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Lucero Perez

Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

[List of interpersonal skills]

Miscommunication is an issue in many areas of life. The workplace can be a festering

ground for it to dwell in. A skillset many employers look for are Interpersonal skills. Possessing

these skills sets a foundation for many jobs on the market today.

[Photos conveying ineffective interpersonal skills]

Interpersonal skills are an essential part of effective progression in the workplace. The

ability to convey a message is highly needed in every aspect of a job. When a manager is giving

instructions or an order it is essential to know how to communicate that with their employees.

When verbal skills are lacking, it is left up to the employee to interpret what was meant to be

done. This often leads to disappointment from both parties. For example, an employee who is

doing less important tasks before, what the manager believes are, priority tasks. Resulting, in the

frustration of the manager which he conveys outwardly. Now not only is the manager facing his

frustration but so is the employee who thought, that by getting a head start on tasks, they were

doing the right thing. When the manager did not clearly communicate what he thought was to be

prioritized the employee scrambled to find something to do and was reprimanded for it.

[Photos of effective interpersonal skills]

Finding the way to convey a message so that an employee knows what is expected is

essential. With interpersonal skills under your belt, a workplace can properly function. Had the
manager effectively used his interpersonal skills the conflict, frustration and the waste of time

would have been avoided.

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