Climate Change Essay Outline

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Harlee Bingaman

Mrs. Tolkan

English 12, Period 2

18 September 2017

Climate Change and it's Effects

Its not a hoax, myth, or a conspiracy theory to the scientists. The Earths temperature has

been going up and down for the last few years. Over the half past century the climate change has

been getting higher and higher. This is a result of the animals and other things that inhabit the

Earth. The climate change not only affects the world but it affects the environment and the

animals who inhabit it.

The climate change affects a lot of things and one of them is the environment. Only

CO2 and other human - emitted greenhouse gases have gone steadily up, forming a thickening

blanket that traps heat at the earth's surface (NOAA). The greenhouse gas effect has been

around since the 1800s, but has continued to rise each year. The average global temperature last

year was compiled in measurements made by thousands of weather stations, buoys, and ships.

Global warming adds moisture to the air, removing it from the land and ocean (Munich Re

Natcatservice). When there is less rain in a certain area it causes the drought to be worse, but

when it rains more in an area it tends to be more extreme. The climate changes also affects

hurricanes and other tropical cyclones but they are less certain. Not only does climate change

affect the environment but it affects the animals as well.

Climate change affects many things on this earth such as the animals who inhabit it. Of

976 species surveyed in a 2016 study, forty-seven percent had vanished from areas they had

previously occupied on the warm edge of their range (Wiens, Urban). With temperatures rising
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and getting hotter plants and animals have been becoming more depressed. Since it has been

getting hotter animals have been being forced to go to the poles, causing a shift in migrations and

their behavior. In 2016 scientists announced that the last Bramble Cay melomys, a rat like

rodent found on one low-lying island in Australias Torres Strait, had vanished, the victim of

forces including rising seas (Wiens, Urban). Ever since then climate change had driven

mammals to extinction. Not only have animals above land been dying, but animals in the ocean

are dying as well because of climate change. Climate change has been destroying the animals as

well as the environment.

The climate change not only affects the world but it affects the environment as well as the

animals who inhabit it. Natural habitats have become more hostile to plants and animals, causing

animal life to be even harder. Habitats on land and in the sea are changing, making them

inhospitable for some species, while letting others move in and take over. Some ecosystems are

at risk of collapsing. Everything on this earth has been slowly dying and being destroyed. It

affects the air we breathe causing the people on this earth to be affected as well.



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