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Collection of

Gas Over Water

Advanced Chemistry 2017-2018
Mahidol University International
Demonstration School (MUIDS)
November, 9 2017

Mind Mui
Daranporn Pimchanok
Bee Lilly
Pichayathida Nitinan


glass graduat Baking Soda

suction flask

plastic g
distilled water

ed cylinder

r a

ric f
duate d



atu la
s p goggles

sink r
ing gloves
gh t
w ei

glass funnel

weighting bal

From this experiment, our group collected the gas that was produced by the
reaction between acetic acid and baking soda by using the collecting gas over water

In order to obtain the correct amount of carbon dioxide produced, we
need to use the ideal gas law (PV = nRT) to solve for the amount of moles of carbon
dioxide first and in identifying the pressure of dry gas Daltons Law is also involved.
The concentration of baking soda that can produce the highest amount of carbon
dioxide is 1M with the amount of carbon dioxide of 0.4136 grams.

aall G

= nR

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a powdered substance commonly used in cleansing solutions due to its
alkalinity. Also, it is used as a pH buffering agent, alkalizer, and electrolyte replenisher. Physically, it is
odorless, white, crystalline, powdery and has a bitter taste[6] .

Acetic acid (CH3 COOH) is one of the carboxylic acids that is commonly found in daily lives. It is
considered as a weak acid. Physically, it is a clear, colorless solution with a pungent odor. Acetic acid is
commonly used in the production of plastic bottles, photographic film, a component of wood glue, and
production of synthetic fibers and fabrics. It also could be used as cleaning agent in households when
diluted. When highly concentrated, acetic acid could be very corrosive [5].

In many cases when the amount of water insoluble gas produced by a specific reaction is being the
point of interest, the technique of collecting gas over water would be used. By using this technique the
amount of gas would be determined through the displacement of water in a container or the change of water
level within a container. This technique involves the usage of a container in which the reaction would take
place and another container, filled with water and inverted in a reservoir of water, that the gas would be
collected. The gas from the reaction would be collected by using hose or tubes. One end of the tube would be
attached to the reaction container, in which the container would be closed elsewhere in order to prevent gas
from escaping into the atmosphere, and another end of the tube would be inserted up into the inverted gas
collection container. As the gas was created from the reaction, the water from the gas collection contained
would be displaced by the gas created which travels through the connected tube. The amount of gas
created, then, would be able to be determined by the amount of water it displaced [1].

Collecting Gas
over Water Technique

Ideal gas law: PV = nRT (P=absolute pressure, V=volume, n=number of moles, R= Boltzmann constant,
and T=absolute temperature) is used to explain the relationship between absolute pressure, volume, and
absolute temperature deduced from the kinetic theory. It also could be viewed that it has arisen from the
kinetic pressure of the gas molecules colliding with the wall of the container in accordance with Newtons law.
However, there is a statistical element in determining the kinetic energy of the gas molecules. Hence, it
invokes the idea of kinetic temperature since the temperature is taken as proportional to the average kinetic
energy [4].
Currently, there are many other gas laws that are used to explain the relationship of different

characteristics of the gas. Some of the basic gas laws are : Boyles law, Charles law, Gay-Lussacs law,
Avogadros law, and Combined gas law. Boyles law, invented by Robert Boyle (1627-1691), states that the
the volume of a fixed amount of gas held at constant temperature would have an inversely proportional
relationship with its pressure. Hence, this relationship could be represented by the mathematical notation:
V __1P . Also, it could be interpreted that when the volume and the pressure of the gas with constant amount
and temperature was multiplied, the product would be constant (PV= C). From the relationship stated by
Boyles law, the equation: P 1V1 =P2 V2 . Charles law, on the other hand, was invented by Jacques Charles
(1746-1823). Charles law explained the relationship between the temperature in Kelvin of the gas and the
pressure. Charles law stated that the pressure and the temperature of the gas in Kelvin is directly
proportional when the volume and the amount is held constant (P T). This relationship gave rise to
another two mathematical notation that could be used to explain the relationship: __T=C and __T11 = __T22 . Joseph
Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) invented the Gay-lussacs law in order to discusses the relationship between the
volume of the gas and the temperature in Kelvin while the pressure and the number of moles of the gas is
held constant. Charles law stated that the relationship between the volume of the gas and the temperature
of the gas in Kelvins at the stated condition would be directly proportional. V1 V
Hence, these three mathematical
V __ 2
notation could be derived from the relationship: V T, T =C , and T1 = T2 . Avogadros law, also known as
__ __

the volume amount law, invented by Amedeo Avogadro, relates the amount of moles of gas and the volume
of that exact gas together. The law gives the relationship of the amount of gas and volume under the
condition that the pressure and the temperature, in Kelvin, of the gas have to be constant. Since volume
could be change, it is assumed that the container could expand or contracted somehow. The relationship
between the number of moles and the volume is directly proportional and could be explained by the
mathematical notations: V n, __Vn =C , and __n11= __n 22 . Lastly, combined gas law is the combination of all of the
P1 V 1 P V [3]
stated gas laws (except Avogadros law), creating one, unified equation: ______ T = ______

Daltons law or the law of partial pressure is another essential gas laws to be known in order to finish
this lab. The law stated that the total pressure exerted by the mixture of gas is the sum of the partial
pressure of each of the individual gases composing the mixture. This law is based on the kinetic theory of
gases, which states that the gas will diffuse within a container in order to fill up the space and doesnt have
any attractive forces between each of the gas molecules; hence, they do not react and are somewhat far
apart. Since the pressure of ideal gas is determined by the gas collisions with the container, the partial
pressure of a gas would not affect the partial pressure of another gas within the same container. So,
according to the ideal gas law, it could be concluded that the pressure of a gas is based on the moles,
volume and temperature of itself and since the gases are in the same container, the volume and temperature
of the gases are the same. Hence, the gas exerts its own pressure on the system, which could be sum up in
order to find the total pressure and the partial pressure that it exerts would be proportional to the amount of
mole of that exact gas over the total amount of moles of gas. Daltons law could be concluded as the
equation: Ptotal =Pa +Pb +... and the partial pressure of an individual gas could be found using its mole ratio:
(X i = total number
number of moles of the gas
of moles of gas within the mixture ) by multiplying the mole ratio with the total pressure: PA =(XA)(Ptotal ) [2].
[1] Collection of Gas Over Water. (n.d). Retrieved November 11, 2017 from
[2] Daltons Law (Law of Partial Pressure). (August, 2015) Retrieved November
11, 2017 from
[3] Gas Laws. (n.d). Retrieved November 11, from
[4] Ideal Gas Law. (n.d.) Retrieved November 11, 2017 from
[5] National Center for Biotechnology Information. (n.d). Acetic Acid. Retrieved
November 11, 2017 from
[6] National Center for Biotechnology Information. (n.d). Sodium Bicarbonate.
Retrieved November 10, 2017 from
compound/sodium_bicar bonate #section=Top

1. Prepare all of the apparatus 5. Slowly add the baking soda until
that is needed for this it reach the correct amount
experiment. according to the calculated

2. Fold the weighting paper

diagonally two times and
place it on the weighting
6. Pour the baking soda powder
into the volumetric flask and do
not forget to label the
7. Repeat step 2-6 again for two
times until you get 3
3. Press the re-zero button. concentration of baking soda.
8. Carefully pour distilled water into each
4. Use the spatula to slowly add of the volumetric flask until it reach
the baking soda onto the the calibration mark and slowly swirl
weighting paper. the flask. If the distilled water reach
over the calibration mark then, start
from obtaining the baking soda powder
over again.

9. Obtain 1M acetic acid from 12. Place the plastic graduated cylinder
the lab assistant. that is already filled with water into the
sink. Invert the plastic graduated
cylinder upside down and insert the
10.Close the strainer of the sink by tubing inside the plastic graduated
using the clay and fill the sink cylinder.
with water until it reach half of
the volume of the sink.

13.Connect the suction flask with the

tubing. Use the clay to seal any
hole between the tubing and
suction flask in order to prevent
11. Fill the water in the plastic the gas from leaking out.
graduated cylinder until full.
14.Place the clay on the top of the
suction flask and leave some small
hole to pour the chemical into the
15.Pour baking soda solution into the 17. Pour 20 ml of acetic acid into the
glass graduated cylinder until it suction flask.
reach 20 ml. (Only one
concentration of baking soda: one
by one)

18.Quickly close the lid by using the


16. Pour 20 ml of baking soda solution

into the suction flask.

19. Swirl the suction flask in order to

stimulate the reaction between
baking soda and acetic acid.

20.Observe the differences of water

level inside the plastic graduated
cylinder during before and after
the reaction.

21.Record the change in volume of

the water level.
22. Repeat step 12-21 again for the
other two concentrations of baking

Collection of carbon dioxide gas

resulted from the chemical reaction between
acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate was
done in order to demonstrate and implement
the knowledge about gas laws and collection
of gas over water learned in class. The main
technique used within the lab is collection of
gas over water, which was explained within
the lab report. Moreover, the overall idea of
gas laws and calculations used within the lab
was explained and the chemicals used and
the reaction itself was identified and
described. At the end of the experiment, the
relationship between volume and mole of gas
was found to be directly proportional which
follows Avogadros law of gas. Also, it could
be seen that when the value of volume is
higher, the value of the pressure of the dry
gas tends to be lower.

The purpose of this experiment is to collect

Objective carbon dioxide gas from mixture of baking soda

and acetic acid and also apply this experiment to
the lesson about vapor pressure and gas laws,
mainly, ideal gas law, Daltons law, and Avogadros
Set Up

Below is the sketch of the set up during the experiment:

Concentration of Baking soda solution Volume of Carbon
(M) dioxide (ml)
0.25 (2.1 g baking soda +100ml DI) 0
0.50 (4.2 g baking soda +100ml DI) 70
1 (8.4 g baking soda +100ml DI) 230

PV = nRT
* We did the experiment under the condition of pressure = 1 atm, temperature = 25 celsius.

1 atm x 230 x 10 L = n x 0.0821_______
L.atm x (273 + 25) K
-3 -3 K.mol
n = ______________
230 x 10 = 9.40 x 10 mol of CO 2
0.0821 x 298

How many grams of gas have been produced?

1 mole of CO 2 = 44 grams
-3 -3
9.40 x 10 mole of CO2 = 44 x 9.40 x 10 grams = 0.4136 grams of CO 2

1 atm x 70 x 10 L = n x 0.0821 _______
L.atm x (273 + 25) K
-3 -3 K.mol
n = ______________
70 x 10 = 2.86 x 10 mol of CO 2
0.0821 x 298

How many grams of gas have been produced?

1 mole of CO 2 = 44 grams
-3 -3
2.86 x 10 mole of CO2 = ________________
44 x 2.86 x 10 grams = 0.1259 grams of CO2

1 atm x 0 x 10 L = n x 0.0821 _______
L.atm x (273 + 25) K
n = ______________
0 = 0 mol of CO 2
0.0821 x 298

How many grams of gas have been produced?

1 mole of CO 2 = 44 grams

0 mole of CO 2 = 44 x 0 grams = 0 grams of CO 2


From the chemical equation of the reaction:

CH 3COOH + NaHCO 3 CH3COONa + CO2 + H 2O

It could be seen that the ratio of the mole of acetic acid, baking soda, and carbon dioxide is
the same, which is one. This means that the amount of moles of carbon dioxide would be
equal to the amount of moles of the limiting agent.
1 mole baking soda = 0.1 mol baking soda
8.4 g baking soda = 8.4 g baking soda x ________________
84 g baking soda
There is 0.1 mol of baking soda in 100 ml of solution. Hence, in 20 ml of solution, there should
be: 0.1 mol baking soda x 20 ml = 0.02 mol baking soda
100 ml
1 M acetic acid = 1________________
mol acetic acid x 20 ml = 0.02 mol acetic acid
1000 ml solution
In this case, both of the reactants are added at the same amount, which is 0.02 mol
44 g CO2 = 0.88 g CO
Hence, 0.02 mol or 0.02 mol CO2 x __________ 2
1 mol CO2
actual yield
%yield = ________________ x 100% = 0.4136 grams of CO
__________________2 x 100% = 47%
theoretical yield 0.88 grams of CO2


4.2 g baking soda = 4.2 g baking soda x 1_______________

mole baking soda = 0.05 mol baking soda
84 g baking soda
There is 0.1 mol of baking soda in 100 ml of solution. Hence, in 20 ml of solution, there should
be: 0.05 mol baking soda x 20 ml = 0.01 mol baking soda
100 ml
1 mol acetic acid
1 M acetic acid =_________________ x 20 ml = 0.02 mol acetic acid
1000 ml solution
In this case, baking soda is the limiting agent; hence the amount of carbon dioxide produced in
moles would be equal to the moles of the limiting agent, which is the baking soda
44 g CO2 = 0.44 g CO
Hence, 0.01 mol or 0.01 mol CO 2 x __________ 2
1 mol CO2

actual yield
%yield = _______________ 0.1259 grams of CO2 x 100% = 26.6%
x 100% = ___________________
theoretical yield 0.44 grams of CO 2

1 mole baking soda
2.1 g baking soda = 2.1 g baking soda x ________________ = 0.025 mol baking soda
84 g baking soda
There is 0.1 mol of baking soda in 100 ml of solution. Hence, in 20 ml of solution, there should
be:0.025 mol baking soda x 20 ml = 0.005 mol baking soda
100 ml
1 mol acetic acid x 20 ml = 0.02 mol acetic acid
1 M acetic acid = _________________
1000 ml solution
In this case, baking soda is the limiting agent; hence the amount of carbon dioxide produced in
moles would be equal to the moles of the limiting agent, which is the baking soda
44 g CO2
Hence, 0.005 mol or 0.005 mol CO2 x__________ = 0.22 g CO 2
1 mol CO2
actual yield
%yield = ________________ x 100% = _________________
0 gram of CO2 x 100% = 0%
theoretical yield 0.22 grams of CO2

Analysed Data

The equation of the reaction happened in this experiment is

CH 3COOH + NaHCO 3 CH 3COONa + CO2 + H 2O
CH 3COOH is acetic acid
NaHCO3 is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
We can read the volume from the air inside the plastic graduated cylinder because the gas produced from the reaction
displaced the water inside the cylinder; hence, the volume of the gas simply could be read from the scale of the plastic
graduated cylinder by eyes. According to the graph and data, the more concentrated the baking soda solution is, the more
Carbon dioxide gas was produced. The result is proving the Avogadros gas law which stated that the mole of gas is directly
proportional to the volume of gas. The increasing of concentration of baking soda (the number of mole were increased) causes
more volume of carbon dioxide to be produced in the reaction. Our result shows that more concentration of reactant we put in
the reaction, the more product will be produced from the reaction. We found that when we use 1 molar of baking soda solution,
we can collect the most carbon dioxide gas by volume, which is 230 mL. When we use 0.5 molar of baking soda solution, we can
collect less carbon dioxide gas than when 1 molar of the solution was used within the reaction with the volume of gas being
70mL. Lastly, the gas collected from the reaction using 0.25 molar of baking soda solution has the least volume which is 0 mL.
When baking soda and acetic acid was mixed together and reacted, bubbles of Carbon
dioxide gas was produced along with with sodium acetate and water. This reaction could be
represented with the chemical equation: CH 3COOH + NaHCO 3 CH 3COONa + CO2+ H 2O.

The pressure of the dry gas resulting from the reaction could be found by using the ideal
gas law: PV = nRT. As seen within the calculation section of this report, it could be seen that the
pressure of the dry gas when the concentration of the baking soda solution was 1 M is 2.125 atm
while the pressure of the dry gas when the concentration of the baking soda solution was 0.5 M
is 3.49 atm. However, due to the error occurred during the experiment, the pressure of the dry
gas while 0.26 M of baking soda solution was used couldnt be calculated. From the observation of
the pressure of the gas and the concentration of the baking soda solution, it could be seen that
the pressure of the dry gas tends to be inversely proportional to the concentration of the baking
soda solution or the number of moles of the gas produced. Moreover, if Daltons law was applied in
order to find the total pressure of the reaction, the relationship between pressure of the reaction
and the concentration of the baking soda or the number of moles of the gas also tends to be
inversely proportional.

In the first trial, where the concentration of the baking soda solution is 1 M, 0.02 mol of CO2
has been produced. On the other hand, on the second trial, where the concentration of the
baking soda is halved to be 0.5 M, only 0.01 mol of CO2was produced. Lastly, from the last trial
whereas the concentration has been changed into 0.25 M, there is no gas bubble present; hence,
0 M of CO2 was produced from the reaction.

In the first trial, where the concentration of the baking soda solution is 1 M, there are 0.02
mol of CO that was produced, when converted to grams, the amount of of the gas produced is
0.88 grams of CO2 . In the next trial, where the concentration of the baking soda solution is
halved to be 0.5 M, when converted to grams, the amount of CO 2 produced is 0.44 grams of CO2.
Lastly, since there is no gas produced during the third trial, in which the concentration of the
baking soda is 0.25 M, the amount of CO2 created from the reaction in grams is 0 gram.

Last but not least, there are some errors during the experiment which are trapping the air
inside the plastic graduated cylinder which made the amount of carbon dioxide measured
inaccurate. The way to reduce the air is to increase water level inside the sink so that when flip
the cylinder, the air cannot gets inside the cylinder. Secondly, the amount of carbon dioxide
measured might not be the amount of carbon dioxide chemical produced. Carbon dioxide
produced may leak or trap in the tube or inside the volumetric flask. This problem can be reduced
by decrease the length of the tube. Lastly, the tilted base of the sink results inaccurate amount of
carbon dioxide when read. This can solve by change the place to where the base is straight.
CH 3 COOH + NaHCO3 CH3COONa + CO2 + H 2O
Limiting Reagent

100 mL = 8.4 g of NaHCO3

20 mL = 1.68 g of NaHCO3 = 0.02 mole of NaHCO 3

1 mol NaHCO3 = 1 mol of CO 2 From the experiment

0.02 mol NaHCO 3 = 0.02 mol of CO2 V = 230 mL

PV = nRT
P (230 x 10-3 L) = (0.02 mole)(0.082)(273+25K)
P = 2.125 atm

100 mL = 4.2 g of NaHCO3

20 mL = 0.84 g of NaHCO3 = 0.01 mole of NaHCO 3

0.01 mole of CO 2 was produced.

PV = nRT
P (70 x 10 L) = (0.01 mole)(0.082)(273+25K)
P = 3.49 atm

100 mL = 2.1 g of NaHCO3

20 mL = 0.42 g of NaHCO3 = 0.005 mole of NaHCO 3

0.005 mole of NaHCO3 was produced.

PV = nRT
P (0 L) = (0.005 mole)(0.082)(273+25K)
Total pressure of the reaction
Total pressure of the reaction = pressure of the dry gas + pressure of the water vapor @ 25
Where: pressure of the vapor @ 25 Celsius = 23.8 torr = approximately 0.031 atm

Total pressure of the reaction = pressure of the dry gas + pressure of the water vapor @ 25
= 2.125 + 0.031
= 2.156 atm

Total pressure of the reaction = pressure of the dry gas + pressure of the water vapor @ 25
= 3.49 + 0.031
= 3.521 atm

Total pressure of the reaction = couldnt be found due to the error of the experiment

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