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Teacher Name Jessica Lewis Date 11/15/2017 Cooperating Teacher Initial________

Age Level: Three Year Olds Four Year Olds Five Year Olds

Name of Unit: Exploring rocks and flowers

Developmental Domain: Science

General Goal: Scientists gather information by observing, examining, comparing, experimenting, and

Lesson Objective: Participate in recording specific data

Type of Activity: Individual Small Group Large Group

Materials Needed:
Sensory table or tub for flower and rocks
Tub for water
A large piece of paper

Hook- I will start by asking them questions about what they know about flowers and then
show them the sensory table/bin full of flowers and dirt.
Lesson- The children will get to explore the flowers and rocks with their hands and use
tools such as a magnifying glass. They can pick up the flowers and rocks and examine them
through the magnifying glass, then I will show them a tub of water. If they dont put the
rocks and flowers in right away, I would prompt them by asking hat they think will happen
if we put the rocks in the water. During that time, I would ask them different questions like:
What did you notice about the rocks and the flowers?
Why do you think that the flowers floated, and the rocks sank?
Tell me what questions you have about the rocks and the flowers in the water.
How might we find the answer to those questions?
What might happen if we took out or added some water?
After we have explored the flowers and rocks, I would get out a large piece of paper and ask
them to tell me what they noticed about the flowers and rocks as they were touching them
and then after we put them in the water.
Closing- I would explain to them that we are going to hang the paper on the wall and
continue our exploration with other natural materials and compare those with the rocks
and flowers.

Look over your plan and check using the SMART formula; Check after the activity as well
and make the appropriate changes.
S The child will be able to explore natural materials and make inferences.
M By the questions they ask and how they answer the questions being asked.
A materials will be in reach of every student and each will have a chance to explore the
materials as well as place them in the water.
R The children have used sensory table before and have explored a variety of materials,
making inferences.
T Time bound- When will the child demonstrate the skill?
Within the first 10 minutes

After the lesson reflection:

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