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RULE 21: SUBPOENA a witness may validly disobey a

subpoena which require him to

Subpoena [ad testificandum] process directed to a produce irrelevant documents or
person requiring him to attend and to testify at the which is too broad in scope
hearing or the trial of an action, or at any investigation
conducted by competent authority, or for taking his Who has the authority to issue a subpoena?
deposition.(SEC1, R21) (a) The COURT before whom the witness is required
Contents: (Sec3, R21) to attend; (SEC 2, R21)
1. Name of the Court (b) The COURT of the place where the deposition is
2. Title of the Investigation to be taken; (SEC 2, R21)
3. Directed to the person whose attendance Subpoena issued by the court should
is required be signed by the Clerk of Court (Sec4,
How to Quash (Requisites): (Sec 4, R21) R136)
1. Upon motion to vacate or set aside (c) The officer or body authorized by law to do so in
subpoena or motion to quash at or before connection with investigations conducted by said
the time specified therein officer or body; (SEC 2, R21)
2. Reasons: When an action is referred to a
a. The witness is not bound thereby Commissioner under Rule 32 [Trial By
b. The witness fees and kilometerage Commissioner], he may issue a
were not tendered to him. subpoena.
Kilometrage may be defined Clerk of Court may be assigned as a
as transportation expense for Commissioner
each kilometer of travel Thus, it was held that the power of
the public prosecutor to issue
Subpeona duces tecum process directed to a person subpoenas extends t cases pending
whom was called under a subpoena and required to bring investigation before him, but not
with him any books, documents, or other things under his where the complaint or information
control which he is required by law to produce in has been filed in court in which case it
evidence. (SEC1, RULE21) is the court that should issue the
Requisites: necessary processes.
1. It must appear, by clear and unequivocal (d) Any Justice of the SC or the CA in any case or
proof, that the book or document sought investigation pending within the Philippines.
to be produced contains evidence relevant (SEC 2, R21)
and material to the issue before the court,
and Subpoena to a Prisoner
2. That the precise book or document When application for a subpoena to a prisoner is made,
containing such evidence has been so the judge or officer shall examine and study carefully such
designated or described that it may be application to determine whether the same is made for a
identified. valid purpose. {relate to Sec 1 R23}
Contents: (Sec3, R21)
1. Name of the Court No prisoner sentenced to death, reclusion perpetua or life
2. Title of the Investigation imprisonment and who is confined in any penal
3. Directed to the person whose attendance institution shall be brought outside the said penal
is required institution for appearance or attendance in any court
4. A reasonable description of the books, unless authorized by the Supreme Court (2a, R23)
documents or things demanded which
must appear to the court prima facie [Service of subpoena] When subpoena is addressed to a
evidence prisoner, it shall be served upon the officer having
How to Quash (Requisites): (Sec 4, R21) management of the jail or institution. (Sec9, R14)
1. Upon motion to vacate or set aside
subpoena or motion to quash at or before Subpoena for DEPOSITIONS
the time specified therein. Proof of service of a notice to take a deposition, as
2. Reasons:
provided in sections 15 and 25 of Rule 23, shall constitute
a. It is unreasonable and oppressive sufficient authorization for the issuance of subpoenas for
b. the relevance of the books the persons named in said notice by the clerk of the court
documents or things does not of the place in which the deposition is to be taken. The
appear clerk shall not, however, issue a subpoena duces tecum to
c. if the person in whose behalf the any such person without an order of the court. (Sec 6,
subpoena is issued fails to
advance the reasonable cost of
production thereof A party desiring to take the deposition of any person upon
When Subpoena may be disobeyed? oral examination shall give reasonable notice in writing to
in the absence of a showing or every other party to the action (Sec 15, R23)
materiality and in the absence of
particularity in what is wanted, the If he desires to take the deposition of any person upon
merchant can validly refuse to present written interrogatories, he shall serve them upon every
his books other party with a notice stating the:
1. name and
2. address of the person who is to answer them If the subpoena is isuued not by a court but a
3. the name or descriptive title and quasi-judicial agency, the charge for contempt
4. the address of the officer before whom the should be commenced by petition and filed with
deposition is to be taken. (Sec25, R23) the RTC of the place wherein the contempt was
committed (Sec12, R71)
Modes of Service
1. By Personal Service Release of Respondent
a. By exhibiting to the person the original of the The respondent imprisoned due to an order of a court may
subpoena and handing a copy thereof to him, be discharged when it appears that the public interest will
or not be prejudiced by his release by the same court.
b. If he refuses to receive and sign for it, by (Sec10,R71)
tendering it to him
2. By Substituted Service Viatory Right of A Witness (Sec 10, R21)
a. By leaving copies of subpoena at the witness - Applicable only on civil cases
residence with some person suitable age and - Sec 8 and 9 of Rule 21 is not applicable in a
discretion then residing therein, or witness who:
b. By leaving the copies at witness office or o resides more than one hundred (100)
regular place of business with some kilometers from his residence to the
competent person in charge thereof (Sec7, place where he is to testify by the
R14) ordinary course of travel, or
o to a detention prisoner if no
How to Serve a Subpoena? (Sec 6, R21) permission of the court in which his
(a) By either of the Mode of Service case is pending was obtained.
(b) Must be made so as to allow the witness a
reasonable time for preparation and travel to the RULE 22: COMPUTATION OF TIME
place of attendance
(c) The original shall be exhibited and a copy thereof How to Compute Time Prescribed or Allowed by the
delivered to the person on whom it is served Rules of Civil Procedures or By Order of the Court or
(d) tendering to him the fees for one day's attendance By Any Applicable Statute
and the kilometrage allowed by these Rules (Exclude-the-First and Include-the-Last Method of
EXCEPT: when a subpoena is issued by or on computing time)
behalf of the Republic of the Philippines or an The day of the act or event from which the designated
officer or agency thereof, the tender need not be period of time begins to run is to be excluded and the date
made of performance included. If the last day of the period, as
- If the subpoena is duces tecum, the reasonable thus computed, falls on a Saturday a Sunday, or a legal
cost of producing the books, documents or holiday in the place where the court sits, the time shall not
things demanded shall also be tendered. run until the next working day. (Sec1,R22)

Personal appearance in court Effect of Effective Interruption on Computation

A person present in court before a judicial officer may be Should an act be done which effectively interrupts the
required to testify as if he were in attendance upon a running of the period, the allowable period after such
subpoena is sued by such court or officer. (Sec7, R21) interruption shall start to run on the day after notice of
the cessation of the cause thereof.
Failure to Obey Subpoena (Sec 8, R21) The day of the act that caused the interruption
Warrant of Arrest against the Witness may be issued by shall be excluded in the computation of the period.
the court or judge issuing the subpoena to bring him
before the court or officer where his attendance is required _______________________________________________________________
[provided there is proof of service and there is failure of
the witness to attend] DISCOVERY
[Cost of Arrest: Charged to Witness if the court In general, discovery is the disclosure of facts resting in
determines that his failure to answer was willful and the knowledge of the defendant, or of any person, WON a
without just cause] party, or the production of deeds, writing or things in his
possession or power, in order to maintain the right or title
If issued by the court CONTEMPT OF COURT (Sec of he party asking it, in a suit or proceeding
9, R21)
2 Modes of Commencing Proceeding for Indirect Modes of Discovery (Rule 23 28)
Contempt: (a) Depositions Pending Action (R23)
(a) Muto Proprio by the court by issuing an (b) Deposition Before Action or Pending Appeal (R 24)
order or other formal charge requiring (c) Interrogatories To Parties (R 25)
respondent to show cause why he should (d) Admission By Adverse Party (R 26)
not be punished for contempt; and (e) Production or Inspection of Documents or Things
(b) A verified petition charging indirect (R 27)
contempt, complying with the (f) Physical and Mental Examination of Persons (R 28)
requirements for filing initiatory
pleadings. Availment of one mode does not bar to another. As a
If not issued by the court the disobedience thereto matter of practice, it is often desirable to resort to both
shall be punished in accordance with the applicable interrogatories and depositions in one or the other
law or Rule. (Sec 9, R21) sequence.
Purpose of Deposition-Discovery Procedure The deposition of a prisoner make
To enable the parties, consistent with recognized be taken only W/ Leave of Court on
privileges, to obtain the fullest knowledge of the issues such terms as the court prescribes
and facts before civil trials and thus facilitate an amicable (b) Without Leave of Court after an answer has been
settlement or expedites the trial of the case. served (Sec 1, R23)

The deposition- discovery procedure is designed to How Can Deposition Pending Action be Taken?
remedy the inadequacy and cumbersomeness of the pre- Deposition shall be taken only in accordance with the
trial functions of notice-giving, issue-formulation and fact- Rules of Civ Pro The testimony of any person, WON
revelation performed primarily by the pleadings. The a party, may be taken, at the instance of any party, by
various modes or instruments of discovery are meant to DEPOSITION upon oral examination or written
serve: interrogatories. Attendance may be compelled by
(a) As a device, along with the pre-trial hearing under subpoena under Rule 21. (Sec1, R23)
Rule 18, to narrow and clarify the basic issues
between the parties, and Right to Deposition is NOT ABSOLUTE
(b) As a device for ascertaining the facts relative to When the move to take deposition under guise of
those issues discovery is actually intended to annoy, embarrass or
oppress the deponent, the court may either prevent the
Advantages of Modes of Discovery taking of the deposition or stop one that is already taken.
1. It is a great assistance in ascertaining the truth and in
checking and preventing perjury because: Also, the mode of deposition is not absolute. The court in
a. The witness is examined while his memories which the action is pending may among others, make an
are fresh; order that the deposition be taken only in written
b. He is generally not coached in preparation for interrogatories.
a pre-trial examination with the result that
his testimony is likely to be more spontaneous Scope of Examination:
c. A party or witness whose deposition has been Broad the inquiry extends to all facts which are relavant,
taken at an early stage in the litigation cannot, whether they be ultimate or evidentiary, excepting only
at a later date, readily manufacture testimony matters which are privileged.
in contradiction to his deposition; and
d. Testimony is preserved, so that if a witness Unless otherwise ordered by the court as provided by
unexpectedly dies or becomes unavailable at section 16 or 18 of this Rule, the deponent may be
the trial, his deposition is available examined regarding any matter, not privileged, which is
2. It is an effective means of detecting and exposing false, relevant to the subject of the pending action, whether
fraudulent and sham claims and defenses. relating to the claim or defense of any other party,
3. It makes available, in a simple, convenient, and often including the existence, description, nature, custody,
inexpensive way, fact which otherwise could not have condition, and location of any books, documents, or other
been proved, except with great difficulty and tangible things and the identity and location of persons
sometimes not at all. having knowledge of relevant facts. (Sec 2, R23)
4. It educates the parties in advance of trial as to the trial
value of their claims and defenses, thereby Order of Examination
encouraging settlements out of the court. (a) Direct examination by the proponent;
5. It expedites the disposal of litigation, saves the time of (b) Cross examination by the opponent;
the courts, and the clears the dockets of many cases by (c) Re-direct examination by the proponent; and
settlements and dismissals which otherwise would (d) Re-cross examination by the opponent (Sec 4, R132)
have to be tried.
6. It safeguards against surprises at the trial, prevent Examination and cross-examination of deponents may
delays, and narrows and simplifies the issues to be proceed as permitted at the trial under sections 3 to 18 of
tried, thereby expediting the trial. Rule 132. (Sec 3, R23)
7. It facilitates both the preparation and the trial of cases


Broad Sense: Any written statement verified by oath
Technical: The testimony of the witness, put or taken in
writing, under oath or affirmation before a commissioner,
examiner or other judicial officer, in an answer to
interlocutory and cross interlocutory questions, and
usually subscribed by the witness,

When Can Deposition Pending Action be Taken?

(a) With Leave of Court after jurisdiction has been
obtained over any defendant or over property
which is subject to the action

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