____ ____for today? - Yes. We are going to have ____weather
with occasional_____.

II. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary

1) You'd better put ___a raincoat when you are going___. The day is rainy, and
I'm sure it won't clear ____________________ ____. It is not at all pleasant to be
caught ____the rain and get wet_____the skin.
2) Winter has set ___at last. It is fifteen degrees_____zero. I think we are ____
_____a spell ___ frosty weather.
3) It's unbearably hot even __________ the shade. Put ___your books and let's go
__ the seashore. I needn't explain _____ you that it's never hot there thanks
____the cool breeze ____ the sea.
4) Didn't I tell you, Nick, not to play_______ your ball _ the garden ____rainy
days? You are wet_____ and splashed _____ mud _____ head ____foot.
5) The weather forecast said that the weather was changing _____the worse.

III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles

1).autumn has come, and early in.morning sheets of cover the
puddles on the road.
2) rain never stopped innight, andmorning started with.dull
rain typical of.late autumn.
3) We had..cold winter last year with a lot of snow. frost didn't let go even
4) The champion said he would always remember ..winter of 1990.
5) It waslate afternoon on foggy September day when we left the town in
our car.
6) They were in Mediterranean passing. Gibraltar, but the weather, if
anything, was worse.
7) Potomac flows from West Virginia into.. Chesapeake Bay.
8) It was.winter, and night of bitter cold.

IV. Fill in the blanks with modal verbs and their equivalents in the appropriate
1) "Will you know where to go?" - "Yes, thank you, Ialways ask my brother."
2) We ..afford the cruise last year and, I'm afraid,afford to go away to a
hotel when we are on holiday, either.
3) The apples are very good. Youeat them all.
4) I'm going to tell him that he .not do any building here.
5) light a fire to cook their breakfast.
6) She knew there would be no more vacations for her sons. But she .to say
it. They knew that as well as she.
7) If you don't like the cocktail, you..drink it.
V. Open the brackets usins the verbs in the appropriate tense-form. Ask 15
questions on the text. Retell the text in writing in about 100 words.
Mr. Kelada was everywhere and always. He (be) certainly the best-hated
man on the ship. We (call) him Mr. Know-Ail to his face and he (take) it as a
compliment. He (know) everything better than anybody else and it never (come)
into his head that he (can) be mistaken.
There (be) four of us at table. A man (call) Ramsay, who (be) as dogmatic as
Mr. Kelada, his wife, and myself. Ramsay (be) in the American Consular Service
and now he (be) on his way back to Japan after he (fetch) his wife from New York
where she (spend) a year at home. Mrs. Ramsay (be) a very pretty little thing with
pleasant manners who (know) how to wear her clothes. She (be dressed) very
simply because the Consular Service (be) ill-paid.
On that evening, while we (sit) all at dinner, we (start) speaking about
pearls. There (be) in the papers lately a good deal of talk about the culture pearls
which the Japanese (make). Mr. Kelada (tell) us all that was to be known about
pearls. Mr. Ramsay (know) nothing about them at all, I (believe), but he (start) a
heated argument with Mr. Kelada. At last something that Mr. Ramsay (say) made
Mr. Kelada so angry that he (cry out):
"I (know) what I (talk) about. I (go) to Japan just to look into this Japanese
pearl business. I (be) in the trade."
That (be) news for us, because Mr. Kelada never (tell) anyone what his
business (be). He (look) round the table triumphantly.
You take my word for it," he (continue), "that chain Mrs. Ramsay (wear)
never (be worth) a cent less than it is now. I (notice) it at once. If you (buy) it on
Fifth Avenue I (be) sure it (be) worth anything up to thirty thousand."
Mr. Ramsay (smile): "You (be surprised) to hear that my wife (buy) this
chain at a department store the day before we (leave) New York, for eighteen
"Let me (look) at the chain," Mr. Kelada (ask), "and if it (be) imitation, I
(tell) you quickly enough."
"Take it off, dear," (say) Mr. Ramsay. "Let Mr. Kelada (look) at it as much
as he (want)." I (have) a sudden feeling that something unpleasant (be going) to
happen. Mrs. Ramsay (take) the chain off and Mr. Ramsay (hand) it to Mr. Kelada.
Mr. Kelada (take) a magnifying glass from his pocket and (examine) the chain.
There (be) a smile of triumph on his face. He (hand) back the chain. He (be going)
to speak when he suddenly (catch) the look of terror in Mrs. Ramsay's eyes; her
face (turn) quite white. I (wonder) why her husband (not notice) anything.
Mr. Kelada (stop) with his mouth open. "1 (make) a mistake," he (say). "It
(be) a very good imitation."

VII. Write (in about 250 words) about your favourite season comparing it
with the season you like least of all.

VII. Write a dialogue on the following situation: a friend of yours. an

English student, asks you to come on a visit to England. You discuss with
someone the best time for such a visit. Write about 30 sentences.

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