Feeding & Digestion in Birds: A Gut Feeling

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a gut feeling

feeding & digestion in birds TEXT BY


he sight of a wriggling fish
disappearing down a cor-
morants throat has an air
of utter finality about it, the
culmination of an age-old struggle in
which the predators ability to locate
and subdue its victim is pitted against
the preys capacity to avoid detec-
tion and evade capture. However,
this is also the beginning of another
complex and, at least for the bird,
equally important process. Before
the cormorant can use its recently
ingested meal as fuel for its metabolic
engine or to power activity, growth
and reproduction, the fish needs to
be broken down and the nutrients
locked away in its tissues have to be
made available to the trillions of indi-
vidual cells that comprise the bird.
A birds gut, or digestive tract, is a
sophisticated disassembly line that
strips food down to its component
molecules by sequentially fragment-
ing it into smaller particles. The first
step is the mechanical breakdown of
whole food items that enter the gut
via the mouth. Because birds lack
teeth and the ability to chew, they
rely on a muscular stomach (the giz-
zard) to physically break down large
items. From here, partially digest-
ed food enters the small intestine,
where a series of enzymes cleave
food particles by means of chemical
reactions. Enzymes are highly spe-
cific in terms of the chemical bonds
they target and dozens of different
enzymes are required to completely
digest a meal.
Once enzymatic digestion is com-
plete, the carbohydrates, fats, pro-
teins and other nutrients that once
comprised the food item are available
for absorption into the bloodstream,
either directly across the gut wall or,
in the case of fats, indirectly via the
lymphatic system. The bloodstream
then transports these nutrients
a lbert fronema n

digestion 47
to the birds cells for storage or to be
used for fuelling metabolism, maintain- Diurnal raptors ... form
ing existing tissues or synthesising new pellets consisting of hair,
ones. The processes of digestion and
absorption are very similar in mammals bone and other similarly 0

and birds, but the transport of nutrients indigestible material, with

to cells differs in some fundamental
ways, particularly during exercise (see
the pellets cast in the gizzard
box, page 50). and then regurgitated. In this
The major anatomical difference
between the digestive system of a bird
way these problematic
and that of a mammal is the presence in materials are kept out of
birds of a gizzard and, in some species, a
crop. A crop is a muscular pouch below
the birds intestines
the throat, formed by an enlarged sec-
tion of the oesophagus, that functions
as a storage container for food. Crops example, can easily process the proteins than the sugars that birds typically
are particularly important in birds such and fats in a mouse but cannot break obtain from fruits. An example is the
as vultures, which feed relatively infre- down the hair and bone. Diurnal rap- West African miracle fruit Synsepalum
quently but gorge themselves when food tors, owls and some other birds, includ- dulcificum, whose berries contain a pro-
is available. The crop allows them to take ing swifts, form pellets consisting of hair, tein that is a thousand times sweeter
advantage of short periods of abundance bone and other similarly indigestible than glucose. By making low-quality,
and then control the rate at which the material, with the pellets cast in the giz- nutritionally worthless fruits taste like
food enters the lower sections of the zard and then regurgitated. In this way high-quality, carbohydrate-rich items,
digestive system for processing. these problematic materials are kept out these molecules and the plants that pro-
Given the complexity of the digest of the birds intestines. duce them are thought to deceive birds
ive process and the hundreds of chem into feeding on fruits from which they

ical reactions involved, avian digestion ome of the most intriguing gain negligible benefit. Some of these
p e t e r s t e yn
occurs surprisingly quickly. Biologists aspects of avian digestion con- compounds are used by humans as arti-
measure the rapidity of digestion by cern birds that feed on fruit. ficial sweeteners, where they similarly Above Pellets regurgitated by raptors
giving food marked with a brightly col- Many plants have evolution- deceive our tastebuds by making low- and some other birds consist of indigest-
oured but indigestible dye, typically arily co-opted birds to act as calorie food items taste as though they ible materials, most notably bone and fur.
food colorant, to captive birds. The dye seed dispersers by producing seeds con- are full of sugars.
subsequently appears in the birds fae- tained within edible fruits. These fruits Another way in which plants manip Top A Black-shouldered Kites gizzard
ces, thereby providing a precise measure attract frugivorous birds, which con- ulate the guts of avian frugivores con- will separate the digestible and indigest-
of the time required for food to pass sume them and disperse the seeds by cerns chemicals that influence passage ible components of its mouse meal.
Ar n o el l m er
through the entire gut, a measurement defecating or regurgitating them, often rates. From the plants perspective, one of
often referred to as the passage rate. some distance from the parent plant. the pitfalls of relying on birds to disperse Opposite, above The crop of this Cape
Small birds typically process food much This seemingly amicable evolutionary seeds is that the latter can be damaged by Vulture is swollen with stored food,
faster than large birds: the average pas- arrangement, however, conceals levels digestive enzymes if retained in the birds which will gradually be released for
sage rate is approximately 45 minutes in of deceit and manipulation worthy of a guts for too long. Some plants reduce the digestion.
a waxbill-sized bird, just less than two Shakespearean tragedy. Plants produce time their seeds spend in birds digestive
hours in a pigeon-sized bird, and around a veritable laboratory of chemicals in tracts by including in their fruits chem Opposite, below The digestion of hard-
six hours in an ostrich. However, the their fruits, which affect birds digestive icals that function as avian laxatives. shelled seeds by Bronze Mannikins and
time required for digestion also depends systems in remarkable and, in some There is evidence, for instance, that the other seed-eaters typically takes longer
on the type of food. Hard-shelled seeds, instances, devious ways. fruits of Witheringa solanacea, a shrub than the digestion of softer items, such
for instance, take far longer to break Birds will generally only feed on fruits that occurs in Costa Ricas cloud forests, as fruit pulp.
down than soft fruit pulp, with the result if the latter are reasonably nutritious, or contain laxative chemicals that speed up
that the passage rates of seed-eaters tend at least taste as though they are. Plants passage rates in avian frugivores such as Previous spread A fruit of the red-
to be longer than those of frugivores. that produce low-quality fruits contain- the Black-faced Solitaire. By accelerating leaved fig begins its journey through
The demands placed on the digestive ing few nutrients can be at a distinct dis- the movement of seeds through frugi- the digestive tract of an African Green-
system vary dramatically between dif- advantage in terms of seed dispersal if vores guts, these chemicals improve the Pigeon, where its nutrients will be
ferent types of food, with some diets they are in the vicinity of other species chances that seeds emerging from the processed and supplied to the birds
being straightforward to process but that produce nutritious, high-quality bird are undamaged and can still ger tissues.
others posing significant physiological fruits. Some plants seem to have cir- minate. Other plants, such as members
challenges. Often, a food item consists cumvented this problem by producing of the genus Solanum, do the opposite
of a combination of easily digestible fruits that have almost no nutritional and produce chemicals that constipate
and indigestible components. A Black- value, but contain small amounts of birds, ensuring that hard-shelled seeds
al b ert f r on em an (2 )
shouldered Kites digestive system, for chemicals that taste many times sweeter are softened.

48 digestion A F R I C A B I R DS & B I R DING a p r i l / m ay 2 0 1 0 digestion 49

Differences in digestive physiology Whereas frugivores often need to deal as cattle, rely on microbes in their guts to
between various animal groups have with a potpourri of chemical compounds ferment and digest cellulose, breaking it
also been targeted in the evolutionary in their diets, nectar-feeding birds such down into simpler compounds that are
relationship between plants and frugi- as sunbirds and hummingbirds face com- then available to the animal. One of the
vores. Several chemicals that make mam- pletely different digestive challenges. most spectacular avian digestive adapta-
mals violently ill, or even kill them, Nectar is biochemically simple and con- tions occurs in the Hoatzin, a taxonom
do not affect birds in the least. The sists almost entirely of dissolved sugars. ically enigmatic bird that frequents South
chemical atropine, for instance, causes The problem is that nectar is often very Americas lowland rainforests. More than
blurred vision, dizziness, nausea and dilute and birds need to consume vast 80 per cent of the Hoatzins diet consists
rapid heart rate in humans, yet is present quantities to obtain enough nutrients to of leaves. To cope with this specialised
in heavy concentrations in some fruits sustain themselves (see Africa Birds & food type, the bird possesses a massively
that birds feed on without unpleasant Birding 11(1): 11). To meet their nutritional enlarged crop that functions as a microb
consequences. The molecule capsaicin, requirements, nectarivorous birds rou- ial fermentation vat, like the rumen of
which is responsible for the fiery taste tinely drink several times their own body cattle and other ruminant mammals. The
d av i d s ha ck e l f o r d
of chillies and peppers, is repellent to mass in nectar each day, with the record Hoatzins highly specialised gut provides
Above The Hoatzin feeds predominantly many mammals, but birds feed on these currently held by captive White-bellied one of the most remarkable examples of
on leaves and its crop acts as a cellulose- fruits with impunity. In southern Africa, Sunbirds, which have been observed convergent evolution, a phenomenon in
digesting fermentation vat, similar to the the berries of the invasive Persian lilac drinking up to eight and a half times which unrelated groups of animals inde-
stomach of a ruminant mammal. Melia azedarach are consumed by avian their body mass daily. Avian nectarivores pendently develop similar solutions to a
frugivores like the Grey Go-away-bird, cope with this prodigious water intake by common environmental challenge.
Below The evolutionary relationship despite being toxic to humans and other producing a great deal of extremely dilute Although most birds feed predomin
between plants and frugivorous birds mammals. Equally, the fruits of the urine. Sunbirds have a poorly understood antly on one food type, many species regu
is complex, and the gut of this Brown- deadly nightshade plant, infamous as a physiological mechanism in which all of larly switch diets. This is often a response
headed Parrot may be biochemically poison in Roman and medieval times, are the sugar in ingested nectar is absorbed to the sudden appearance of an abundant
manipulated by the plants on which devoured by birds without any apparent from the intestine into the bloodstream, resource, such as a termite emergence,
it feeds. ill-effects. Many frugivorous birds have but most of the water passes straight when many frugivores and granivores
very large livers, which are thought to be through the birds gut. take advantage of the fat-loaded alates.
important in their capacity to deal with Such adaptability is also important for

toxic compounds. The phenomenon of t the opposite end of the long-distance migrants. During migration,
OBESE AVIAN ATHLETES geophagy, in which birds eat clay soils, food-processing spectrum are many normally insectivorous species
D uring intense exercise, mammals rely on
carbohydrates stored within muscle cells
this is the phenomenon that underlies the
is also thought to play a role in the
detoxification of chemicals contained
herbivorous birds that feed
on leaves and other plant
switch to feeding on berries and fruits,
carbohydrate-rich food items that require
in fruit. Geophagy is best known from material. The problem is that less digestive processing and contain nutri-
benefits endurance athletes gain by carbo-
loading. Once the muscle carbohydrate
the Amazonian clay licks frequented by most of the nutrients are locked up ents that are easier to mobilise.
stores are exhausted, fatigue sets in and fur- vividly coloured flocks of parrots, but as cellulose, which is indigestible by Recent research has shown that migrat
ther exercise is possible only at much lower it also occurs in African species, includ- the vast majority of animals since they ory birds guts are remarkably flexible in
intensities. ing mousebirds, Grey Go-away-birds and lack the necessary enzyme. Herbivorous terms of their physiology and that diet
In birds, however, fat molecules are African Green-Pigeons. mammals, most notably ruminants such switching is associated with fundamental
continuously transported from reserves to changes in gut function. For instance,
the muscle cells. Thus, instead of becom- when North American Pine Warblers are
ing fatigued once muscle cells run out of fed a protein-rich diet, they optimise their
stored carbohydrates, birds simply convert guts for protein digestion by producing
large stores of fat into fuel while in flight more of the enzymes that break down
this is the secret behind the non-stop, ultra protein molecules. When the same birds
long-distance flights undertaken by some are given a sugar-rich diet, the production
migrants. A better understanding of avian of protein-digesting enzymes slows and
fat metabolism could have huge implications their guts generate more carbohydrate-
for human exercise and obesity research. To digesting enzymes. Such digestive flexibil-
quote the authors of a recent study, birds ity allows the warblers to handle a wide
repeatedly become morbidly obese, exercise range of diets and extract enough energy
at levels that far surpass elite athletes, and
to fuel their migratory flights using what-
then cure themselves.
ever food items are available.
A diet of dilute nectar poses a
significant physiological chal- REFERENCE
McWilliams, S.R., Guglielmo, C.G., Pierce, B.,
lenge, since birds such as this Levey, D.J., Place, A.R., Rey, P.J., Martinez
Klaassen, M. (2004) Flying, fasting, and
feeding in birds during migration: a nutri-
White-bellied Sunbird must del Rio, C. (1999) An experimental test
tional and physiological ecology perspective. ingest vast quantities in order of dietary enzyme modulation in pine war-
Journal of Avian Biology 35: 377393. to obtain sufficient nutrients. blers Dendroica pinus. Physiological and
a lbert fronema n a lbie v enter
Biochemical Zoology, 72: 576587.

50 digestion A F R I C A B I R DS & B I R DING a p r i l / m ay 2 0 1 0 digestion 51

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