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Vocabulary log # 1


Women over age 50 who plan to begin a new program of vigorous physical activity should first consult
their physician to be sure they do not have heart disease or other health problems

In order to prevent a possible collapse of the economy, a boost to the economy is a priority and growth
needs to be vigorous.


The time limits for payments and discounts are considered complied with if the bank transfer order or
cheque were sent punctually.

For each project, we define an optimal communications flow that keeps our client punctually informed,
pointing out and documenting any incident.


Upon its completion, its singular architecture and powerful presence added immeasurably to Charlotte's

A failure of strategic vision will condemn that system and make for an immeasurably more dangerous


Poisons often have medicinal powers, but to entrust them to irresponsible hands would be the greatest

In the world of things supernatural, which is where we are at this point, it does not make sense ever to
say that the initiative lies with man


We must acknowledge that the conditions in which my country's soldiers - my fellow citizens live are
utterly regrettable.

One of the most famous of all rainforest products, the Brazil nut utterly depends on its intricate


It is changing with awesome rapidity and will continue to do so, and it is a complex and difficult area to

Well, if it isn't there, it's going to be there, and it's going to be a compilation of the guys filming what
happens in the studio, and they're awesome, so funny.

The correction of the dollar was the impetuous for the strong returns, which could continue into next

At the end of the afternoon, by now feeling exhausted and humiliated, the impetuous warrior left.


The unremitting and indiscriminate rocket fire has levied an insufferable toll on the civilian population of
southern Israel, triggering a severe humanitarian situation there.

Not even the European Union has a monopoly on rights, as demonstrated by the insufferable way in
which we treat migrants and Roma.


He will come and meet you when it is your turn to pass through the chilly stream and you shall ford it in
sweet Company.

Iceland was given its chilly name by one of its Viking discoverers, when he saw a fjord full of ice.


Jesus did not consider the request of James and John as presumptuous but taught them patiently what
it means to demand to be close to him in glory.

Despite the presumptuous jargon, India remains in dire difficulties.

Fond of

If the country is still lacking the necessary infrastructure to welcome them, those fond of sport fishing
and ornithology are not discouraged.

Men are fond of learning and studying both heretical and orthodox books.


Our goal is to add even more value to our brand for the benefit of our customers and ultimately for

This section provides you with guidance and advice to find your way to a greener office and ultimately, a
more sustainable business.
Vocabulary log # 2


John answered all there questions with an emphatic NO, and then when they asked him again "Who are

The participants were both male and female and were emphatic about the need to bring women into
the mainstream of society if they are to be able to deal with the problems arising from a patriarchal


Overall, the implementation of the peace agreement will radically alter the political, economic and social
landscape of the country

They can also radically change basic concepts of tax administration and enforcement.


I mean children who are exploited sexually and by being put to work; children who have been brought
into the world by lovelessness and indifference

We ourselves are not yet free of lovelessness, possessiveness, and selfishness.


He strongly believed that an important part of a mother's role is to allow her infant to experience
tolerable frustrations

Beyond certain tolerable limits, a certain proportion of inadequate personnel cancels out the
effectiveness of an entire team of professionals.


The replacement of the rule of law by the rule of people is a systemic problem: it inevitably affects to
some degree not only the official sphere but civil society as well.

One of the new challenges that would inevitably affect the international community was the potential
impact of climate change on population movements.


It just goes to show that there have been clashes of opinion within the international community and this
is worrisome.

The subject matter of this Green Paper is very important, as well as being deeply worrisome.


We will have to work on notions of indicators that count differently, that do not quantify everything
and, especially, that make sense to everyone.
To foster this new understanding we need to introduce the notions of time and space into our thinking
on this relationship.


Physically, this is easy to solve: The mass moment of inertia of the transmission must be increased
without increasing the mass to be shifted.

The moment of inertia of all shaft elements can also be included in the calculation if desired.


We also place before him the life of our brothers, thanking him for the gifts they have received, and
appealing the him for their needs and infirmities.

We ought to bear with all those with whom our Lord bears, feeling great compassion for their spiritual


The panelists were uncertain about whether public expenditures in education would stagnate or
continue to grow, but the absence of adequate resources was perceived as the worse possible scenario
for the future.

Negotiations need to address the core issues and cannot be allowed to stagnate.

Colombia will continue to move forward in seeking to achieve security and comprehensive development
for all citizens.

We need to support it through promoting concrete measures to achieve tangible forward steps.


If it is negative and the infection was acquired during pregnancy, the newborn may have problems in the
eye or in the central nervous system

You should be able to trust the manufacturer and the product acquired


Apparently, nobody is taking note of the number of inhabitants on our planet, growing precisely in the
undeveloped countries

The fact that domestically things are not in very good shape is apparently not all that important for the


My group would rather the proposal had taken an all-encompassing approach

The objective of this approach is to contribute to the translation of early warning concepts into action


This data includes, among other things, information on vehicles, crash scenarios, drivers, and their
driving behavior.

These tragedies might be avoided if young children who bully receive help that addresses the causes and
consequences of their behavior


Please provide for each category (capacity increase, capacity decrease, change in process type, etc.) how
many permits were updated

An informational grid that is required to be displayed on the bill in some states that shows a breakdown
of charges by category


Brain theory, computational neurosciences, and neuroinformatics; human behaviour, cognition and
functional mapping of the brain

Cognition, motor skills, and health form the foundation, or means, that support the development of
language skills

When drafting the United States Constitution of 1787, the Framers avoided political controversy by
establishing a dual court system

In its early days, the agency was mired in controversy over the constitutionality of the act that
established it.


The incorporation of risk reduction measures in development portfolios and projects is less obvious, but
nevertheless is being increasingly recognized

These are not so obvious challenges that will probably give a headache to tomorrow's leaders


Most of the population has the perception of having been completely excluded from political processes
and of having suffered economic exploitation in the past

Even the perception of compromise would be enough to undermine objectivity and acceptance


Since the beginning MBVC has searched the globe for exotic species with unique figurative qualities

There are many ways to slice veneer - and each method produces a unique look in the pattern of the


Creating a single world financial regulator is probably not viable or, for that matter, desirable, given
different regulatory traditions around the world

In the absence of like-minded donors, the use of alternative modalities such as delegated cooperation is
not viable


It can be difficult to discern if the depression and anxiety were previously present, or if they result from
the condition

Learning to differentiate between the different types of audiovisual project and being able to discern

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