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SJK (C) Pei Yin Membakut 2017 School-Based Assessment 1

English Year 5 Paper 1

Name : _______________________ Class : _____________________________

This paper contains two parts, Part A and Part B. Answer all questions in both parts. Part A will be
answered in the OMR form provided. Answers for Part B should be written in the question manuscript.

Section A
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1. Dont put too ___________ sugar in the tea.
A few B some C many D much

2. We ran to catch the bus _____________ we missed it.

A so B and C but D because

3. ___________ is the shortest way to the supermarket?

A Who B What C Where D Which

4. Jack did not sit for the test _____________ he was ill.
A because B and C but D so

5. The children ______________ at the swimming pool.

A swims B is swimming C am swimming D are swimming

Choose the most suitable idiom to fill in the blank.

6. Marianne and Julia are sisters but they fight and argue every time they are together. Mother said
they ____________________________.
A. raining cats and dogs B. copycat
C. fight like cat and dog D. let the cat out of the bag

Choose the best answer for each blank

Batu caves was crowded with tourists and children. There ____7_____ two hundred and

seventeen steps leading to the cave. Some of the visitors were huffing and puffing as ____8_____

walked up the steps. Inside the cave, the strong smell of bat droppings ____9____ the air.

7. A is 8. A they 9. A filling
B are B you B filled
C was C he C fills
D were D we D fill

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
10. Kumar was afraid of water, but his friends tried to persuade him to join the swimming club
A forced B encourage C motivate D prevent

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A Its raining, said Nora.
B Its raining, Said nora.
C its raining? Said Nora.
D its raining said Nora.

Look at the picture and choose the best answers.

There are many people at the ______12________. Two mothers, who are sitting on a park bench,
______13________ while watching their children play. A few children are taking turns to playing on the
slide. A boy and a girl ______14______ on a swing. Another boy and girl are playing on a _____15____.

12. A market 13 A am chatting 14 A are playing 15 A monkey bars

B school B chats B played B see-saw
C playground C is chatting C plays C bicycle
D restaurant D are chatting D is played D badminton

Questions 16 to 20
Read the story below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

One day, an old owl saw a little bird. He was looking very sad.
Whats wrong, little bird? the owl said.
The little bird replied, Im not strong like the elephant. Im not pretty like the peacock. Im small
and weak. Im useless.
The owl whispered something to the little bird. After that, the little bird stopped crying. He smiled,
and then he flew away.
Two weeks later, the owl saw the little bird again. He was smiling,
Thank you very much, he said to the owl. I listened to what you said and did what you told me
to do. I flew to the tallest tree and watched for tigers. I called out loudly whenever I saw them coming.
The other animals heard me and ran away to safety. They are all my friends now. I feel very important and

16 Who was crying sadly at the beginning of the story?

A The animals in the jungle.
B The old owl.
C The little bird.
D The tiger.

17 Why was he crying sadly?

A Because his mother died.
B Because he thinks he is useless.
C Because the tiger is coming to eat him.
D Because he is not pretty.

18 Which of the following statements is true?

A The old owl advised the little bird.
B The little bird was sad because his mother died.
C The tiger wanted to eat the little bird.
D The other animals did not want to be friends with the little bird because he is not pretty.

19 What advice do you think did the old owl give to the little bird?
A To run and hide in the jungle.
B To fly to the highest tree and sleep there.
C To fly to the tallest tree, watch for tigers and warn the other animals if the tiger is
D To go home to his mother/

20 At the end of the story, the little bird was

A eaten by the tiger.
B still sad because he still did not know his worth.
C happy because he knew he was needed and he had many new friends.
D happy because he was friends with the tiger.

Question 21
Based on the given picture, choose the best answers and write your answer in the space provided.

I am sorry, I cant. I have to Im sorry, mum. I will clean it

Thanks for lending me the book.
finish my homework. up now.

I dont want to. I did not make this mess. Please lend me your storybook.





[ 2 marks]





[ 2 marks]





[ 2 marks]

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Long ago, there were two friends who were farmers. Their names were Ujang and Ramli. They
were best of friends and neighbours too.
One day, when Ujang was digging a well, he found a wooden box buried deep in the ground. He
opened and found gold coins in it. Ujang told Ramli what he had found. He said, You are my best friend.
I plan to share half the gold with you. Ramli replied, Ill take the box home and take out my share. Then
you can have the rest.
Back home, when Ramli and his wife saw the gold coins, they became greedy. They wanted all
the gold for themselves. Ramli and his wife imagined what they could do with the gold. After dinner, they
opened the box once more to see the gold coins. To their surprise, the gold coins suddenly changed into
worms. Ramli thought Ujang played a trick on him.
Feeling angry and disappointed, Ramli and his wife took the box to Ujangs house. As they came
nearer, they could hear Ujang and his wife talking about their good fortune. Ramli and his wife became
angrier. They wanted to teach Ujang and his wife a lesson. They decided to climb up the roof. Through a
hole on the roof, they emptied the box of worms onto the couples heads. As the worms came down, they
changed into gold coins once more.

Question 22
Tick ( ) the correct answer.
(a) Ujang found the box when he was

taking a bath
digging a well
climbing the roof

(b) The best proverb to describe when Ujang told Ramli he had found the gold coins is

Curiousity kills the cat.

Let the cat out of the bag.
Raining cats and dogs.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c) What did Ujang planned to do with the gold coins he found?



(d) What happened to the gold coins when Ramli and his wife opened the box after they had dinner?




(e) Do you think Ramli is a good person? Why?




Look at the advertisement below, and answer the questions.

Organised by the Chess Club of SJK (C) Ming Hwa

Date: 28 February 2016

Time: 8 a.m. 12 noon
Venue: School Library

This competition is open to all Level 2 (Year 4, 5 and 6) pupils. Participants will be
divided into three groups: Group A, B and C.

Prizes for each group:

1st prize : RM200 + medal
2nd prize : RM150
3rd prize : RM100
Certificates will be given to all participants.

The prizes will be presented by Mdm Theresa Leong, the Head Teacher of SJK (C)
Ming Hwa.

Rules and regulations:

1. Only Level 2 pupils are allowed to take part.
2. All registered participants must gather in the school library by 8.00 a.m.
3. Late participants will be disqualified.
4. The judges decision is final.

Pupils who wish to take part in the competition must register their names with the
Chess Clubs advisor, Mr. Kelvin Ng before 18 March 2016.

For enquiries and information, please contact Ayu Raudhah, President of the Chess

Hexson Kwok
Chess Club

Question 23
Tick () the correct answer.

(a) Who can take part in the competition?

Pupils of Year 1, 2 and 3

Pupils of Year 4, 5 and 6
Pupils of Year 1, 3 and 5
[1 mark]

(b) Rozaiman wins fourth place in the Group C category. What will he receive?

A certificate
Cash and a certificate
A medal and a certificate
[1 mark]

(c) Match the names in List A to their roles in List B. An example is given below.
List A List B
Ayu Raudhah Head Teacher of SK Gudon
Hexson Kwok Secretary of the Chess Club
Mdm Theresa Leong President of the Chess Club
Mr Kelvin Ng Advisor of the Chess Club
[2 marks]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) What do you have to do if you want to join the competition?


[2 marks]

(e) What do you understand by the statement The judges decision is final?


[2 marks]

Study the chart and dialogue below. Answer the questions that follows.

Anger Management for Baby

GEYLANG (SINGAPORE) A 16-year-old girl called Baby was ordered by the district
judge to undergo a course on how to control anger.

The Metro Sun reported that Baby Gan had attacked a man with a broom and broke cups
and plates in the restaurant where she was working. She said that she was fed up with her
name which some of the customers used to make fun of her.

Miss Gan said that she would consider changing her name to Mary.

Susan : Dad, did you read the article about anger management for a girl called Baby?
Dad : Yes, I did. What a silly way to lose ones temper?
Mum : The customers were probably making fun of her name whenever they see her.
Susan: Mums right. Some people, especially men and boys like to tease and make fun of names
that sounds strange and unusual.
Dad : Then, you have nothing to worry about. Your name is sounds totally normal and
Susan: Do you know some of the boys in class call me Milky or Susu?
Mum : Ha! Ha! Ha! Thats very cute.

Question 24
Tick the correct answer.
(a) The story of Baby Gan happened in
Kuala Lumpur

(b) The customers were probably making fun of her name whenever they see her. The word her
in the dialogue refers to

Susans mum
Baby Gan

Question 25
Answer these questions in the space provided.
(a) What was Baby Gan doing in the restaurant? Why do you think she attacked a man with a broom?



(b) you have nothing to worry about

Why do you think Susans dad said this?



(c) Would you make fun of your friends name? Why?



Prepared by: Vetted by: Checked by (Parents):

____________________ _______________________ _________________________

(Sia Chai Ting @ Nursiah) (Yong Say Hooi)
Head of English Panel Senior Assistant 1


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