US8826644 - Engine and Exhaust Aftertreatment Control

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,826,644 B2

Ponnathpur (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 9, 2014


(75) Inventor: Chetan Ponnathpur, Columbus, IN 5,924,280 A 7/1999 Tarabulski
(Us) 6,415,602 B1 7/2002 Patchett et al.

(73) Assignee: Cummins Intellectual Properties, Inc., (Continued)


(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 101377143 A 3/2009
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 373 days.
Noti?cation of Transmittal of the International Search Report and the
Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority, or the
(21) Appl. No.: 12/983,776 Declaration With mailing date of Sep. 23, 2011; International Appli
Filed: Jan. 3, 2011 cation No. PCT/US2011/020051.
(65) Prior Publication Data
Primary Examiner * Jesse Bogue
US 2011/0162350A1 Jul. 7, 2011 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Foley & Lardner LLP
A method of controlling an internal combustion engine and
Related US. Application Data exhaust system having an SCR, and engine and exhaust sys
(60) Provisional application No. 61/291,859, ?led on Jan. tem including an SCR, described herein, monitors, in real
1, 2010. time, NOx conversion ef?ciency of an exhaust ?oW output by
the internal combustion engine through the SCR. A determi
nation is made as to Whether the monitored NOx conversion
(51) Int. Cl. efficiency exceeds a predetermined target conversion e?i
F01N 3/00 (2006.01) ciency, such as a target based on a predetermined allowable
F01N 3/20 (2006.01) amount of NOx emission. While the monitored NOx conver
F01N 11/00 (2006.01) sion efficiency exceeds the predetermined amount, the NOx
concentration level in the exhaust ?ow is increased by an
F01N 9/00 (2006.01) amount based on the difference in the monitored conversion
(52) US. Cl. efficiency and the predetermined target conversion e?iciency.
CPC ............. .. F01N3/2066 (2013.01); Y02C 20/10 Another method and engine and exhaust system provided
(2013.01); F01N11/00 (2013.01); F01N 9/00 herein tracks an amount of ammonia stored on a catalyst of
the SCR based on a feed-forward calculation of injected urea
(2013.01); Y02T10/47(2013.01);F01N based on engine out NOx mass ?ow and reduction efficiency
2570/14 (2013.01); Y02T10/24 (2013.01) of the SCR catalyst based on a temperature of the SCR cata
USPC .................. .. 60/285; 60/274; 60/286; 60/301 lyst, and operates the engine and exhaust system in a NOx
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search rich mode in Which an EGR fraction command is adjusted,
CPC ....... .. F01N 3/2066; F01N 9/00; F01N11/00; based on the tracked amount of stored ammonia, to decrease
F01N 2570/14; Y02T 10/24; Y02T 10/47; an amount of EGR gas entering an intake of the internal
Y02C 20/ 10 combustion engine and thereby reduce ammonia stored on
USPC .................................................. .. 60/274e324
the SCR catalyst.
See application ?le for complete search history. 10 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

Monitor in Real Time NOX Conversion Ef?ciency Through SCR.


Compare Monitored NO); Conversion Efficiency to Predetermtnod

Target Conversion Ef?ciency

Whiie the Monitored NOx Conversion Efficiency Exceeds the

Predetermineri Amount, increase NOx concentration Level in the
Exhaust Fiow by an Amount Based on the Difference Between the
Monitored Conversion Efficiency and the Predetermined Target
Conversion Efficiency
US 8,826,644 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited 2008/0098725 A1 5/2008 Driscollet a1.

2008/0264036 A1 10/2008 Bellovary
U_g_ PATENT DOCUMENTS 2009/0056315 A1* 3/2009 Solbrig 6131. ................ .. 60/286
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7,707,824 132* 5/2010 Solbrig H 60/286 2010/0223908 A1* 9/2010 Solbrig et 31. ................ .. 60/276
8,393,143 B2* 3/2013 WalZ et a1. .. 60/295
8,454,916 B2* 6/2013 Perrin et a1. ................ .. 423/210 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
2003/0140621 A1 7/2003 Khairetal.
2007/0137181 A1 6/2007 UPadhyay et al~ First Of?ce Action for Chinese Patent Application No.
2007/0163244 A1 7/2007 Federle 201180005311.1,dated Mar. 27, 2014,9pages.
2007/0193254 A1 8/2007 Johannes . . .
2007/0199320 A1 8/2007 Yager et 31 Search Report for Chinese PatentApphcatlonNo.2011800053111,
2007/0227518 A1 10/2007 West et a1. datedMar~131201412PageS~
2007/0245714 A1* 10/2007 Frazier et a1. ................. .. 60/276
2008/0078167 A1 4/2008 Wang et a1. * cited by examiner
US. Patent Sep. 9, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 8,826,644 B2

SCR iniet Temperature {dag C], Engme RPM

WE. .!5|:i .W|Il mi.|! .

mw3 g.m- u
a55%gm3%92:%.m m$g0rm,e fwi
x:>3mQunE6c0mZ5o2a?>QM<m. W?BX-$@m2EQ3n8m5ZocmL,e

m. E-.
mm E
US. Patent Sep. 9, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 8,826,644 B2

I Inputs 18; I I Outputs g
I Engine Hours minv I
--------> SCR NOx Canversiong
I SCR NUX Conversion M I
Engine'Out NO): I
RPM -~I-w Timing
Fina! FueIIng M I
ACIIIII _Il Cnunter I
VehicIe Speed Inw m-Iw Charge How I
l? I
Urea Consumption M I
-----+--> EGR How i
Charge Flow min-m ImI-merea Basing Quantity I
EGR FIow mum9
W Urea Consumptian I
Timing M I I
Engine-Out N0): m I I
r. I I I I I I I I I I. _ L m m m m m M m m

US. Patent Sep. 9, 2014 Sheet 3 0f4 US 8,826,644 B2

Monitor in Reai Time NOx Conversion Efficiency Through SCR I 50


Compare Monitored NOX Conversion Efficiency to Predetermihed j 52
Target Conversion Efficiency

White the Monitored NOX Conversion Efficiency Exceeds the
Predetetmiheo Amount, increase NOX concentration Levei in the j 54
Exhaust Fiow by an Amount Based on the Difference Between the
Monitored Conversion Efficiency and the Predetermihed Target
Conversion Efficiency


Track an Amount of Ammonia Stored on SCR Catatyst Based on. a 60

Feed-Forward Caicuiation of injected Urea Based on Engine-out j
NOx Mass Fiow, and Reduction Efficiency of the SCR Cataiyst
Based on the Temperature of the Cataiyst

Operating the Engine and Exhaust System in a NQx~rioh Mode in j 62
which an EGR Fraction Command is Adjusted, Based on the
Tracked Amount of Stored Ammonia, to Decrease an Amount of
EGR gas Entering an intake of the internai Combustion Engine and
Thereby Reduce Ammonia Stored on the SCR Cataiyst

US. Patent Sep. 9, 2014 Sheet 4 0f4 US 8,826,644 B2



215 6'3
c; 49
2 ,
(I) E
E5 20 ------------------
8 Q """"""""""""""""""" " Aged 700C, 50 h
>< _ 4A- FeAZeaii-te
g "2 " """"""""""""""""""" " Aged 700C, 50 h
*0 Aged 700C, 50 h
'60 s 5

100 200 300 460 500 660

Temperatum PC}

_ ~O~Cu~zeoiite (mm/3042)
16 degree mad @600C
3 "-4 BFeZSOMQ {swag}
B) 1.2 degree med @6OOOC
'2'; 1 1A~Vanadia (DW3O 03m)
{,8 HT aged @550
g 0.6
9; 0.4

260 259' 360 350 490 459'

Temperature PC}
US 8,826,644 B2
1 2
ENGINE AND EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT prohibits the complete combustion of free carbon. As such,
CONTROL PM is partially unburned fuel or lubrication oil, and is often
seen as black smoke.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The ?ne particles that make up PM emissions in diesel
exhaust can penetrate deep into the lungs and pose serious
The inventions are directed to a system and method for health risks including aggravated asthma, lung damage, and
controlling engine exhaust components of an internal com other serious health problems. PM emissions from diesel
bustion engine utilizing an SCR catalyst. engines also contribute to haze, which restricts visibility. Due
to their damaging effects, governmental agencies have
BACKGROUND imposed increasingly stringent restrictions for PM emissions.
One after-treatment device used to reduce or remove PM in
Diesel engines use a much leaner air-to-fuel ratio com diesel exhaust is a diesel particle ?lter (DPF). A DPF system
pared with gasoline engines. The larger amount of air in the typically includes a ?lter encased in a canister that is posi
intake gas promotes more complete fuel combustion and bet tioned in the diesel exhaust stream. The ?lter is designed to
ter fuel e?iciency, and thus lower emissions of hydrocarbons collect PM while allowing exhaust gases to pass through it.
and carbon monoxide than gasoline engines. However, with Types of DPFs include ceramic and silicon carbide materials,
the higher pressures and temperatures in the diesel engine, ?ber wound cartridges, knitted ?ber silica coils, wire mesh
nitrogen oxides emissions, which include nitric oxide (NO) and sintered metals. DPFs have demonstrated reductions in
and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (known collectively as NOx), 20 PM by up to 90% or more. DPFs can also be used together
tend to be higher because the high temperatures cause the with a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) to reduce HC, CO and
oxygen and nitrogen in the intake air to combine as NOx. soluble organic fraction (SOF) of PM in diesel exhaust.
NOx cause a number of concerns related to the environ While DPFs are very effective in removing PM from diesel
ment, such as a source of ground-level ozone or smog, acid exhaust gas, the volume of PM generated by a diesel engine is
rain, excess aqueous nutrients, and can readily react with 25 suf?cient to ?ll up and plug a DPF in a relatively short time.
common organic chemicals, and even ozone, to form a wide Thus, a process cleaning or replacing the DPF must be peri
variety of toxic products. Since the 1970s, government leg odically performed to allow continued engine operation. One
islation has required increasing reductions of NOx in exhaust DPF cleaning process known as regeneration burns off or
gas emissions. oxidizes PM that has accumulated in the ?lter. However,
To comply with increasingly stringent government man 30 because diesel exhaust temperatures often are not suf?ciently
dates regarding NOx emissions, industry has developed sev high to burn accumulated PM, various ways to raise the
eral NOx reduction mechanisms. Two such mechanisms exhaust gas temperature or to lower the oxidation temperature
involve manipulation of engine operating characteristics and have been utilized.
implementation of after-treatment control technologies. Regeneration can be accomplished passively by adding a
In general, manipulation of engine operating characteris 35 catalyst to the ?lter. For example, a base or precious metal
tics to lower NOx emissions can be accomplished by lower coating applied to the ?lter surface can reduce the ignition
ing the intake temperature, reducing power output, retarding temperature required for oxidizing accumulated PM. A DOC
the injector timing, reducing the coolant temperature, and/or can be provided upstream of the DPF to oxidize NO to gen
reducing the combustion temperature. For example, cooled erate NO2 (requiring accurate control to maintain the mass
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), in which a percentage of the 40 ratio of NO/PM in engine-out exhaust gas), which in turn
exhaust gases are drawn or forced back into the intake and oxidizes the PM in the downstream DPF. Alternatively, regen
mixed with the fresh air and fuel that enters the combustion eration may be accomplished actively by increasing the
chamber, is a well known way to lower the peak ?ame tem exhaust temperature through a variety of approaches, e.g.,
peratures inside the combustion chamber. Intake air dilution engine management, a fuel burner, resistive heating coils or
reduces formation of NOx by decreasing the 02 concentration 45 late fuel injection.Active systems use pulses of diesel fuel late
in the combustion process. To a smaller degree, the air also in the combustion cycle to oxidize across the catalyst thereby
absorbs some heat, further cooling the process. However, use heating the DPF and oxidizing trapped PM. However, run
of EGR increases fuel consumption. ning the cycle too often while keeping the back pressure in the
After-treatment control technologies that treat post com exhaust system low can result in excess fuel use.
bustion exhaust include selective catalytic reduction (SCR). 50 Engine control modules (ECMs) (also known as engine
The SCR process reduces NOx to diatomic nitrogen (N2) and control units (ECU s)), control the engine and other functions
water (HZO) using a catalyst and anhydrous ammonia (NH3) in the vehicle. ECM s can receive a variety of inputs to deter
or aqueous NH3, or a precursor that is convertible to NH3, mine how to control the engine and other functions in the
such as urea. Typical SCR catalysts are a honeycomb or plate vehicle. With regard to NOx and PM reduction, the ECM can
ceramic carrier (e. g., titanium oxide) and oxides of base met 55 manipulate the parameters of engine operation, such as EGR
als (e. g., vanadium and tungsten), zeolites and other precious and fuel injection.
metals. ECMs can also control the operating parameters of
In addition to NOx emissions, a further disadvantage of exhaust after-treatment devices, such as a urea based SCR
diesel engines is the production and emission of exhaust system, a DOC system, or a DPF system. For instance, an
particulate matter (PM), or soot, which is produced compara 60 ECM can meter urea solution into the exhaust stream at a rate
tively larger amounts than that of gasoline engines. PM is a calculated from an algorithm which estimates the amount of
complex emission that includes elemental carbon, heavy NOx present in the exhaust stream as a function of engine
hydrocarbons derived from the fuel, lubricating oil, and operating conditions, e.g., exhaust ?ow, temperature and
hydrated sulfuric acid derived from the fuel sulfur. Diesel PM NOx concentration. As a further example, an ECM can moni
includes small nuclei mode particles having diameters below 65 tor one or more sensors that measure back pressure and/or
0.4 pm and their agglomerates of diameters up to 1 pm. PM is temperature, and based on pre-programmed set points, the
formed when insu?icient air or low combustion temperature ECM can activate a regeneration cycle.
US 8,826,644 B2
3 4
In addition to EGR, designing electronic controls and The amount of ammonia injected into the exhaust stream is
improving fuel injector systems to deliver fuel at the best a critical operating parameter. The required ratio of ammonia
combination of inj ection pressure, injection timing, and spray to NOx is typically stoichiometric and must be maintained to
location allow the engine to burn fuel e?iciently without assure high levels of NOx reduction. However, the SCR sys
causing temperature spikes that increase NOx emissions. For tem can never achieve 100% NOx reduction due to imperfect
instance, controlling the timing of the start of injection of fuel mixing, etc.
into the cylinders impacts emissions as well as fuel ef?ciency.
Advancing the start of inj ection, so that fuel is injected when SUMMARY
the piston is further away from top dead center (TDC), results
The inventions relate to improving fuel economy and/or
in higher in-cylinder pressure and higher fuel ef?ciency, but
performance of an internal combustion engine by utiliZing a
also results in higher NOx emissions. On the other hand,
margin between actual real time SCR catalyst e?iciency and
retarding the start of injection delays combustion, but lowers a target ef?ciency needed to meet an emissions target.
NOx emissions. Due to the delayed injection, most of the fuel In an embodiment consistent with the claimed invention, a
is combusted at lower peak temperatures, reducing NOx for method of controlling a internal combustion engine and
mation. exhaust system having an SCR, includes monitoring, in real
With EGR engines, one of the key components to emis time, NOx conversion ef?ciency of a the exhaust ?ow output
sions control is the turbocharger. Most manufacturers using by the internal combustion engine through the SCR. The
EGR technology have developed versions of variable geom monitored NOx conversion ef?ciency is compared with a
etry turbochargers (VGT), which are designed to regulate the 20 predetermined target conversion ef?ciency to determine
?ow of cooled exhaust air back into the combustion chamber, whether it exceeds the predetermined target conversion e?i
depending on the engines speed. The precise amount of ciency. The predetermined target e?iciency can be based on a
exhaust gas that must be metered into the intake manifold predetermined allowable amount of NOx emission. While the
varies with engine load. High EGR ?ow is generally neces monitored NOx conversion e?iciency exceeds the predeter
sary during cruising and mid-range acceleration, when com 25 mined amount, the NOx concentration in the exhaust ?ow is
bustion temperatures are typically very high. On the other increased by an amount based on the difference in the moni
hand, low EGR ?ow is needed during low speed and light load tored conversion ef?ciency and the predetermined target con
conditions. No EGR ?ow should occur during conditions version e?iciency.
when EGR could negatively impact engine operating e?i In another embodiment consistent with the claimed inven
ciency or vehicle drivability, e.g. during engine warm up, idle, 30 tion, a controller for an internal combustion engine and
or wide open throttle. exhaust system having an SCR includes a monitor module
Reducing NOx by manipulating engine operation gener adapted to monitor, in real time, NOx conversion ef?ciency of
ally reduces fuel ef?ciency. Emissions target for lower NOx an exhaust ?ow output by the internal combustion engine
have put a lot of emphasis on reduced engine out NOx to through the SCR. The controller also includes a comparing
enable meeting the stringent tailpipe out NOx levels to be 35 module adapted to determine, using a processor associated
compliant. In doing so, many levers like charge ?ow, EGR with the controller, whether the monitored NOx conversion
?ow, injection timing have been changed with the aim of ef?ciency exceeds a predetermined target conversion e?i
reducing NOx, but on the ?ip side it has lowered BSFC. ciency. The target conversion ef?ciency is based on a prede
Moreover, mere manipulation of engine operation may not termined allowable amount of NOx emission. The controller
suf?ciently reduce the amount of NOx to mandated levels. As 40 includes a control module adapted increase the NOx concen
a result, after-treatment systems, such as those utiliZing SCR, tration level in the exhaust ?ow by an amount based on the
DOC and/ or DPF elements as described above also need to be difference in the monitored conversion ef?ciency and the
implemented. Fuel ef?ciency bene?ts of 3 to 10% can result predetermined target conversion e?iciency, while the moni
from using SCR systems to reduce NOx rather than manipu tored NOx conversion ef?ciency exceeds the predetermined
lating engine operation for NOx reduction, which negatively 45 amount.
impacts fuel e?iciency. By increasing the NOx mass ?ow in the exhaust, for
Urea-based SCR systems can be viewed according to four example, by way of decreasing EGR ?ow or other engine
major subsystems: the injection subsystem that introduces management measure, the brake speci?c fuel consumption
urea into the exhaust stream, the urea vaporization and mixing can be improved. Additionally, the increased NOx ?ow can
subsystem, the exhaust pipe subsystem, and the catalyst sub 50 reduce an amount of particulate matter (PM) in a particulate
system. A diesel vehicle must carry a supply of urea solution ?lter via promotion of oxidation of the PM, which also can
for the SCR system, typically 32.5% urea in water by weight. improve fuel economy.
The urea solution is pumped from the tank and sprayed In another embodiment consistent with the claim inven
through an atomiZing noZZle into the exhaust gas stream. tion, a method of controlling a internal combustion engine
Complete mixing of urea with exhaust gases and uniform 55 and exhaust system having an SCR includes tracking an
?ow distribution are critical in achieving high NOx reduc amount of ammonia stored on a catalyst of the SCR based on
tions. Urea-based SCR systems use gaseous ammonia to a feed-forward calculation of injected urea based on engine
reduce NOx. During thermolysis, the heat of the gas breaks out NOx mass ?ow, and reduction e?iciency of the SCR
the urea (CO(NH2)2) down into ammonia (NH3) and hydro catalyst based on a temperature. The engine and exhaust
cyanic acid (HCNO). The ammonia and the HCNO then meet 60 system are operated in a NOx-rich mode in which an EGR
the SCR catalyst where the ammonia is absorbed and the fraction command is adjusted, based on the tracked amount of
HCNO is further decomposed through hydrolysis into ammo stored ammonia, to decrease an amount of EGR gas entering
nia. Alternatively, anhydrous NH3 or aqueous NH3 may be an intake of the internal combustion engine and thereby
used as the SCR ammonia source. Regardless of the NH3 reduce ammonia stored on the SCR catalyst.
source for the SCR system, when the NH3 is absorbed, it 65 In yet another embodiment consistent with the claimed
reacts with the NOx to produce water, oxygen gas (O2), and invention, a controller for an internal combustion engine and
nitrogen gas (N2). exhaust system having an SCR includes a tracking module
US 8,826,644 B2
5 6
adapted to track an amount of ammonia stored on a catalyst of out NOx. The additional performance of the SCR present in
the SCR based on a feed-forward calculation of injected urea the reserve will be available to reduce the added NOx to
based on engine out NOx mass ?ow and reduction ef?ciency ensure emission compliance.
of the SCR catalyst based on a temperature. The controller FIG. 2 shows an exemplary embodiment of an adaptive
also includes a control module adapted to operate the engine control module (ACM) 16, which can be implemented in the
and exhaust system in an NOx-rich mode in which an EGR ECM/ECU or as a separate module to monitor in real-time
fraction command is adjusted, based on the tracked amount of various inputs 18 shown schematically as entering from the
stored ammonia, to decrease an amount of EGR gas entering left of the depicted ACM 16, and modi?ed outputs 20 exiting
an intake of the internal combustion engine and thereby the right side of the depicted ACM 16. By real-time, a
reduce ammonia stored on the SCR catalyst. sample rate suf?cient to achieve acceptable improvements in
Entering a NOx-rich operating mode allows for better per fuel economy and/ or performance can be as small as 1 Hz or
formance and/or particulate ?lter regeneration without the smaller, but greater rates of sampling of one or more of the
fuel penalty that accompanies active regeneration events. sensed conditions of FIG. 2 can provide greater ef?ciencies
Other features, elements, characteristics and advantages of during times of rapidly changing conditions. The ACM can
the present invention will become more apparent from the include one or more microprocessors executing code that
following detailed description of exemplary embodiments of carries out instructions stored in memory contained therein or
the present invention with reference to the attached drawings. in one or more memory devices which store data and program
instructions accessible to theACM 16. TheACM 16 generally
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS receives input signals from various sensors throughout the
20 vehicle as well as possible external input data from end users.
FIG. 1 is a graph showing an example of actual SCR NOx To perform the monitoring and calculations described herein
conversion ef?ciency for truck on a highway. in real-time, the signals must be sampled at a rate adequate to
FIG. 2 is a diagram of an adaptive control module (ACM) provide the data for the stored ammonia and conversion ef?
in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. ciency calculations. The ACM 16 then reads the program
FIG. 3 is a process ?ow related controlling an engine and 25 instructions and executes the instructions to perform data
exhaust system based on an actual SCR conversion margin monitoring and control functions in accordance with the input
determined in real time and a predetermined target conver signals. The ACM 16 sends control data to an output port of
sion ef?ciency according to an exemplary embodiment. the ACM 16 which relays output signals to a variety of actua
FIG. 4 is a graph depicting the characteristics related to tors controlling the engine or the SCR system.
temperature dependence of NOx conversion ef?ciency for 30 SCR Conversion ef?ciency (i.e., SCR NOx Conversion)
various catalyst materials. is monitored in real-time to obtain the amount of stored
FIG. 5 is a graph depicting the characteristics related to NH3 in the SCR catalyst by monitoring/measuring SCR inlet/
ammonia storage on various SCR catalyst materials. outlet NOx. This can be carried out using two NOx sensors to
FIG. 6 is a process ?ow related to controlling an engine and measure conversion ef?ciencies across the SCR, although
exhaust system based on tracking an amount of ammonia 35 another way to measure stored NH3 can be used, such as a
stored on an SCR catalyst according to an exemplary embodi NH3 sensor provided at the outlet of the SCR.
ment. In an embodiment, a control feature provides a way to take
advantage of a performance margin available from an
DETAILED DESCRIPTION improved SCR conversion ef?ciency at certain operating con
40 ditions by optimiZing engine conditions to increase or maxi
The inventor has realized that under certain operating con mize fuel economy. In addition to providing a way to improve
ditions, such as on the road driving duty cycles (e.g., heavy fuel economy, an embodiment can make use of opportunistic
load, line haul, RV etc.), the exhaust and ?ow levels through passive DPF regenerationusing engine out NOx. Higher NOx
the SCR are such that conversion ef?ciencies are beyond what can be achieved by running the engine in a mode in which
is needed to meet emission targets, so injected ammonia 45 EGR is reduced or cut off (e.g., Chi4 mode) and by detecting
becomes stored on the surface of the SCR catalyst and would an amount of ammonia stored in the SCR catalyst that would
be available to be consumed by NOx. For example, under be needed to consume the same and avoid NOx penalty.
such operating conditions, SCR conversion ef?ciency can The injected NH3 under certain conditions gets stored on
approach about 95%, but current legislated emission targets the SCR surface and would be available to be consumed by
would require only about 75% cycle conversion ef?ciency. In 50 NOx. However, NOx also can be released from the SCR
these conditions, there is a margin or reserve amount of catalyst surface at high temperature. This release should to be
ef?ciency that can be traded off for improved performance. avoided or minimized using a closed loop controls strategy
FIG. 1 shows an example of SCR performance for truck on that balances the EGR fraction in the charge air to vary engine
a highway. The conversion ef?ciency is shown in curve 10, out NOx, such that there is high enough NOx concentration to
engine speed (RPM) in curve 12, and the SCR inlet tempera 55 consume stored NH3 in the SCR and to clean the DPF.
ture in curve 14. As can be seen, the truck achieves an average Embodiments consistent with the claimed invention can
of 97% NOx conversion ef?ciency, but the target NOx provide a bene?t of switching to a mode that improves BSFC
requires only 71% conversion ef?ciency. Embodiments in (e.g., by lower EGR ?ow, advanced timing, rail pressure)
accordance with the claimed invention convert the reserve while also not increasing tailpipe NOx emissions because the
allowed by the high SCR ef?ciency into better engine 60 SCR operation is more ef?cient. This also can help with
economy and/or performance by switching to an operating lowering engine out particulate matter, and the increased
mode that can improve brake speci?c fuel consumption engine out NOx can help in soot oxidation, thereby keeping
(BSFC) and involves controlling any one of, or combination the DPF clean. Accordingly, desoot intervals can be
of: lowering EGR ?ow, advancing timing, increasing rail increased, thus adding another factor that can improve fuel
pressure, urea (DEF) dosing quantity, and pilot and post fuel 65 economy.
ing quantities. These and other engine parameters can be FIG. 3 shows a process ?ow according to an exemplary
modi?ed to improve BSFC, but would also increase engine embodiment that controls an internal combustion engine
US 8,826,644 B2
7 8
based on an ef?ciency margin existing between the actual An embodiment of this strategy improves fuel economy
NOx conversion ef?ciency and a conversion ef?ciency and takes advantage of an opportunity for passive DPF regen
needed to meet a tail pipe NOx target, such as an emissions eration to avoid the fuel penalty of going into active regen
requirement. Starting at process 50, the real time NOx con eration. As a result, active regeneration involving dosing die
version ef?ciency through an SCR element is monitored. sel fuel, such as spraying fuel directly into the exhaust stream
Next, process 52 compares compare the monitored NOx con or injecting as extra fuel in the engine cylinders to raise
version ef?ciency to a predetermined target conversion ef? exhaust gas temperatures canbe avoided. This strategy will be
ciency. For example, the predetermined target conversion particularly advantageous in stop-and-go duty cycles where
ef?ciency can be a value in a look up table or calculated value the exhaust temperatures and ?ow prevent periodic active
regenerations. An embodiment can include reduced EGR
based on a maximum acceptable tailpipe emissions level. In
process 54, while the monitored NOx conversion ef?ciency (e.g., Chi4 mode) during times of regeneration and running
minimal EGR at other opportunistic times. Minimal
exceeds the predetermined amount, the NOx concentration EGR is an amount of EGR that would produce NOx at levels
level in the engine-out exhaust ?ow is increased by an amount that can be adsorbed by ammonia stored on the SCR catalyst
based on the difference between the monitored conversion and not exceed the tailpipe-out emission thresholds. Embodi
ef?ciency and the predetermined target conversion ef?ciency. ments implementing NOx-rich exhaust to clean the DPF can
According to another embodiment, a closed loop control include anACM module, such as the ACM module 16 of FIG.
strategy that improves fuel economy with opportunistic DPF 2, with an added input function of determining whether the
regeneration using engine out NOx tracks NH3 stored on the DPF should be cleaned (e. g., a measured delta-pressure value
SCR catalyst, as well as soot trapped in the DPF, on a real 20 above a predetermined threshold value) and can be imple
time basis. This can be carried out via a feed-forward calcu mented with less or more functionality than that described
lation of injected urea based on engine-out NOx, and reduc above.
tion ef?ciency of the SCR catalyst based on temperature. The FIG. 6 shows a process ?ow according to an exemplary
feed forward calculation can be carried out, for example, embodiment that controls an internal combustion engine
using a model based on reactor data that uses the inputs of 25 based on an amount of ammonia stored in the SCR catalyst.
time, temperature, exhaust ?ow, urea dosed, SCR inlet NOx Starting at process 60, the an amount of ammonia stored on an
concentration, and catalyst properties to determine the real SCR catalyst is tracked based on a feed-forward calculation
time storage and release of NH3. of injected urea based on engine-out NOx mass glow, and
FIG. 4 shows characteristics related to temperature depen reduction ef?ciency of the SCR catalyst based on the tem
dence of NOx conversion ef?ciency on examples of vandia, 30 perature of the SCR catalyst. In process 62, the engine and
FeZ and CuZ SCR catalysts. As can be seen, FeZ generally exhaust system are operated in a NOx-rich mode in which an
offers higher temperature related performance compared EGR fraction command is adjusted, based on the tracked
with CuZ or vanadia-based catalysts, whereas CuZ can offer amount of stored ammonia, to decrease an amount of EGR
comparatively better low temperature performance. CuZ is gas entering an intake of the internal combustion engine and
also less sensitive to inlet NO2/NOx and allows urea dosing at 35 thereby reduce ammonia stored on the SCR catalyst.
ANR (ammonia-to-NOx NOx ratio)>l for improved high Although a limited number of embodiments is described
temperature ef?ciency, even above that of FeZ. FIG. 5 shows herein, one of ordinary skill in the art will readily recognize
that NH3 storage generally decreases with increase in catalyst that there could be variations to any of these embodiments
temperature. As shown in FIG. 5, the zeolite catalysts can and those variations would be within the scope of the
store more NH3 at low temperature than the vanadia-based 40 appended claims. Thus, it will be apparent to those skilled in
catalyst. At low temperature duty cycles, an amount of stored the art that various changes and modi?cations can be made to
NH3 on the SCR catalyst can be suf?cient for reducing some the engine and exhaust after-treatment control described
NOx without urea (or other NH3 source) dosing. Using such herein without departing from the scope of the appended
characteristic data, an accurate model can be created for a claims and their equivalents.
feed-forward calculation. 45 What is claimed is:
A control loop for improving fuel economy with opportu 1. A method of controlling an internal combustion engine
nistic DPF regeneration using engine-out NOx does two and exhaust system including an SCR, comprising:
things: (1) varies the EGR fraction command (i.e., the refer monitoring a ?lter element in the path of the exhaust gas
ence value for the EGR closed loop control system) and ?ow to detect an obstruction in the exhaust gas ?ow;
provides NOx-rich exhaust to clean the SCR of stored ammo 50 determining, in real time, a NOx conversion ef?ciency of
nia as well as maintain legislative limits of NH3 slippage past an exhaust ?ow output by the internal combustion
the SCR and into the atmosphere, and (2) enters Chi4 mode engine through the SCR, the determining of the NOx
(i.e., EGR valve closedihigh NOx) to present conditions conversion ef?ciency based, at least in part, on received
allowing DPF regenerations when the conditions exist (i.e., data from a sensor downstream of the SCR at a prede
detected loaded ?lter+high NH3 storage on SCR). For 55 termined sample rate during operation of the internal
example, if an opportunity arises where there is enough stored combustion engine;
ammonia on the SCR catalyst, and a sensed delta-pressure determining, using a processor, an excess ef?ciency mar
across the DPF indicates trapped particulate matter needs to gin based on a difference between the determined NOx
be cleaned from the ?lter, the EGR valve can be closed to conversion ef?ciency and a predetermined target con
increase an amount of engine-out NOx to almost three times 60 version ef?ciency, said target conversion ef?ciency
the normal value. The higher engine-out NOx can easily clean based on a predetermined allowable amount of NOx
the soot-clogged DPF in about 20 to 30 minutes of operation emission; and
while remaining emissions compliant because the stored responsive to the determined excess ef?ciency margin,
ammonia in the SCR can reduce the increased in NOx, thus increasing a NOx concentration level in the exhaust ?ow
cleaning up the excess NH3 stored in the SCR catalyst. Hence, 65 by an amount based on the determined excess ef?ciency
the increased engine-out NOx reduces or eliminates potential margin by decreasing an EGR ?ow rate to regenerate the
NH3 slip under transient excess ammonia storage conditions. ?lter element.
US 8,826,644 B2
9 10
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein determining margin based on a difference between the monitored
said NOx conversion ef?ciency includes a step of measuring NOx conversion ef?ciency and a predetermined target
a characteristic of the exhaust ?ow that is indicative of an conversion ef?ciency, said target conversion ef?ciency
amount of ammonia stored on a catalyst of the SCR. based on an predetermined allowable amount of NOx
3. A method of controlling an internal combustion engine emission; and
a control module adapted to increase the NOx concentra
and exhaust system including an SCR, comprising:
tracking an amount of ammonia stored on a catalyst of the tion level in the exhaust ?ow by decreasing an EGR ?ow
SCR based on a feed-forward calculation of injected rate by an amount based on the excess ef?ciency margin
urea based on engine out NOx mass ?ow and reduction to regenerate the ?lter element.
ef?ciency of the SCR catalyst based on a temperature of 10 7. The controller according to claim 6, wherein the monitor
the SCR catalyst; module is further adapted to measure a characteristic of the
monitoring a particle ?lter element in the path of the exhaust ?ow that is indicative of an amount of ammonia
exhaust gas ?ow to detect an obstruction in the exhaust stored on a catalyst of the SCR.
8. A controller for an internal combustion engine and
gas ?ow based on a measured pressure differential;
determining an excess ef?ciency margin based on the exhaust system including an SCR, comprising:
tracked amount of ammonia stored on the catalyst of the a tracking module adapted to track an amount of ammonia
SCR and a predetermined target conversion ef?ciency; stored on a catalyst of the SCR based on a feed-forward
and calculation of injected urea based on engine out NOx
modifying an EGR fraction command to decrease an mass ?ow and reduction ef?ciency of the SCR catalyst
20 based on a temperature;
amount of EGR gas entering an intake of the internal
combustion engine to regenerate the particle ?lter ele an exhaust ?ow pressure sensor for monitoring exhaust
ment without injecting fuel into the exhaust system, the ?ow through a particle ?lter element to detect an
EGR fraction command modi?ed in response to the obstruction in the exhaust gas ?ow; and
excess ef?ciency margin exceeding a ?rst value and the a control module adapted to:
measured pressure differential exceeding a second 25 determine an excess ef?ciency margin based on the
value. tracked amount of ammonia stored on the catalyst of
4. The method according to claim 3, wherein modifying of the SCR and a predetermined target conversion ef?
the EGR fraction command causes the NOx concentration in ciency, and
the exhaust output from the engine to limit ammonia slip past modify an EGR fraction command to decrease an
the SCR to an amount equal to or less than a permitted 30 amount of EGR gas entering an intake of the internal
ammonia slip amount during regeneration of the particle ?lter combustion engine to regenerate the particle ?lter
element. element and thereby reduce ammonia stored on the
5. The method according to claim 3, wherein modifying of SCR catalyst without injecting fuel into the exhaust
the EGR fraction command comprises entering an operating system, the EGR fraction command modi?ed by the
mode in which gas ?ow from the EGR is prevented from 35 control module in response to the excess ef?ciency
entering an intake of the internal combustion engine. margin exceeding a ?rst value and a pressure differ
6. A controller for an internal combustion engine and ential measured by the exhaust ?ow pressure sensor
exhaust system including an SCR, comprising: exceeding a second value.
a monitor module adapted to monitor, in real time, NOx 9. The controller according to claim 8, wherein the control
conversion ef?ciency of an exhaust ?ow output by the 40 module is adapted to modify the EGR fraction command to
internal combustion engine through the SCR and a ?lter cause the NOx concentration in the exhaust output from the
element in the path of the exhaust gas ?ow to detect an engine to limit ammonia slip past the SCR to an amount equal
obstruction in the exhaust gas ?ow, the monitoring of the to or less than a permitted ammonia slip amount during regen
NOx conversion ef?ciency by the monitor module eration of the particle ?lter element.
based, at least in part, on received data from a sensor 45 1 0. The controller according to claim 8, wherein the control
downstream of the SCR at a predetermined sample rate module is adapted to adjust the EGR fraction by preventing
during operation of the internal combustion engine; EGR gas ?ow from entering an intake of the internal com
a comparing module adapted to determine, using a proces bustion engine.
sor associated with the controller, an excess ef?ciency

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